Hollywood Starts with Animation

Chapter 748: Little Plum Joins

"Hollywood started with animation ()"

The news of the rapid approval of "The Departed Walker" shocked the colleagues in Hollywood. However, after a little inquiring about the news, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Award-winning movie?"

"Hey, that's not a big deal!"

"Yes, what we were worried about before was that Wald Films would produce another big commercial production. If so, we must be worried. Now, it's just an award-winning movie."

Hollywood colleagues are always worried about commercial blockbusters such as "Spider-Man" and "Harry Potter", which can earn hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office, which will greatly affect the box office performance of their respective film companies.

Award-winning movie?

OR literary film?

Hehe, Hollywood film companies basically don't worry about it unless necessary, because most of the literary and award-winning films are really losing money and making money, and they don't sell money!


"Who said that the award-winning movie "The Departed" is a purely literary film? It is a crime movie. Although it is not a commercial blockbuster, it is definitely a sharp action movie with high visibility. A movie that is compatible with commercial and literary attributes!"

"Box office, I want it!"

"Award, I want it too!"

Zhu Ke looked at the reports of all the media and newspapers, and he was so arrogant at the moment!

Following Zhu Ke's will, the entire Wald Films is running at an unimaginable speed like a huge machine that fits perfectly.

Director, producer, photography team, makeup team, main actors... all departments acted quickly, striving to start shooting as quickly as possible.

"The boss has directly appointed Leonardo and Matt Damon as the two male protagonists of "The Departed". First of all, Matt Damon is interested in participating, and the contract is being negotiated with his agent, but, Lai Leonardo's desire to play is not high."

On this day, Wald Films is holding a meeting.

Kevin Fitch frowned and said, "Leonardo, he is indeed a bit difficult to deal with, but logically speaking, this is a project that BOSS personally finalized. Leonardo shouldn't just refuse to act in it?"

He was very puzzled.

Similarly, many executives of Wald Films are also puzzled. After all, the name of their own boss is now a gold-lettered signboard in Hollywood. For most actors, even the most popular Hollywood stars have great influence Appeal.

Why did he refuse?

And still so determined.


Gavin O'Connor, the vice president of the company and head of the production department, cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice: "After Leonardo refused, I went to see him in person yesterday, and he told me that he didn't want to repeat the role. Same type of character."

The voice fell.

many people:"......."

"No wonder!"

At this time, an executive couldn't help but say: "As far as I know, the "New York Film" produced by Miramax Films, starring Daniel Day Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio "Gangster" just finished filming a month ago and is expected to be released during Christmas this year, and this movie is somewhat similar to "The Departed", and the characters are also somewhat similar."

In an instant, many people suddenly realized.

"I see."

"I also understand. Although Leonardo debuted as a child star and later became popular all over the world in "Titanic", he is a very aspiring actor, and he rarely plays the same type of role."

"Understand it, but what should we do with our mission?"

"That's right, Leonardo was invited to play the leading role, but the boss appointed him. We didn't complete the task, how can we explain to the boss?"

"Could it be possible for the boss to invite him personally? In this way, what face do we have?"

For a time, many people frowned.

This is a big-name actor!

Looking at Hollywood as a whole, for works that can appear in Wald Films,

That is what many people dream of. These days, well-known brokerage companies such as CAA, William Morris Company, and Creative Brokerage Company have taken the trouble to recommend their own actors.


Some of the most popular and top film actors have extremely high status and can have the qualifications to have an equal dialogue with the film company, or even surpass them. Among these actors, Leonardo is definitely one of them.

"This, this, this is a bit difficult!" A senior executive couldn't help but say.

"I have a way."

At this moment, Alexander, who was a former assistant, suddenly spoke up.

For a moment, all the eyes of the audience were focused on him. It's no wonder that he has a high status, but after all, he just joined Wald Films not long ago, and he has been very low-key in recent days.

Kevin Fitch: "Alexander, if there is any good way, just say it."

"That's right!"

Gavin O'Connor also asked anxiously: "Dude, tell me what's up, we're all dying of anxiety."

Then Alexander said, "Martin Scorsese!"

—Martin Scorsese!

Just saying one person's name made everyone in the conference room suddenly realize.

Xiao Lizi is very popular, and he has no fear in the face of any Hollywood film company. The producers of many film companies love and hate him, but this is not absolute. At least one person can handle him, and that person is the famous director Martin. Scorsese.

The relationship between Comrade Lao Ma and Xiao Lizi is absolutely good!

"Gangs of New York", "The Aviator", "Shutter Island", "The Wolf of Wall Street" and so on, there are countless works that the two have collaborated on!

Of course, even if these movie collaborations, most of them are stories after 2002, but for now, the relationship between Lao Ma and Xiao Lizi is also very solid.

"In a word, if old Martin is dealt with and let him be the director, then Leonardo will also be dealt with!" Alexander said loudly.


Wald Films invited Martin Scorsese first and invited him to be the director of "The Departed", with a director's salary of 7 million US dollars.

Although it is not as good as Cameron, the bearded Peter Jackson and others' directors' remuneration of tens of millions of dollars, but in 2002, this was definitely the salary standard of Hollywood's first-line directors.

In 2016, Patty Jenkins, the director of the movie "Wonder Woman", was paid only $1 million;

In 2018, she directed "Wonder Woman 2", and her salary only reached 7 million US dollars.

Therefore, Wald Films invited Martin Sr. to be the director this time, and the salary is really not low, and this has not included the inflation factor.

As expected...

When Old Martin, on behalf of Wald Films, personally invited Xiao Li, it really worked out.

And, it only takes 10 minutes.

This made the executives of Wald Films both happy and sad.

Kevin Fitch couldn't help but smiled wryly: "We invited him for more than ten days, and Leonardo didn't agree, but the old Martin made a move, and it was done in 10 minutes."

The first update of "" is sent.

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