Hollywood Road

Chapter 467

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In order for the new project to take place, Murphy must first get the script proposal, especially the script, even if it is an assembly-line script in Hollywood, it is also one of the foundations of a movie. [Indestructible Dragon Emperor]

After the eighty-first Academy Awards, Murphy's main focus was on script writing.

The story line of the outline is basically determined. Since it involves the legal rights and interests of Jordan Belfort, it is impossible for Murphy to write too many articles on the protagonist. Most of the content must follow the well-documented content. It can be said that the protagonist has been It is limited within a framework, and there is not much room for the script to play freely.

That would definitely have some detrimental effects on the script.

But Murphy quickly found a way to deal with it. Jordan Belfort's counterattack did bring him restrictions on the main character. The supporting roles are set off.

The people around a person often reflect his character, just like the Stanton party members. If Murphy is a moral model, he will definitely not become a buddy with Jonah Hill, James Franco and Robert Downey Jr. .

Switching to Hollywood's screenwriting philosophy, it can be said that it is to create a brilliant partner for the protagonist.

In successful movies, the characters all bear or highlight a specific character archetype, and each archetype has ▲↑▲↑, x. Specific behaviors and thinking patterns, which are easy for the audience to understand and accept.

This kind of character archetype theory believes that everyone has a deep and diverse character, and many different factors are woven together to form people's character. Of course, among these many characters, there is a dominant characteristic.

So, when Murphy creates a sidekick for the protagonist, it needs the partner to demonstrate certain character archetypes to create a reliable ally for the protagonist. [Fights Break the Sphere]

Swedish psychologist Carl Jung once summed up twelve types of character archetypes: child, hero, outlaw, magician, libertine, ordinary person, lover, guardian, ruler, explorer, inventor, truth-seeking and pragmatic By.

All filmmakers, including Murphy, will more or less add these character traits to the protagonist when creating the script, but Murphy will not be limited to these prototypes, because it will be difficult to extend the depth of the character and three-dimensionality.

For example, most of the protagonists in traditional Hollywood movies are good guys, or become good guys in the end, but Jordan Belfort is not in this category. Murphy's plan is to further highlight the character's love of money and dark and crazy side, so the pairing in The supporting role around him must not be a good person.

To be precise, most of them are veritable assholes.

Due to certain legal restrictions, Jordan Belfort cannot be played arbitrarily. When the protagonist cannot complete his own story alone, Murphy needs some supporting characters who support and oppose them, so that the story can continue and be fuller.

Of course, supporting roles also have an irreplaceable role, such as being very pleasing, having a comedic effect, or helping the audience reveal the puzzles in the movie, etc.

First of all, Murphy set Jordan Belfort's most important assistant, and it can also be said that he is the second male lead in the film, Doniazov.

In Murphy's script, this would be a typical clown-type supporting role.

If such a character believes that life is only lived once, and he enjoys himself in time, and is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, then it is best to set him as a clown character.

The life goal of this type of character is to be happy and have fun in time, enjoy pleasure, be afraid of boredom, always like to joke and create joy and pranks, pursue some seemingly insignificant stimulation in life, and most importantly, be careless and clumsy. [Fights Break the Sphere]

Doni Azov is undoubtedly very suitable for such a role, and while setting this role, Murphy naturally thought of who is the most suitable for such a role, even if the role changes,

But just like Martin Scorsese's choice once, Jonah Hill is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

When Murphy set up this role, he added funny and humorous elements based on Jonah Hill's prototype, and used humorous dialogue to resolve conflicts or crises, which also added to the fun of the clown-type role.

Another supporting role is the founder of the 20th century shoe giant Steve Madden Company, Doni Azov's childhood friend. In the script, Steve Madden's career is still in its infancy, and his appearance is also very simple. From the looks of it, this would be a naive supporting role.

The naive supporting role needs to be very childish in appearance, and is also the purest type of supporting role, at least on the surface.

For example, Xue Bao in "Frozen" that Murphy once watched is a very successful naive supporting role. He doesn't know that he will melt in the sun, and he really wants to take a "sun bath"... Not only that, Xue Bao is also a lovable character, bringing all kinds of joy to the audience.

This type of supporting character will try his best to do things "the right way" no matter how inconsistent his heart is with his appearance, and he has firm beliefs.

Another important supporting role is Jordan Belfort's deadly enemy, that is, the federal agent who was not bribed by him and sent him to prison.

This FBI agent named Patrick Denham was responsible for investigating the inside story of the illegal fraud of the Stratton Oakmont Company. He was unmoved by Jordan Belfort's money bribery offensive, but insisted on finding out the truth.

Patrick Denham is undoubtedly an exploratory supporting character, the type of character who is always trying to knock down or break all the obstacles in his way, and can be an excellent character to highlight the main character.

In terms of character setting, in addition to the real detectives who investigated Jordan Belfort in reality, Murphy also referred to George Martin's response to the little devil Tyrion Land in "Game of Thrones" to a certain extent. Certain depictions of Nestor.

The "little devil" Tyrion Lannister in "Game of Thrones" can be described as a typical exploratory character. Although he is short in stature, he is extremely ambitious.

In the first season, he went to the Great Wall of the North to visit the night watchman. In the eyes of those around him, he traveled such a long distance, and felt that this was very inappropriate for a noble prince like him. Moreover, he is still a hero in "Game of Thrones", and has become the right-hand man of "Dragon Mother" Daenerys.

In most film and television works, this type of supporting role likes to experience real and fulfilling life, longs to explore the freedom of the world and find the true self, is afraid of comfort and being troubled by the world, avoids being disturbed by the world and the outside world, and tries to maintain Ego, eager to learn and looking forward to long distance travel, can be a highly loner or aimless individual.

After finishing the supporting role of Jordan Belfort, Murphy went to meet his accountant David, and entrusted him to invite several professional stockbrokers from Wall Street to assist his screenwriting team to complete the script about finance and securities. Those who are more specialized in other aspects.

There is no need to be amazing in this regard, but at least you can't make basic mistakes.

The specific operations and techniques cannot be seen from the script. Although the protagonist has a strong ability to deceive people, there will be no specific and subtle operations, which can also reduce the chance of making such mistakes.

"If it is according to the description in the film, is it really a group of gangsters selling marijuana who have become masters in operating funds?"

As one of the future executive producers of the film, Gal Gadot was the first to see the first half of the script that had already been completed. She was puzzled by many things and asked Murphy, "Wouldn't that have severely hit the financial industry?" The faces of practitioners?"

"The method they use is called pmp.and.dmp."

In fact, Murphy doesn't know much about this aspect. What he knows is partly the impression left by watching various Wall Street-related movies before, and more of it is David's few Wall Street people these days. From what my friend learned, he basically buys and sells now, "This is mainly for small and micro stocks, that is, the market value is quite small. You have also seen it in the script. The legendary future leading company in the US communications industry is actually in A sort of toilet off a back country road."

This film seems to be closer to a comedy, but the core set by Murphy is black. He does not intend to whitewash Jordan Belfort, let alone show the glamorous side of Wall Street, but stares at the side behind.

Not to mention Jordan Belfort's information, after Oscar, Murphy had people collect a lot of well-documented information about Stratton Oakmont Company. Compared with these guys, the Stanton Party members are really a group of nice guy.

Those guys back then fooled strangers, packaged themselves as a Wall Street elite, and then made a lot of hype about this broken company. The most important point is that they lied about having the rumored inside information, for example, the stock will rise sharply in two days, " Please give me two days, just two days, your money won’t be used urgently within two days”, that’s what they usually say...

Then the customer bought it, and because the market value was very small, the price did go up quickly. Then they used this as a success story and continued to fool more people into it: I said two days ago that this stock would go up, and within two days He's really skyrocketing, I'm so sorry I couldn't reach you two days ago, but it's still too late...

Then it just rolls bigger and bigger like a balloon, so it's called pmp.

Until one day, I feel that the time has come. Generally, it may be because I have played enough, or this stock has been targeted by financial predators. These people are afraid that the gold they got will be taken away, so they throw away all their holdings, completely Talking about this stock for nothing is like taking out the garbage, that is, dmp.

Those customers who haven't sold yet deserve it.

As for what Gal Gadot said about a group of rogues who sold marijuana became masters in operating funds, according to Murphy's understanding, this kind of situation is really not uncommon. (To be continued.)

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