HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1295:

Bellatrix stood up, gasped slightly, looked down at the sword in his hand, and checked its handle. Then she looked back at the silent prisoner.

"If he really is Potter, he can't be hurt." Bella murmured, not so much talking to other people as he was talking to himself. "The Dark Lord wants to solve Potter by himself... but if he finds out... I must... I must know..."

She turned to her sister again.

"The prisoner must be placed in the cellar, and then I will think about what to do!"

"This is my house, Bella, you can't kill me in my house..." Lucius looked very angry.

"Get out of the way! You don't know how dangerous we are now!" Bellatrix screamed. She looked horrible and crazy, a cluster of fire banged from her wand and burned a hole in the carpet.

Narcissa hesitated for a while, and then ordered Skyber: "Move these prisoners to the cellar, Skyber."

"Wait a minute," Bellatrix said sharply, "Everyone, except... except this one."

Lucius' body was stiff, and he looked at the direction of Bellatrix's fingers with some uncertainty.


"Yes, it’s a good opportunity now, isn’t it!" Bellatrix smiled, which made Lucius a little speechless. He really didn’t want to have any contact with Fanlin. From Fanlin’s voice on him At the moment when the sound inside his head, Lucius was anxious to throw all these people out of the door.

What's so special about the Dark Lord... Then no one can communicate at all except Bella.

That is a madman, a madman through and through.

"No!" Harry shouted, "Don't you want me, you can keep me, keep me!"

Bellatrix slapped Harry: echoes immediately rang around the room.

"No!" Hermione screamed, "What are you going to do!"

"What are you doing? Of course it's an interrogation!" Bellatrix said. "Two mudbloods, if this kid dies during the interrogation, you will be the next one."

"Take them downstairs, Skyber, make sure they are safe, and do nothing else... don't do it yet."

She threw Skyber’s wand back to him, then took out a short silver knife from under her robe, cut the rope connecting Fanlin and others, and dragged the collar behind Fanlin to the center of the hall. .

While Skyber dragged the remaining people through another door into a dark passage, his wand pointed forward, against an invisible and irresistible force.

"Perhaps you will never see him again, right? I haven't seen a prisoner who came out intact under the hands of this lunatic Bellatrix. Many of them are either crazy or never see him again. When it gets there, maybe Bella will feed him to the werewolf."

Harry could feel Hermione trembling. They were detained and came to a very steep staircase, still tied back to back, in danger of slipping and breaking their necks at any time. At the bottom they saw a heavy door.

Skyber flicked his wand to open it, forcing them into a leaky and moldy room, and leaving them in total darkness. Before the echo of the cellar door that had been closed suddenly disappeared, a terrible scream came from them.

"Varin!" Harry roared, and he began to churn, struggling to break free of the rope that bound them, "Varin!" Hermione dangled with it.

In fact, Harry couldn't even feel Hermione's weight, like a piece of paper, the girl was a little lost.

"Oh, **** it!" Hardy tried to open his arms. If Hagrid was here, there would be absolutely no problem. Hagrid could easily break the rope off with his own strength.

But he is not Hagrid, Harry can't help it, he simply...

"Calm down... Fanlin... Fanlin will be fine..." Hermione choked up and said, "He is waiting for us...waiting for us to save him...We need a plan, we have to find a way. ..."

"Harry?" Suddenly, someone in the darkness whispered, "Hermione? Is that you?"

The two were stiff in place, no one was sure what was in Malfoy's dungeon.

A moving sound approached them, and then Harry saw a shadow approaching them. "Harry? Hermione?"


"Yes, it's me! Oh no, I can't believe you were caught too!" Luna said, walking out of the darkness, catching the faint light source at the door, and Harry could vaguely see Luna's silhouette .

"Oh, it's nice to meet you." Hermione choked up. "Luna, can you help us untie these thick ropes?"

"Oh, yes, I hope I can... If we want to break something, there is an old nail that can be used... It will be ready soon..."

At this moment, Fanlin’s painful roar came up from the building, it seemed that Bella and the others did it deliberately. Fanlin’s voice was so clear that Hermione had never heard of this...

They heard Bellatrix also screaming, but couldn't hear her clearly. For a moment, Hermione's tear ducts seemed to burst, "Van Lin..."

Hermione choked softly, almost slumping, and Harry hurried over to resist Hermione with his body.

"Fan Lin is also on it?"

"Oh yes, Luna, we have to save him... please hurry up..." Harry said anxiously, and Fanlin's painful roar hit Harry's heart like a hammer .

In Harry’s impression, no one had ever beaten Fanlin, but now...

Since leaving Hogwarts, things seem to be out of control, injury after injury, worse and worse health, plus the departure of friends...

"Harry..." Suddenly, a weak voice came out from the darkness. Harry was familiar with the voice, but Harry couldn't remember it for a while. To be precise, Harry didn't hear it really...

"Ron... Ron... is that you, Ron..."

A tall figure squeezed out of the darkness and grabbed Harry and Hermione.

"It's really you, Ron!" Harry said in disbelief, which really made him so familiar, "How do you..."

"I went to find other people after I left that day..." Ron said in a somewhat unspeakable voice, "I found Bill and where I stayed for a while..."

"You shouldn't have come out..." Harry shook his head, "It's hard for you..."

"But... I think I should follow you, I know I did something wrong... So... Then I... I followed you from a distance..." Ron whispered, "Forgive me, I'll find It took you more than a month, but I did not find you..."

"..." Harry didn't speak, he didn't know how to face Ron, he even dropped Dumbledore's light extinguisher.

Perhaps he wanted to leave it to them, hoping that Dumbledore’s light extinguisher could bring some help to their small team, but...

"I have been looking for you. In fact, Bill is very tolerant of me, and Fleur is also very good to me, but I think... Then I followed the time we had to remember to find you, I guess where you might go... "Ron whispered, trying to help Harry untie the rope, and Hermione was a little lost, she ignored Ron...

Ron still said to himself, just like before, but Harry didn’t know what was happening in his heart. It was as if he was being picked up. He had difficulty breathing. He tried to make himself think, but now he I can't imagine Ron...the...efforts he made to find them...

"But I didn't guess, you know... I may be really not suitable... Later, during a shift in Apparition, I moved to the search team... There were so many people, I couldn't help it, and then they took it away. It's Luna... we're together..."

Harry lowered his head somewhat complicatedly. He didn't want to see Ron, the Burrow or other places, even Hogwarts...anywhere, but not this...

"Can you help us make the sound?" Harry's throat was a little hoarse, "I need to go up and save Fanlin now, he needs me..."

Ron was stunned, his hands trembled slightly, "Will Fanlin stay on it..."

Harry didn't answer, but looked expectantly in Luna's direction.

"Mr. Ollivander?" Harry heard Luna say. "Mr. Ollivander, did you get the nail? If you move it a little bit...I think it's right next to the kettle."

She came back a few seconds later.

"Don't move," she said. Harry could feel her scraping the fibers of the thick rope hard, trying to loosen the knot. They heard Bellatrix's voice from the second floor.

"I'll ask you again! Where did you get this sword? Where?"

"Maybe it doesn't like you... doesn't it, Bellatree..."

Fanlin wailed in pain again, and Harry felt his body trembling, piercing his bones...

Harry saw this spell in Fanlin, but Harry had never heard Fanlin so painful, even in the second and third grades, Fanlin would not call out...

Harry struggled harder than ever, and the rusty nail even pierced Harry's wrist.

"Oh Hermione... calm down... please don't move!" Luna whispered, choked up, "I can't see what I'm doing."

"My pocket!" Hermione said suddenly, "There is a light extinguisher in my pocket. It is full of light. Fanlin put it here!"

A few seconds later, with a click, the light absorbed by the light extinguisher from the tent lamp formed a lot of light **** emitting cold light to illuminate the entire cellar. They can no longer refocus the light source, they just hang there, like little suns, filling the cellar with light.

Harry saw the big eyes on Luna's pale face and the motionless wand maker Ollivander, curled up on the floor in the corner. He looked up and saw the other prisoners: Dean and the goblin Griphook, almost unconscious, standing with the humans tied to it.

Ron took two steps back, and Ron looked more vicissitudes of life now than when he had just left.

Dust, stains... the blackened clothes looked tattered and the beard on his face reminded Harry of Hagrid, the raunchy hunting field guard.

"Oh, it's much simpler, thank you, Hermione," Luna said, and began to grind the rope that tied them again.

"I'll help you..." Ron was a little flustered, he wanted to help but he didn't know what to do.

Bellatrix's voice came from above. "You are lying, Dirty Mudblood, I know! You went into my vault in Gringotts! Tell the truth! Tell the truth!"

There was another cry of pain...

"Oh..." Hermione's body was completely limp, and Harry couldn't even hold Hermione this time.

"What else did you get? What else did you get? Tell me the truth, or I swear that I will torture you with this knife!"

"Okay!" Harry felt the thick rope spin and loosen, rubbing his wrist, ignoring Ron who was at a loss with the light extinguisher in his hand, he looked up at the low ceiling, looking for the trapdoor.

Dean, whose face was bruised and bloodstained, said to Luna, "Thank you!" Then he stood there shaking; while Griphook collapsed on the floor, looking unconscious as if he was drunk, with a dark face. Lots of whipping marks.

Harry tried to Apparate without using a magic wand. He had seen it and had done it by Fanlin and Dumbledore.

"You can't get out, Harry," Luna said lightly, watching him make senseless efforts. "The cellar is completely escape-proof. I tried it at the beginning. Mr. Ollivander has been here for a long time, and he has tried everything."

Fanlin began to cry in pain again. Harry could hear that Fanlin wanted to keep his voice in his body, but it was so clear in his ears. Harry felt that he could even hear Fanlin's teeth crunching. The voice made Harry feel like he was suffering from the same pain.

Almost unable to realize the severe pain of his scar, he also started to run around in the cellar, touching the wall to find the way, but in his heart he knew that it was useless.

"What else did you get? What else? Answer me! Heartbreaking!" Finally, Fanlin's voice couldn't be suppressed, and the heart-piercing shouts echoed on the second floor wall, and Hermione stood up like He slapped the door like crazy, and Harry, completely desperate, grabbed the walls and ceiling of their cell from his neck, nothing else.

Ron pulled Hermione away, but Hermione seemed to have lost all of her strength and drove to the floor.

"Bella...Bellatry...X...you are just a...crazy..."


"How did you get into my vault?" They heard Bellatrix screaming, "Did that dirty goblin in the cellar help you?"


"Stop ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Bella! Stop!" Harry heard Lucius' voice, he was a little surprised, unexpectedly why Lucius wanted to stop Bellatrix, but never Yes, Harry thought Lucius was so friendly.

"We can... we can find out!" Lucius said, "Draco, bring that goblin. He can tell us if the sword is real!"

Harry rushed through the cellar to the lying Griphook.

"Grahuan," he whispered to the fairy's pointed ears, "you must tell them that the sword is a fake, and they will never know that it is true, Grahuan, please..."

He heard someone open the door of the cellar; then, Draco's shivering voice came from outside the door: "Stand back. Stand in a row facing the wall. Don't do stupid things, or I will kill you!"

They did, and before the door opened, Ron turned off the light extinguisher and put it in his pocket, and the cellar returned to darkness.

The door opened and Malfoy walked in, his wand raised his chest, his face pale and determined. He grabbed the little fairy by the arm and dragged the handle away.

The door closed abruptly, and at the same time there was a loud crackling in the cellar.

Ron turned on the light extinguisher. The three **** of light returned to the cellar from his pocket. Dobby, the house goblin, suddenly appeared between them.

"More than!"

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