Hollywood New Century

410 Feeling Playful

"Simon, we meet again!" In a corner of the banquet hall, Amanda Hirst, who was attending the dance, came to Simon's side.

"Yeah, long time no see, beautiful Amanda!" Simon also laughed.

Amanda Hirst stared at Simon and looked at him, wearing a haute couture hand-cut English suit, a tall and stylish figure, and a handsome face.

The higher a man ranks on the Forbes Rich List, the more attractive he is, an unchanging truth.

As a diamond-level bachelor in the United States now, Simon Parker's appeal is huge now. As a veteran media group family, the Amanda Hearst family is indeed inferior to the current Xinghai Entertainment in terms of new media.

Amanda Hearst's mother very much hopes to marry Simon Parker, and the future will only benefit the Hearst Group.

"What's the matter, is there something?" Simon asked aloud.

Amanda Hirst shook her head, came back to her senses, and smiled: "Nothing, don't you have a female companion by your side?"

"I came with Ivanka. I just met a few friends and chatted for a while," Simon didn't have anything to hide.

"Yeah," Amanda Hirst didn't ask much, they had known each other for a few years anyway.

"However, I heard from my mother that the "San Francisco Chronicle" is developing very well, and it has also cooperated with the nbc in the field of online news, and the reform has been very successful," Amanda Hearst said and asked again.

"However, why is Xinghai Entertainment selling its cable TV station now? Channels like syfy were only acquired by nbc in the 1990s?"

"Well, Hearst Group is interested in NBC's cable TV station?" Simon asked with a half-smile.

Amanda Hearst shook her head and waved her hand: "No, now the TV stations under Hearst are only local, our main business is also fashion magazines and investment, and the business is very extensive."

Simon nodded. William Hearst, the founder, developed the Hearst Group into a newspaper monopoly in the United States, and the methods used to kill the giant Joseph Pulitzer were also extremely dirty.

The king of pornographic journalism, vulgar journalism practitioners, etc., basically the rich second generation William Hearst developed the Hearst Group and Rupert Murdoch developed the News Corporation is the same way.

The Hearst Group has developed by virtue of these and cannot be seen in the eyes of many upper-class American society, not to mention that the Hearst Group has long been nothing like it used to be. Not to mention compared with News Corporation, any of the three major newspaper groups in the United States can hang it.

However, after all, the Hearst family was a wealthy family in the 19th century. Having served as the governor of California and a senator in the Congress, it has a lot of political resources in the United States.

"By the way, my mother said that the big news about Hollywood in the past was very good, and the sales of many of our newspapers and magazines have increased a lot," Amanda Hearst whispered, then smiled again,

"If there is anything else we need to contribute, you can let us know at any time."

Simon nodded, and sure enough, scandals about celebrities are always one of the news that attracts readers the most.

"Recently, Xinghai Entertainment's project to build a Universal Studios Resort in China is estimated to be in the early stages of preparation. It's ok not to have any negative reports in this regard. Disney lost to us this time, and I'm worried that some of their shareholders will The newspapers are making trouble for me," Simon reminded after some thought.

"Understood, I will discuss it with my mother when I go back," Amanda Hirst is now working in the family company, and this kind of thing will of course be discussed with her mother.

After Simon Pike and Amanda Hirst separated, Simon was invited to a room on the second floor of the ballroom.

"Mr. Roberts, good evening!" Simon entered the door and found that it was Doncaster Group CEO Brian Roberts, the son of Doncaster founder Ralph Roberts, who took over after Lao Tzu's death.

"Simon, sit," Brian Roberts greeted Simon on the sofa, poured two more glasses of wine and handed Simon one.

"Mr. Roberts, what's the matter with inviting me here now?" After all, he was also an opponent who competed with NBC Universal before, and Simon still respected him very much.

Brian Roberts smiled. He didn't dare to underestimate the young man in front of him. Doncaster's offer to Disney in 2004 was rejected, and then he joined the investment group of Sony Holding MGM the next year; then he offered Time Warner Its subsidiary, Times Cable, was rejected again; after that, it went all out to negotiate with General Electric to acquire nbc Universal Entertainment, but lost to Xinghai Entertainment.

As the largest cable operator in the United States, Doncaster is also the second largest network operator and the fourth largest telephone operator. However, due to the rise of online streaming media, the desire to enter content production is more urgent. Traditional cable and Internet TV need to be transformed.

"Simon, now Universal Pictures is really different in your hands, the strong results are dazzling," Brian Roberts just complimented,

"The future of Xinghai Entertainment is immeasurable!"

"Haha, fortunately, other studios are also very capable. This big cake is just for everyone to eat together," Simon shook his head and said.

"It is common sense that film studios rely on media groups, but with the rapid development of the Internet, traditional entertainment groups seem to be insufficient to compete with Silicon Valley's technology entertainment. In the future, more comprehensive entertainment industry cooperation is bound to be required. The entertainment sector needs to involve more industrial chains, and content production authorization seems to be strengthened!" Brian Roberts laughed.

"Yes, I know,

"Simon certainly knew what Doncaster meant, not just him, but also the telecom giant at\u0026t.

"Network telecommunications and cable TV operators hold a large amount of customer resources and have channels. Together with Hollywood film and television content groups, they will indeed become mainstream in the future," Simon also admitted, earnestly,

"What does Doncaster want?"

"Mainstream Hollywood studios plus mainstream TV broadcasting groups," Brian Roberts doesn't hide,

"I would like to hear your views!"

The tone is not small, the mainstream TV broadcasting group plus the film and television group, this is the Xinghai Entertainment, Disney, Viacom Group plus CBS TV and broadcasting group, 20th Century Fox Group?

nbc, abc, cbs, fox television network these four wireless television networks and their respective movie studios.

Simon shook his head and smiled: "The possibility is very small, Doncaster should think about the goals that are possible to achieve!"

"Simon, do you think it's possible for Doncaster to acquire Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment from News Corp?" Brian Roberts asked.

Simon's face changed after hearing this. It seemed that Simon and Rupert Murdoch had agreed that 20th Century Fox Entertainment would not be sold to Disney within ten years?

Doncaster, it feels like a drama!

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