HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1249:

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In fact, after a whole night of changes, the tension from the nerves is more likely to make people feel tired.

But the threat of Death Eaters hangs in everyone's mind like a sharp sword, and there is a risk of falling at any time.

To be safe, they had to squeeze in the living room to spend the night.

The whole family is to be neat and tidy, probably...following such a principle.

Early the next morning, Harry woke up from the sleeping bag on the floor of the living room.

From the gaps exposed by the thick curtains, the sky outside can be vaguely seen. The sky before dawn shows faint water-blue ripples. With bursts of coolness, everything is so quiet. I only hear Ron and Fanlin. Hermione breathed slowly and deeply.

Harry looked at the shadows they cast on the floor beside him.

As the only woman, naturally, the position of the sofa was reserved for Hermione, and Fanlin held it tightly, with Harry in the middle and Ron on the far left.

It could be seen that Hermione had been frightened all night, her arms stretched to the floor, fingers very close to Fanlin's.

Harry wanted to know if they slept hand in hand, the thought made him feel extra lonely.

This probably came from the resentment of the single dog, somehow Harry thought of Ginny.

He looked at the gloomy ceiling, at the chandeliers covered with cobwebs. Less than 24 hours ago, he was standing at the entrance of the big tent in the sun, preparing to guide the wedding guests. Those seemed to be things in his previous life.

What will happen now? He lay on the floor, thinking about Horcrux, that was the complicated and difficult mission that Dumbledore left him...Dumbledore...The grief caused by the death of the principal seemed to have changed a little bit from the past. , Muriel's condemnation at the wedding seemed to have entered his mind like a sickness, and infected his heart with respect for the principal.

Would Dumbledore let that happen? Could it be that he was the same as Dudley, as long as it didn't matter to him, he just ignored him? Does he really ignore his imprisoned and hidden sister?

For no reason, Harry thought of Gochuker Valley, of those graves that Dumbledore had never mentioned before, and he also remembered that Dumbledore did not give any explanation for those mysterious objects in his will, resentment It gradually swelled in the dark.

Why didn't Dumbledore tell him? Why didn't he explain clearly? Has Dumbledore ever cared about Harry? Or was Harry just a tool to polish and smooth for him, never trusting him, never trusting him?

Harry couldn't bear it anymore and could only lie there in pain. He desperately needed to find something to distract him.

So he crawled out of his sleeping bag, picked up his wand, and crept out of the room. At the entrance of the stairs, he whispered: "Fluorescence flickers." With the faint light from his wand, he walked up the stairs.

The third floor was where he and Ron slept last time. He glanced in. The closet door was open and the quilt was torn apart. Harry thought of the troll leg downstairs again.

Someone left and searched this house in the Order of the Phoenix! Is it Snape? Or Mundungus, the thief who betrayed the Order of the Phoenix and caused Moody's death?

Sirius did not return. For him, the ancestral home of the Black family was not suitable for him to live in.

It's too big and empty here. Since Snape's betrayal, Sirius moved out of the ancestral home of the Black family.

Harry's gaze wandered on Phineas Nigelos's portrait... he was Sirius' great-great-grandfather and the most unpopular principal in Hogwarts history.

But now there is nothing in the frame, only a muddy backdrop.

Obviously, Phineas Nigelles went to the principal's office in Hogwarts for the night.

It is a good place. Without their recognition, no one can enter the principal's office forcibly.

But what if it was Voldemort?

If he and Dumbledore did not go out that night and stayed in the principal’s office, would Dumbledore not...

Harry continued up the stairs until he reached the top floor, where there were only two doors. On the door facing him was a sign that read: "Sirius!"

Harry had never been to his godfather's room before, and he opened the door and held up his wand so that the fluorescent light could reach a larger area.

Sirius's room is very big and it can be seen. It must have been quite magnificent before.

There is a large bed in the room with patterns carved on the wooden headboard; the tall windows are covered by long velvet curtains; the chandeliers are covered with a thick layer of ash, and the candles are still inserted in the candle holders, and the surroundings are condensed With drops of candle tears. The pictures on the wall and the headboard are also gray, and the spider web extends from the chandelier to the large wooden wardrobe. When Harry walked in, he also heard the footsteps of a frightened rat.

This place has been abandoned for a long time, and Sirius almost fully wants to get rid of the old identity of the Black family, but it must be admitted that it carries his godfather's past and the stubbornness that Sirius showed in the confrontation with the past.

The young Sirius used posters and pictures to cover the silver-gray wall with only a few gaps, because silver-gray is the representative color of Slytherin, which does not match Sirius at all.

Harry guessed that Sirius' parents could not deal with the permanent sticking curse, because he was certain that they would never agree with the elder son's taste for decoration.

Sirius seemed to be deliberately offending his parents. There were several huge Gryffindor flags in the room, and the faded scarlet and gold marked his difference from other Slytherin families.

Some pictures of Muggle motorcycles were also posted on the wall, and there were posters of Muggle girls in bikinis.

(Harry does admire Sirius' courage very much. It is really wayward. It is a miracle that Mrs. Black didn't break his leg because of it.)

Harry recognized the Muggles because they were all fixed to the painting, their faded smiles and bright eyes motionless. In stark contrast to these pictures is the only picture of a wizard on the wall, with four Hogwarts students holding hands and laughing at the camera.

Harry ran over briskly. He recognized his father. The messy black hair stood on the back of his head, just like Harry, and he also had glasses.

Standing next to his father was Sirius, with a somewhat casual handsomeness, his slightly arrogant face, younger and happier than Harry had ever seen.

Pettigrew is to the right of Sirius, a head shorter than him, and his bulging, watery eyes are shining with the excitement of being company with such a cool group of people.

To James’s left is Lupin. Although it looks a little shabby by comparison, he’s also beaming...They love him accepting him, but maybe it’s just because they saw Harry saw this photo?

He wanted to remove it from the wall, but Harry couldn't remove it at all.

It seems that Sirius did all the preventive work to prevent his parents from redecorating the house.

Harry looked around carefully. The sky outside began to brighten, and a beam of light shone on the scattered pieces of paper, books, and some small objects.

Obviously, Sirius' room was searched by later people, and those on the ground were basically regarded as worthless things. Some books have been rudely turned over, the cover is separated from the book, and the pages have messed up the floor.

Harry bent down and picked up some pieces of paper, carefully identifying it. He recognized that one of them was torn from an old version of "A History of Magic" (by Bathilda Bagshot), and the other had belonged to a motorcycle maintenance manual. The third one is handwritten and crumpled.

Harry flattened it out and read it.

Dear Footpad: Thank you for the birthday present to Harry! This is his favorite one at the moment. When he was just one year old, he started flying up with a toy broomstick, and he seemed very happy about it. You can take a look at the photos I sent with the letter. Although only two feet off the ground, he almost killed a cat and smashed a horrible vase that Petunia gave us on Christmas (it's no big deal).

James thought this was very interesting and said that he would be a great Quidditch player in the future, but we had to put all the decorations away and stare at him all the time while he was flying.

We had a pretty peaceful birthday tea party, only us and the old Bathilda, she always treats us incredibly good, and she loves Harry very much. It's a shame that you didn't come, but the Order of the Phoenix should be in the first place, and Harry was too young to realize that it was his birthday!

The isolation from the outside world made James a little disappointed. Although he tried to hide it, I could tell. Dumbledore took his invisibility cloak, which made it impossible for him to go on an outing. If you could come and visit, he would definitely be much more excited.

Wormtail came over last weekend. I think he also looks a little listless, maybe because of the news about McMillan. After learning the news, I cried all night.

Bathilda came almost every day, often telling very interesting old things about Dumbledore. I'm not sure Dumbledore knows he will be happy in the future! I don’t know how much can be believed. In fact, those things seem too unbelievable for Dumbledore...

Harry seemed to lose consciousness in his limbs.

He stood steadily, his tense fingers cramping tightly on this incredible-looking piece of paper, the excitement of a volcanic eruption rolled in his heart, and the accompanying grief flowed through his body, and he fell. Sitting on Sirius' big bed.

He read the letter again, but did not see more content. So he began to ponder the font of the letter. The "g" she wrote was exactly the same as his. Harry looked at it word by word, over and over again, every time he looked at it, it felt like he gently captured their image, their breath through the veil.

This letter is really an incredible treasure, which made him truly feel that Lily Potter had existed in this world, lived a real life, and her warm hands had moved on this parchment paper, letting the ink on Flowing on the paper, these words, these words about him, Harry, her children.

Harry hurriedly wiped the tears from his eyes, and he read the letter again, this time focusing on the meaning of the letter. It feels like listening to a familiar voice speaking.

They once had a cat...maybe it has turned into dust like his parents in Gochuk Valley...maybe ran away because no one came to feed it...Sirius gave him the first one Flying broomstick... His parents knew Bathilda Bagshot. Did Dumbledore introduce them to them? Dumbledore kept his invisibility cloak... it sounds interesting...

Harry paused, thinking about what his mother said. Why did Dumbledore take James' invisibility cloak? Harry clearly remembered that the principal told him a few years ago, "I don't have to be invisible with an invisibility cloak."

Maybe it is the less powerful members of the Order of the Phoenix who need this help. Has Dumbledore ever played an errand?

Harry continued to speculate... Wormtail used to be here... Little Dwarf, that traitor, was once "listening"? Did he realize that this was the last time he saw James and Lily? Finally, Bathilda was mentioned. This woman once told some incredible little stories about Dumbledore... She said Dumbledore-she said what happened to Dumbledore?

There may be too many things about Dumbledore. For example, getting a poor grade on the transformation test, or casting a magic on the goat like Aberforth...

Harry stood up and checked the floor carefully; maybe the remaining pages of the letter are around here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He eagerly searched for the pieces of paper, as rough as the previous searcher , He opened the drawer, shook the book vigorously, stood on the stool to reach the top of the wardrobe with his hands, crawling under the bed and armchair. Finally, he lay on the floor and found a torn piece of paper under the chest of drawers. He took out the piece of paper and recognized that it was exactly what Lily had described. A black-haired boy was sitting on a small broom rushing in and out of the photo, laughing happily, followed by a pair of big feet that should belong to James.

He rolled up the photo and Lily's letter and put it in his pocket, and went on looking for the next piece of paper.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and he had to admit that the rest of his mother's letter was indeed missing. Was it lost during those sixteen years, or was it taken by the person who searched the room? Harry read the first page of the letter again, this time to find clues that might be valuable to the content of the second page.

The Death Eater certainly wouldn't be interested in his toy broom... The only thing he guessed might be the significance of those things about Dumbledore.

She said Dumbledore... what did she say?

A worthy collection of m. reading network

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