Hollywood Road

Chapter 451

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Film production companies in Hollywood, large and small, receive quite a lot of submitted scripts every year, and Stanton Studios is no exception. On the floor of the newly leased Century City Building, there is a special room for holding scripts. The received scripts, after those scripts were mailed in, were briefly browsed by Paul Wilson and even Rosa Rodriguez, and then they were put here, and then...

Like most Hollywood companies, these scripts will remain untouched for a long time.

Since there was nothing to do today and Critner Wilkinson appeared again, after Murphy returned to the Stanton studio, he specially asked Rosa Rodriguez to send some scripts over.

He wants to see if there are any projects worth investing in.

After looking through dozens of scripts, the result was disappointing. Several of them were full of unconstrained ideas and ideas, but these ideas and ideas were really not suitable to be turned into a movie, and the risk and return of investment were not proportional at all.

The end result is how these scripts were taken by Rosa Rodriguez and how she took them back.

These scripts are definitely not just delivered to Stanton Studios, but Murphy has never heard of any news about the approval of the project in the circle, even though the creativity and artistic creation of many of the scripts are better than most of the scripts released in Hollywood, But it still doesn't get the attention of Hollywood companies.

The reason is simple. The so-called innovation risks of these newcomers and new works far exceed routine and assembly line models. If they don’t see enough returns, of course no one will invest.

In the final analysis, Hollywood is a business circle after all, and related industries are also called "show business", which has never been "performing arts".

Maybe some people always think that Hollywood is looking for talent. In many TV programs, we can always see Hollywood agencies and film companies telling the audience in front of the camera that we are looking for talent in movies. This is one of the biggest lies in Hollywood.

In fact, if someone took their word for it and called some of Hollywood's biggest agencies and told them they were the talent they were looking for, they would have nothing to do, or even hang up on.

What Hollywood needs is not a genius mind, but a brand with marketing potential, such as James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks and so on.

Whether it is a producer, author, actor or director, what Hollywood values ​​is not talent, but the potential for profit. Many times, it is not the artistry of his works that impresses Hollywood companies with the journey of an aspiring young man in the film industry such as Murphy. It is the benefits that his work can obtain.

When a person's name has the ability to attract the audience, or attract the money in the audience's pocket, then he is the so-called "genius" that Hollywood is looking for.

Those who can enter Hollywood are not all talented, but they must know or someone knows how to package themselves and make their name a brand. To some extent, this is also a kind of talent.

In this commercial paradise, creativity and stories are very much needed, but everyone knows that creativity and stories are the least valuable. The stories of super-best-selling Hollywood movies are very simple, similar to "Independence Day" and "Titanic". " and many other works, in terms of the storyline of the script alone, it is at most the level of a second-rate or even a third-rate screenwriter.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a story has no originality. If a newcomer brings this kind of story to the film company, no one will pay attention to it.

Hollywood is hungry for talent? Is Hollywood a place where talents are valued and shine? Do not be silly.

Just like when many people hear Hollywood, their first reaction is that it is a place where movies are made.

Indeed, a large number of movies are produced here every year. Major Hollywood companies and even directors and investors including Murphy also hope that the public will only regard Hollywood as a place to make excellent movies.

But the fact is that film production only occupies a very small part of Hollywood. This is an industrial area of ​​film marketing, not a creative production paradise.

Just like those so-called low-budget big-selling movies, are their costs really low?

They cost only a few dozen or two hundred thousand dollars to produce, but how much was spent on marketing?

In Hollywood, people use more resources to market a movie than to make a movie, maybe two to three times or more.

A movie in the sense of Hollywood is not something that the director shoots and edits in his own camera. Films shown in cinemas.

The biggest difference between these two concepts is that movies do not make money, but movies can make money.

When a film can be advertised in the media and publicized to the public, it realizes the transformation from "film" to "movie".

Of course, many artistic and idealistic directors will choose to take the film festival route.

But in fact, if you want to participate in most of the film festivals, including the three major European film festivals, you not only need to have works and art, but also need to prepare a lot of money!

If a film wants to participate in the film festival, just like Murphy's participation in the Saint Denis Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival, the producer needs to submit an admission fee to the film festival, which is often expensive, and then there are various submissions. Expenses, such as the cost of printing promotional materials, shipping costs, staff salaries, expenses at screenings, PR campaign funding...

If you are lucky, the film will meet a distributor who is willing to buy it at the film festival. At this time, the film will have nothing to do with art. All discussions will only revolve around "profit", "sales" and "distribution". conduct.

Doesn't that sound particularly un-artistic?

To put it bluntly, whether it is a person or a film, if you want to be valued in Hollywood, you must first prove that you are valuable and can bring benefits.

Otherwise, no matter how much you say, you will be rejected, rejected, and rejected... just like Murphy was at the beginning.

Can a story and an idea attract investment? Talent will be valued? This dream is indeed beautiful.

Before you have proven yourself, all stories and ideas are illusory.

Although Murphy advocates that movies should have their own styles, instead of the serious homogenization of Hollywood movies today, many things that exist in reality don't exist because he pretends that he can't see them.

These things will not be transferred by the will of the individual at all. The strength and ideas of one person are very small in front of the huge industrial chain.

The most typical question is, what kind of movie is a good movie for a movie production and distribution company? The noir style he chooses must be a good movie?

Is it a good movie with a professional rating of eight or more? Are good movies that reflect social reality? Is it a good movie that thinks about humanity and humanistic care? Is it a good movie that makes people's brains turn? Is it a good movie that scares people at the end? Is it a good movie that makes people sleepless in the middle of the night and speculate on the director's techniques and intentions?

The answer is clearly no.

How should movies be classified?

Clever movies, skilful movies and movies with wit? Commercial film, inspirational film, literary film or independent film?

In fact, in the eyes of Hollywood production companies, these are not complicated. There are only two kinds of movies that are blockbusters and non-blockbusters.

Even Murphy, who believes that box office and commercial revenue are not the only criteria for measuring a film, cannot ignore this reality.

As a director and investor, if you ignore this objective reality, you will fall badly, or even lose your fortune.

Whether it is popular or not is never the result that Murphy wants. What he wants is that the film has a good reputation and can be a hit.

If you want a movie to be a blockbuster, publicity and marketing can never be ignored.

Therefore, during the period before the release of "Inglourious Basterds", Murphy was actively cooperating with the publicity and marketing plans formulated by 20th Century Fox and Weinstein Films.

As time slowly enters November, the release of "Inglourious Basterds" is getting closer and closer, and various promotional activities are in full swing.

First, during the interview, Murphy revealed that the title of the film was not chosen by himself, but by Quentin Tarantino who was recuperating. Quentin Tarantino also accepted interviews from media reporters. Asking questions, the director known as the "movie ruffian" answered very strangely.

Regarding the meaning of the name of the film, Quentin said that the death squad in the film is all uneducated rough people. They are not heroes in the traditional sense. enemy.

In order to attract more fans, whether it is Murphy or Twentieth Century Fox and Weinstein Pictures, Quentin Tarantino will definitely not be forgotten.

Then, Margot Robbie boarded the cover of "Entertainment Weekly" and was hyped as Murphy Stanton's new goddess.

Subsequently, a large number of photos of Diane Kruger participating in a publicity event flowed out and became the focus of gossip media.

"...German actress Diane Kruger has a lot of beauty behind her back, and the scale of the backless dress that opens to the buttocks is staggering. Kruger, who once played the first beauty Helen, said that this time she was captured by Murphy Stein Director Dunn was as lucky as winning the lottery when he chose the heroine, but she also regretted the lack of intimate scenes with James Franco in the film, and also revealed that the experience of being beaten by the other party in the film was very exciting. She explained that being James Franco Franco abused and probably a lot of girls wouldn't say no to that."

The German actress knows how to hype and how to cooperate with publicity to attract attention.

It can be said that "Inglourious Basterds" is definitely one of the most watched films this Thanksgiving to Christmas schedule.

Twentieth Century Fox also held a small test screening of the film, which received mixed reviews.

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