How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 331 Laying the Net

Is it contradictory to increase the number of soldiers in the reserve while strictly controlling arms?

This just shows that the situation is still in the hands of the authorities, who are trying to put the brakes on and tighten security regulations.

It is even possible that all of this is planned, originally to increase "human resources".

Even without a special investigation, Lu Pingan also knows that among the "super power criminals", those newcomers who have just come into contact with "supernatural powers" and "professionals" are the most.

Don't be misled by the dozens of professionals in Guda University. Most of the "polluted people" have no chance to become professionals. On the one hand, they do not have this opportunity, and on the other hand, they cannot bear the hardship.

Years of painstaking practice can't make it, so it is always possible to read books, play with paintings, plant flowers and other "literary" ones, right? But in fact, it is just the opposite.

The latter has higher requirements, and the most deadly thing is that most polluters do not have the "will" to become professionals from the very beginning.

"People, sooner or later they will die."

"It's hard for me to even have enough to eat. Do I need to go to practice? Take a break from work to study? Who will pay me?"

"I'm already forty-five, how can I still practice?"

"...Can you help me get a disability certificate? At least let me live comfortably for a few years."

Fantasy stories in reality are far more cruel than those in fantasy novels. Those who suffer from "supernatural crises" and awaken supernatural powers are often not teenagers or girls. On the contrary, due to the relatively fixed living areas of teenagers and children, middle-aged and elderly is a concentrated victim.

Among the teenagers and children who are quick to learn and have a good future, due to the widespread smuggling and dissemination of "taboo knowledge" in some gray industries, the hairy kids from gangsters are the easiest people to get in touch with.

After they gain "power", it is often the beginning of a bad story.

Money, women, rights, some individuals only have these in their heads, and some people have even stepped on the edge of the law. When they are sure that they cannot become professionals, the reality of slow death will make them even more crazy, and for " A better life before death", they will trample on the law and other people's lives even more recklessly.

And to be more extreme, being a professional does not mean that you can endure this kind of life. The ideas and practices of "cultivating immortals in evil ways", "cultivating immortals with resources", and "using battles to support wars" are also very common in the outside world, and in some respects they are even more extreme. In reality, money and resources can buy knowledge and power, and advancement can extend life. In order to survive, what is the lower limit?

Then, many villains have found the "rule of the world's weak and strong", especially the newcomer super gangs who have no awe, they don't know how to restrain themselves, and they are the targets that need to be severely punished.

But recently, things have been a little different.

"Good thing, the paranormal crime rate was six percentage points lower this quarter for the first time in three years."

"Hehe, this is because those gangs and individual criminals were frightened by the big incident. In a sense, I have to thank Fang Wen. Not to mention the damage caused by the TV tower robot, the deterrence is real. , Many little hairy children who suddenly swelled were frightened."

"It is true that the crime rate of young and new polluters has dropped significantly. It should be a 'cooling-off period' after the big incident. I don't know how long it will last."

"At least two months. The higher-ups have seen it. Hurry up and do something."

Lu Pingan himself has been on duty, and has been exposed to many cases. The truly cruel and despicable bloody cases are often ordinary-looking "ordinary people", especially those "new superpowers" who have just gained power but have not been properly guided. By".

For a real ordinary citizen, there is no difference between a newly awakened hairy child and a fourth-order. On the contrary, the fourth-order will also learn to respect order and stronger power. Hairy children do not know what cruelty and the lower limit are at the scene of some murders. , even far surpassing the sacrifice ceremony of cultists.

Under such circumstances, strict arms control is actually a good thing.

There is not much difference between professionals with knives and those without knives (quasi-pollution weapons), and they are all powerless to resist anyway.

But for the new criminals who have just expanded, there is a difference between courage and courage.

"This is a war against the black market."

The city's largest steam factory cannot be bypassed, and the trading place may also be involved.

The special service teams in each district have completed the reorganization and expansion. Regardless of the quality of the new recruits, their paper combat strength has at least doubled.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the Bureau of Different Administration dares to make big moves now.

"...Let's suspend the arms deal for a while."

This is not about being afraid of blows, Lu Pingan is confident that they will never be able to touch the courtyard door, but this is an "attitude", an attitude of where they tend to be.

Anyway, this thing is just a gust of wind, completely banning the trade of "arms" and "contraband"? That is, God can't do it, demand promotes the market, and Secret Service members themselves have to buy guns on the black market (there is always additional demand).

"Maybe it's better to hit the steam factory. After a period of time, the transaction volume on my side will increase significantly."

Lu Pingan himself is quite optimistic. Of course, it is also because the trading volume of his market is not large, and the real core selling point is not arms.

He also sees very clearly that this thing cannot be banned, even if all "black markets" cannot be traded, those behaviors of using the Internet, small advertisements to communicate, and private transactions will still happen.

What the Bureau of Different Administrations has to do is to increase transaction costs and prevent a large number of low-end and mid-end polluting items from flowing into the market, causing further social turmoil.

At the same time, additional weapons from "official channels" will be issued, and a certain degree of "weapon registration" will be carried out.

"This is the route of a certain western country. Quasi-polluting items and taboo items will increase, or will they increase, or should we stock up?"

If something is banned and blocked, as long as there is still demand, it will be converted into the cost of consumer spending in the market, and price increases are a common phenomenon.

But the next moment, Lu Pingan shook his head.

It took too much time, and my own cost was not enough. Moreover, if it was exposed, my position on the "order camp" would be doubted.

And more importantly, when the "regular black market" is cracked down, my "uncatchable black market" will naturally get a lot of benefits, and there is really no need to expose myself for a small profit at this time.

Even if some transactions are strictly investigated in the future, there will definitely be a large number of private transactions. My own transaction site is only used as a "pure communication place where no force can be used", and I can get a lot of traffic. Even the Secret Service cannot Arrest people in a transactional manner.

Shaking his head again, he doesn't have to think about these things, and doing nothing seems to be the biggest benefit point.

And on my own side, there are really some jobs that I can't relax.

"Strike hard?"

A new task has been issued, so it is natural to start working.

The secret service team is busy again. The first task is to liquidate some of the "black and evil forces" on the list. Those bastards, in the previous major incidents, often took the opportunity to do some messy things.

At that time, no one could take care of them, but now that they are fully staffed, it is naturally time for liquidation.

In the current era of "everyone with a gun", these people cannot be cleaned up, but if you attack a group of them a little and deter them, ordinary citizens will feel much better.

The work that Lu Pingan was entrusted with was slightly different.

"Lu Ping'an, you are finally willing to see me."

"Professor Wen, isn't this time too busy for classes? Am I here right now?"

The small laboratory is full of messy books and petri dishes. This is just the personal room of Professor Wen of the School of Botany in the Logistics Department.

This time, Lu Pingan brought a large amount of "dirty things" and specially came to find the master gardener to identify and track them.

In name, it is to track new types of biological weapons including "piranha" and "automatic cannon", but in essence, what needs to be tracked is the person behind the "White Sleeping Sakura".

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