HP Dear Miss Freak

Chapter 159: One hundred five one, sleepless nights and annoying

"You owe me a hug."

Sylvia really didn't like the atmosphere of the Ministry. It would be nice if the Auror office could be independent. She doesn't like those people who are busy with all kinds of information and pass by her.

As a child, Sylvia followed Ted to the Ministry of Magic. Of course, she followed her father to work overtime at night under the circumstance that she repeatedly assured that she was absolutely quiet and well-behaved.

Everything in front of me was exactly as Sylvia had imagined.

But I never thought of having a round room.

Round room?

Sylvia was alert, but when she took a closer look, she was already in another room that was terribly dark.

In front of her was the lifeless veil and the lonely Sirius star.


Sylvia suddenly opened her eyes and bounced off the bed, but she closed her eyes again involuntarily because of the slipped sweat hitting her eyelashes, or the heavy emotion she couldn't hide.

"What's wrong? Bunny?"

Fred noticed the movement around him, rubbed his eyes and got up a little to look at the dark room, and then lay down in peace. But it didn't take long for him to prop himself up again, put one arm around Sylvia's waist, and put his head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Fred asked again. The softness this time was more out of concern than the sleepiness last time.

"It's alright, it's a nightmare." Sylvia replied casually, but the fear in her mind still couldn't be shaken.


"Fred." Sylvia turned her head and looked at Fred with her round eyes, "I dreamed that Sirius died."

Fred was obviously stunned, but he quickly pulled the girl into his arms with relief, "Dreams are fake, little Bunny. Hey, look at me, Bunny, look Follow me." He said softly, reaching out to straighten her messy hair when the girl turned her little face to him, "I'm here, it's alright."

"Fake, he won't die." Sylvia sniffed and put her weight on Fred's warm chest.

"Of course he won't," Fred said with great conviction.

"You can't die either." Sylvia's voice came muffled.

"I don't." Fred laughed, but Sylvia glanced unhappily, "I think it was a nightmare that scared you because of Dad's injury. Don't be too nervous, get a good night's sleep, when the Christmas holidays are over and you have to prepare for the exam again, you won't have a good night's sleep."

"I don't care! No one is allowed to die anyway!" Sylvia angrily clenched her fists, "God **** Voldemort!"

But it didn't take long before she sat up again.

"No, no, no..." She yanked back the curtains, got out of bed and put on her dressing gown, waving her wand to light a candle, "Kreacher!"

Kreacher appeared on the carpet in the room, and bowed his head respectfully: "What does Miss Sylvia need to tell Kreacher?"

"Does Sirius often go out on patrol?" Sylvia stared, as if the elf nodded if she dared...she didn't seem to be able to do it.

"The master occasionally goes out on patrol." Kreacher nodded and spoke slowly in his hoarse voice, "but more often he is at the stronghold. To avoid special circumstances, such as this Once." He looked at Fred with his head sticking out.

"So, he doesn't go out very often, right?" Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief, "If he goes out, you are here, he will definitely let you have anything to do with it. Just find him right?"

"Yes." Kreacher was not surprised by Sylvia.

"Okay, very good." Sylvia smiled slowly, "If you want to find him, you don't need to know where he goes... Promise me, anything happens in the ancestral house You have to inform him."

"Of course." Kreacher said disapprovingly, "This is Kreacher's mission."

"If there is any unexpected situation..." Sylvia was interrupted by Fred.

"Don't tell her." Fred stared straight at Kreacher, "I know you won't listen to me either. But if you don't want to make her a worrying **** all day long , don't tell her."

"How do you know what I'm going to say?" Sylvia turned her head and glanced at Fred complainingly.

"Notify my dad." Fred's eyes were full of indifference. "Notify the other members of the Order of the Phoenix. Anyway, she can't be notified, especially before the N.E.W.Ts exam."

"Yes." Sylvia looked at Fred and then at Kreacher, "Listen to Fred, just do it."

Kreacher disappeared, leaving them both looking at each other.

"I may seem crazy." Sylvia looked at him, "But I just had a nightmare, shouldn't you understand?"

"I don't understand." Fred went back to the bed, leaned against the head of the bed and rolled his eyes, "What can you do if there is an emergency? Run out of Hogwarts?"

"You know I can escape."

"Because I know." Fred stared, "Then if something happens to you, who will notify me?"

"I know you're worried about me." Sylvia softened her voice.

Fred didn't say anything, just held out his hand. And Sylvia took his hand and plunged into his arms again.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?"

It is perfectly understandable for Sirius to say this. He had read the entire Daily Prophet, and Sylvia was staring at him the whole time.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Sirius asked uncertainly.

"No." Sylvia shook her head.

"Don't you have anything to do?" Sirius frowned slightly.

"Yes." Sylvia blinked, "I'm using the most precious vacation time of the seventh grade to accompany my favorite uncle!"

"Huh." Sirius touched his arm to soothe the sudden goose bumps, "Where are you making trouble? Tell me, what do you want."

"I don't want anything." Sylvia got up from a slightly far chair and sat beside Sirius, "I just want to spend more time with you, caring for empty nesters."

Sirius put the back of his hand on Sylvia's forehead.

"I'm not sick!"

"I don't think so."

Suddenly, there was movement from the gate of the ancestral house.

"Are you under too much pressure? You haven't lost your nerve for a while." Sirius glanced at his little niece and got up to check. He heard a familiar voice talking to Molly in the hallway.

"You should ask her if she is too busy." Snape stepped into the room before Sirius walked out of the kitchen. "Miss Tonks can still have a stressful time?"

"What are you doing?" Sirius' eyes immediately revealed undisguised malice.

"I'm here to talk to Potter." Snape snorted coldly, and slapped a letter in his hand on the table, "It's what Dumbledore meant."

"What do you want to talk to him about?" Sirius said in a very bad tone, opening the letter, "Dumbledore asked you to talk?"

But Sylvia has no plans to move.

"Since it's what Dumbledore meant, let's talk about it." Sirius showed an air of unrelenting, "But I'm also present."

"Do you think I'll be bad for Potter?"

"It's hard to think not."

"Professor Snape, do you see any chance of getting E for my potion?" Sylvia quickly found a lighter topic.

"I thought you could learn some self-knowledge even if you didn't learn anything." Snape sneered.

"My niece is so good, she can't get E in potions, isn't it that you are too useless as a professor?" Sirius said fiercely, as if he was about to become a big dog Snape Snape's neck.

"I've never wondered who you are like, Miss Tonks." Snape didn't look at Sirius, and from his tone, he could feel that he got a good joke, " Ridiculously stupid."

"He is right, it is indeed my problem." Sylvia was slapped on the back of the head by Sirius as soon as she finished speaking.

"Who do you think I'm talking to? Where are you from?" Sirius stared in disbelief.

Harry pushed open the kitchen door, he made a slight noise to announce his presence.

"Sit down, Potter." Snape's face turned to the door. "Get out, Tonks."

"I said," Sirius pulled the chair back and sat back, leaning back, tilting the chair, and shouting to the ceiling, "I hope you don't give orders here, Snape, This is my home."

"Professor Dumbledore didn't say let Sylvia Tonks go away." Sylvia pointed to the stationery in front of Sirius with her most cheerful tone, and continued to smile. nestled in her chair.

The girl said this to see the wonderful look on Snape's pale face. She seemed to be able to hear a long sarcasm from the ugly arc of his mouth, plus a little bit of cursing.

Harry seemed to know what a terrifying conversation he was forced to engage in, and cautiously came to sit on the other side of Sirius.

"I should have talked to you alone, Potter," said Snape's usual sneer, "but Blake—"

"I'm his godfather!" Sirius's voice became even louder, "This is my home, I have the final say, and you are not allowed to leave, Searle."

Snape was going to be **** off.

Sylvia no longer dared to look at him.

"I'm here by Dumbledore's orders," said Snape, his voice becoming more and more sinister, "but please stay, Blake, I know your uncles and nephews like to have Participation, right? Tonks?"

"What do you mean?" Sirius slammed the chair legs back to the ground.

Sylvia leaned over and whispered, "I like the meaning of nosy."

"You want to break your head and think about doing something to make yourself not so useless, don't you?" Snape seemed to have found something good, "I see that you haven't done anything in your busy schedule. Anything useful, Blake? Same as your niece."

Sylvia shut up. She also noticed that Sirius blushed and Snape turned to Harry with a triumphant smile.

"The principal asked me to inform you, Potter, that he wants you to study Occlumency this semester." Snape gave Sylvia a sidelong glance, as if surprised that she was not here at this time He clapped the table to show how well his student leader did.

"Study what?" Harry asked blankly.

Snape's sneer became more pronounced: "Occlumency, the spell to protect the mind from foreign intrusion, is an obscure but very useful branch of witchcraft. Your good friend Tonks Miss Tonks didn't mention it to you?" He said and looked at Sylvia, "But if Barty hadn't just tried it out last year to ask about the professors in the office, Miss Tonks would have been hiding it very well. "

"You learned Occlumency?" Sirius looked surprised.

"It took me three years...to teach myself." Sylvia admitted that she was a little smug, "It's not perfect, but I've been training myself hard."

"So...why should I study big...this thing?" Harry frowned.

"Because the principal thinks it's necessary," Snape said in a long tone, "you have one session a week alone, but you can't tell anyone, especially Dolores Umbridge. .Understand?"

"Understood. Who will teach me?"


Sylvia noticed that the wonderful expression on Snape's face had shifted to Harry's.

"Why can't Dumbledore teach him?" Sirius asked aggressively, "Why you?"

"I think it's because the Headmaster has the right to delegate unpleasant assignments," Snape said tactfully. "I assure you this is not my own."

"Since I can teach myself why can't I also teach myself?" Harry looked at Sylvia, "Or let Syl teach me?"

"Miss Tonks should have the ability. If the Dark Lord is willing to wait three years, it will be better." Snape stood up, "I'll be in my office at six o'clock on Monday night. Waiting for you, Potter. If anyone asks, it's Potions tutoring, and no one who's seen you in my class will deny that it's necessary."

"Wait a minute." Sirius sat up as Snape was about to leave.

"I'm busy, Blake, not like you." Snape sneered back.

"Then let me be straight." Sirius stood up, "If I hear you teach Harry Occlumency to fix him, I will settle the account with you."

"How touching," Snape sneered, "you must find Potter very much like his father?"

"Not bad." Sirius said proudly, not seeing Sylvia's eyes sinking at all.

"Then you should know that he is arrogant and arrogant, and criticism is deaf to him." Snape twitched the corners of his mouth.

Sylvia stood up abruptly to stop Sirius, but her uncle raised his wand on her shoulder reluctantly. Snape also showed his wand.

"Sirius!" Harry shouted.

"Shut up!" Sylvia looked at Snape and shouted, "Don't let you talk like this again!" Then she turned to Sirius, "You too, can you..."

"I warned you, snot!" Sirius shouted, and Sylvia felt that her ears were about to end her life, "Dumbledore may think you've been transformed, but I don't think so!"

"Oh, then why didn't you tell him?" Snape whispered, "Is it because of your negligence that led to the failure of the survey not long ago, so you dare not speak in front of Dumbledore? "

"Tell me, how's Lucius Malfoy doing? I think he's glad his pug is teaching at Hogwarts?"

"Looks like this is your little pug, right? Blake?" Snape looked at Sylvia and smirked, "Look at Potter and Tonks, and you'll know them What ridiculous genes are inherited, and what can you teach them."

Sirius took Sylvia with his left hand and held her in his arms, and pointed his wand at Snape's head with his right hand. "No!" Harry yelled, flipping over the table and pushing Sirius's arm, the spell slammed into the wall.

"Dare you say it again!" Sirius was clearly furious, and Sylvia and Harry held him tightly to prevent him from casting the spell again.

At this very moment, the kitchen door opened, and the Weasley family and Hermione swarmed in, all elated. "It's cured!" Mr. Weasley walked proudly in the middle, announcing excitedly to the whole kitchen, "completely cured!"

But they all froze at the door soon, staring at the farce in front of them.

"My God." Mr. Weasley's smile disappeared. "What's going on?"

At this moment, Sylvia and Harry breathed a sigh of relief. Because both Sirius and Snape had their wands down, the sudden influx of witnesses seemed to have brought them back to their senses. Sirius took a few steps back, while Snape put his wand in his pocket and strode out of the kitchen, ignoring Weasley and the others.

"Monday at six o'clock, Potter." When he reached the door, he turned his head and said, and then walked away.

"What's the matter?" asked Mr. Arthur again.

"It's nothing, Arthur," Sirius finally put down the contempt on his face, "It's just two old schoolmates catching up. Are you cured? Good!"

"It's not!" Mrs Molly led her husband to a chair, "Healer Smethic has finally found an antidote for snake venom, which can be used against all kinds of snake venom, and Arthur also Lessons learned from tinkering with Muggle medicine, haven't you, dear?"

"Yes, Molly," Arthur said meekly. "You should look at that young Norman man, his report on snake venom is amazing!"

"It's all a pleasure." Sylvia said quickly, "Get ready for dinner! We'll be going back to Hogwarts tomorrow."

This dinner was not as pleasant as it seemed. Even Fred and George noticed that Sirius went out of his way to liven things up when he echoed their jokes aloud.

"We found a suitable location for the trick shop." But Fred brings unexpected news to Sylvia.

"Diagonal Alley?" Sylvia couldn't hold back her ecstasy and blurted out, and hurriedly looked at the large table of people who were happy and made sure that no one noticed their movement here.

"93 Diagon Alley." George said with a smile, "We've got the principal."

"Really?" Sylvia's eyes were glowing, "So fast? You guys are too good!"

"It's all thanks to the gambling money you recovered at that time." Fred sighed while cutting the tender steak on the plate, "Not to mention that our tricks have proved to be very marketable."

"It's time for you to discuss the shares with Fred, Seale." George said with a grin.

"Discussing the issue of shares?" Sylvia snorted softly, "Isn't Fred's mine?"

Fred just lifted his chin happily.

And George patted his head obviously to say that he was stupid.

Sylvia smiled and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and when she looked up, she saw that Sirius in front of him was still sullen.


After dinner, Sylvia stopped Sirius: "How is it? Do you want a fight?"

Sirius' preoccupied face seemed to have a little bit of a cloud to see the sun right away.


The two of them came to the old room that was often used for training. As soon as Sylvia entered the door, she sideways escaped a rapid arrest by Sirius.

Sylvia didn't say much nonsense, she turned her wrist to point to Sirius, the Bone Shattering Curse was supposed to appear, but the tip of the staff burst out with amazing flames, although it was eventually blocked.

When Kreacher passed by the door of the room, he heard the sound of swords, lights and swords inside, just shook his head accustomed to it, and continued to walk to his little master's room, ready to carry out routine cleaning.

"Are you cool?" Sylvia panted, using the Flying Charm to pull an armchair for herself and sat down.

Sirius did not smile as she expected. With his back to the floor-to-ceiling windows, his tall figure blended into the dull night.

"Searle." He sighed lightly, "You have really grown up, and you can be on your own."

"I can take care of my uncle, right?" Sylvia raised her head with a smile.

"Do you remember what you said to me when you were very young? You are so young, you must not remember." Sirius smiled with relief, "Your mother said don't always let Your uncle accompanies you to make trouble, but you said that when you grow up, you can accompany me, so it will be fair."

"Obviously I didn't break my promise." Sylvia shrugged, "I'm graduating soon, Sirius, when I have a salary, I can support you stinky old man, you Just rest assured.”

"Stinky girl, you still want this and that with me all day long. You can spend the Black family's money before you can find a way to help me." Sirius's smile grew stronger .

"I take back what I said during the day, I want something now, okay?" Sylvia stood up with a smile.

"When will I not give you what you want?" Sirius folded his arms and seemed to be looking forward to her making unreasonable demands.

"I want a hug, okay?"

Does Sirius want to laugh at the little girl or keep his coquettish side. But he saw a different light in Sylvia's eyes at the moment, like how precious his hug was.

He opened his arms, just waiting for his little niece to throw himself into his arms, as always.

"You owe it first." Sylvia said, stepping forward to open the door, looking back at Sirius, "I want it for summer vacation."

"It's up to you." Sirius didn't put his arm down, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could see his stubbornness when he was young.

"You remembered it." Sylvia stood at the door and said righteously, "You, Sirius Black, owe me a hug. I, Sylvia Tonks, I'm taking it back from summer vacation, understand?"

"Got it, little lunatic."

"No matter what the accident!" Sylvia raised her voice, "You remember me!" A fleeting sadness flashed in her eyes, "You owe me one Hug, I must get it in summer vacation!"

Sirius seemed to understand what Sylvia was worried about.

"Hey! Stupid girl!" He hurriedly shouted to stop the girl who was leaving, "I will drive you to school tomorrow, only you, directly to Hogwarts!"

"Are you crazy?" Sylvia turned her head and laughed, "I don't care, let's talk about when you really have a sports car."

The worried girl left and the door was closed.

Sirius exhaled softly, put down his arms and turned to look out of the gray window, and after a while, he lowered his head and laughed again.

The author has something to say:

Everyone remember, this Sirius owes a hug, he has to pay it back, adults can't lie to children!

The most tense part of this year is to save Sirius. Searle's second kpi belongs to yes.

It's never been said.

I love writing stories about my uncle and nephew. There will be stories with love like this, and there will always be.

For the wrong things Sirius did, of course I don't wash him. Asking Searle to help Sirius here is simply because James' death was too heavy for both Harry and Sirius present. Just because of that. I have always maintained a stance of not taking a stand on the grievances of their generation. Who knows what was going on at the time, and how far both of them did it? Snape has undoubtedly done hurtful things too, though so have their predators. All in all, these guys are stupid. I've thought about why I don't have a crush on James but I like Sirius, it's his loyalty and righteousness that prevail for me.

I can never finish speaking to the black family.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-2810:23:33~2021-12-2910:23:33

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Yemumumumumumu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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