How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 361 Integration

According to the internal evaluation of the ancient city, Rust Knight's knight trial site is only a third-order secret realm.

That means, it can only mass-produce Tier 3 monsters at most.

A small number of fourth-order monsters are often the product of self-evolution, and the number cannot be large.

And after passing the 25th floor, it means passing the fourth-order threshold line. How does the secret realm use third-order monsters to simulate the fourth-order strength? The answer is simple, heap monsters.

The four third-tier living armors on the 20th floor are not a special case. Going up, these iron cans, muscle bull heads, etc., can fill an entire floor for you.

When we reached the twenty-seventh floor, Lu Pingan didn't want to fight anymore when he saw more than 30 live armors inside.

"There are only fifteen on the upper floor. Is this the beginning of persuasion?"

It's not that he's completely unsure of a breakthrough, but even if he wins the battle, his weapons and equipment will probably have to be sent to the factory for overhaul. Poor brass tomahawk.

Can Quantitative Change Become Qualitative Change? For real silver professionals, not necessarily, at least Su Zhizhu is much more relaxed than Lu Pingan.

If Lu Pingan was completely shameless and let out small flames to bite all the way, he should be able to rush up a few floors, but if he folded the pet beast here, it would be too cost-effective.

Three or four Tier 3 monsters are indeed unable to threaten Tier 4 creatures, but if there are thirty of them, they are still living armor with rough skin and thick flesh.

"Quantitative changes can indeed lead to qualitative changes. Weak attacks can use quantity to pile up quality, but the premise is that the quantity cannot be two or three, three or four."

Lu Ping'an's words seemed to be talking about the current scene, but he was actually talking about himself.

The situation he is facing now is the reality of "many but not precise". He can indeed send out multiple attacks at once, and they are indistinguishable from each other, but their strengths are quite average.

Martial skills are only lv9, which is about the standard level of level 2. What he is really strong in is his sense of combat and his adaptability on the battlefield. His martial skills still need time to polish.

The thrown magic plant? Tier 1 and Tier 2 are the main ones, and although most of these gadgets have been mass-produced in the courtyard, the advanced ones consume life points, and the threat is still limited.

Living weapon tentacles with physical auto-attacks? It is flexible and changeable, and it is the most threatening part, but it is still only the first-order and second-order magic plants. Lu Pingan uses the most, and even the original first-order.

Sitting on the steps, Lu Pingan counted with his fingers. The only thing that could really threaten powerful enemies (level four and above) were silver weapons and silver poison.

But the former is limited by its large size, and Lu Ping'an's martial arts and physique can't give full play to its strength. The previous experience of almost hitting himself to death made Lu Pingan have to carefully weigh the use of "Storm Cavalry".

The latter, the "aging" poison of silver, is indeed very strong and amazing, but it is more used in "first sight kill".

What makes Lu Pingan the most helpless is that this "double silver" is actually used with his own body as the carrier, that is to say, it depends on his own level of martial arts, which is also the root of his recent efforts to improve his "martial skills".

"It's too scattered and needs to be consolidated."

He knew his problem, four or five scattered chopsticks, just looking at the hardness is not as good as the "wood" they gathered together.

Pistol shooting indiscriminately is very cool, and killing rookies is also extremely fun, but it is useless when encountering heavy soldiers, and most of the time, concentrated sniping can make the final decision.

He needs to gather, to integrate all his strengths into a "sharp blade".

".Why don't you follow the path of others, just choose a path to practice intensively, and give up this concurrent cultivation?"

This idea flashed through Lu Ping'an's mind, and was directly rejected by him.

His "investment" talent is a sharp tool for gaining career and experience. This is how he grew up all the way. He used many small occupations to accumulate foundations to improve, and rich means also improved his cornerstone. His achievements along the way proved that " "Many and miscellaneous" is the most suitable route for him.

It is foreseeable that his subsequent attack methods will be more and more complex, so he needs a system or a system to integrate these capabilities.

Before, he considered "martial arts".

"This is no longer just a bottleneck problem. Maybe it's because my martial arts breakthrough has failed to meet my expectations."

"Nonsense, martial art is the technique of using the body efficiently. You are a human being and you only have two hands. It is outrageous to use four, five, or even seven or eight abilities at the same time? Your body can keep up, but your brain Can you keep up with your reflex?"

Lu Pingan wants to say that he can keep up. After all, in his opinion, supernatural martial arts are quite miraculous. Martial arts are muscle memory of body and nerve reflexes. Many seemingly incredible movements are actually automatic reactions of the body.

If you really practice the extraordinary, you should be able to handle seven or eight abilities at the same time. Well, human beings are not octopuses, and it seems that they really can't do it.

The body can keep up, but the mind and brain can't keep up. It's quite an exaggeration now, but there are also main axes and dependencies. Three or four abilities are actually derived from physical actions. This is his axis, but it seems to have really been Reach the limit.

Lu Pingan wants to use the "muscle response" of "martial skills" to record the use of various abilities to simplify the use of prefixes for various abilities, but many abilities themselves require full concentration. His body can keep up, but his spirit can't keep up. superior.

Give up miscellaneous studies and choose specialization with trade-offs? But Lu Pingan himself doesn't know which path is more promising, and he is even more uncertain about which path he can find more valuable treasures in the future.

It is okay to give up, but if he loses in a panic, it is tantamount to losing his talent of "multifaceted growth".

Now, he just wants to integrate those "first-order" and "second-order" abilities together to become the strongest weapon, a weapon platform that can be called at any time and attack at the same time. Is this too much? none of this

".It's too much. Are you sure you're speaking human? You want a screwdriver. It must have functions such as keys, lasers, rockets, bank cards, agricultural tools, telescopes, etc. After that, there must be an opening for your convenience. Keep adding."

Well, Lu Pingan himself knows that this is a bit difficult, beyond the limits of human beings, at least he has encountered the bottleneck of "reality" in the way of integrating martial arts.

"Almighty big cat, give me some advice."

Continue to smash martial arts? That is to keep working hard, and that is the foundation of being strong.

But in the foreseeable future, pure martial arts cannot solve Lu Ping'an's problem.

Even if he succeeds in integrating the "extraordinary martial arts" composed of three or four abilities, how should he integrate the new power he will acquire next? Do it all over again? I'm afraid he's been tinkering all his life.

In fact, Lu Pingan vaguely already knew the answer.

Now ask the big cat, just to double check.

Or, give yourself a reason to make up your mind.

".Didn't you already know the answer? It depends on how determined you are and how obsessed you are with your identity as a human being."

The two have known for a long time that this problem must be faced sooner or later. What Lu Pingan needs is not a "skill (martial skill)" to better use the body, but a "body with a higher upper limit."

Well, the answer is obvious from the very beginning, all that remains is the awareness to take this step.

"Ha, human beings have limits, so I'll forget it, the old stalker doesn't want to play anymore. Human beings, from the moment they become professionals, are no longer, so there is no point in persevering."

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