HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1282:

The night was already very deep, and Harry suddenly stood up from time to time to keep himself awake. In fact, Harry’s neck hurts a bit because he fell asleep several times and his head kept falling towards the tent at an uncomfortable angle. Side.

There was no sound in the tent. Maybe Hermione was already asleep. As for Fanlin, Harry didn't know which step Fanlin could do, but he should protect the three of them now, right?

The night turned velvety black, and Harry felt like he was floating between the phantom and the manifestation. He raised his hand in front of him, trying to see if he could see his fingers. At this moment, there was a strong silver light. Suddenly passed through the trees and appeared in front of him, no matter what the light source is, it came silently, as if it was coming towards him.

Harry was taken aback. He almost screamed, but Harry's voice was frozen in his throat. Perhaps the half-dream and half-waking state affected his judgment, but maybe he could solve it by himself.

Harry picked up Fanlin's old wand.

Now, the light became more dazzling. He squinted his eyes and saw that the outline of the tree was clearly illuminated. The thing was getting closer...

... Then, the light source came out from behind an oak tree, a silver-white doe, as silver as moonlight, dazzling. She walked towards him quietly, leaving no traces on the snow, her beautiful head and neck held high, big eyes and long eyelashes.

Harry stared at her, puzzled, not because of strangeness, but by unspeakable familiarity. He felt that he had been waiting for her to come, but he had forgotten it, and he didn't remember it until this moment, when they met.

The urge to call Hermione and Fanlin a moment ago has long since disappeared. He understood that he wanted to put his life on this, and she came for him, only for him.

They looked at each other for a long time, then the doe turned around and walked away.

"Don't go," Harry yelled anxiously, but his hoarse voice was useless. "Come back!"

She seemed to continue walking deliberately through the forest, and the light quickly became dimmer behind the trees.

Harry hesitated, shivering.

The tight nerves for a long time told him that this was a hoax, a temptation, a trap, but instinct, an irrepressible instinct, told him that this was not black magic.

The light gave him a warm feeling, like the illusion of falling into a hot spring, which made Harry stiff and even regained his vitality.

Of course, it cannot be denied, this may be an illusion, an illusion, but it has the same breath as Harry.

So Harry set off to catch up.

Snow made a chirping sound under Harry's feet, and the doe made no noise when passing through the jungle, because she was like a beam of light.

The doe guided Harry towards the depths of the forest.

Harry tried desperately to catch up. He was sure that when she stopped, Harry would be allowed to approach her appropriately and then tell him something he wanted to know.

Finally, she finally stopped and turned her pretty head again, and Harry rushed towards her, eagerly trying to ask her, when he was about to speak, the doe disappeared.

It was like a firefly, and it was completely scattered with a snap, countless silver light spots lit up Harry's surroundings, and then dimmed for an instant.

The darkness swallowed her instantly, but the bright outline still remained before his eyes, his eyes gradually darkened, and he lost his way in the blink of an eye. Now the fear is coming.

"Fluorescence flickers!" Harry took a breath and whispered, and the end of his wand lit up.

The mark left by the doe gradually faded. Harry stood there with blinking eyes, listening to the sound of the forest, the sound of the branches in the distance and the sound of snow falling, would he be attacked? Did the doe lure him to the ambush? Would someone stay away from the flashing range of this magic wand, watching him in secret?

A series of questions filled Harry's mind for an instant, and he closed his eyes and tried to establish contact with Voldemort to determine the distance between them.

But in fact, it was useless at all. Voldemort's spiritual world was like a fortress. He was always the only one who came, and there was no mention of when Harry took the initiative to interview.

Perhaps because of emotions, a window was opened in the fortress, and Harry had just glanced at it in a hurry and was found to be driven away.

But his scar didn't hurt, which calmed Harry a bit.

Only in matters related to Voldemort, the scar will warn or affect, and now it has no response, which proves that Voldemort has not found them.

They just changed a new hiding place, and logically speaking, Voldemort could not be so fast...

Slightly settled, Harry exhaled. In the cold weather, it was like a pipe smoked by a customer in a broken cauldron. It was a calming thing.

Harry raised the wand higher, no one ran towards him, and no green light burst from behind the tree.

No problems around...

So, why should she lead him here?

Something faintly flashed in the light of the wand, and Harry looked over. It was a small pond, which was frozen. He raised the wand and looked carefully. The dark, broken surface of the pond was shining.

Harry walked forward cautiously and looked inside. The ice cubes on the ground reflected his twisted shadow and the flashing beam of his wand. But under the thick, gray misty ice shell, something was also shining. It was a huge silver object. He was taken aback, and his heart almost jumped out. He knelt down on the edge of the pool, adjusted the angle of the wand, and tried to let the light shine on the bottom of the pool.

The crimson flash...It was a sword with a shiny ruby ​​studded on the hilt.

Gryffindor’s sword is at the bottom of this lake!

Harry stared down, almost unable to breathe. The intense surprise made Harry's body numb for an instant, his hands were almost insensible, and his whole body was bloodshot for an instant...

How is this possible? How could it be in such a forested lake? A place so close to their camp? Did an unknown magic guide Hermione to this place? Or is it that the doe he thinks like a patron saint is the guardian of this pond? Or maybe the sword was only put down after they got here, just when they were still in this place?

Thinking of this, Harry raised his head fiercely, regardless of whether there were other people around, a small lighting spell lifted into the sky, and suddenly the surrounding environment was lit by Harry.

However, the effect is not good.

Except for scaring away some of the nocturnal creatures, Harry didn't see anyone.

The light only lasted for a few seconds before it went out. Harry couldn't control his wand, but it was enough.

No one is here...or, has left?

Harry looked at the Gryffindor sword at the bottom of the lake uncertainly.

Anyway, someone must want to give him the Gryffindor sword, so undoubtedly, that person knows Dumbledore’s will, and can find their place, and hand the sword to him at this time...

Wait, know where they are?

Harry stood up abruptly, and then the fluorescent light flickered around here.

This is not good news, at least, not exactly...

However, the sword of Gryffindor, this made Harry unable to refuse, at least, apart from the sword of Gryffindor, Harry could not think of any other way to destroy the Horcrux.

Perhaps Fanlin has it, but this is the simplest and most effective one!

However, when Harry turned his attention to the sword lying still in the icy lake again, some fear affected his happy mood.

Harry was a little uncertain about this sword... He pointed his wand at the silver sword and whispered, "The sword is flying!"

There was no movement, which was expected by Harry. If it was really that simple, the sword would have been placed on the ground for him to pick it up, instead of lying in the depths of the ice lake like this.

He walked around the ice cube, trying to think about how the sword passed to his hand last time. He was in a particularly dangerous situation at that time and he wanted help.

"Help me!" He whispered, but the sword still stayed at the bottom of the lake, with no reaction at all, motionless.

Harry said to himself (a few more laps), what did Dumbledore tell him the last time he got the sword? Only the real Gryffindor can pull it out of the hat.

But Fanlin and Hermione had tried countless times, and they couldn't easily pull the Gryffindor Sword out of an ordinary hat.

Maybe they got it wrong?


So what qualities should be used to define a Gryffindor?

A very small voice came from Harry's head and answered the question. The answer is that courage and chivalry are qualities that a Gryffindor should have.

Harry stopped and let out a long sigh.

The heat that Harry exhaled quickly dissipated in the cold air. He knew what he should do. To be honest, since the moment he saw the sword through the ice, he had thought that something like this would happen.

He glanced around the surrounding woods again and made sure that no one would attack him at this time. If someone were to attack, then Harry would have too many opportunities while passing through the forest and observing the ice lake. The only reason for not attacking is that the surrounding environment is too unsuitable.

Harry fumbled with his fingers and opened his thick clothes. This is where chivalry is needed. He thought helplessly. Although not 100% sure, he didn't call Fanlin or Hermione to replace him. , Is that also a kind of chivalry?

Can’t bully a wounded and a girl? In particular, these two people are absolutely united front, and this work should be done by him no matter how you look at it.

When Harry began to undress, an owl called in the distance. This made Harry think of Hedwig painfully.

The weather in December is too cold, except around the equator, this sentence applies to any place.

He was trembling all over, and his teeth made a terrible clash, but he did not stop, and continued to undress, until only his underwear was left and he stood barefoot on the snow. He put his wand, his mother's letter and Hedwig's feathers were put in the bag, and the old golden snitch was put in the pocket of his jacket. Then put Fanlin's wand on the snowdrift.

"Torn apart!"

The ice cubes made a sound like gunshots in the silence, and the surface of the lake cracked like this, and the dark ice cubes kept shaking on the shimmering lake.

According to Harry's judgment, the lake was not deep, but in order to get the sword, he had to dive in his entire body. No amount of thinking will make this easier, and the water won't get warmer.

Harry felt that he needed a warm-up spell, but with Fanlin’s wand, Harry always felt that if he was not careful, he would burn himself to death or something...

Harry walked cautiously to the lake and placed Hermione's still glowing wand, and then, without thinking about how cold it would be or how violently he would tremble, he just jumped off.

Every pore on Harry's body seemed to be screaming and resisting. When his shoulders dived into the frozen water, the air in his lungs seemed to condense into a solid. He could hardly breathe, and he trembled violently. It caused many ripples in the lake, and he felt that his unconscious feet were cut by a blade.

He hoped that only one dive would be enough.

Again and again, Harry postponed the moment to dive completely, panting, shaking his whole body, until at last he told himself that this was something to be done sooner or later, then gathered all the courage and dived in.

The cold was very uncomfortable, like a blazing fire scorching his body, and a painful sensation swept over him. As he walked into the deep water to explore the sword at the bottom of the lake, his brain seemed to be frozen.

His fingers touched the hilt of the sword, and then he drew the sword upward. Then something wrapped around his neck. He thought it was aquatic plants, even though nothing came to him when he was diving~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ha used his hand to take the thing away and free himself, but It was not waterweed. He once saw the mist that emerged from Nagini's body in Bathilda's house...

This made Harry's breathing more and more difficult. Harry kicked around desperately, trying to swim back to the lake, but he only pushed himself to the other end of the lake full of rocks. He felt heavier and heavier and more breathless, he thought desperately. Struggling out of the tentacles trying to strangle people.

But the frozen fingers didn't have the strength to pull it away, like Nagini's tail. Now Harry's power is not enough to fight...

The consciousness in his brain was gradually fading, and his body was almost overwhelmed. Everything is gone, nothing can be done, and the arm on his chest is completely immobile, he really feels death...

... He felt suffocation and nausea, as well as the dampness and cold that he had never experienced in his life, and he gradually sank in the ice and snow.

At this moment, someone gasped and coughed and staggered closer, just as Hermione came when the snake attacked Harry last time, but it sounded like it wasn’t Hermione because the cough was too loud. Yes, the footsteps are too heavy.


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