Chapter 34


Hogu, who was hiding in the undersea curtain, noticed the giant eddies with a diameter of one nautical mile appearing on the water surface through the vision system in the covered area.

Obviously, this is the phenomenon of giant tornado columns appearing on the sea.

"Sure enough, it was attracted because of a major project renovation..."

Huogu issued an order, and the sporadic gourds in the covered area floated to the surface of the water after receiving the order.

At this moment, the water surface is choppy, the average height of the waves is more than 20 meters, the wind speed is even more astonishingly high, the orange-red sky is a little darker, the thunderclouds are shining brightly and accompanied by the sound of an explosion, the momentum is huge, from time to time There will be lightning bolts of up to one billion volts bursting out of the clouds and hitting the sea.

"Where is that guy?"

With the help of the gourd's eyes on the water, Huo Gu looked into the sky, searching for the unknown life form that could control wind and thunder.

Unfortunately, nothing was found, not even in the clouds. After the visible light vision system failed to search, Hogu switched to the infrared and ultraviolet perspectives to search, but still failed to find any hidden guys.

In other words, the other party does not exist nearby, or does not have any entity.

This kind of situation inevitably reminded Huogu that the elves in western mythology, they have no entity, and their own existence represents a certain type of phenomenon, so wherever they go, the phenomenon will happen there.

"But this is a myth and superstition!"

"Life is a phenomenon. It feeds on negative entropy and will actively absorb negative entropy from the outside world to maintain its own state. Therefore, where life exists, the change in entropy will intensify."

"Let's not talk about the energy formed by tornadoes. Just talking about lightning, the voltage is as high as 100 million volts to one billion volts. To maintain life, you need to swallow something of a higher energy level, but how can this kind of thing exist on the planet?"

Huo Gu, who had been thinking for a long time but to no avail, stared blankly at the thunderclouds in the sky.

"I don't believe in myths. After all, I'm a materialist. It should be some kind of technology..."

"...Could it be that the other party is in a farther place, remotely interfering with the environment of this planet?"

Hogu thought of the earth’s satellites. He once heard from his friends who work at the International Astronautical Center that in a few years, they will be able to control the global weather. By that time, which country needs rainfall for drought, and which country needs flooding? In the dry season, it is even possible to customize the weather and artificially create rainbows to match city celebrations.

"If this is the case, the other party is likely to be in outer space. Of course, the possibility of a ground base station is not ruled out."

"For the time being, don't worry about that much. If you continue to expand the coverage of the rhizome, you may be able to find the opponent's ground base station."

Hogu withdrew his attention from the water surface gourd, and devoted himself to controlling the entire group on the bottom of the sea.

Time passed by, and the area covered by the rhizome system on the seabed increased from 200 nautical miles to 400 nautical miles. During this period, the attack Hogu expected did not appear, the tornado was still in the original position, and thunder and lightning fell to the sea from time to time.

However, water is an electrolyte. Although seawater can conduct electricity due to impurities, there is a certain distance between the seabed and the sea surface. Before the lightning current reaches the seabed, it will be absorbed by water molecules and electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen.

This situation has continued from the very beginning to the present, which also made Huo Gu suspicious.

"Could it be that the other party doesn't actually have the means to interfere with the deep sea?"

This means that Huogu no longer needs to hide. Since the limit of the other party's ability is only like this, then there is no need for him to be afraid.

It is true that manipulating the weather is a very powerful force, but if it is only limited to the sea, then Huo Gu does not have to land on the land at all. In this period of the Hadean Era, the so-called land is just an island on the sea level, and the entire planet is absolutely invincible. Most of it is covered by sea water.

The wind and thunder on the sea continued like this for a while and then dissipated, just like the unreasonable brat next door who came home tired from playing.

it's over? ——After seeing the sea climate return to calm, Huo Gu subconsciously came up with such an idea.


The vibration is transmitted from the surrounding sea water to the inside of the body of the cell cluster, and the entire submarine cluster is vibrating.

Hogu could feel the source of the vibration, which came from the ground, that is to say, it was an earthquake, an earthquake that occurred in Haiti, and it was obvious that the other party had made a move.

"how did you do that?!"

Huogu exclaimed in his mind in amazement.

Cracks appeared on the bottom of the sea, and scarlet lava burst out one after another. The volcanoes in the area covered by the roots released even greater power. A large amount of water vapor appeared on the bottom of the sea, and because of the water pressure, it was confined in a small cavity. The organisms that entered the cavity were all steamed without exception.

The volcanoes with a radius of 400 nautical miles all seemed to go crazy in unison, and the force released became stronger and stronger. The original crater was stretched and cracked by this pressure, and a large amount of lava spread everywhere on the seabed like flowing water.

A large amount of gas was released, which caused the buoyancy to decrease, and the floating titanium snails and gourds fell into the lava on the seabed one after another, burning them.

"Damn it! I won't let you just do it recklessly!"

Huogu hurriedly issued an order before the relay chain was disconnected, and all the titanium snails started their escape propulsion.

The metal sodium came into contact with the water, and immediately there was a powerful explosion, and the titanium snails shot out like arrows off the string, even though the buoyancy in the sea dropped, they still couldn't be affected.

Huogu, who was inside the curtain, also randomly commanded the titanium snail he was boarding, and joined the fleeing titanium snail army.

Overlooking the sea from a high altitude, a white circle is expanding at a speed of 150 knots. It is the image of the 'tail flame' caused by the joint release of the titanium snail fleeing army and the contact between metal sodium and water.

Inside the circle, on the dark red sea bottom, the sea surface is constantly surging, like fountain-like waves, releasing far more water vapor than other water areas.

It looks like there is a big pot on the bottom of the sea, and a pot of delicious soup is being boiled.

It seems that some existences felt that the condiments of this pot of fresh soup were not enough, and added a little change.

"Huh?! What's coming?"

Huo Gu, who was fleeing, felt a sense of crisis, and all his senses were operating 100%, even in such a chaotic environment, he could keenly notice the changes in the current in the sea.

Right in front of the titanium snails fleeing, stands a 'white pillar'.

"that is……"

"The whirlpool?! It's the whirlpool in the sea!"

Huogu, who was extremely frightened, quickly issued a steering command, but still some titanium spirals were caught by the vortex and buried in it.

After running for a certain distance, just when Huogu thought he had escaped from the sky, an extremely powerful attraction emerged from under the titanium snail it was lodged on.

Huogu's heart skipped a beat, followed by a whirlwind.

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