Hollywood Road

Chapter 485: A Good Way to Find Inspiration

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"The original idea came from James. [Fights Break Sphere]"

If such a project wants to take shape, it must have the support of Murphy, Seth Rogen said in detail, "He thinks that combining some appropriate comedy and thriller elements may bring unusual effects. I think it’s not bad, I also had some considerations about the theme of the new project’s story before, if these two elements can be combined, the effect may be better.”

Murphy doesn't trust James Franco in this regard, and some of his ideas are often off the line, but Seth Rogen is still very reliable.

Thriller and comedy? Movies related to both? Murphy instantly thought of the wonderful movie Killing Three Fatty, but did that fat man come on stage?

He really couldn't remember.

"What about the story?" Murphy asked, after all, the political risk of killing San Fatty was really too great.

Seth Rogen scratched his head and said, "I don't have a very specific story, just some random thoughts of mine."

He pointed to the door, "I was thinking, what would happen if there was a disaster like an earthquake or a fire in Beverly Hills?"

What video is this? Murphy couldn't remember, so he simply said, "Come out the script as soon as possible."

"No problem." Seth Rogen nodded, "I will send the script to you as soon as I finish it."

He is very clear that it is because of Murphy that they can get far more development opportunities in Hollywood than others.

"What's the problem?" James Franco walked back and asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

"Your and Seth's new project." Jonah Hill said first, "The one you plan to destroy Murphy's and Downey's homes."

"What do you mean we want to destroy Murphy and Downey's house?" James Franco understood what Jonah Hill was talking about, and retorted, "We want to destroy Beverly Hills!"

Jonah Hill plausibly said, "But Murphy and Downey's home is in Beverly Hills. [Fights Break Sphere]"

"You..." James Franco didn't know what to say, Seth Rogen suddenly raised his hand and interrupted them, "Wait, you two!"

Seth Rogen has never been a talkative person. Murphy knows this, and Jonah Hill and James Franco also know it. Since he said that, he must have thought of something. The three of them closed their doors at the same time. On the mouth.

"Destroy Murphy and Downey's home...destroy Murphy and Downey's home." Seth Rogen murmured, said several words in a row, and suddenly clapped his hands, "That's a good idea !"

Before the three of Murphy could say anything, Seth Rogen said in a hurry, "I'll take my leave first, and you guys say sorry to Downey and Susan for me."

"Go ahead." Murphy knew that Seth Rogen couldn't stay any longer, "Remember the script."

"I can't forget it."

While speaking, Seth Rogen turned his head and left, James Franco looked at him and shook his head, "This guy..."

Things like inspiration are very useful for film creation, and they all know this, so they don't care about Seth Rogen's early exit.

"Seth is very thoughtful." James Franco said with emotion.

Jonah Hill answered, "You are also very thoughtful, combining comedy and horror."

"I was just talking to Seth casually." James Franco looked very innocent, "Who knew that Seth would take it seriously and drag me into it."

"Aren't you going to help him?" Murphy asked.

With the relationship between the few of them, there is no need to turn around when talking.

"It's definitely okay to play the role, but it's difficult for others. [Gate of the Mysterious World]"

Shaking his head, James Franco said again, "You know, I've never been good at screenwriting and making plans, and my schedule doesn't allow it."

Hearing what he said, Murphy became interested, "Which movie did you take?"

"A film based on an extreme mountaineer,

"James Franco briefly introduced, "The director is Danny Ball, and I am basically sure that he will play the lead actor Alan Rolston. "

Murphy had never heard of the name, and asked, "Alan Rolston? Is it famous?"

"You know too little." Jonah Hill said first, "Now he is very famous, and his autobiography is selling well."

Seeing that Murphy was still confused, he said in detail, "A few years ago, Alan Roston encountered an accident while exploring a canyon in Utah. He had no choice but to rely on the strength of his body to lean against the rock wall of the canyon. After 5 days of support, his water was exhausted. He came up with an incredible way to cut off his arm with a knife and successfully saved himself. Rescued by helicopter six hours after amputation..."

Hearing what Jonah Hill said, Murphy gradually got a little impression, as if James Franco was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor for this film.

After chatting for a while, Murphy planned to go to the bathroom, told Gal Gadot, turned around and left the banquet hall, walked into the next bathroom, and after he came out, he stood next to the public sink and washed his hands.

Suddenly there was the sound of thumping leather shoes stepping on the marble floor behind him. A blond woman walked to another sink outside Murphy and turned on the faucet.

After Murphy washed his hands, he pulled out a tissue from the side and wiped it. He straightened his waist and straightened his shirt. The woman next to him glanced at him and suddenly showed a strange expression, but Murphy didn't notice that, and turned around. Just plan to leave.

The weirdness on the woman's face was fleeting. Seeing that Murphy was about to leave, she straightened up just right and turned around.

Since she was on the outside of Murphy, closer to the exit, she turned around and took a step, half of her body was in front of Murphy.

Murphy stopped quickly to avoid bumping into each other.

The blond woman said quickly, "Sorry..."

The voice sounded quite pleasant, and Murphy couldn't help taking a step back and glanced at the blond woman.

To be precise, this should be a girl, she looks no more than twenty years old at most, her figure is unusually tall, even wearing flat shoes, she doesn't seem to be shorter than Gal Gadot, and she has a rare bubble hair, The hair was dyed platinum, and a pair of long eyebrows raised high, like the hanging eyebrows that Murphy used to live in. The eyes under the eyebrows were born or made up. With a very attractive feeling.

At the same time that Murphy was looking over, the blonde girl also looked at Murphy just right, and then those smart eyes seemed to be able to speak, clearly conveying an emotion of surprise.

"You are..." She looked at Murphy, the surprise on her face didn't seem to be feigned, "You are Murphy Stanton?"

Murphy nodded slightly and said politely, "Hello."

While speaking, he unconsciously took a step back. This girl's reputation was really bad.

"God! God!" The girl seemed to be very happy, clenched her fist tightly with her left hand, and gently covered her mouth with her right hand, "It's incredible! It's amazing! I met Murphy Stanton!"

As if she was afraid that Murphy would leave, the blond girl took a light step without leaving a trace, and stood completely in front of Murphy.

"I...I...I'm so happy..." As if she didn't know what to say, the blond girl muttered a few words incoherently, and then stretched out a white and slender right hand, "I...I am yours Fans, my name is Taylor Swift, can I call you Murphy? You can call me Alison..."

She said a few words in a long-winded manner, and Murphy shook her hand lightly, smiling politely, "Hello, Miss Swift."

Withdrawing his hand, Murphy could feel that his right hand was wet again, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he immediately thought that the girl opposite was really not a little white rabbit.

"Murphy," she seemed familiar, "can you sign for me?"

Speaking of this, Taylor Swift seemed to remember that she was wearing an evening dress and did not bring a pen or notebook, her innocent face immediately collapsed, "I didn't bring a pen and notebook! I really hate myself , how could you forget to bring your pen and notebook?"

Murphy didn't speak, but just watched the girl across from her play to her heart's content.

Taylor Swift looked at Murphy, begging in big eyes, "Murphy, can I know your contact information? I want to take a photo with you, you are my favorite director! Missing such an opportunity I Can't forgive myself."

"Well." Murphy finally said, "Are you here for the banquet? I'll ask the waiter to deliver the autograph to you."

"I'm here to attend Mr. Downey's party." Taylor Swift answered irrelevantly, "I'm here with my agent, haven't I met Mr. Downey yet? I heard you and him are very good friends , can you recommend me?"

Murphy looked at his watch, and Taylor Swift suddenly realized, "Sorry! I'm so sorry, I stopped you here."

As she spoke, she stepped aside, Murphy nodded to her, and walked out in a few steps. There was another sound of leather shoes landing behind her, and Taylor Swift chased after her.

She looked at Murphy's tall and generous back, and the inspiration in her heart seemed to erupt at any time. She had this feeling from the first time she saw this young director at the sink.

Taylor Swift knows exactly what this feeling means, as long as he can grasp this rare opportunity, the new song that is in trouble will soon break through, maybe it will be like when he dumped his last boyfriend , hiding in the room for half an hour, you can write a popular new song.

This is the most effective way for her to find inspiration, and a song about her and a big director can naturally create a sensational topic. (To be continued.)

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