Hollywood Road

Chapter 482

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In a small studio closest to the south of the warehouse, as 19 extras were put in place one after another, Robert Downey Jr. and Christoph Waltz in suits sat at a dining table for two in front of the green screen. They looked retro in their retro looks. Quite handsome and full of passion.

Especially Christoph Waltz, even if he sat there and said nothing, Murphy looked over the camera and felt that he was full of drama.

Although evaluating acting skills is a very subjective thing, he has to admit that if Christopher Waltz and Robert Downey Jr. perform normally, it is difficult for the latter to compare with the former.

However, acting skills are only part of the charm of a star or even an actor.

Seeing the actors in place, Murphy raised his hand from behind the camera and gestured to the scene director.

"Scene two hundred and nineteenth, act twenty-second." The recorder put the record card in front of the camera lens, "Start now!"

As the sound of the start sounded, the crew immediately started telling the operation.

"Mr. Hannah, you can take drugs during the day." Robert Downey Jr.'s face was both curious and modest, "and you can keep working at the same time?"

"Or is there another way to do this job?" Christopher Waltz shrugged. "My friend, if you want to work normally, of course you need cocaine and prostitutes."

"Yes." Robert Downey Jr. could only smile, "I must say, I am very excited to be a part of this company, and all the customers of the company"

"Go to his client!"

Before Robert Downey Jr. finished speaking, Christopher Waltz interrupted, "The clients are a bunch of idiots!"

He shook his head, "The only thing we have to do is take the customer's money out of our pocket and put it in our pocket."

"If you also make money for the client" Robert Downey Jr. looks naive both in person and in his words, and the crew went out of their way to make him look younger with makeup, "then everyone benefits ,right?"

"Wrong!" Christopher Waltz completely rejected Robert Downey Jr.'s statement, "The first rule of Wall Street, no one, even if you are Warren Buffett and Jimmy Buffett, no one can know whether this stock is going to go up or not. To fall, turn sideways or play in a circle, at least all stockbrokers are like this, these are all fake."

The camera controlled by Murphy has been shooting the scene of Robert Downey Jr. and Christoph Waltz in a panoramic way throughout.

"!" He stood up from behind the camera and said loudly, "Donnie, Chris, well done!"

Robert Downey Jr. immediately made a triumphant gesture to his side.

Before he could let go of his hand, Murphy said loudly again, "But it's not good enough! I need you two's performance to be more explosive."

Murphy no longer cared about these two people. As a director, he made more requests and then let the actors complete them. With the abilities of Robert Downey Jr. and Christopher Waltz, he can do better.

He left behind the camera, returned to his director's monitor, and said to Phil Rascher, who had just been sitting here in his place, "Rearrange the camera, and then shoot this dialogue scene with front and back shots."

Feli Raschel nodded, returned the director's seat to Murphy, returned to his film crew, and started to sit on the left side of Robert Downey Jr. and Christoph Waltz's right side as planned in advance. , each set up a camera to capture shots of two people in a close-up manner.

The shooting started quickly. The No. 1 camera was responsible for capturing Robert Downey Jr., and the No. 2 camera was responsible for filming Christopher Waltz. After some simple editing, the front and back shots that often appear in the dialogue between the characters in the movie can be obtained.

In order to avoid showing off skills, Murphy used the simplest front and back shooting, only two cameras were used. According to the axis principle, the two cameras were arranged on the 180-degree line by Philip Raschel. on the same side of

Each camera is aimed at an actor, so that the shots can be independent of each other.

During the shooting, Murphy also asked Feli Raschel to use over-the-shoulder shots. The previous shot reminded the protagonist of Jordan Belfort’s existence, while the next shot could be switched to Christopher Waltz’s over-the-shoulder shot as a reaction shot , and also make Christoph Waltz smaller.

In this way, by using at least two cameras to shoot the same performance, Murphy can freely choose the editing point when editing later, which also makes the film look better.

Shooting the front and back of the camera is not a very clever shooting technique, but it has been proved by countless films to be the most effective way to maintain the rhythm of the dialogue. For example, the dialogue between Robert Downey Jr. and Christopher Waltz shot by Murphy is very Intensive scenes will seriously slow down the rhythm of the movie, and the fast switching of front and back shots can save it.

This shooting technique has a long history, and in the first 15 years or so of film production, it was not applied as a stylistic strategy. What was popular in that period was the so-called character scene modeling style, using a single shot to represent the entire scene.

By the late 1910s, however, it had become commonplace in feature films in the United States, and shortly thereafter it was adopted throughout the world.

After editing such shots, it will give the audience a sense of continuity in the film, as if it happened along the real timeline.

In the words of Robert Downey Jr., The Wolf of Wall Street is a crazy movie. The meeting between Jordan Belfort played by him and Mark Hannah played by Christoph Waltz can be said to be the most important part of the opening scene. Fee purposely placed the characters on either side of the camera to keep the dialogue flowing.

The rest of the shoot, Robert Downey Jr. and Christoph Waltz were excellent, but Murphy was still not happy with the shots he got.

So, Murphy made some changes during the shooting. In the initial stage of shooting, he gave Christoph Waltz a very wide shot, explaining the surrounding environment, and then after the first line of Christopher Waltz ended, the camera tilted forward and changed to Close-up shots.

This approach keeps the action in the background while keeping the viewer at the same distance as Jordan Belfort from Christoph Waltz to keep the conversation private in the shot.

Shooting is always like this. It is impossible to follow the plan in advance, and there are things that cannot be considered in the plan. Every time Murphy shoots, there will always be some situations that exceed the plan. This requires him and the entire team to respond in time to ensure The least cost to achieve the ultimate goal.

Sometimes, in order to achieve the shooting goal, there may be more than expected consumption in terms of time and money.

However, after these years of directing, Murphy has accumulated a wealth of experience while also establishing a very high reputation and prestige, and has always had a good reputation in terms of capital consumption. He is also a director that third-party guarantee companies are very willing to cooperate with.

In today's Hollywood, everyone knows that it is very reliable to cooperate with Murphy Stanton. In the internal lists of major Hollywood companies, Murphy is also at the top of the green class.

This green class is a division within Hollywood production companies. It is mainly based on the box office performance of a director's two or three films in the last five years. They will be classified into the green class.

A director like Murphy who has a global box office of more than one billion US dollars, and other films that can basically achieve five times the cost of the box office, is naturally the best among them.

But although his classification is very high, there are not many production companies that invite him to cooperate. Murphy's high salary and bonus will also discourage many people.

The cooperation between Stanton Studio and 20th Century Fox has been very pleasant. To paraphrase Murphy's words when he was on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the two companies have established a relatively solid strategic cooperative relationship.

After taking four shots, the dialogue scene between Robert Downey Jr. and Christopher Waltz was finally nodded by Murphy, and the filming of the entire film ended.

After announcing the completion of the filming, Murphy temporarily handed over the crew to Gal Gadot, took Robert Downey Jr. and Jonah Hill out of the warehouse studio, and accepted an interview with a media reporter invited by Twentieth Century Fox .

The end of the shooting not only means that the post-production is about to start in full swing, but also marks that the promotion of the film will become more and more powerful.

Facing media reporters, the three of Murphy talked about their feelings about the shooting one by one.

"The most difficult thing is the lines. I have never encountered such a long monologue in my life. There is a whole four-page monologue. Murphy's writing is really good!"

People like Robert Downey Jr., whether they are chatting or being interviewed, will never be short of words, "That kind of emotional ups and downs is like bungee jumping. I really feel like throwing up. I should have been in front of many people. Give an impassioned speech, but at the end my throat seems to be blocked."

"I'm still nervous about filming. Being a director is a scary and wonderful thing." Compared to Robert Downey Jr., Murphy simply said a few words, "But I enjoy this feeling, especially being able to Collaborate with your friends."

Jonah Hill faced this interview with rare seriousness, "I love different types of movies, and I like to show my comedy side, but playing The Wolf of Wall Street is simply the best opportunity in the world. , and basically acted in his true colors, in fact, there are many passages in the film that you can put in comedy films."

Afterwards, the film was transferred to post-production, and this stage of work had just begun when Bill Rosses brought Murphy good news and a very special invitation. To be continued.

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