Hotel Supplier

Chapter 124 One-star evaluation

The ending of this battle ended later than Zhou Zhi expected, because more people mean more things to do, and more things mean more words to say.

It was not until after lunch that Zhou Zhi returned under the cover of the old village chief. Zhou Zhi had been struggling in society for two years and thought he was already a veteran, but now he found that he was still young.

This time Zhou Zhi did not let his second uncle send him back, but found a motorcycle and took a ride back.

"Master, Honghu Village Banqiao." Zhou Zhi knew.

"Is six yuan okay?" the master asked.

"Yes." Zhou Zhi nodded.

"Young man is easy to talk to." The master smiled, and then set off directly after Zhou Zhi sat down.

The master had dark skin and looked like he was in his forties or fifties, but he was also very talkative. He started chatting with Zhou Zhi as soon as he got on the car.

"Business is difficult now." The master sighed.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Zhi asked politely.

"Look, we only need 6 yuan to go to Honghu Village now, but people still think it's too expensive and insist on bargaining for 5 or 4 yuan. How can we do this?" The master said helplessly.

"It's indeed 2 yuan cheaper than last month." Zhou Zhi smiled.

"That's right. Honghu Village has built a road, and we have also taken the initiative to reduce the price, but they still think it's expensive." The master said.

"Why, is the road construction not good?" Zhou Zhi asked.

"Of course, it's not. The road construction is naturally a good thing. It's convenient for us to ride, but it's not easy to do business." The master kept muttering.

But Zhou Zhi understood this time. The master's meaning was obviously that the road construction was a good thing, but his business was indeed not easy to do.

It seems contradictory, but it is also true, so the master only complained that the business was not easy to do, but he agreed with the road construction.

Sometimes people are so contradictory due to various interests.

Zhou Zhi smiled and didn't answer, and then the car smoothly arrived at the stone bridge under the slope of Zhou Zhi's house.

"This is it." Zhou Zhi patted the master's shoulder and signaled to stop.

"Okay." The master stopped immediately.

After Zhou Zhi paid, the driver turned around and rode away.

"I'll walk a little too." Zhou Zhi looked at the hotel hidden in the bamboo forest on the slope and went uphill step by step.

Now the slope is much gentler than when Zhou Zhi just came back. At that time, the slope of 100 meters was still quite steep, but after the road was repaired, the slope was much gentler.

Although it looks longer, it is easy to walk. The feet are on the solid concrete ground. This solid and heavy feeling will hurt your knees if you walk too hard on the mountain road. Zhou Zhi couldn't help laughing.

"My parents will definitely be very happy when they come back." Zhou Zhi looked at the hotel signs on both sides of the road and smiled to himself.

"What do you mean by someone else's kid? I am! This road was repaired by their son alone." Zhou Zhi's tone was slightly proud.

Halfway up the slope, Zhou Zhi saw Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu in the yard at home. Before Zhou Zhi could greet them, they greeted them first.

"Xiao Zhi is back? Come to my house for dinner tonight." Aunt Niu said with a happy face.

"Yes, we killed a chicken today, come and eat." Uncle Niu took a few steps forward, walked out of the yard and came to the roadside.

"No, I still have to take care of the store." Zhou Zhi shook his head.

"No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat." Uncle Niu said.

"Even if you are busy, you still have to eat. I will send you a bowl of chicken later, and you are not allowed to refuse." Aunt Niu decided directly.

At this point, Zhou Zhi naturally couldn't refuse, and nodded and said: "Thank you Aunt Niu, I am really blessed tonight."

"What's the matter, I will send it to you later." Aunt Niu was immediately happy when she heard Zhou Zhi agreed.

"Yes, I will send it to you when it's ready." Uncle Niu also nodded with a smile, and then said: "You are a kid at home, come to my house for dinner when you are free in the future, it's not inconvenient."

"This noon is sent by Aunt San, you can always come in the morning and evening." Aunt Niu directly blocked Zhou Zhi's words to refuse with Aunt San.

"When I am free, I will come to Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu's house for free meals, don't say I eat a lot then." Zhou Zhi said with a smile.

"It's normal for a young man to eat as much as he wants, to grow up." Aunt Niu said seriously.

Zhou Zhi was stunned by this. He had already eaten 25 meals this year, how could he grow up? But seeing Uncle Niu's face full of approval, Zhou Zhi had nothing to say and could only nod in response.

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. This saying is more difficult to apply in the city. Zhou Zhi understood that Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu treated him as their junior, so they thought he was still young and growing.

After the greetings, Zhou Zhi continued to walk home. This section of the road was smoother, and he arrived at his door in a short while.

"Boss is back." Zhou Tao and Chengzi were waiting at the door.

"Yeah, I'm back." Zhou Zhi nodded, then picked up Chengzi and held him in his arms.

Chengzi was very obedient. As soon as he was held, he snored comfortably, obviously enjoying it.

"Boss, the road has been repaired. Are we going to expand our store?" Zhou Tao asked with a little excitement.

After Zhou Tao said this, Zhou Zhi remembered that he seemed to have heard some notification from the system at noon. He suppressed the thought of checking it and replied directly: "It should be soon."

"Hehe, that's good." Zhou Tao said immediately.

Zhou Tao really didn't want to just collect salary but do nothing all day.

Yes, Zhou Tao received the first month's salary of 3,300 yuan this morning. When she took the money, Zhou Tao felt it was a little hot. She didn't feel that she had done so much work.

Moreover, there was a hundred yuan in overtime pay included in the three hundred yuan, which made Zhou Tao even more eager to work hard, and then she felt that she could take the money with peace of mind. This was so sincere.

After Zhou Tao got the answer, she went to clean the laundry room by herself, while Zhou Zhi went to the front desk with Chengzi in his arms.

After sitting down, Zhou Zhicai muttered in his mind: "System, what is the announcement at noon?"

At that time, Zhou Zhi was in front of so many people. Zhou Zhi heard it, but didn't look at it. Later, he forgot about it.

The system displays: "The host has met the upgrade conditions. Please upgrade."

"Oh? So soon? I thought the newspaper would come out tomorrow." Zhou Zhi said in surprise.

The system now reads: "The popularity value is calculated as the number of people who know the hotel, as well as the guests who have stayed at the hotel, and the guests who want to stay at the hotel. The three parties add up and the host has met the upgrade conditions."

"Show me my current panel." Zhou Zhi said happily.

The system displays the words: "Good host."

Host: Zhou Zhi

Age: twenty-four years old

Sex: Male

Hotel owned: Shanye Hotel

Hotel address: No. 77, Honghu Village, Zhaoqiao Town, Meizhou City, Huaguo, Sichuan Province

Hotel rooms: two

Hotel fame: 2001

Hotel rating: Not good (can be upgraded to one star)

Mission status: None

"It's actually a little more than that, hahaha, great. So what are you waiting for? Let's upgrade directly." Zhou Zhi looked at his panel carefully and then said proudly.

The system now reads: "Okay, host, we have started to upgrade your one-star hotel."

"Has it started?" Zhou Zhi was in a daze, suddenly remembered something, and immediately took out his phone.

Sure enough, just as Zhou Zhi took out his cell phone, it rang.

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