HP Dear Miss Freak

Chapter 185: 175. Loss and Redemption

"Fate is full, but I still have you."

"Aren't you an Auror?"

Sylvia was awakened by this scene countless times. Her Betty, with tears in her eyes, slammed her shoulder with a trembling fist.

Am I not an Auror?

Sylvia knew that Rebecca's meanness at that time was the result of her loss of reason under extreme sadness.

She certainly understands. But she was also really sad.

"I'm going to help you ask for leave, don't go to work today." Dora looked at her sister's ugly face worriedly, although she herself was haggard from the transitional exhaustion and messy mind. few.

"What leave? What a joke?" Sylvia sat in front of her breakfast without the slightest appetite.

"I don't think you can work well in this state, dear." Andromeda took her little daughter's hand and said soothingly, "Your face is too bad."

"That's because she didn't sleep much last night and woke up several times." Fred sighed and helped bring the rest of the breakfast to the table, "Listen to me , Bunny, you need to rest."

"Aurors can't be open all year round, Searle." Ted seemed concerned that his daughter would be stubborn at this point.

"Andy said, Aurors can't protect everyone." Sylvia said lightly, looking at her family.

"Searle, you shouldn't put too much pressure on yourself." Dora frowned slightly.

"But when I wanted to be an Auror, I just wanted..." Sylvia sighed softly, "I just wanted to protect everyone I love."

But the current situation seems to be completely different from what was expected.

Do you really enjoy the Auror job?

She thought again of the question that Hoddle had asked incisively.

Well, he's a wise man, and his words allow me to come up with new ideas every year.

"Mrs. Abbott's death was an accident." Andromeda said reassuringly, "We all regret it."

"Accident." Sylvia shook her head with a wry smile.

This is the most regrettable and powerless word.

The former and the latter are the feelings Sylvia hates the most.

Mrs. Abbott was an accident.

How about you?

Sylvia looked at the table full of people and suddenly coughed violently. She suddenly thought of the ending, and only Andromeda and her were left on the full table.

Probably not her either.

"What's the matter?" Andromeda was obviously taken aback.

"Okay, Bunny. Have some breakfast and then go back to sleep." Fred frowned and crouched down beside Sylvia, pinning her loose hair After reaching her ears, she calmly helped her wipe away the tears that suddenly fell.

"I'm fine." Sylvia didn't want to talk about those worries every day, even though she couldn't help thinking about it.

"Aurors have a few days off a year, and I'll help you decide anyway." Dora said, drank the last mouthful of milk, put on her robe, and ran out quickly, for fear Give Sylvia a second chance to object.

"What about you?" Sylvia looked at Fred, "It's time to open the trick shop."

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" Fred asked directly.

"You know what I want." Sylvia squeezed Fred's hand.

"I'll be back soon." Fred said, putting on his robe and leaving the house.

Sylvia watched her boy leave, sighed softly, and turned her attention back to the breakfast in front of her, but she still had no desire to eat.

"You know what? Searle." Ted put his hands on the table and looked at his daughter, "When you choose this career, you should think that you are better than ordinary people. Be strong and brave."

"Dad, I think I did overestimate myself." Sylvia lowered her eyes.

"You have been as strong as you can be." Andromeda glanced at her husband and continued.

"Actually...I want to talk to you..." Sylvia wiped her face hard, "Actually, I'm not as strong as I appear."

"You can talk to us anytime." Andromeda looked surprised and surprised.

"It's nothing...just..." Sylvia didn't know what she was going to say, "Since I joined the company, I often had a thought-why should I blame myself? "

She laughed inexplicably.

This is her truth.

"The job I want most is to go back to Hogwarts to be a teaching assistant to Professor Binns." Sylvia supported her head, "Every day I'm busy reading books and writing articles. Make some extra money." She recalled what Hoddle had said, and couldn't help nodding her head repeatedly, "I don't like this kind of urgent work. I don't like work that comes down suddenly. I don't like thinking about performance and ability."

Andromeda and Ted looked at each other.

"But I like to patrol." Sylvia sat up straight, "I like to watch my spells get better. I like to fight alongside my colleagues. The wizard is arrested and brought to justice." She clapped her hands casually as she said, "It's normal for a newcomer to be uncomfortable. It's just that when other people are considering how to weigh their preferences and find a satisfactory job, I actually have to think about... "

How can we save more lives?

She laughed again and found the answer: "I'm probably overwhelmed by my so-called sense of purpose."

"You're too tired, Searle." Ted shook his head, "Andy is right, Aurors don't mean they can protect everyone."

"Then what if I, as an Auror, can't even protect you, what should I do?" She expressed her concern, and the feeling that there are still a few lives in her hands is not at all. No, "I admit I didn't expect it to get this bad. I didn't expect to face life and death that was much heavier than I thought."

"I often think, my two Auror daughters are sacrificed, what should I do?" Andromeda said softly, as if touching the deepest part of Sylvia's heart The root string is normal.

"Mom?" Sylvia blinked in confusion.

"In the face of life and death, everyone is the same." Andromeda laughed instead, "You are our daughter."

"The Death Eaters are here, our two brave daughters are at the forefront." Ted smiled proudly.

"From the time you participated in the last game of the Triwizard Tournament, we knew what we were going to face." Andromeda gently rubbed Sylvia's head, "You just looked at Fred the way I watched Ted go to work with Dora in my arms years ago."

"I always forget...you've been through it once." Sylvia frowned.

"Your mother was like you at the time, always saying things to worry about me." Ted recalled, "You know I'm a Muggle-born wizard, how much I was in the situation at the time. Danger."

"And I got kicked out of Black again." Andromeda hugged Sylvia gently, "You don't know I heard that when you confronted Bellatrix I had How scared! I know my sister too well, if she knew you were my daughter..."

"She already knows." Sylvia's tone was as if it couldn't have been worse.

"I just wanted to tell you, Searle. We can fully understand your anxiety, and even we live in it all the time." Andromeda let her daughter lean against her "But we also have to move forward."

"Searle, my dear daughter," Ted said softly. "Brave is knowing you're going to lose before you even start, but you still have to do it."

Sylvia remembers the second half of the sentence:

"And stick to it no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."

At this moment, Brother Bird flew down from the upstairs. Sylvia knew that he met the owl who delivered the letter on the roof and took it down by the way.

Sylvia glanced at the name on the envelope and hurriedly opened it, and at the moment when the letter was unfolded, she hurriedly closed it again as if frightened.

"Rebecca wrote it?" Ted guessed, looking at his daughter's expression to confirm the answer.

“How can she…” Sylvia took a deep breath, “Sorry to me?”

Let a girl who has just lost a loved one say sorry to herself?

The first sentence she saw when she opened the letter was "I'm sorry for saying that yesterday".

But obviously, this plunged Sylvia into a deeper grief.

"Read the letter." Andromeda patted her on the back.

Sylvia obediently reopened the stationery and slowly read the familiar handwriting.

"Is she okay?" Ted asked, estimating Sylvia's reading speed.

"They're leaving." Sylvia sighed again, "Hannah will be back from Hogwarts today. The family is going abroad."

"Alright." Andromeda nodded understandingly.

"It's the same in the end." Sylvia smiled wryly and looked at the floral note paper in her hand, "Merlin...we talked about this when she got married..."

"You remember to drop her off," Andromeda said.

"Of course." Sylvia put away the letter, "I will definitely send their family to the airport safely."

Brother Bird was combing his feathers, suddenly raised his head alertly, and then the doorbell rang.

"I'll open the door." Ted stood up.

"I'll go!" Sylvia suddenly became nervous, "You promise me, Dad, you must be ten times more careful no matter what!" She looked at Andomi again sharply Da, "Mom, you too!"

Brother Bird impatiently spread his wings and flew out of the restaurant. With the sound of the door squeaking open, and a moment of calm, a familiar figure appeared in front of them.

"It's you?" Sylvia looked at Hoddle and breathed a sigh of relief, "It scared me to death."

"You look better than scared to death." Hoddle frowned immediately when he saw her face, and then looked at the host and hostess of the house, "Mr. Tonks, Good day, Mrs Tonks."

"Searle is still more sensitive now, don't take it offense." Andromeda gave Hoddle a smile, "Have you had breakfast? Hoddle?"

"Thank you for your kindness, Mrs Tonks." Hoddle gave a 100% perfect smile, walked to Sylvia, took out a small bottle from his pocket, "I'm here to deliver this."

"What is this?" Sylvia didn't answer, "I'm not sick, Wulflin."

"This is the magic potion to help you get a good night's sleep." Hoddle placed the small bottle on the table in front of her as if he knew she would not take it, "I Heard about the Abbott family early in the morning. I think this will help you."

"Thank you." Sylvia accepted his offer. She picked up the small bottle, opened the lid, and smelled it.

"Mrs. Abbott was not the only victim yesterday." Hoddle pulled the chair next to him and sat down. "It was a serial murder by the Death Eaters. The conditions of the dead are the same."

"They're trying to cause panic again." Ted slapped his thigh angrily and turned his serious face out the window.

"So, I should work overtime again." Sylvia nodded as if accepting the reality.

"One by one said this. It's only a problem if I slept well?" Sylvia looked at Hoddle, and suddenly slapped him hard.

Hoddle was obviously startled, and even opened his mouth in surprise, but did not say a word.

. But you remember it! Don't go out if you have nothing to do!" She said, holding the bottle of potion in her hand, standing up and walking upstairs.

"Sleep well, Syl." Andromeda seemed relieved.

"I decide!" The girl turned around the moment she stepped on the stairs, "Starting today, neither of you will be allowed to go out without Dora and I! And you! Waughlin!"

Hoddle pointed to himself, obviously saying: Are you sure?

"I called Sirius to lock you up." Sylvia put down this sentence before continuing on.

A student who can be praised by Snape for potions is definitely not ordinary. At least Sylvia relied on that bottle of potion, and really slept the most solid and comfortable sleep in the past two years.

The moment she opened her eyes, the red-haired boy who saw her was leaning against the bed, holding a long list of tricks in his hand.

"Huh? Are you awake?" Fred reached out and stroked Sylvia's cheek lightly.

"Didn't you go to work?" Sylvia put her hand on the back of Fred's.

"Doesn't you wake up after hearing that?" Fred smiled with satisfaction, "It's late at night, Bunny."

"What?" Sylvia stood up suddenly, and at this moment, her stomach let out a wailing in need of food, "Oops."

"Look to your right." Fred put down the parchment in his hand.

Sylvia turned to see a plate of hot baked potatoes.

"I guessed that you would be hungry. I used a heat preservation spell, eat with confidence." Fred squeezed her face.

"I love you so much, Fred." Sylvia immediately picked up her plate and devoured it.

"You look better than in the morning." Fred propped his head up and watched his girl eat with relish.

"Wavlin still has some skills in him." Sylvia was amazed.

"What's the skill? Let you get a good night's sleep?" Fred's tone was somewhat displeased, "I also have a trick product for dreaming."

"Fred, you know your trick audience is another need." Sylvia was a little slurred because she didn't swallow the food in her mouth.

"But I just wanted to say, this Wafflin is really good." He raised his eyebrows arrogantly, "Just come here with a bottle of potion?"

"It's really not sensible." Sylvia nodded solemnly, "You couldn't rest yesterday because of my ghostly appearance. Why didn't this Wulflin give you this? Bring a bottle?"

"Come on!" Fred was successfully amused. "Okay, no kidding. Seeing that you are in good spirits, I can rest assured."

"This potion is really powerful." Sylvia touched the position of her heart, "Or a sleep can really make people feel a lot better."

"I went to Rebecca's house today. You know they're going to leave." Fred moved closer to Sylvia, "Lee took over at Ryan's flower shop. Now, I went with him today to get acquainted with the affairs in Huatian."

Sylvia stopped chewing and looked at Fred.

"Of course I didn't buy it!" Fred was a little flustered when she saw her round eyes, "I'll take care of them first. I think such a big store always needs someone to help... "Before he finished speaking, his girl threw himself into his arms, causing him to panic again.

And Sylvia just suddenly wanted to hug him.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked after a moment of silence under the hug.

"When I first liked you, I never thought you could be so careful." Sylvia frowned and pursed her lips, "How the **** are you so good? Fred Weasley? Where's my big redhead bastard?"

"What nonsense?" Fred said, crying and laughing, "Why don't you know how attractive I am when you are going to marry me?"

"How can you be so sweet?" Sylvia said in disbelief, "I really... Anyway, thank you, Fred."

"What did you say thank you to me?" Fred patted her head gently, "I told you I would go and see if there was anything I needed to help, you thought I would Random? What a joke? When am I, Fred Weasley, a big talker?"

"You are the most **** attractive man in the world!" Sylvia smiled and buried her head in his arms again.

Sylvia doesn't know since when, this chest has become hot and strong. When it comes to Fred, the boy with the smiley face always comes to her mind. And he seems to have long since become indomitable, and she can rely on her at will.

I know, I know.

The smile on Sylvia's face was more sincere than ever.

"Ah, it's time." Fred glanced at the clock on the wall.

"What?! You don't have the energy to torment me, do you?" Sylvia raised her head sharply, "Today must not..."

"Although I really don't want to break your expectations, Bunny." Fred laughed, "But I'm not talking about that, even though we're both working and there are very few opportunities."

"What are you going to say?" Sylvia quickly pulled the topic back.

"Happy birthday, my dear lady boss." Fred said and gently kissed Sylvia's forehead.

The lights in the room are on, but designed by this wonderful wizard, the light is gentle enough for romance.

"My birthday?" Sylvia looked at the hour hand pointing to zero, "I forgot."

"Look who's the idiot?" Fred waved his hand casually, "My plan has been disrupted! Originally I made a lot of arrangements! But yours Rest is more important."

"Why are you...wearing this?" Only then did Sylvia realize that his outfit was completely different from that of the day.

If you want to see the owner of the trick shop in a nice black suit, it's a dream! He'd only show up in stores wearing colors that were brighter than his hair.

This is the second time Sylvia has seen Fred in a black suit, the last time it was a sixth grade prom.

"When I was chatting with Li about the sixth grade when we found love, I found out that I actually lost at the dance." Fred raised his eyebrows, "I think, you must also want to return At that time, right?"

"Is this your gift for me?" Only then did Sylvia realize that her room had completely changed to what it looked like at the Hogwarts Hall Ball.

Fred straightened his suit with a smile, stood back on the ground, and gave a standard gentleman's ceremony.

"Can I have the pleasure of asking you to do a dance?" he said with a sly smile, "Mrs. Weasley?"

Fred's voice just fell, and I don't know where the music of the dance music sounded. It was the same song as the opening song of that year's dance.

Sylvia looked at him with laughter, but the joy in her heart was about to pop out of her eyes.

"Could you give me a face, my lady warrior?" Fred just held out his hand obediently and lowered his head until the palm of his hand told him that the girl had given his hand to him When he raised his head, his heart skipped a beat the moment he raised his eyes.

Sylvia used a little trick of disguising Magus to make her look exactly the same as that Christmas two years ago.

"My pleasure." Sylvia was already standing in front of him.

Fred smiled and took her hand, wrapped his arms around her waist, and spun around frantically to the beat of the drum.

This time, I invite you.

The author has something to say:

Don't be sad, let's have some cookies! Birthday chapter candy as usual!

It's been too cold these days! ! So cold ah ah ah ah! ! Heat up quickly! !

And I'm so busy! As soon as school starts, I already want to take a vacation

I don't know what to talk about, so let's go here The little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Chu Xuan; 5 bottles of cheesecake with milkshake; 4 bottles of Yemumumumumumumu; 1 bottle of vinyl chloride and Shen Qingxing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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