Hollywood New Century

426 Crying London

In early August, Simon came to San Francisco in Northern California from Los Angeles.

In the Pacific Heights, north of San Francisco, Simon's Heights Garden luxury villa, more than 5,500 feet of highland mansion, overlooking the San Francisco Bay, close to Chrissy Field Park, the Golden Gate Bridge, the scenery is unparalleled.

On the open-air balcony, Simon leaned on the sofa and Ivanka admired the San Francisco Bay at night and the Golden Gate Bridge not far away.

"I came from Florida, and my family is on vacation there!" Ivanka said inexplicably.

"Your family's Mar-a-Lago?"

Ivanka shook her head and smiled: "Your Dora International Golf Club, where my father entertains friends and throws parties."

"Yes, I spent a lot of money on the renovation of the Dora International Club. The hotel, the independent holiday house, and the grass are all top-notch. Many celebrities go there." Strange talents.

"My father said that you made a lot of money from this investment, otherwise he would buy it and renovate it to run it," Ivanka said with a shrug and a smile.

"You know, our family runs quite a few hotels and resorts."

A transparent tulle shirt is casually worn on the body, and the black underwear inside shows Ivanka's good figure.

Simon raised his eyebrows, saying this, if I hadn't remembered your dad's project, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place? Dora International Golf Club is a world-class golf masters competition venue, and it is used to make money.

It's not the subprime mortgage crisis, can I buy it for 100 million US dollars?

"However, don't we have business competition recently? The right to use the century-old postal building near the White House in Washington, D.C., the Trump Organization, the Marriott Hotel, and the Hilton Hotel are all bidding," Simon said with a smile, and the nine-headed bird is now a Hilton shareholders of the group.

"This is a commercial competition. The property rights of the Postal Building are also owned by the government. As the second tallest historic building in Washington, D.C. after the Washington Monument, the bid is also for the right to use the long-term lease contract. After the renovation, it will be converted into a hotel. Become a flagship hotel," Ivanka said with a smile, but her father has deep cooperation with Deutsche Bank, and he is determined to win this postal building. Even the name has been thought of, and after the renovation, it will be called the Trump International Hotel in Washington.

"Your father can be a comedian. He has been the host of NBC's commercial variety show "The Apprentice" for many years, and there are still many audiences who support him." Looking at it this way, Trump has also cooperated with Xinghai Entertainment, right?

Commercial real estate, entertainment resorts, hotel brands, the three major sectors of the Trump Organization.

However, Simon's current industry also includes a lot of real estate businesses, casinos, resorts and commercial buildings, as well as a lot of assets.

"Aren't you on vacation in the UK? Why did you return home so soon, it's a good time for a summer vacation," said Ivanka, who was still in the UK when Ivanka contacted Simon. It was after Simon returned to the United States that he contacted himself again.

"Is it the UK? I'll go when the Premier League starts." Simon's attention to the UK is very high now. It's just August, and Simon is paying attention to the London riots every day!

Basically, they didn't even pay much attention to the negotiation of the collective bargaining agreement between the nfl league and the nba league, and their eyes were fixed on the riot in the UK.

The Golden Gate Bridge in the night is more beautiful than in the daytime, and the twinkling lights and the lights of the ships in the San Francisco Bay complement each other.

Simon stood at the railing of the balcony with Ivanka in his arms, pointing at the Golden Gate Bridge: "This is the bridge that has been bombed the most in Hollywood movies!"

"The White House, the Pentagon, the Capitol and the Statue of Liberty have been bombed a lot," Ivanka joked.

Afterwards, the two hugged and kissed, and after a while, they entered the room together, and a pair of dogs and men played poker.

London time, on the evening of August 4, 2011, on Tottenham Street in North London, Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old black man, drove a car through the street.

As the head of a black gang in North London, Mark Duggan also had two pistols in his car, one of which was still unregistered.

Unfortunately, two police patrols spotted the car, and after forcing it to stop, they walked towards Mark Duggan's car, yelling and insulting non-stop.

Mark Duggan was already in a cold sweat, but there was a black gun in the car. If he was found out, he would definitely be prosecuted.

As the police with guns got closer and closer, Mark Duggan, who was constantly doing nothing, took out his pistol and shot. The police also fired back, and a shootout broke out on Tottenham Street.

Mark Duggan shot a policeman's walkie-talkie, wounding the policeman, but another policeman hit Mark Duggan twice and fell to the ground.

Mark Duggan was dead by the time an ambulance and supporting police arrived.

Twitter, Facebook, TV stations, newspapers and various media have been fermenting for a day. On August 6, London time, more than 300 people gathered near the Tottenham Road Police Station in London to protest the discrimination against blacks by police enforcement.

In the evening, more than 150 "youth" led by black gangs in London began to burn police cars, buses and buildings along the street in the dark, which turned into violent incidents. Cut traffic, take over highways, and loot dozens of shops. Hundreds of masked protesters hurled bricks, bottles and eggs at police near Tottenham Police Station.

Rapid expansion of protesters leaves London unresponsive, Tottenham Police mobilize

Police and demonstrators confronted and fired tear gas, while demonstrators pushed a large number of shopping trolleys and other objects from a nearby market to "quarantine" the police trying to arrest them.

Finally, in the early hours of the morning, gunshots rang out from a group of black people, and a policeman on the opposite side fell to the ground.

Eventually, a mass shooting riot broke out in Tottenham Street, with fires, Molotov cocktails, petrol.

London is in chaos. Numerous senior officials such as the Prime Minister, the Mayor of London, and the Minister of Transport all rushed back to London to deal with the riot.

More than 10,000 police officers in London were completely inadequate, and the Royal Guard battalion guarding London began to crack down on thugs on Tottenham Street.

The rest of the police forcefully evacuated the demonstrators, and the police in Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds and other places also forcefully drove away the demonstrators and evacuated the parade crowd.

The riots were suppressed on 8.7, and 49 people were killed in the whole incident, including 25 white people. Thirty-three people were killed by gunfire, including nine by law enforcement units, as well as three police officers.

6 people died in the fire; 2 people were beaten with sticks; 2 people were stabbed to death with a knife; 6 people died in a traffic accident; 1 person was strangled to death.

Thousands of people were arrested across the UK, more than 70 per cent black and 95 per cent coloured.

London, three days of crying.

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