Horror Web

Vol 3 Chapter 75: ****'s Fate (Part 1)

"The editor-in-chief of Xinhua Daily is suspected of being associated with a radical subversive organization and has been summoned by relevant departments."

"Xinhua Daily Column: Beware of subversive organizations stirring up trouble in the life and death of human beings!"

"Central Daily: Slandering and subverting the GN regime with the image of a martyr, the relatives hurt the enemy quickly, no less than cutting the foundation!"

"Nanjing Daily: Radical organization self-destructs the Great Wall, disregarding human safety!"

"London Evening News: At the time of human peril, please trust the government GN!"

"Washington Daily: The tool of public opinion has become a new front for the radical organization of ~pig~pig~island~fiction www.zhzhua.cm, GN is facing the challenge of the new century!"

"Moscow Central Daily: Beijing GN has taken this as a lesson, and the global GN should take this as a lesson to prevent criminals from disturbing the storm at this critical juncture for mankind!"

"French National: Heroes and martyrs are being used, whose fault is it?"

"BBC Column: An in-depth interpretation of how radical organizations create social panic and create social mistrust of the government!"

"Newsletter: The spokesperson of the Beijing GN Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a letter to the people of the world, apologizing for the use of the Beijing GN by the enemy in the propaganda front. I hope that the people of the world will unite under the leadership of the GN as the main body to face the human crisis together!"

"News: Nanjing General Secretary GN delivered a speech. At the time of human crisis, China must move towards a more thorough integration, so as to add greater strength to the resistance of all human beings against the Zerg!"

"Express: General Secretary GN of Beijing delivered a speech. The problems left by history are in the past. China should look forward to the future of unity. National unity is the common wish of every Chinese son and daughter!"

"Fast News: The spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement, supporting China's complete reunification, and calling on the GN regimes around the world to unite more uniformly to deal with the crisis!"


Tea house, or that tea house. In Huaian, a second-tier city, it seems so inconspicuous.

Fortunately, Uncle Seven himself is not someone who likes to be busy, and his job is not to make money by running a teahouse.

Early this morning, Uncle Seven got up early with a few guys in the store and started voluntary cleaning on the street in front of his store;

a few days ago. Students from various Huaian colleges and universities, led by students from Huaiyin Institute of Technology, began a parade, and slogans, banners and brochures were distributed everywhere. Until last night, after the video of refuting rumors was released and the official channel of Beijing GN began to apologize, the originally aggressive demonstrations died down immediately. Enthusiasm came and went quickly, but it was hard for the shops on this street, and a lot of garbage was left on the street. The cleaners didn't have time to clean up, so the store had to clean up by themselves.

After sweeping the area in front of his tea house, Seventh Uncle also wiped his sweat with a towel and returned to the tea house. He made himself a pot of herbal tea and drank it for himself. The news on the TV kept scrolling and playing the latest news. A pass publicity down, things. It has been characterized, and many press spokespersons and experts have begun to interpret it more deeply.

Uncle Seven is clear. Zhao Zhu didn't die in battle, and he had no other channels, but he was very sure of this matter, but the eyes of the masses were never sharp. Zhao Zhu had used public opinion and propaganda methods to build momentum for himself many times. He has also used his image and popularity many times to make the government unable to take care of him, but this kind of thing can never be repeated, and the people in the government are not fools. Especially when it really violates their political interests, those who can climb to high positions are not ordinary people.

While drinking tea and watching the news, Seventh Uncle tapped lightly on the coffee table with his fingers. Humanity is determined to give up Toulon. It is impossible to send a single soldier to reinforce it without the support of the earth. , Without the supply from the earth, Gamma Star cannot be self-sufficient at all. What awaits them will be the destruction of the self. Although there are Toulon natives on Gamma Star, there is no need to worry about eating, drinking and wearing, but the supply of ammunition and weapons Things cannot be supported without the support of a highly developed industrial system.

Seventh Uncle suddenly remembered the eldest son who had just lost power in the heavens, and felt in his heart. In fact, human beings and the heavens are essentially the same, even if they are two completely different political systems, but there is no essential difference in the principle of operation. .

"Boss, Miss Shen Jue's phone number."

"Bring it to me."

Seventh Uncle took the call from the man and put it in his ear.

"Hey, it's me, girl, back?"

"No, I'm at the moon base."

The latent meaning of this sentence is that the human star shield fleet has returned and is parked at the moon base, which is also the manifestation of human GN's determination to build a near-earth defense chain.

In fact, the war potential of human beings is still huge now. According to Uncle Seven’s own guess, less than one-tenth of the used ones are used. Even when the war completely breaks out, human beings can tap more and more terrible war potential. After all, human beings have not yet announced that they have completely entered into military control during the war, and the systems in all aspects of society are still the same.

If a near-ground defense chain is built, the supply line will be shortened, and the battlefield will be shortened, which is more suitable for the war potential of human beings. At that time, a large number of warships and soldiers will be continuously sent to the front line to participate in the battle, which will be directly converted into combat power, and if Continuing to use Toulon Five Star as the war hub and key area, a round trip will take two weeks. From Toulon Five Star to Earth, wars may break out anywhere in this long route, and the cost of war is simply too great.

Moreover, GN has the experience of defeating the Zerg. Perhaps, the high-level staff of the GN have formulated a detailed plan and concluded that the Zerg cannot fight a protracted war.

Seventh Uncle also felt that this strategy was right.

"I read the news. Recently, a lot of political commissars and propaganda officers have come down from the army. It seems that they are going to clean up military discipline and the army's thinking."

"This is what it should be." Seventh Uncle said, "The more war comes, the more important the army is to a regime."

"I think Wang Lang didn't die in battle, Gamma Star is actually still there."

"I think so too, but in the eyes of the entire earth, they have become martyrs, and there is no difference between dead and not dead."

"We still don't have a statement on our side?"

"I don't know. But the current situation seems to be that the cooperation between the heavens and humans seems to not work. I don't know what the people above are thinking about. After all, the Zerg is only in conflict with humans;

Maybe, keep watching. If the Zerg's offensive is not as strong as imagined, and humans can handle it with ease, there is no need for us to do anything. They may wish that humans and Zerg have been stalemate and consumed. "

"But, I'm afraid..." Shen Jue didn't say anything here, she knew that Seventh Uncle could understand.

"Have the people on your side who experienced war become different?"

"Yes, my comrades include me. It's all different. It's completely different from when the war just started."

"Yes, do you know which period was the most powerful period of human beings in the last hundred years of war?"

"Which period?"

"It was just the end of the great era. At that time, the human earth was beaten into half ruins, but at that time, they had a strong army that had been tempered and forged by the great era. An army with an extremely large base, the people above us are still Too short-sighted. This war is a century later, the war between humans and the Zerg. I don't know about the Zerg, but I can see some information to understand some of them. In fact, I am also exploring and re-learning the war;

Whoever won this war seems to have suffered heavy losses, but they have created a powerful army, especially human beings. If this war is fought for ten years, and finally mankind wins, if I am the leader of mankind, I will not hesitate to attack the heavens in one breath, while these 'veterans' are not old, while the war The atmosphere has not yet passed, and in one breath, he knocked down the heavens. "


"Girl, feel at ease and do what you should do now. Don't worry about things in the heavens. Now, it's not the time for us to worry about it."

"Uncle Seven, I understand."

"Just understand, take care of yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Uncle Seven picked up a piece of dried tea on the coffee table and put it in his mouth, chewing it gently.


"Hey, do you believe that the mansion you used to live in has been copied by Beijing's secret forces?"

"I believe."

"Do you believe that your group of people, whether in Beijing or Nanjing, are now being quarantined and censored?"

"I believe."

"Do you believe that the network of relationships and underground forces that you have built with your years of hard work and layout have basically been destroyed?"

"I believe."

"Do you believe that if I hadn't used the special plane of Xuzhou Heavy Industry to secretly take you out, you wouldn't be able to get out of Beijing?"

"I believe."

"You..." The girl was speechless by Du Xiaohui's attitude. It was obvious that her great plan and interests were about to succeed, but in the end it fell short, but the man in front of her was still leaning on her shoulders leisurely, drinking red wine, and, His body won't allow him to drink!

"I said, don't breathe so heavily when you speak, your shoulders will make me uncomfortable." Du Xiaohui suggested.

"Hmph, what are you thinking about? Co-author, Miss Ben is the emperor and the **** is not in a hurry, right?"

"Don't worry, why worry?"

"I'm sorry for you, you are so good, so powerful, but you still... lose."

"Oh, who said I lost?" Du Xiaohui wondered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haven't you lost? So many years and so many investments have gone to waste. "

"Is Wang Lang dead?" Du Xiaohui asked.

"No, but what's the difference between now and dead?"

"Haha, the difference is still huge." Du Xiaohui gave the wine glass to the waiter, then stood up slowly and looked at the clouds outside the porthole, "Is this a loss? No, this is... the beginning of winning."

"Please, I know you are very powerful, but you don't have to be so overwhelmed, right?"

"Do you think I'm sick? Cough... I didn't say this, I'm really sick."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"There are some things that have been explained thoroughly, and the level is boring, understand;

You can now think about it from Wang Lang's point of view, what will he do now when faced with the earth's complete isolation from him? To be continued.)

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