Hollywood Road

Chapter 434 Restraining Impulse

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Any director will look for a suitable subject matter at any cost, instead of waiting for a suitable project to come to his door. For a long time, Murphy can be said to have "broke through the iron shoes and found nowhere to find", but fortunately, sometimes there will be "get it". Come all without effort" good luck!

Like a wounded Quentin Tarantino and Inglourious Basterds, Murphy has really good luck at times.

But good luck is only one aspect. If you want to succeed, you have to make corresponding efforts.

So far, almost all the scripts of the films directed by Murphy have passed his hands, at least he has been deeply involved in them.

The reason why he wrote scripts for all the films he directed, or actively participated in the writing of scripts, was not to become the dictator of a film, but for purely technical reasons. In Murphy's production style and mode, the script is already part of directing.

A screenplay is not a book, not a novel, but a guide, a how-to.

During this shooting, whenever Murphy arrives at the shooting site, he will have clear plans and ideas for the scenes to be shot every day. If this is an action scene, everyone must know what will happen before the work starts, so He often has a "storyboard" because it is imperative to familiarize the technicians and the entire crew with what is required of them.

For other scenes, Murphy doesn't like to use "story boards", especially those scenes that require actors to perform explosively, because it will tie their hands and feet, rigidly follow his sketches, and can never be compared with reality. Rich and colorful comparable to...

It's like asking a costume master to make a piece of clothing, and then go to the person who wears it.

Obviously, it would be better to do the opposite: find the person, measure him, have him cut, and have a second look at the end to see if there is room for improvement...

Therefore, during the preparation period and filming this time, Murphy let the actors rehearse freely, and even did not intervene at all at the beginning. Those actors with enough understanding would naturally choose the correct position.

After so many years of work accumulation, Murphy can clearly know how to do better as long as he observes the position situation.

Except for the necessary guidance, Murphy never showed the actors what they should do. Those people were much better than him in terms of performance. A smart director would not be stupid to guide the actors' specific performances. Putting the cart before the horse.

A lot of directors tend to overdirect their actors, and actors are obsessed with it because they like to be overdirected, they like to have endless discussions about their characters; .

Often, they get so dazed that they lose their spontaneity or talent as a result.

Many people always think that every director is James Cameron on the set and always squeezes the actors. The actual situation is just the opposite. Most directors work like Murphy. As long as the actors do not have any problems, basically It will create conditions for actors so that they can play to their heart's content.

This is also part of the director's job.

From the beginning of filming, Murphy knows which method is suitable for the leading actors, and will not easily interrupt their good work status, which is useless.

Instead, they should be made easy to work with...

Every director has his own style and his own working habits. This habit has advantages and disadvantages. The most typical one is Spielberg. This super director can shoot any subject, but any subject After shooting and making, as long as you distinguish carefully, it is not difficult to find that they are all made in the same mold.

Therefore, if you want the film to maintain its own style without becoming a stereotyped product, then every film must come up with something fresh, from photography to storyboarding to scene design to editing style, otherwise it will not be the same. An excellent director shoots a film every year, and the audience will be bored after a long time.

Spielberg is also typical in this regard.

Just like "Deadpool" added humor and fast editing, "Gone Girl" blended suspense and thriller, and "Man of Steel" gave superheroes a heavy theme, Murphy in "Inglourious Basterds" except black humor and penetrating to the bone In addition to his shameless efforts, he also used a lot of brains in the shooting and design of each scene.

When Murphy shoots some special scenes, he tries to use a single shot, or as much as possible, as long as it is not necessary, he does not switch, and he never shoots the same scene from different angles.

This keeps the actors from doing the same thing over and over again, keeps it fresh and spontaneous, and allows them to try a lot of different things, they might play the same scene differently each time without worrying about whether it will match other lenses.

As far as directing is concerned, this kind of black film that integrates black humor into the entire theme, plot and scene of the film without highlighting the jokes is a very demanding and strict genre.

If a certain scene is pulled out alone, it is difficult to find a suitable laughing point, but under the theme of "Inglourious Basterds" and the background environment, these hidden black humor will become the laughing stock that the audience loves to see.

From the beginning of the pre-production, Murphy was very clear that "Inglourious Basterds" is not "Man of Steel", and nothing in the final film can hinder the audience's deserved laughter, and nothing can divert the audience's attention from what should be laughing. moved out of place.

If he moves the camera too much, edits too quickly, and risks stifling the laughs, it will be difficult to make a fantastic film noir about World War II.

The final effect of Inglourious Basterds was to be dark, simple, and clear.

What Murphy really wanted was a nuanced, terse, slightly dark image, where he worked and wanted to see everything, and wanted to see the actors doing what they were supposed to do, without compromising the timing, because the timing was so important to it. This movie is very important.

His last film was a pretty serious film noir, so there was always an urge to shoot, to try something out of his head, to have fun with the camera, enjoy the movement.

But this wasn't Man of Steel, and Murphy had to resist that urge during the filming of Inglourious Basterds.

In addition, Murphy must try to avoid many mistakes in all his work.

The first thing to avoid is not doing anything that doesn't help Inglourious Basterds.

It often happens that during filming, Murphy pops up with an idea that he thinks is brilliant, or wants to try something, but it doesn't work for Inglourious Basterds, and he has to throw it out immediately .

Of course, this does not mean rigidity and stubbornness, on the contrary, rigidity and stubbornness are also wrong.

In Murphy's perception, the film "Inglourious Basterds" is like a plant. Once the seeds are sown, it begins to grow. If he wants to see it grow, he must grow at the same speed. To change, one must also be open to the views of others.

As a director, it's definitely different from a screenwriter. When a screenwriter writes, he is alone in his room and thinks he can control everything he writes. When a director comes to the set with a script, it's another thing entirely. The director needs to have control. , need the help of other people and the whole team to achieve the goal.

Any director must understand, accept, and pay attention to this point, and they must use the resources they have to work.

For a director, firmness is a quality, but not compromising is definitely a mistake.

The second is that the director has a lot of power on the set, and is likely to inflate, thinking that he knows everything about the movie, but this is a joke.

A lot of directors think the audience will like a certain character, turn out they are not interested in him at all, and instead like a character that the director hardly cares about, the director thinks they will laugh at some point, turns out they never find the director funny stuff lol...

This kind of situation, as long as anyone who often watches movies knows, it is too common.

But that's what makes directing so magical, so mesmerizing, and so much fun that Murphy would have stopped making movies if he thought he knew everything about it.

Murphy likes this job. This job can not only bring him money income, but also spiritual enjoyment. He is happy to do this job. This is not only what he is good at, but also his interest. You will be deeply intoxicated by this movie.

Even if you encounter difficulties, the process of overcoming those difficulties can lead to a kind of spiritual joy.

For example, when filming scenes where many senior Nazi officials watched movies in a movie theater, Murphy used 35mm film due to the consideration of the award season. The color tone processing is no longer as convenient as digital lenses. The place is to use scenery and on-site dimming to shoot.

The scenes in the movie theater are dark and depressing. If you want to shoot in a low-light environment, you will naturally encounter many difficulties. Murphy has made sufficient preparations and a lot of experiments for this.

Low-light shooting often requires constant experimentation to find the most suitable way to achieve the desired effect.

Therefore, the shooting process generally takes a long time, and preparations before shooting are also necessary. Murphy led the crew to arrive at the scene at least two hours in advance every day to prepare shooting equipment and arrange lighting. The picture he wanted.

This traditional film shooting method is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it is necessary to hit the awards season and get better results.

For two films with similar circumstances, the Academy will choose film or digital, and the answer is very obvious.

Although film shooting will bring some troubles, the shooting is always within a controllable range. When the shooting entered the post-production stage, Murphy encountered a real big problem in using film. (To be continued.)

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