Home Cook

Chapter 270: Eel????/a>

In many anime, although the protagonists are useless in combat, they often have the ability to do all-purpose housework. good foundation.

Well, as the saying goes, if you want to grab a girl's heart, you must first grab her stomach, so almost every step in the harem anime has scenes where the protagonist feeds the girl, this trick is especially suitable for foodies. .

There is nothing in this world that can't be solved by one meal. If there are two meals, if two meals are not enough, then take it back and feed it for a lifetime.

"Hey, there is a foodie in front of us, let's walk over to feed her with food, and then we can take it home. It's indescribable..."

Bai Ye walked to the kitchen table below. Although he had no intention of joining the Knights of the Round Table, and originally did not want to go down to participate in this recruiting, the leader who resembled my king really made him very enthusiastic. Food ** ah.

So he simply wanted to cook a meal for this girl, um, by the way, enjoy the thrill of feeding my king.

"Hey hey, if the millions of king chefs on the earth know that I have given food to my king, they will definitely be jealous and want to go crazy."

With such thoughts in mind, Bai Ye walked to a kitchen counter.

When I walked into the kitchen table, I found that there were several things on each kitchen table. The most conspicuous one was probably the huge piece of meat. Through the description of the ingredients in the game system, Bai Ye knew that this was the unlucky one just now. The flesh of the colorful eel.

In addition to this piece of meat as the main ingredient, there are some other accessories on the kitchen table, as well as a piece of paper.

Picking up a piece of paper curiously, Bai Ye realized that it was a recipe.

After seeing this recipe and looking at the ingredients on the table, Bai Ye almost understood the new requirements of this trick.

"The ingredients on the table are the same as the ingredients in the recipe, that is to say, do you want us to cook according to the recipe? That's right. But then again, this Knights of the Round Table is really generous, and each contestant comes with a recipe. , and the level of this recipe is not low, it will cost a lot of money."

Bai Ye sighed that the Knights of the Round Table had a lot of money.

To cook in the game, you need to have a recipe first, and the recipe is a one-time consumable. Once you learn it, you don’t have it. The Knights of the Round Table know this and still prepare a recipe on each kitchen table, and the recipe is in The price in the game has always been high, and Bai Ye's nature of being a financial fan is about to explode when such a recipe is sprinkled directly. From this, he deeply understands the depth of the Knights of the Round Table.

However, after carefully looking at the recipe in his hand, Bai Ye was taken aback.

"Hey, eel ji jiu pot, Chinese cuisine."

Bai Ye looked at the dishes in his hands unexpectedly. Originally, he thought that a girl who was an English princess should choose British recipes even if she was to test her cooking skills. Will the exam questions he did well be "Looking up at the starry sky and colorful skin eel version" He was prepared in his heart, but he never thought that it would be a Chinese recipe, which made Bai Ye smile, and his affection for the girl greatly increased.

"You have a vision, girl, then today I'll show you authentic Chinese cuisine."

Bai Ye picked up his sleeves and prepared to dry.

This is a cooking method in Guangzhou, China, and it is also a cooking method that requires extremely high temperature control.

Cook the ingredients in a crock pot. The crock pot has a very strong heat storage capacity and can instantly cook the instant noodles of the ingredients, thereby locking the moisture of the ingredients and keeping the fresh and tender taste of the ingredients. A variety of sauces, and finally the aroma of the finished dish is hot, which makes the mouth water.

Because the high-temperature crock pot will make a "zizi" sound when the soup inside it evaporates quickly, and the pronunciation of "zizi" in Cantonese is pronounced "啫啫", hence the name "啫啫啫".

Eel is one of the commonly used ingredients in kebab pot, and eel kebab pot is also one of the signatures of Chinese Guangzhou cuisine.

Bai Ye had never cooked this dish before, and he was also interested when he saw the recipe. After he read the recipe in detail and made sure to remember the various points of the dish, he chose to learn it.

The recipe turned into a streamer and got into Bai Ye's body, and there was such a dish in the cooking column of Bai Ye's skill column, and the next step was the cooking part.

However, just as he was about to cook, Bai Ye was speechless when he looked at the huge piece of meat beside him.

"Such a big piece of eel, can this really be made into a kebab pot?"

Bai Ye thought a little uncertainly. Generally speaking, when making eel simmering, the eel used is not too big, and the size of this colorful skin eel can no longer be described as big. Bigger than normal eels.

"Well, forget it, let's cut it into pieces."

After hesitating again and again, Bai Ye still started.

The kitchen knife in his hand pressed against the piece of eel meat, and the long-lost fierce ox Qinglong chop was launched, and then the knife flashed a few times, and Bai Ye just relied on the knife skill to carve an ordinary eel from the piece of meat.

"Well, that seems more reasonable."

Looking at the eel-shaped meat strip in his hand, Bai Ye deceived himself and thought. Then he raised his knife and cut it into small pieces and put it aside for later use. Then he began to prepare other ingredients for the stew.

Generally speaking, the ingredients of the chili pot are fixed, roughly including garlic, ginger, chili, sugar, monosodium glutamate, salt, Huadiao, jelly oil, sauce, chili sauce, and turnip.

Among them, oil, sauce, and hot sauce have their own recipes, which are confidential. Fortunately, the recipe just now also provides relatively basic recipes. Although it may not be as good as those secret recipes, it should be enough. used.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that this is in the game. If this is in reality, our all-purpose sweet and spicy sauce will come in handy again."

Bai Ye said regretfully, and then he began to mix the sauce patiently according to the recipe.

After a while, the sauce was ready, and Bai Ye officially started cooking.

Keiji pot actually has the distinction of "raw" and "cooked". Shengji means that when the ingredients are raw, they are put into a crock pot until they are cooked, while cooked ingredients are first cooked and then put into the crock pot. However, in this way, the crock pot is actually just a container for holding vegetables, and the essence of the kebab pot is lost.

Bai Ye naturally chose the raw method. He turned on the fire, adjusted the flame to the maximum, and then put the pot on the shelf, ready to start cooking.

The whole process of Jijibao is cooked with fierce fire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is why it is said that Jijibao is the ultimate fire cooking.

The high-temperature flame hit the pot, and the temperature of the pot rose rapidly. At this time, Bai Ye poured oil into the pot.

The high-temperature crock pot completed the hot oil in an instant, and the oil started to smoke as soon as it was poured. At this time, Bai Ye put the onion, ginger, and garlic in the pot to sauté until fragrant, and then added the eel meat on the side, and used two long chopsticks to continuously flipping.

When the eel meat is three mature, Bai Ye poured the prepared sauce and various condiments into it, and continued to stir fry on high heat.

After a while, when it was almost mature, Bai Ye picked up the Huadiao wine and poured it on it. The wine contacted the fire, and the fire instantly soared. The raging flames almost directly surrounded the entire pot.

But right here, Bai Ye turned off the fire, took an empty plate to support the hot crock pot, and put the crock pot directly on it.

In less than five minutes, the cooking was done.

"I'm done, enjoy."

Bai Ye confidently said to the girl.

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