After walking more than 100 meters along the desert island, I finally met Li Jie and them.

They didn't do any lighting, and under Li Kit's guidance, they found a relatively safe place.

It's not that particular about outside, safety comes first.

There was a blanket on the ground, listening to the incessant gunshots on the other side, and putting his hands behind his head, and his heart was extremely comfortable.

"Listening to the sound of gunfire, it should be the stragglers fighting back against several major forces. "

The Seraphic Angel smiled lightly: "The one on the island is not an outlaw, the Gambi family, the Columbian drug lord, the prince, and Tsukamoto, no matter how big the name is, can it scare them?"

"When I went to the island, I made a plan to die, and I was not afraid of death, but I was afraid that you were not a mafia?"

This is revenge, the big forces clear them during the day, and they harass and sneak attack at night.

Li Yiming yawned and said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, the Seraphs are on alert, the others hurry up and rest, and change people in three hours." "

The three of them took turns to be on guard, each for three hours, exactly one night.

As for himself, he had to act alone in the second half of the night.

It's not that he doesn't want to act with them, it's that they can't keep up with their own pace.

His basic attributes are twice as high as those of ordinary people, and his plan is to attack quickly and then transition as quickly as possible, even Li Jie can't keep up with his pace.

The gunfire on Putai Island continued, and they slept soundly on Luozhou Island.

Open your eyes

It was dark, the hand was tight, and the gun was there.

2 a.m.

Li Jie was on duty, and he was not surprised to see that he woke up, it was impossible for people like them to sleep deeply in such an environment.

Li Yiming fumbled and checked the equipment and put the things into his backpack.

"You're going to the other side?"


"Why go alone?"

Li Yiming glanced at him and said, "A person is more flexible." "

He reinflated the hovercraft, hooked up the tightropes, and strapped it to his backpack.

"Pull the hovercraft back in a moment, and before dawn you have to go to the opposite side, so that no one will find you, and assemble at the rocky beach. "

Li Jie nodded, he didn't stop or force him to go, because he had also made such a decision, and he understood Lao A.

Get on the boat and slowly paddle towards the opposite side.

Stepping on Putai Island, this is not their original stronghold, Rocky Beach, and he doesn't know the exact location.

Looking up, a large ship was docked on the shore hundreds of meters away, with brilliant lights and singing and dancing.

"Prince of the Middle East?"

"I'm on the north side of Putai Island?"

Spend 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

What's even more absurd is that the countries of the world really treat them as a game.

Old A created a full tour.

We can see that after this time, even if Hong Kong Island is not allowed to hold such games again, those people will definitely hold them somewhere else.

Africa, South America, the depths of the ocean, some of the world's desert islands, and even many of them are private.

The $1 billion prize money and the world's gambling money are nothing in comparison, and the windfall profits are comparable to arms and drugs.

"Hehe, everyone thinks it's a game. "

"But I'm the creator of the game!"

Who is the Hunter?

Who is the prey?

Who will have the last laugh?

Li Yiming didn't go to the prince of the Middle East, they just came to play games, so let them enjoy it for a while.

And he has a more important goal, vowing to take revenge on his own Tsukamoto Eiji.

Today is the end of this little devil.

Communications on the island were disrupted by electronic jammers, but they were not completely isolated.

According to the information obtained from various sources, more than 100 little devils led by Eiji Tsukamoto are in Dajiaotou in the southeast of Putai Island.

Contrary to their stronghold, Rocky Beach, more than a kilometer away from his current location.

At this time, the island was silent, and everyone seized this precious time to rest and stay in peak condition after dawn.

Li Yiming did not plan to cross over from the island, because along the way, he had to pass through the sphere of influence of the Middle Eastern prince and the mafia Gambi family.

What's even more troublesome is that the island is mixed, and I don't know how many shady methods there are, and I can't prevent it at all.

Put a waterproof bag on your backpack and hold your backpack into the water.

Swimming around the shore of Putai Island for tens of meters, he soon came to the big ship where the prince of the Middle East was.

A dozen people on the deck were constantly patrolling, and the lights were brilliant.

The ship seemed to be laxly guarded, but Li Yiming, who was underwater, found that he had encountered no less than three or four various early warning facilities since approaching the big ship.

This is still what he has encountered, and there are more that he has not encountered.

Swimming past the stronghold of the prince of the Middle East, he surfaced to rest for a while.

Dragging dozens of pounds of equipment to swim in the water is particularly physically demanding, although he can persevere, but in order to maintain combat effectiveness at all times, he rests for a while every ten minutes.

There are people on the shore, and from time to time there are lights shining on the sea, and it seems that the other side is guarding against someone or a surprise attack.

This is the Gambi family, the leaders of the American mafia.

They occupy the highest point on the island, and that small dirt slope is only a little more than a hundred meters from the sea, so their sphere of influence expands all the way to the sea.

After here, a few hundred meters further away is the big horn head controlled by the little devil Eiji Tsukamoto.

Dive to the surface and silently write down the rules of their activities, these are all hard bones.

Big horned head.

It is a corner of Putai Island protruding from the sea, where the terrain is gentle, the trees are dense, and the scenery is beautiful.

Eiji Tsukamoto was originally ambitious, wanting to use Dajiaotou as a base to sweep Putai Island in one fell swoop, that is, to avenge his grandfather, and get another 1 billion Hong Kong dollars.

But reality gave them a punch, and he led people out of the nest, and he had no advantage in the face of other forces.

Not to mention that compared to those big forces, just those lone rangers and small teams have brought them huge losses.

Eiji Tsukamoto, a confident and even conceited person, he has always been offensive and offensive, but this time he had to retreat here to defend.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he did feel secretly annoyed that his underestimate enemy had ventured in.

What he brought was his most solid foundation, and once it was gone, even his wasted father could ride on his head and shit.

He ordered the line of defense to be contracted, rotated in three shifts, and carefully guarded.

After a day of fierce fighting, they lost more than 30 people during the day, and in the evening someone came to attack again, and lost more than a dozen people.

So far, they have less than 80 people who can fight, a loss of 40%.

If the general team had collapsed a long time ago, it would have been the special culture of the little devils, coupled with the ruthlessness of Eiji Tsukamoto, to suppress them.

Eiji Tsukamoto also knew that something would definitely go wrong if this continued, and maybe someone would run away when the next attack came.

In order to boost morale, he announced that he would reward them with 200 million as long as they won the final victory.

The little devils immediately came back to life with full blood, shouting to kill everyone and promote the prestige of the little devils. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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