HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1275:

Bathilda is now a very old woman. Strictly speaking, among witches, she is counted as the long-lived group.

And as Muriel puts it, she is "fanatic".

Is it possible for Dumbledore to let her hide the Gryffindor sword? If so, Harry felt that Dumbledore left a lot of variables.

Dumbledore never showed that he would put a fake sword in place, let alone his friendship with Bathilda.

But in any case, it was not the time to doubt Hermione's statement; it was also the time not to ask when her thoughts were surprisingly consistent with her.

Harry raised his head and glanced at Fanlin inadvertently. In the twinkling eyes of the two people, Harry immediately confirmed his thoughts.

"Yes, he might! So, are we going to Gochuk Valley?"

"Of course, but we have to think about it from beginning to end, Harry." Hermione sat up and Harry was sure that the new plan rekindled her enthusiasm, just as he did.

"We need to practice using Apparition in the Invisibility Cloak together..."

"Not only that, as a beginning... The Phantom Mantra may also be equally meaningful, unless you think we are going to use the compound decoction thoroughly? In that case we need to collect someone's hair. In fact, I think we are best. If we don't do this, the more we have to move, the more trouble it will cause." Fanlin added.

"Yes, but, just in case, I think we still need to prepare some Muggle hair, at least this can help us change our appearance... and we must be prepared for exposure." Hermione paused slightly. After a pause, "God knows how many people Voldemort will stay there waiting for us..."

Harry didn't interrupt, just let Hermione continue talking, nodding in agreement at every pause, but his attention had already left the conversation.

This was the first time he felt excited after discovering that the sword was an illusion in Gringotts.

Had it not been for Voldemort, Harry would have grown up in Gochuk Valley and spent every vacation. He could have invited his friends to be guests...maybe even a younger brother or sister...His seventeenth birthday cake would be made by his mother.

When he discovered that he was going back to the place where he originally belonged, the life he had lost had never been presented to him in such a real way.

However, inexplicably, Harry became a little nervous, because Harry was a little scared when he really decided to go.

He has been there countless times in his dreams, but these are all bad memories.

That night after Hermione and Hermione fell asleep in Fanlin, Harry quietly took out his canvas bag from Hermione's pearl bag. The innermost was the album Hagrid sent a long time ago.

For the first time in months, Harry looked at the old photos of his parents seriously. They smiled and waved to them. Those were past that he could no longer have.

Harry would be very happy if he set off to Gochuk Valley the next morning. But Hermione had other ideas. She was sure that Voldemort must be looking forward to Harry's return to the site of his parents' death, and insisted that they could only set off if they disguised impeccably.

So they are a whole week late... They get hair from innocent muggles who are doing Christmas shopping, and then practice apparition under the invisibility cloak together. Fanlin teaches them how to use the apparition curse faster, after all, invisibility cloak It's just a foreign object, they can't wear it all the time...

All the training that Hermione insisted on.

They had to show up after the village was enveloped by night, so they swallowed the compound decoction at dusk.

Harry became a bald, middle-aged male Muggle, Hermione became his skinny, mouse-like wife, and Fanlin used Animagus directly. After all, the combination of the two old men is adding Last person, this would seem strange.

Hermione stuffed the beaded bag containing all their belongings in the pockets of her coat, and kept holding the white cat that Van Lin turned into. Then Harry put the cloak on the two people, and then they entered again. In the suffocating darkness.

This time, the phantom shift was extraordinarily long, and the feeling of oppression brought by the travel across space made the three of them uncomfortable.

This reminded Fanlin of the last time he was apparated from the outskirts of London to the Vatican. It was probably the worst trip.

When they opened their eyes again, Harry could clearly feel his heart pounding in his throat.

Hermione put one hand on Harry's arm and her pet in the other. The two stood on a snow-covered country road, the stars gleaming faintly on the dark blue sky.

The cottages are distributed on both sides of the narrow road, Christmas ornaments are flashing in the windows, and not far in front, the golden street lights point to the center of the village.

"Oh my God, there is snow everywhere!" Hermione whispered under the cloak. "Why didn't we think about snow? With so many precautions, we will or will leave footprints! We must remove Get rid of them... you go first, I will clean it up..."

Harry didn't want to enter the village like a pantomime horse. In fact, it's stupid, isn't it?

"Take off the invisibility cloak," Harry said calmly, seeing Hermione's horrified expression, "Oh, take it off, we don't look like we really are, and there is no one around here."

Harry put the invisibility cloak into his jacket and began to move forward without any hindrance.

The cold air stung their faces. They passed by more cottages, each of which may have been where James and Lily lived, or where Bagshot now lives.

Harry stared at these front doors, the snow-covered roof and front porch, wondering if he could remember something, but deep down he realized that it was impossible because he would leave forever when he was a little over a year old. Up here.

Harry wasn't even sure if he could still see the house, he didn't know what effect it would have if the whole hidden object disappeared.

At this time their path was already curved to the left, and in the center of the village, a small square appeared in front of them.

The center of the square looks like a war memorial, surrounded by colorful lights, partly hidden in the shadow of a Christmas tree slanted by the wind. There are several shops nearby, a post office, a tavern, and a chapel. The stained glass windows of the church illuminate the square with brilliant light like gems.

The snow here is beginning to become solid: it becomes hard and smooth after people have walked for a day. The villagers crossed their chests, and their silhouettes appeared simple and clear in the street lights.

From a distance, the three heard a burst of laughter, pop music, and the opening and closing of the tavern door, and then the church came out with carols.

"Harry, I think it's Christmas Eve!" Hermione said.

"Really?" He had lost the concept of time. They hadn't read a newspaper for several weeks.

Fanlin arched Hermione's head gently and let out a soft cry.

"I can be sure," Hermione said softly, pulling out her hand to tidy up Fanlin's hair.

Hermione looked over the church. "They...they will be there, won't they? Your mom and dad? I can see the cemetery behind the church."

Harry shuddered, feeling beyond excitement and more like fear. It was so close now, he wondered if he really wanted to see it. Maybe Hermione could understand his feelings because she was holding his hand and pulling him forward, for the first time.

However, as she passed the square, Hermione stopped suddenly.

"Harry, look!" Hermione pointed to the war memorial.

When they passed by, the monument disappeared, and the original obelisk full of names was replaced by a group of three statues: a man with tousled hair and glasses; a long-haired woman, friendly and kind, beautiful and elegant; and A baby boy sitting in her arms. Their heads were covered with snowflakes, as if they were wearing white woolen hats.

Harry leaned closer, staring at his parents' faces. He had never imagined that there would be a group of statues here... what a strange thing to see his stone face... a happy baby with no scar on his forehead.

"Let's go," Harry said when he felt satisfied, and they continued towards the church. As they crossed the road, he looked back, and the group of statues once became a war memorial.

As they approached the church, the singing became louder. Harry's throat tightened, and this song made him miss Hogwarts more, miss the rude carols sung by Pippi hiding in his armor, miss the twelve Christmas trees in the auditorium, miss wearing the colorful firecrackers Dumbledore in his toque, missing Ron in a hand-knitted sweater...

There is a narrow gate at the entrance of the cemetery.

Hermione pushed it away as gently as possible, and then they walked sideways. The small road leading to the church gate is thick with snow on both sides, and no one has ever set foot on it.

They walked through the snow, walked around the house, hiding in the shadows under the bright windows, leaving deep footprints along the way. Behind the church are rows of snow-covered tombstones. Through the stained glass, red, gold and green spots hit the light blue snow. Harry grabbed the wand in his jacket pocket and walked to the nearest grave.

"Look here, it's from the Aibo family, maybe there is any long-term connection with the Hannah family!"

"Please be quiet." Hermione begged in a low voice.

They gradually trudged into the depths of the cemetery, leaving dark footprints behind them. Sometimes they stopped to look at the text on the tombstone, and occasionally glanced at the dark surroundings from the corner of their eyes. After ensuring that no one was following them, the three continued to descend.

"Harry, here!" Hermione was separated from him by two rows of tombstones.

Harry walked toward her strenuously, his heart beating fiercely in his chest. "That is……?"

"No, but look here!" She pointed to a black stone. Harry lowered his head and looked at this cold, moss-covered granite with her birth and death dates engraved on it. The next point are those of "Kedra Dumbledore" and "Her Daughter Ariana". Typeface.

There is also a sacrificial text: where your treasure is, your heart is.

So Rita Skeeter and Muriel did get some facts. The Dumbledore family did live here, and some family members were buried here.

Seeing this tomb in person is worse than just hearing it, Harry couldn't help thinking that both he and Dumbledore's roots were in the same cemetery. Maybe Dumbledore was his neighbor?

They could have visited here together, but unfortunately, there is no such opportunity now.

For a moment Harry imagined coming here with Dumbledore, what kind of result this would be, and how much it would mean to him. But perhaps for Dumbledore, their family standing side by side in the cemetery seemed to be an unimportant coincidence. Perhaps it had nothing to do with the task he gave Harry.

Hermione looked at Harry, and Harry was thankful that his face was hidden in the shadows. He read the words on the tombstone again: Where is your treasure, where is your heart.

In fact, Harry didn't understand the meaning of these words. But it is certain that Dumbledore, the oldest member of the family after his mother's death, chose them as epitaphs.

"Are you sure he never mentioned..." Hermione started talking, looking at Fanlin uncertainly.

The white cat in his arms nodded very humanely, and then jumped down.

"I'm sure." Harry replied briefly. "Let's keep looking."

Then Harry turned and walked away, wishing he had never seen this stone before: he didn't want to let his resentment affect his excitement.

"Here!" Hermione screamed again in the dark after a moment.

"what happened?"

"Sorry, I thought this was..." Halfway through Hermione's words, Harry walked away dejectedly.

"Wait a minute, Harry, come back again."

Harry didn't want to be led away by his nose anymore, and forced to walk towards her through the snow.


"Look at this!" The tombstone was so old that even the weathered Harry couldn't recognize the name on it. Hermione pointed out the symbols below.

"Harry, this is the symbol in that book!"

Harry stared at the place where her finger was: the tombstone was too old, too old to make it clear what had been carved there, although it did appear to have a triangular mark under the vague name.


Hermione lights up her wand and points to the words on the tombstone.

"That's Ignatius Ignatius, I think so..."

"I'm going to find my parents, okay?" Harry said to her a little bit sharply, and then set off again, leaving Hermione and Fanlin behind... More precisely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A person and a cat squatted beside the old tombstone.

From time to time, Harry would find some surnames he knew, such as Abe, who had seen him at Hogwarts.

Too many people are buried here.

Sometimes the names of several generations of wizard family members appear in the cemetery at the same time: Harry can tell by the date whether the family has become extinct, or whether the current members have moved from Gochuk Valley to other places.

Harry went further and further, and every time he reached a new tombstone, he always felt a little bit of fear and expectation.

The darkness and silence seemed to have come suddenly, and Harry looked around worriedly, suspecting it was an attack by a dementor. Then I realized that the Christmas carols were over, the chattering talkers and worshippers were drifting away, and the lights in the church had just been extinguished.

Then Hermione's voice came from the darkness for the third time, sharp and clear a few yards away.

"Harry, they are here... right here."


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