Hollywood Road

Chapter 464 The game between labor and management

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Back at the Stanton studio, Murphy read Jordan Belfort's biography again. He couldn't remember how many times he read it. It is clear to the chest. [The Gate of Mysterious Realm] [Read the full text..]

In addition to the biography, he also had a large amount of third-party material on Jordan Belfort collected for use by himself and the screenwriting team at Stanton Studios.

For the script writing this time, Murphy still adopted the method that he provided the outline template, and other screenwriters were responsible for writing different content. As long as the communication channels are smooth, this kind of assembly line script will be more conducive to the shooting of future films.

There will always be unexpected places for a person, and brainstorming can still bring some benefits.

At work, Murphy will also neglect things, not only script writing, but also other aspects.

He ignored Leonardo DiCaprio's fame and influence on the original writer, Jordan Belfort, when developing the script's outline.

"Director Stanton, I hope to take back the film adaptation rights of my personal biography "The Wolf of Wall Street"."

Standing opposite Murphy was a middle-aged man with short dark hair. He was not tall and looked quite shrewd. "I will give you proper compensation."

Poured a cup of coffee for Jordan Belfort who came here specially, Murphy sat on the sofa next to him, "Do you know why?"

"You know my situation."

The former financial fraudster made no secret of it, "I need money very much now. Someone has offered a higher price, and besides the copyright fee, I can also get a considerable share of the box office and DVD sales."

Although Jordan Belfort didn't say it clearly, Murphy could also guess who was behind.

Jordan Belfort said it directly, and Murphy didn't go around in circles, "Are you going to tear up the contract?"

"After you bought the film adaptation rights of "The Wolf of Wall Street", it has not been made into a movie. [The Dragon Emperor]" Jordan Belfort knew that it would not be an easy task to recover the copyright, and he was mentally prepared accordingly. "In view of this situation, I have the right to reclaim the adaptation rights. I hope we can reach an agreement instead of going to court."

Murphy frowned, "My studio is preparing for this film."

He also doesn't want to have an irreconcilable conflict with the Jordan Belfort archetype, if he can.

Jordan Belfort thought for a moment and said, "I want Leonardo DiCaprio to play me in the movie. He is the most suitable person."

"But I don't think so." Murphy directly vetoed, "This project is still in the stage of writing the script, but I can assure you, Mr. Belfort."

He has already seen that the matter cannot be ended simply, and he is no longer as tactful as before, "My film is not up to other people to dictate!"

Jordan Belfort is not a good person either, he stood up and shrugged, "Then we can only meet in court."

"Mr. Belfort," Murphy finally reminded, "I hope you can think about it clearly. You know the financial market very well, but the copyrights in Hollywood and North America are not what you think."

Of course, a conceited person like Jordan Belfort couldn't listen to these words, so he just said goodbye and left.

A film adapted from or other works, if it does not get the support of the original author, especially if it falls out with the original author, it will be quite troublesome, but Hollywood is not without such precedents. Back then, "Forrest Gump" "The original author Winston Groom had the opposite idea of ​​the producer and fell out completely, but there was no way to stop the filming and release of the film.

Jordan Belfort's situation is different from Winston Groom's. The latter is fictional, while the former is based on his own experience. [Fights Break the Sphere]

Probably Jordan Belfort is not very familiar with this situation.

There are clear provisions in the entertainment laws of the United States that the facts on which film adaptations are based do not fall within the scope of copyright or trademark protection.

The parties have no rights to the facts experienced.

Although production companies often use "authorized by the parties" as a gimmick for film promotion, in fact, US federal law does not clearly stipulate that movies based on real people and real events must be authorized by the parties.

It is the freedom of Hollywood and production companies to shoot movies, but only if the legal rights of individual citizens are not violated. For artistic and commercial considerations, the film may disclose the protagonist's private life, fabricate some eye-catching plots, create or escalate conflicts between the protagonist and others, and so on.

Of course, these distortions of reality can easily lead to damage to the personal interests of the parties involved, and the production company may be sued in court for improper coordination.

Initially, Murphy did not want to cause unnecessary troubles when he purchased the copyright, but now that troubles have arisen, the film of Stanton Studios can completely not follow the autobiography, but become an adaptation based on facts.

As for the extent of it, his lawyer Robert has a deep understanding of entertainment law. As usual, he will continue to serve as the legal advisor for the future crew, and he will naturally avoid minefields as much as possible.

Now that he made up his mind to advance the project, Murphy also asked Robert to make a targeted plan in advance, mainly for the trouble that Jordan Belfort might bring.

In the judicial practice of the United States, it is nothing more than those fixed routines for the parties to trouble the production company.

The first is the crime of defamation. Adapted movies fabricate or improperly use plots that have negative effects on the parties, such as extramarital affairs, drug use, etc., making the parties feel that their reputation and social status have been damaged, which constitutes a crime of defamation.

The second is the right to freedom. In order to enrich the content of the story and attract the audience, the adaptation of the film usually adds a lot of information that is unknown to the parties involved. Suffering constitutes a violation of the liberty of individual citizens.

When Murphy was writing the script, he avoided these minefields as much as possible. If Jordan Belfort really did something, he would not sit still, just like someone always jumped out to say that a blockbuster movie violated his copyright. There are also systematic initiatives in this regard.

Defamation charges are aimed at fictional plots. True facts are obviously a defense to defamation. The U.S. Constitution grants "true speech" the privilege of protection. As long as it is proved that the plot in the movie is true, it can be exempted from liability for defamation.

Immunity is achieved with freedom of speech. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stipulates freedom of speech. Movies, as a way of expressing speech, are naturally protected by it. If a movie uses material from public records, such as news Reports, public information, official registration information, etc., are not restricted in their creation.

Also, if a film can be authorized by a reporter who reports something, it also has legal copyright.

These are enough for Robert, an experienced lawyer, to make suitable arrangements.

The arrival of Jordan Belfort undoubtedly means that the negotiations between Murphy and Leonardo DiCaprio have officially broken down.

In Hollywood, many directors are willing to make concessions if the original writer strongly demands it, but Leonardo DiCaprio apparently does not realize that Murphy is not in this group.

Even without Jordan Belfort, it would be impossible for Murphy to work with Leonardo DiCaprio, and his super high salary is the biggest obstacle.

Murphy's director's salary has caused headaches for many Hollywood studios, but the films he shoots can always give investors more returns, so there is no shortage of partners.

The high salaries of the stars make Hollywood feel like a thorn in the back.

Today, Murphy is not only a director, but also an investor. Last year, he took advantage of the economic crisis to invest in many films. Stanton Studio has been cooperating with other film companies in the "Chain Saw" series and "Game of Thrones" series. , The actor's high remuneration also gave him a headache.

Fortunately, the "Chain Saw" series, a main character will not survive for a long time, but "Game of Thrones" is different. The problem of a large salary increase is unavoidable for every hit American TV series.

Actors like Jessica Alba and Margot Robbie have been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per episode, and the latest season of "Game of Thrones" cost the cast and crew nearly half of the total production cost. Thirty percent.

But this is a common phenomenon in Hollywood, and even the law of the industry. It cannot be solved by Murphy alone. Those actors are human and have desires. It is impossible for them to be stupid for a certain outstanding role or so-called artistic pursuit Give him free work.

Fortunately, these people say that those superstars like Leonardo DiCaprio, the salary is terrible.

But this kind of thing can't be slapped in the face. Even if their salary is super high, there are still companies willing to use them. This is superstar.

Because their names have a magical effect in Hollywood where "money speaks" and can influence the decisions of studio bosses. In the final analysis, it is a word of money. With their joining, investors are willing to spend money to bid for auctions, and audiences are willing to spend money to buy tickets. This is entirely due to the supply and demand relationship dominated by the invisible hand of the market mechanism.

Because of this, the remuneration of Hollywood stars has repeatedly exceeded the ceiling. Not only the basic remuneration is as high as 20 million U.S. dollars, but also participate in the box office dividends, ranging from 10% to 25%, which makes Hollywood feel unbearable .

For example, in 2003, Keanu Reeves, who ranked first in the star salary list in history, received a total income of 30 million U.S. dollars plus box office dividends for the two films "The Matrix 2" and "The Matrix 3". $56 million; Arnold Schwarzenegger's salary for "Terminator 3" is $20 million, plus a 20% box office dividend, and the global box office of the film is more than $430 million. Twenty percent of that goes to Schwarzenegger.

This can also be said to be a game between labor and capital. (To be continued.)

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