How Can I Get Confused with the Top?

Vol 3 Chapter 119: What monster have I fanned?

"[The head emerges] is the picture book, and the column [Orange is very good] is the itinerary. I can probably understand that it is saying that my career is steadily improving, but I always feel strange." Chu Zhi's words said to Wang Yuan.

Because Wang Yuan, who is the main fruit, participated in the design of the [home] throughout the whole process, and she chose the oranges, the emergence of the head, and the orchard activities.

"What does Ah Jiu want to get?" Wang Yuan expressed his urgency: "As long as the thought does not slip, this name is very good. Ah Jiu, your Weibo name and ins name are both called [Eat a Big Orange], which fits very well."

"What do people think?" Chu Zhi thought about it and asked.

The nanny car was a seven-seat SUV, and the team members such as Fei Ge and Niu Jiangxue were all there. Because the destination of the vehicle was Hongqiao Airport, everyone was going to Bingcheng.

Brother Fei is still chatting with the Douyin Commerce Department. He made an offer of 1.5 billion a year (the endorsement fee and the operating expenses of Chu Zhi’s account), and Doufang’s offer of 38 million is a long way off.

Hearing the boss's inquiry, Brother Fei stopped pulling, thought about it, and responded, "Brother Chu, I feel that everything is fine."

Why is it all good, because to be an APP for fans, no membership, name change card, experience card and other series of charging methods are subsidized money. For things that are subsidized, the rational Fei Ge doesn't want to spend any time.

"Your Majesty thinks it's okay, then it's okay." Brother Qian said he didn't say it.

Only Sister Niu was in the middle and put forward practical suggestions: "Since this naming style is used, the [Video] column can also be called [Big Orange is the most important]. It's better?"

Wang Yuan's eyes lit up, and the words made sense. After the discussion between the two, the [Homeland] APP column was set, and the whole orange was in the heart (itinerary), the orange fan (picture book), the big orange is the most important (video), and the orange is very good. (activity), the overall tone of the APP is also orange, which does not violate harmony.

Chu Zhi used the "target function" again, as he expected, and after a simple test, he could put it on the Internet.

The group was to attend the conceptual meeting of the Harmony Summer Concert, and Chu Zhi was one of the two advocates.

The entertainment industry has been flattened and said that the advocate is not strong enough and prestige to be a guest at the opening ceremony, but the organizing committee has taken a fancy to your popularity.

Bingcheng is a UNESCO-recognized city of music, and the Harmony Summer Concert is of high quality, with Bel Canto teams from more than 20 countries at home and abroad participating.

"It's been famous for a long time, and I've long wanted to meet Brother Nine to talk about music." Li Fei took the initiative to say hello. He is another advocate of the Harmony Concert.

The name Li Fei may be unfamiliar, but his fans are very famous, and the fan group is known as a reporter.

That's right, he is Fei in [Wu Tou, Chuwei, Yixing Yunfei]. He graduated from the Yangyin Vocal and Opera Department, and fans call him the Prince of Bel Canto.

In fact, since his debut, he has never released a bel canto single, and only occasionally appears on variety shows.

"Brother Jiu, do you know anything about Bel Canto?" Li Fei was a few years older than Chu Zhi, but he still called Brother Jiu.

"Beisheng - 100 million points." Chu Zhi replied.

"The days of studying Bel Canto were very tiring and I had to practice every day, but that was the happiest day for me. Now I run the schedule every day, and I hardly have time to practice singing." Li Fei sighed: "There is something to give in life, Brother Jiu. You know what? I don't really care if people are not popular."

So shining, who is pretending? Chu Zhi looked at Li Fei with a serious face and decided to cooperate.

"It's true that you are successful and famous, but you will miss the hard training of skills. It is the hard work at that time that gives you the comfort you have now." Chu Zhi said in a low voice.

Li Fei felt like a lightning strike, because his pretending was not mellow at all, and his friends all said that he was embarrassed. He hadn't felt the mood of successfully installing a fork for a long time. He looked at Chu Zhi carefully and found that his eyes were clear and his words were sincere.

"Even if you don't pursue popularity, you are still a popular star." Chu Zhi said, "I can feel the passion for art in my heart."

"Let's go into the living room, it's about to start." Li Fei coughed twice, feeling a little embarrassed by the praise.

The concept conference, also known as the swearing-in conference, is probably the official and organizing committee of the ice city. You come and go to give speeches.

It's not all ineffective, at least the concert schedule has been announced. The International Accordion Art Week and the International Award-Winning Musician's Concert are very attractive.

"Mr. Tarceva is a famous accordion player, known as Lawrence Welk II." Li Fei introduced: "Lawrence is the founder of champagne music, and Tarceva is the best heir."

Li Fei talked about with great interest that when he was studying, he was very talented in musical instruments, and he was almost taken to practice the piano, um—it had nothing to do with the accordion, but Li Fei couldn't help it.

Because Chu Zhi always listened to him with great interest, Li Fei spoke very smoothly.

There are few people who can talk, but even fewer people who can listen. One of Boss Chu's skills is good at listening.

Chu Zhi's team was delayed in Hashi for two days, because Li Fei strongly demanded to do the landlord's friendship, and led Chu for a walk.

Having said that, Li Fei is not from Harbin.

Time goes by and the country is safe and sound, when it comes to foreign countries——

[The cat in the box can't sleep] Cursing: "What's so arrogant about the stick, save the stick fans, if you get a Chanel endorsement, you're going to die?"

"What did my nine masters say, one red and one blue?"

The cat in the box can't sleep and scolds Lielie, his real name is Li Gong, he turned from Ruyan MV to fans.

Li Gun didn't expect that there are men who are one point more handsome than him in the world, and he immediately became a fan.

At the age of 31 years old this year, he came to Korea to work in Gwangju for four or five years, and his life smoothed Li Gong's edges and corners, but he exercised his sharp claws and chopped old dogs with the keys.

Today's old dog is a fan of ZG men's group Zhao Quan, or he just received an endorsement, making it seem like he is invincible in the world.

According to the circle of stars who step on, there is a saying that there are "six blue bloods and eight red bloods".

Six blue blood: CK, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Dior. Eight red blood: Givenchy, Armani, Saint Laurent, Valentino, Versace, Hermes, Langwen, Burberry.

Chu Zhi endorsed Armani and Dior, so Li Gang said that the nine masters have one blue and one red. He is flying on the Internet, and he is afraid of blackmailing the master, so when he fights against the Confucian scholars, he will open [the cat in the box can't sleep] small. No.

It took about two hours for Li Gong to close the button. Looking at the time in the lower left corner of the computer, it was timed Immediately turn on the phone and watch MBC TV.

He won't watch the show The Masked Singer King, Li Gang just wants to know, who is the Chinese bigwig who came to Xinxing Village to abuse vegetables. liang).

Then the spinning girl and the big devil missed completely. When Li Gong watched, the big devil both lost and started to vote.

Reveal -

"Ninth Master?!"

Li Gun's stare was bigger than a bull's eye. In fact, when he heard the voice, he suspected that the Great Demon King was Chu Zhi, because the voice was too similar, but he didn't dare to say it.

In the first stage, "Оперная", even though Li Gun had a fan filter, he couldn't believe that his idol had such a voice and high-pitched technique.

Afraid of smearing idols, Li Gun never said this idea on the Internet, never thought--

"What kind of monster have I fancied?"

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