HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1235:

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"So... is that true?" Ginny said in an interface, "Is that what you plan to do?"

"I...no...I'm just joking," Harry pushed off. They stared at each other, there was something more than shock in Ginny’s expression, and Harry suddenly realized that he and she were alone for the first time since those good times lost in the hidden corner of Hogwarts .

He was sure she remembered too.

When the door opened, they both jumped up, and Mrs. Weasley, Kingsley and Bill walked in. They often have dinner with other members of the Order of the Phoenix, because the Burrow has replaced Grimmauld Place 2 as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Mr. Weasley explained that Dumbledore... After the death of their secretaries, every one Anyone who has informed the location of Grimmauld Place automatically becomes a secret.

"And because there are about twenty of us, this greatly weakens the power of the Red Faithful Curse. The Death Eaters have more than twenty chances to obtain this secret from someone, and we can't expect it to last long."

"But Snape must have told the Death Eaters the address by now, right?" Harry asked.

"Uh, Mad-Eye cast a few spells to prevent Snape from finding that place again. We hope their power is strong enough to exclude Snape, and if he wants to name this place, he can also Restrain his tongue, but we are not sure, so it would be foolish to continue using this place as a headquarters when its protection has become so weak."

In the evening, the kitchen was too crowded and it was very difficult to use automatic knives and forks. Harry found himself squeezed next to Ginny. There was something that didn’t need to be expressed between them, which made him wish there were a few people between them. , He was trying his best to avoid sweeping her arms, so he could barely cut his chicken.

Surprisingly, Fanlin finally walked out of his room after a few days. This was probably the most exciting thing for Harry, and Madam Pomfrey announced that Fanlin could leave her hut and left in a hurry.

The past few days have been very sad for Fanlin. Once the tight nerves are relaxed, the damage caused by the body that has been washed by a lot of magic power is almost impossible for Shang Fanlin to stand up.

In Madam Pomfrey's words, if it were not for Fanlin's special physique, there were usually a lot of tonic potions swallowed, and the continuous high-intensity apparition was enough to kill him.

This made Fanlin feel very fortunate, and it really surprised Fanlin that he would be saved by the people of the Holy See.

They seem to have known how they are coming, but it can be guaranteed that he has not had any contact with people from the Holy See.

Moreover, it is a pity that Tefrey is a little bit too embarrassed. The paladin Teflon facing the Holy See does not even have the courage to make a shot, and the knight also does not let the vampire go?

This probably overturned the impression of the supremacy of the Holy See's faith.

"Is there no news about Mad Eye?" Fanlin asked, sitting next to Hermione.

Mondungus' betrayal was a bit abrupt, but it was reasonable.

In the face of Voldemort, if Mondungus maintained Harry's image, he would definitely die, and betrayal would not necessarily be the case, even if he would be punished by Fan Lin's curse.

"Nothing," Bill replied, shaking his head.

So far they have not held a funeral for Moody, because Bill and Lupin have not been able to find his body, and it is difficult to find where he might fall in the dark and chaotic battle.

"The Daily Prophet didn't mention a word about his death or the search for his body," Bill continued, "but that doesn't mean anything. They have been very quiet these days."

"And they haven't had a hearing about the use of magic by minors because of the magic that I used to deal with Death Eaters," Harry said to Fanlin across the table from him, and Fanlin just shook his head.

"Because they knew I had no choice or because they were unwilling to tell the magic world that Voldemort attacked me?"

"That's it," Fanlin affirmed, "The Ministry of Magic is no longer capable of facing Voldemort."

"They have always been like this." Mr. Weasley said, "Recently, I guess, Scrimgeour did not want to admit that the mysterious man was as powerful as in the past, nor did he want to admit that Azkaban broke out in a large-scale prison escape."

"Yeah, why tell the public the truth?" Harry said, clutching his knife, and the vague white scar on the back of his right hand appeared: I can't lie.

"Isn't anyone in the Ministry prepared to resist him bravely?" Ron asked angrily.

"Of course not, Ron, but people are scared," Mr. Weasley replied. "Fearing that they will be the next disappeared, and their children will be the next attacked! There are disgusting rumors circulating everywhere. , I don’t believe that the Muggle research professor who resigned at Hogwarts has been missing for a few weeks, during which Scrimgeour closed his office all day long. I just hope he is making a plan."

When Mrs. Weasley used magic to get the empty plate on the workbench and began to serve apple pie, everyone stopped talking.

"We have to decide how to protect you, Ali," Fleur said, everyone was eating pudding.

"Why?" Harry was a little confused, in fact, he couldn't think of this and Fleur...

"For this wedding," Fleur said frankly, "Of course, none of our guests are Death Eaters, but we cannot guarantee that they won't accidentally say something after they drink champagne."

In fact, from this point.

Harry concluded that she still doubted Hagrid.

"Yes, a good suggestion," Mrs. Weasley said from the top of the table where she was sitting, her glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose while browsing the cumbersome work that had been scribbled on a long sheep.

"I believe they will not refuse some small tricks. It is like spending a wonderful carnival and then freeing up a day." Fanlin said with certainty. He watched Mrs. Weasley write it down in her notebook. .

"I agree, so now, Ron, have you cleaned your room?"

"Why?" Ron exclaimed, his spoon falling to the ground, glaring at his mother, "Why does my room have to be cleaned? Harry and I like how it looks now!"

"We are going to hold your brother's wedding in a few days, young man..."

"Then are they going to hold a wedding in my room?" Ron asked violently, "Damn it..."

"Don't talk to your mother like that," Mr. Weasley said firmly, "just do what she says."

Ron glared at his parents, then picked up his spoon and swallowed the last few mouthfuls of apple pie.

"I can help, here are some of my things" Harry told Ron, but Mrs. Weasley interrupted him, "No, Harry, honey, I hope you help Arthur get these chickens, Hermione , I’ll be very grateful if you change the sheets of Dracul’s couple. You know they will be here at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning. As for Fanlin, you just regained the ability to get out of bed..."

"Oh, Hermione can take care of me, Mrs. Weasley..." Fanlin said quickly. It was embarrassing that Mrs. Weasley or Ginny and Fleur had been coming for these two days.

"Ah, yes, Mrs. Weasley, I'll do it!" Hermione grabbed it quickly. "Ginny can help me go to the Dracul couple, and there is Gabri..."

"Well..." Mrs. Weasley said unwillingly. "Come on."

Harry opened his mouth, but he couldn't find any reason to help Fanlin.

The facts have shown that when the chickens were started, there were very few things to do.

"There is no need to talk to Molly," Mr. Weasley said to Harry, as he was driving his chicken into the coop. "But, well, Ted Tonks gave me a Sirius motorcycle. Most parts of the car, and, um, I’m keeping it, that is, hiding it here, it’s a magical thing, there’s an exhaust device, as I believe it says, the most gorgeous battery, this is A great opportunity to study how the brakes work. Will put them all together again, when Molly doesn’t... I mean, when I have time."

When they walked back to the house, Mrs. Weasley was nowhere to be seen, so Harry ran to Ron's attic bedroom.

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it...! Ah, it's you," Ron jumped up and exaggerated. He was lying on the bed when Harry entered the room, and the room was still messed up as before.

The difference is that Hermione is now sitting in a far corner sorting two large piles of books, some of which Harry recognized as his own, her fluffy **** cat, Crookshanks in her By the feet.

Of course, there is Fanlin, who is lying weakly on the sofa. In fact, apart from his pale face, Harry can't feel any changes, just like in the Gryffindor public lounge. Holding his wand.

This should be prepared for Mrs. Weasley, phantom spell?

"Hi Harry," Hermione said as he sat on his camp bed.

"How did you two escape?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Fanlin used a phantom spell. As long as she returns to the room, Mrs. Weasley won't say anything." Hermione said, and she threw a copy of "Grandma and Divination" on a pile of books. , A copy of "The Rise and Fall of Dark Magic" was thrown on another pile.

"We were just talking about Mad-Eye," Ron told Harry, and I guess he might still be alive. "

"But Bill saw that he was hit by the Death Curse." Harry said.

"Yes, but Bill is also under attack," Ron said. "How can he confirm that he saw it?"

"Even if the Death Curse didn't hit him, Mad-Eye still fell from a thousand feet," Hermione said, now holding a heavy "England and Irish Quidditch" in her hand. .

"Maybe he used a protection charm—"

"Fleur said his wand was knocked away from his hands," Harry said.

"Well, well, if you want him to die," Ron said grumpily, and patted his pillow into a more comfortable shape.

"Of course we don't want him to die!" Hermione said, looking at him in shock. "His death is terrible! But we have to face reality too!"

For the first time, Harry imagined Mad-Eye's body broken off like Dumbledore's, one eye still whistling in the socket, and he felt a throbbing pain accompanied by a strange wish to laugh. .

"The Death Eater might have cleaned up by himself later, that's why no one found him," Fanlin said truthfully, "Moody's body is very complicated, and those alchemy devices hinder Moody's ability to use magic power, although I I don't want to admit it, but... Moody's probably fell into the hands of Death Eaters."

"Yes," Harry said, "Like Batty Crouch, turned into bones and buried in Hagrid's front garden. They might deform Moody and bury him..."

"Stop talking!" Hermione screamed in shock, and Harry looked over, just in time to see tears burst into her eyes, falling on the spell alphabet she had copied. "Oh, no," Harry said, struggling to get up from the camp bed. "Hermione, I didn't want you to be upset..."

"Oh, it's okay, Hermione, I'm here..." Fanlin stood up, put Hermione in his arms, then took a clean handkerchief from his pocket and tried to wipe the tears off the girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I mean... I'm sorry..." She sniffed and sobbed, "That's too... terrible, isn't it, it's happening after Dumbledore..., I I never imagined that a crazy-eyed man would die, somehow he looked so strong!"

"Yes, yes, he does look exactly like you said," Fanlin hugged Hermione, "This is my mistake, I shouldn't..."

"It should be Mondungus to blame!" Ron said angrily. "He only needs to touch magic and help Moody block a few spells, so that he can..."

"Moody wouldn't do that..." Fanlin said, "He is eager for Voldemort to chase him..."

When he said this, Fanlin looked at Harry, "Of course, there is nothing right or wrong about all of this, but Mondungus is too cowardly."

"Don't believe Mondungus..." Harry repeated, "By the way, you are not..."

"The contract spell, yes, he violated the agreement, so I think he has probably lost most of his ability to cast spells." Fanlin said, "The spell will hinder Mondungus from releasing the spell, perhaps in Apparition. The moment of shape has taken effect."

"I mean..." Harry said hesitantly, "Will we..."

"He deserves it, Harry!" Fanlin shook his head and refused. "Once such a time, it's easy to make a second, third time. I can't leave him to Death Eaters because of his cowardice. , His will is not very firm, and he is very good at tricks."

"Okay..." Harry nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fanlin let go of Hermione, and then Hermione went on to sort the books.

"What do you want these books for?" Ron asked suddenly.

"Just want to see what books we need to bring," Hermione said, "when we are looking for Horcrux."

"Oh, of course," Ron said, patted his forehead with a hand, "I forgot, now we have to start tracking Voldemort in the mobile library."

"Haha," Hermione said, staring at the phonetic list of magic words, "I want to know..., will we need to translate ancient magic words? That's possible... I think we'd better bring it, just for safety. For the sake of it." She threw the phonetic table into the larger of the two books, and picked up "Hogwarts, a School History."

"This is not an easy job..." Fanlin frowned, "Hermione, I hope you can..."

"Don't refuse me, okay!" Hermione said softly, "I'll be more upset here."

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