HP Dear Miss Freak

Chapter 146: One thirty-eight, student leader and question

"I'm the head girl?"

"Do you think that living here is just like that? It's not as exciting as I imagined, just the look of everyone going in and out with their brows furrowed?" Sylvia asked Harry like this, " Harry, I know you've been wronged a lot at your aunt's house. But you know, it's not easy for everyone right now."

She wasn't worried about Harry's trial, because she knew it was going to go well, and that's what happened. She usually chats more casually with Harry and is a close big sister. Because she was worried that little Harry would complain that they didn't bring him back to his real home sooner.

She needs Harry to trust her more.

If the sixth grade is her carelessness, then in the seventh grade she must make sure that everything is safe.

"Come back? Look at the letter from Hogwarts, Bunny." Fred saw Sylvia who opened the door and handed her the envelope.

"It's coming, this year's letter is too slow." Sylvia rubbed her shoulders and sighed, "It seems that the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor has finally been appointed. It's down, and the bibliography is also set."

She said this in a decidedly unfriendly tone.

"Yeah, I really don't know who it will be." Fred shrugged, "Have you handed in all your manuscripts?"

"Yes. Luna's dad is obviously happy to help." Sylvia took the envelope, stretched, and sat down against Fred, "Your letter is Throw it away after reading it? This is not taking school seriously anymore, boys?"

She knew that the two of them had devoted almost all of their time to tricks this summer, and she knew that they were not in the mood to read the last year.

"We will still go back." Fred shook his head.


"That's George's reason, and I'm because I miss you." Fred smiled ingratiatingly.

"You better forget it." Sylvia snorted disdainfully. After reading the letter with the textbook catalog, she looked at the envelope and took out another piece of paper.

"We figure it out, we need to make a lot of money to buy a store." George lay on the carpet and sighed, "But we believe that we can make that amount soon. "

"I believe that through our advertising and the word of mouth we usually accumulate at Hogwarts, business will be very good after school starts." Fred is obviously very sure.

"Brothers..." Sylvia opened her mouth, turned to them slowly, and took out the gadgets in the envelope, "I've been elected as the girl student council president?"


Fred and George instantly cheered.

"Merlin! How happy is Mommy? The third student head of our family has appeared." Fred wrapped his arms around his girl.

"Are you upset?" Sylvia pinched his nose.

"Of course I'm happy!" Fred was forced to make a nasal voice that made them all laugh.

"Should have thought of it!" George raised his head proudly, "Who is more suitable to be a girl's head than Seale? No!"

"Let me see how Dumbledore compliments my little Bunny." Fred took the letter and read it with great interest.

"Dumbledore trusts me." Sylvia smiled, but the corners of her mouth were heavy.

If there's anything that could get her elected, it's hard not to think of this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts professor—that **** fan.

This year, if there is a strong student to be the student council president, it must be the best.

And I will definitely live up to my mission.

"We have to let everyone know the good news quickly." Fred smiled and pressed Sylvia's shoulder.

"Speaking of which, who will be the new prefect of Gryffindor this year?" George's eyes rolled, as if sifting through the names in his mind.

"I bet on a Ron." Sylvia said this sentence quite confidently.

"You meant to want me to win, didn't you?" Fred looked at her in disbelief, "Then I'll bet it's not Ron anyway. Isn't that a bit rude? I bet yes profit."

"No confidence in your brother?" Sylvia raised her chin and raised her eyebrows.

"Or a Silver Sic?" George was obviously more excited than the two of them.

"Of course." They both said in unison, their eyes are full of inevitable light.

"Then wait and see." George also held Sylvia's shoulder.

With a bang, the three of them landed next to Harry.

"There are only two new books, Standard Spells, Level 5, by Miranda Goshak, and Defense Theory of Magic, by Wilbert Slinka." Harry Reading the book list.

"Come and say hello to our head schoolgirl!" Fred and George cheered, as did Ron and Harry.

"Searle, have you elected the female student council president? That's great!" Harry couldn't help jumping up and down.

"Yeah! That's good news!" Ron looked even more exaggerated, and his star eyes could no longer be hidden.

"Speaking of which, we are also wondering who ordered Slinka's book." Fred took Harry's book list and said.

"Of course this means Dumbledore has found a new teacher for Defence Against the Dark Arts." George nodded.

"I can't wait to read this book," Sylvia said sarcastically. She knew what kind of ideas that fan would instill in them, and she was very interested in this book on paper.

"What does that mean?" Harry looked at them.

"Oh, we overheard Mom and Dad with telescopic ears a few weeks ago." Fred exchanged glances with Sylvia and George, "From their It could be heard in the conversation that Dumbledore struggled to find someone who could do the job this school year."

"Isn't it?" Sylvia couldn't help laughing, "The legend of this workstation can be recorded in the history books."

"Looking at what happened to the four teachers in the past, it's not surprising, right?" George also laughed.

"One was fired, one died, one was erased, and one was locked in a box for nine months." Harry counted one by one with his fingers, "Yes Ah, I see what you mean."

"Ron, what's the matter with you?" Fred noticed his brother's motionless appearance, but didn't notice that the corners of Sylvia's mouth could not stop rising.

"What's the matter?" Fred asked impatiently, looking at Ron's stunned expression, while walking around behind Ron and looking at the parchment over his shoulder.

Three, two, one.

After Sylvia finished the countdown in her heart, she expected to see Fred also stunned.

"Prefect?" Fred stared at the letter in disbelief, and then looked at Sylvia sharply. George rushed forward, snatched the envelope from Ron's other hand, and after turning it upside down, a gleaming prefect's medal fell onto the carpet.

"You're amazing too, Syl." George stared at Sylvia, "You and Dumbledore colluded for a joke?"

"I don't believe it! I must have made a mistake!" Fred snatched the letter from Ron and held it high in the light, as if to check the watermark." Who in their right mind would choose Ron as prefect?"

"Shut up! You two!" Sylvia picked up the badge and handed it to Ron, then grabbed the envelope from Fred's hand and gave the twins' heads alone For a moment, "Why can't Ron? I thought he could."

"We thought it must be Harry!" Fred looked at Harry and listened to his tone, as if Harry had deceived them in some way.

"That's right! We thought Dumbledore would choose you for sure!" George said indignantly.

"Be willing to surrender, Fred." Sylvia held out her hand unceremoniously.

"I still can't believe it's true." Fred muttered unhappily, giving Ron a complaining look.

"What do you mean?" Ron looked at Sylvia blankly.

"Did you bet?" Harry couldn't help laughing as he watched Fred take a silver scotch from his pocket and threw it to Sylvia.

"Damn it." Fred tutted and looked at Ron, "Bunny bet with me that the prefect must be you."

"Ah...you're not the one who proposed to Professor Dumbledore to choose me as a prefect?" Ron blinked, as if he hadn't recovered.

"What nonsense?" Sylvia rolled her eyes, "Don't listen to Fred and George talking nonsense, why don't you deserve to be a prefect? ​​Dora also said at the time to choose me Being a prefect is blind. It's just a joke between biological brothers and sisters."

Sylvia was more than anyone willing to tell Ronald Weasley that he deserved it all, that he was better and braver than most.

"But, I thought you guys wouldn't gamble any more." Harry shrugged, "We always say you're old and married."

"That's what you don't understand, Harry." George shook his head enigmatically, "Whoever wins or loses, and whose pocket the money falls into, isn't it all their money? It's just a little more fun between stinky couples."


"Did you hear that? Brats! Fred readily accepted.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. Hermione rushed into the room, holding her envelope in her hand: "You—" She seemed a little surprised when she saw the prefect badge in Ron's hand, looking at Ron and then at Harry.

"I'm glad that my junior cadres are all acquaintances." Sylvia showed a loving smile.

"What? Oh!" Hermione exclaimed when she saw the student head badge in Sylvia's hand, "Sylvia, are you the new student council president? The prefect is me and— "

"Ron." Harry pushed the still surprised Ron, "It's Ron."

"I... oh! Wow! Ron, that's great! It's-" Hermione looked extra excited.

"I didn't expect—" George continued with a smile.

"No!" Hermione's face flushed, "No, no, Ron has done a lot too, he really..."

The door was pushed open again, and Mrs. Molly stepped back with a pile of freshly washed clothes and walked in. "Ginny said the books are finally here." She said, glancing at the envelopes in everyone's hands, "If you give me the books, I'll go to Diagon Alley this afternoon and buy them for you, while you pack at home. Ron, I'm going to buy you another set of pajamas, this one is at least six inches shorter, can't believe how you're growing so fast. What color do you want?"

"Buy him red and gold to match his badge." George said with a smirk.

"What's with him?" Their mother absently rolled up a pair of maroon socks and placed them on Ron's pile of clothes.

"His badge," Fred said in one breath, as if the pain was worse than the pain, "His lovely, new, shiny prefect badge. "

"I can't stand you two." Sylvia sighed helplessly.

"His what?" Mrs. Molly took a while to recover.

"Ron has been elected as a prefect!" Sylvia simply announced the happy news directly, and Ron also raised his badge.

"You look more happy than mom." Fred whispered in Sylvia's ear as his mom screamed.

"I can't be relieved?" Sylvia snorted and asked, "I warn you not to say things that look down on him."

"I can't believe it! I can't believe it! Oh, Ron, that's amazing! Prefect! Everyone in the family is a prefect!" said Mrs. Molly, Sylvia couldn't help laughing.

"What about Fred and me? Next door?" George said incredulously, but his mother pushed him aside and put her arms around her youngest son.

"Stop laughing." Fred couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw Sylvia, who was laughing, but he still stood so the girl could lean on him.

"Stop laughing." Sylvia said, but the whole person giggled as if she had been tapped.

"I don't know who you look like." Fred smiled and shook his head.

"That can't be, learn from you?" Sylvia finally finished laughing, barely straightening up.

"That's right, Mom." Ron said again after successfully getting the promise of a new broom, "Searle has been elected student council president."

"Really?" Mrs. Molly pushed Fred away and hugged Sylvia as if dazzled by happiness, "Oh Syl, such a good boy, I So happy for you."

"Thank you, Aunt Molly." Sylvia returned a sweet smile.

"This is great, isn't it? Even the head of the student belongs to our family." Fred shouted, covering his arm that just hit the wall.

"Yes my dear son." Molly looked at Fred with a wide smile, "I'm sure it will be soon." She said bouncing out of the room.

"Why do I feel like the sentence just now seems to mean another thing?" Sylvia narrowed her eyes.

George smiled and leaned over to Sylvia, looking at Fred, "It will be soon, right? Fred?"

"Isn't this already?" Fred looked at Sylvia, "Why doesn't Mom understand that Bunny is our family?"

"Really? Why didn't I know?" Sylvia smiled and pushed open the door and walked out.

"You know! Bunny! You know!"

"Student president? Prosperous! Little freak!" Dora rushed towards Sylvia with all her strength, causing the plate of baked potatoes in her sister's hand to drop out.

"You!" Sylvia quickly took out her wand and cast a floating spell on the plate of her favorite food, "Nymphadora Tonks! Can you be more calm? ?"

"I know I know—" Dora just hugged her with a smirk, gesturing to Molly on the side, "I can't let you be ashamed in front of your future mother-in-law—pretend to be dignified and virtuous Do you look tired?"

"Hey, I don't know if I'm tired or not, at least it's pretending to be a student council president badge." Sylvia said with a wink, hitting her sister hard with her butt, holding a plate came to the table.

That same evening, Mrs. Molly hung a banner above the dining table to congratulate the two new prefects and a new student council president.

"Sometimes I really don't know what Dumbledore likes about her?" Dora shook her head at Ginny and turned her hair into long red hair. "Equally restless, why didn't I get this treatment?"

"I don't know what to say either." Ginny watched Sylvia bustling in and out helping her mother prepare dinner, with a smile on her face, "Sill seems to be Some places are just unique."

"Like being cheeky? This girl is a bitch." Duo stretched her legs and tried to trip Sylvia, but she was easily avoided, "But I know my dear sister has a relationship with A unique charm that no one else has."

"Why does your red hair look so good? My red hair is not good-looking at all!" Sylvia turned her head and noticed something different, "You look more like Ginny. sister."

"What's the matter, Syl-" Ginny said in a long voice, "Aren't we family long ago?"

The three of them noticed the signal of everyone toasting to celebrate, raised a glass of butterbeer together, and drank half a glass before putting it down. Sylvia thanked everyone for their congratulations and responded to Sirius' excessive praise with a helpless smile before turning back.

"Eh—that is to say—" Dora looked like she didn't think it was a big deal, "Searle is still young, how do you know what she likes if you don't talk to a few people? ?"

"Really—" Sylvia said in an exaggerated tone, staring, "After talking about some boys, I realized that I wanted to find a stable and reliable man to marry, right? Dora?"

"You! Shhh!" Dora covered her mouth instantly, "I warn you not to arrange my affairs!"

"Oh," Ginny smirked knowingly, following Dora's unnatural look at the dining table.

"Don't think too much!" Dora's elbow touched Ginny, "You are very similar to your brother, these bad-hearted people who love to join in the fun."

"My bad-hearted brother who loves to join in the fun is better than me. He brought your sister back to our house." Ginny said proudly, "Hey, what about Fred? Isn't he hanging on you all day?"

"That's it." Sylvia glanced at the corner where Fred and George were whispering around Mundungus, "Let me tell you, Fred Now thinking: Bunny must not notice us while Ginny and her sister are having such a good time chatting."

Speaking of this, Fred just turned his head to meet Sylvia's gaze, showing a guilty smile.

"Eat, sisters." Sylvia complied with Molly's call and sat down at the table with Ginny and Dora.

"He also sees that you don't like Mundungus anymore?" Dora smiled gleefully, "What deal did your boy secretly do with that little thief?"

"Wait." Sylvia pulled the chair on the other side knowingly. Fred sat down beside her and turned to face her.

"I bought some poisonous tentacle seeds from Mundungus." Fred lowered his voice, as if he couldn't wait to explain, "We're going to use them for our quick-cut candy, but It's a Class C prohibited trade item, so we've been having a hard time getting it."

Sylvia didn't speak, just narrowed her eyes and quietly put a mouthful of butterbeer into her mouth.

"I, I admit, I bought a lot of stuff from him. I know you hate that guy, but it's just for our cause isn't it?" Fred blinked and said quickly .

Sylvia remained silent.

Fred turned his head sharply to George and whispered a few words, George thought for a while, then shook his head decisively.

Sylvia finally couldn't help laughing.

"Are you asking George if you've done anything wrong lately? No, Fred. I'm not that careful either. That guy can get the materials he needs there and that's one of the few things he's worth Yes." Sylvia's shoulders kept shaking, "But I seem to have found a good way to make you confess and be lenient."

"Of course I know I didn't do anything wrong." Fred snorted, "Little rascal, I'm afraid you're not happy that you actually read my jokes?"

"Look." Sylvia patted her chest, "This is the strength of the student council president."

"You can do it." Fred smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, what did you girls just talk about so happily?" George leaned over and asked.

"Uh?" Dora was still laughing, but she was even more excited when she heard this.

"We just agreed on something." Sylvia was trying to sell.

"In what way?" Fred and George asked at the same time.

"We think—" Ginny was glad that she had the right to speak at this moment, "Girls should still have a few more relationships to know what kind of person to find for life."

"You're so brave!" Fred put his hand on Sylvia's leg and squeezed **** the inner thigh, "Do you think so?"

"Hmm!" Sylvia held his hand to keep him from moving, while noticing that her sudden twitching reaction was not noticed by the elders across the long table , "Don't move! Fred!"

Fred leaned into her ear and whispered: "This is just a small punishment for you now, you know you have a good time."

"I have to say your threats aren't very attractive in this situation, Fred." Sylvia lifted her chin, but her hands were tightly held under the dining table. Fred's hand.

"I know threats are useless—" Fred raised his eyebrows, "I know what I say will make you scream and cover my mouth and lose face, the student council Miss."

"Shh! Don't say it." Sylvia compromised.

"Hey George you know..."

"Didn't I tell you not to!"

"I tell you, George, Bunny is..."

Fred suddenly turned his head to look at Sylvia, he had been hit by her tongue and throat spell.


"Did I tell you? Bigfoot?" Remus, who was sitting opposite Sylvia, looked at Sirius with a smile. Although they could not hear the voice, they also witnessed the slapstick of the young people. "Searle has a unique charm and courage."

"She can take care of the Weasley twins, and the others are not ready yet?" Sirius readily accepted this evaluation, "I dare say that no one is more suitable than my Seale. Be the student council president."

Although Fred couldn't say a word, he lifted Sylvia with a chair and leaned against him tightly.

The author has something to say:

Let me see how many of my friends guessed? Searle is the girl student council president! Are you happy? I was wondering if I might be exaggerating a bit at first, but she deserves it! She deserves to be a student leader!

Of course, this also means that the battle of wits and courage with fans in the next year will be quite exciting.

About Ron, I will tell him how good he is through Searle, I never think he is weak or anything in the trio, he is reckless or sensitive and will say some injuries Human, but he also has many, many excellent qualities. Searle will help me, tell him well.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Yuemijindu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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