Hollywood Road

Chapter 453 Black Slaughter

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Entering the screening hall, Jonah Hill got out of nowhere, followed Murphy, and walked towards the front row together. Jonah Hill kept looking behind while walking, as if there was something special can attract him.

"That chick is not bad." He said suddenly.

Murphy just nodded to a person who greeted him, but he didn't understand Jonah Hill's meaning for a while, and asked suspiciously, "Who? Who is good?"

"Julia Roberts' niece." Jonah Hill quickly reminded, "It's the girl who gave you the note just now."

This theater can accommodate more than 2,000 people, and the area is quite large. Murphy was still some distance away from his seat, so he only said a few words to Jonah Hill.

"Tell her." Murphy didn't take Emma Roberts' matter to heart at all. After being reminded by Jonah Hill, he remembered that he still had a note in his hand and didn't even read it. It was directly handed to Jonah Hill, "This is for you, you can figure it out yourself."

Jonah Hill immediately opened his mouth wide and said with a smile, "When Gail comes back, I will definitely say good things for you in front of her."

Murphy shook his head, and was just about to give him a middle finger, but thinking of the occasion, he retracted the hand he was about to raise, and said, "Joe, don't hit me, or I'll kick your ass to pieces. "

"Am I that kind of person?" Jonah Hill defended himself first, then leaned over and said mysteriously, "Do you think Emma Roberts is really Julia Roberts' illegitimate child?" Female?"

"You'd better ask Downey about this kind of thing." How could Murphy know whether it was true or not? "He has the best gossip information in this area."

After finishing speaking, Murphy walked towards the row where the crew was, leaving Jonah Hill alone.

Having said that, everyone has a heart for gossip, and Jonah Hill's question also aroused Murphy's curiosity. He also wanted to know, is Emma Roberts the illegitimate daughter of Julia Roberts?

He didn't have to ask. If Robert Downey Jr. and Jonah Hill got the word out, the rest of the Stanton party would know soon enough.

Although this rumor is not reliable, the voice of Emma Roberts being the illegitimate daughter of Julia Roberts has never disappeared in Hollywood circles over the years. Perhaps this issue can only be solved by Julia Roberts and her brother. Make it clear.

Soon, Murphy let go of these thoughts and waited for the movie to start.

In addition to the premiere at the Lincoln Center, 20th Century Fox has also finalized 3,000 advance screenings for "Inglourious Basterds" in North America.

This is very different from other films that want to make a difference in the awards season. The vast majority of films aimed at the awards season will not have such a large-scale premiere.

The typical award season screening mode is to first screen in less than ten theaters, and try to attract only fans of this type of film. These people will naturally have a higher evaluation of the type of film they like by one or several levels. It is extremely easy to create a good reputation.

In the following period of time, this kind of film will not blindly expand the screening scale, but strive to create a word-of-mouth effect. After the word-of-mouth has fermented to a certain level, the screening scale will be appropriately expanded to continue to attract audiences who generally like this type of film, so as to maintain word of mouth evaluation.

Accumulate word of mouth, limit the scale of screenings, everything is for the purpose of creating a good word of mouth...

It is undeniable that the word-of-mouth of a film is one of the key factors that impact the awards season.

The benefits of point-and-shoot and small-scale screenings like this are self-evident for word-of-mouth marketing. When the vast majority of passer-by audiences are excluded, the number of people who see the film is limited, and most of the viewers are fans of this genre or When directing supporters of actors, the word-of-mouth performance will naturally improve.

On the contrary, if a film is released on a super-large scale and attracts a large number of audience types, word-of-mouth will become difficult to control.

This is also an important reason why even if the summer commercial films are excellent, their ratings are often lower than some more general literary films.

The number of viewers of the former is too many, several times or even more than ten times that of the latter.

If the quality of the film is not too bad, word-of-mouth can also be created through marketing. For example, in the previous battle between "The Dark Knight" and "Shawshank's Redemption" for the first place in the imdb score list top 250, no one can tell whether there is any behind it. Pushing hands, anyway, Warner Bros.'s DVDs, TV broadcasting rights, and online pay-on-demand are selling very well.

At 7:30 p.m. Eastern time, "Inglourious Basterds" kicked off the screening on time.

After a quick flash of 20th Century Fox and Weinstein's opening credits, a close-up of James Franco's face first appeared on the screen, and then the camera zoomed out to show his Aldo Reiner against the background of the airport. The lieutenant spoke to a small group of people, and Murphy introduced the background of this dry role in the most concise way.

The bastards then boarded, a plane took off, and they were dropped into France to begin a long campaign of sabotage behind enemy lines.

Compared with Quentin Tarantino's bohemian style, Murphy's approach outside the noir style is more traditional, and he adopts a multi-line narrative approach.

In order to allow more audiences to sit in the theater patiently after watching the opening chapter, instead of being defeated by the talkative scene, Murphy also added a battle scene after the bastard team entered France. Just to attract the audience with blackness, killing and gore, but also to create characters, especially the bat killer.

This is a quick raid, the battle is fast and bloody, the bastard squad mercilessly slaughtered the Nazi army, the soaring blood and exploded heads, almost reached the limit of R-rated movies, and made those who can enter the theater Adult audiences were mesmerized and hooked.

The action scene represented by "fist" and the passionate scene represented by "pillow" will always be the most powerful weapon for movies to attract audiences.

After the battle, the bastard squad treats the enemy mercilessly, even the dead body will be scalped, and the bat killer's super headshot is a killing feast.

Lieutenant Aldo-Reina's carving art also caused a lot of admiration.

Completely different from Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan" reflecting on the war, and Quentin's laughter and scolding, Murphy did not give any reflection to the battle scene, it was a naked feast of slaughtering Nazis!

He has never worried that this will cause strong controversy. Anti-Nazi has been one of the most basic political correctness in the entire Western world for decades. There are not no people or movies that whitewash the Nazis, but they have never been on the stage.

After the rich black killing, the color of the film is slightly brighter, and the narrative naturally shifts to the side of Colonel Hans Landa and the farmer. Except that the lines are not Quentin-like, they are a little more concise. The plot here is not Murphy. Without making too many changes, the farmer completely collapsed in front of Hans Landa's brilliant methods, and the Jewish family hiding under the floor was ruthlessly massacred, only their daughter escaped.

The war came to an end, and the Allied forces began to counterattack. In the past few years, the bastard team has also gained a great reputation, and it even reached Hitler's ears.

Hitler is still a clown-like image in the film, and Murphy certainly wouldn't be so stupid as to give the Nazi leader any respect in the film.

A sympathetic and pro-Hitler stance is undoubtedly suicidal.

The whole film is divided into two main lines, one is the bastard team, and the other is naturally Sosanna who escaped.

In fact, there is no direct contact between these two lines from the beginning to the end of the film, but there are many indirect contacts between these two lines. The first is that both sides are Jews, and the protagonist of the whole story is also a Jew. The killing of the German army all comes from the killing of the Jews by the German army. The second point is Colonel Hanslander, a very important character in the movie. This person is a famous detective of the SS Army. The development of the two main lines is closely related to him. The third point is the relationship between the two sides. Common goal - create a fire or a big explosion in the movie theater, and kill all the German Nazis in the movie theater.

The British also participated in this operation. They sent a former film critic officer to France, but it turned out that this man was just a mouthful after all. He said that the safety of the underground pub streets would not be noticed by the German army. He was full of Nazis; he took the initiative to deal with the Nazis, but in the end he didn’t have any substantive skills other than talking, and finally exposed his identity with a gesture, causing a fire to erupt...

Michael Fassbender's character is definitely the most unreliable one in the whole film.

Afterwards, the two lines of the film gradually come together, preparing for a shocking assassination of the top leaders headed by Hitler.

Among them, Murphy also made a lot of changes. For example, the employee and boyfriend of Soshana are no longer a black man, and guards were added in front of Hitler and the theater, making the assassination look more difficult, etc.

Of course, the ending of killing Hitler will not change, and in order to create a more outstanding perspective effect, the final strafing will be accompanied by countless spurts of blood.

Not to be missed is the flogging of Hitler's corpse. After killing Hitler, Murphy used a close-up shot to confess twice in a row that the Jewish fighters aimed at Hitler's corpse and shot wildly until Adolf Hitler was beaten into a mass of rotten flesh.

If it weren't for grading considerations, Murphy would have made this shot more violent and bloody, which is one of the most exciting parts of the whole film.

Blood and revenge are the prominent themes of Murphy's film. Since this film is going to hit the awards season, why not kill Hitler and the Nazis more ruthlessly?

Killing Hitler is the dream of many people. Even though the real bastard was definitely dead more than sixty years ago, being able to solve him with his own hands is still something that many dreamers like to fantasize about, because it is indeed a feat.

As for Colonel Hans Landa, the fate will not be any better. The bastard collided with the bastard, and of course it was more shameless to compare who was more shameless. (To be continued.)

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