How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Chapter 31: Interlude [Part1 / 2]

Remember in one second. ↘ finished ^ this. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘. Mobile phone users enter the address:


"But humans have hurt many animals in order to survive."

Vivienne lowered her eyes, a gloom of melancholy in the shadow under her eyelashes.

"Can't humans and animals get along peacefully?


I looked at her intently. These four words made me resonate. Of course, it does not mean that the person and Goblin are getting along peacefully. They are humans and dragons.

Once upon a time, when I saw Miss Sword Master's sister Levy smashing those dragon eggs, I couldn't help but want her to ... leave one for Ge.

The surviving dragon egg is still in my house, but I don't know how to hatch it.

Wow. I suddenly missed the dragon sister. She is the kindest dragon I have ever seen. I do n’t know where she is now.

"My vision is to achieve a world in which humans and animals live in peace.

Vivian's eyes were like a torch, as if she could foresee the future she wanted.

I smiled and said to her, "My thoughts are a little different from yours. I think the beast spirit tribe, the dragon tribe, and if we can live peacefully with humans like elves.

She stared into my eyes,-all in silence. In essence, our original intention was for peace? The carriage stopped, and my husband said to me, "Sir, my lord, the magic school is here.

The door opened, and I sent Vivian off the carriage. She stood in front of the academy and looked back at me against the setting sun.

"Only you can save those animals, because you are a maiden, and you have the power to change this-cut. I wish I could be like you.

Watching her leave, I pondered what she said. Lian Qi rubbed my hair.

"What's going on?

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, why did I come to this world as a maiden?"

Lian Qi scratched his face. "in order to-"

"Isn't it to meet us?" Qi Feng turned around with his hands behind him-and ran to the front of me.

I couldn't help laughing, and glared at Qi Feng strangely.

"Silly Y head. =

Then I asked Lian Qi instead: "You just said for one-for what?"

.... It's nothing. "Lian Qi inexplicably became nervous.

"Speaking, where are we going next?" She asked, how did I feel like I was moving?

"Let's go home? I'm so tired today. SE light novel

"Are you going to eat first?" Lian Qi suggested. "To be honest, I'm hungry."


I suddenly remembered that Lian Qi and I only ate a little fries at noon, how could it fill my stomach?

Think enough about what happened today. I was dating Lian Qi for a long time, but when I went to the museum, I met Vivian, who could melt the permafrost. Lian Qi also had a fight with Tyrannosaurus Rex (this is a date!)

Then she was summoned to the palace by Tristi and met with the beast spirit envoy. In the afternoon, Vivian was abducted again by Minister Ernest.

There are so many twists and turns on the first date, and it is destined to be unforgettable .....

At the same time, somewhere on the continent--

"(Dragon) I heard you" Was the environmental protection side J completely failed?

The talking "person" is a big breasted loli, wearing cool armor, long blue sea hair, and a pair of small and large horns near the ears, which is not unexpected for her beauty.

She sat gracefully on the throne of Dragon Flame's casting, holding her cheeks with her fists and hiding her tail behind her.

Various characteristics show that she is not a human, but a member of the dragon family, and is a blue dragon. .

With the thawing of the permafrost, a few dragons were frozen in the ice for 10,000-thousand years later and awakened, Garanthaia was one of them.

"Not all because someone sees through our plan."

The person who answered her was not someone else. It was Mister Cui Yi, a great pharmacist wanted by the Holy Flame Kingdom, the Holy Light Church, and the Adventurers Guild--throwing poisonous substances into the river to fake magic pollution, and going green and pollution-free The culprit of werewolf virus injection in vegetables.

"(Dragon) It's not going well on my side, I'm late--step, +-all dragon eggs, all destroyed by human adventurers. There is still one missing.

"What? The baby's dragon egg was smashed? This is an absolutely unforgivable thing in the eyes of the animal protection side!" Mister Choi expressed indignation.

Garantha sighed softly with her cheeks. "(Dragon) blames that the frequency of melting of the permafrost is too slow, and if I go on like this, I'm worried that even if the dragon races-the awakening will be broken by your humans one by one.

"Please rest assured that paving the way for you is my mission." Mitterst bowed respectfully.

"(Dragon) Unfortunately, there was a problem with the plan. The environmental protection side has been destroyed, which is equivalent to losing the Druid organization-half of the combat power and you are the only-surviving person."


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