Hollywood Lover

Chapter 441 Why, Do I Want to Be Like Others?

"This one is very good, it describes the impulse of human nature very sharply, and highlights the collision and darkness of human nature at that moment. It is a masterpiece!"

Wang Dajun curled his lips, shit, isn't this just going the way of Lao Mouzi, exposing the dark side of China all day long, exaggerating some accidental events, such movies are very touching, and it is easier to win awards internationally, but no matter what Said, they are all showing their wounds to others, and they are talking about human nature, darkness, and collisions in a serious manner! Damn, if I were to be the chairman, there would be at most one nomination for this movie 100%.

"That one is also very good. The actors are professional and emotional, and the plot is full of twists and turns, which is very touching!"

Wang Dajun curled his lips again, don't be uncomfortable, don't toss unhappy, is it really necessary to give such comments as plot twists for such a completely unreasonable movie? I think the screenwriter's head was caught by the door panel, right?

"Well, everyone has a good look at this one. This is the work of Young Master Liu." The chairman on the stage coughed and reminded the judges to review carefully.

Shit, that playboy Young Master Liu? Wang Dajun simply closed his eyes, not bothering to look.

A whole day has passed, from 8:30 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon, Wang Dajun complained and complained, disgusted and disgusted. Although there were a few excellent works that made his eyes shine, but compared to last year, From Wang Dajun's point of view, although there are more entries, the level has dropped.

Until, that micro movie appeared.

"Hey, this is the work of the rich brother, the name is...well, to the dream." Guo Lei picked up the work in front of him and said to everyone with a smile.

"Hehe, I heard that the participating teachers at your school gave this work a high evaluation, so I have to take a good look at it." Someone said with a smile.

"That's right, I've never heard of the extra fee of 1,000 yuan a day in all of China. This is not the price of a trick, it's completely the price of the leading role!" Someone also took the conversation, and slapped the lighter, Light a cigarette.

"Why don't you call it the rich brother? Mr. Deng said, let some people get rich first, I think this rich brother is the one who gets rich first." Someone said on the mouth, but his face was Disdain to be alone.

"He didn't make his fortune in China. I heard that he came back from further studies in Hollywood. He is a great screenwriter in Hollywood!" The man who spoke had a dignified tone.

Wang Dajun turned his head and saw that it was Zhao Qifa, the boss of Modu Film Company.

This is also a person with a lot of background. Unlike Wang Dajun, his film company is a state-owned company, which is much more important than Wang Dajun.

"Haha, let's talk a thousand words and ten thousand, why don't we take a look and see what kind of work this awesome and rich man brings us." The chairman of the jury also smiled, signaling to start the broadcast.

And this micro-movie captured everyone's hearts from the very beginning.

The melodious sound of the violin sounded, and the wandering artist played in front of everyone with a calm expression.

A little girl as pure as water, hiding among the crowd attracted by the sound of the piano, her small eyes are full of happiness and excitement as if she found her favorite toy, her flower-like face is full of An extremely happy smile.

But the six or seven-year-old girl seems to be the most beautiful angel in the world. Among the crowd, the breeze blows her long hair, making her eyes and eyebrows even more lovely.

As soon as the screen changed, a piercing horn sounded, which cheered up the judges who were sitting casually, but when the voice-over sounded, it was a girl who dismissed it, and even said a little insultingly: "The ugly duckling also wants to become a swan? A deaf man wants to learn to play the violin? Are you crazy?"

Seeing this, everyone understood, no wonder the grown-up girl stood in front of the car, unable to hear the harsh horn, it turned out that she was deaf.

Deaf people also want to learn to play the violin? Everyone, like the girl in the voiceover, had such doubts in their hearts.

On the screen, an arrogant and beautiful girl raised her chin, looked down at the long-haired girl, and shouted angrily, "Why don't you learn something else?"

Slapping the piano heavily, the beautiful girl lifted the music stand in front of the long-haired girl and ran out angrily, while the long-haired girl holding the violin watched her leave in bewilderment.

In a flashback, the pretty girl bends over and yells at the long-haired girl, "You're wasting everyone's time!"

The sad and touching music sounded, and the long-haired girl sat alone in the classroom, finally couldn't help it, and cried silently.

Wang Dajun looked at it, suddenly cheered up, and watched it more intently. The ugly duckling and Cinderella-like opening made him want to watch it involuntarily. .

At first, Wang Dajun thought it was just a game for rich people, or a work for making his girlfriend a star, but like everyone else, he watched and slowly sat up straight, Some looked at the video screen in disbelief, and doubts abounded in their hearts.

Just looking at the shooting technique, it is very proficient and sophisticated. The ability to control the lens is not comparable to those film lovers or photographers who have become monks halfway. It is very professional and thoughtful. This technique is obviously top-notch!

Even if it is moved to the big screen of the cinema, it is more than enough.

Didn't you say it was a Hollywood screenwriter? Screenwriter can also be a photographer?

If Wang Dajun knew that Zhang Dongcheng was responsible for all the post-editing and soundtrack work by himself, he would be so surprised that he fell off his chair.

The picture continued, the girl who was crying bitterly on the seat disappeared, and came to the street again, next to the wandering artist.

At the end of the song, amidst the applause of the crowd, the wandering artist found the long-haired girl standing aside, with a smile on her delicate face, looking at the person he had admired since childhood.

"Are you still learning to play the violin?" The wandering artist bent down to pack up the equipment, but asked the long-haired girl in sign language.

Seeing those words, the smiling face slowly stiffened, and the frowning brought out a sad heart. The long-haired girl couldn't help but burst into tears. She lowered her head, and the big tears were crystal clear and clear. fell off.

Sitting on the side of the road, the long-haired girl cried bitterly and asked the vagabond artist in sign language: "Why, why am I different from others?"

All the judges sat up straight, and the place where chattering and laughing was lively suddenly fell silent, watching this period of life unfolding in front of them, the deaf-mute children's longing for the same life as normal people, the sadness and sadness that they dreamed of made everyone feel empathy.

The wandering artist thought for a while, then suddenly smiled in his deep eyes, and said in sign language: "Why, why do you want to be like everyone else?"

Just changing the word, the meaning of this sentence is very different. The style and connotation of the whole movie are suddenly improved, so that this micro movie has a different soul from other movies at once. , a moving and soul-shocking spirit.

Sure enough, it was different!

Wang Dajun stared at the screen intently. The little girl in front of him was not very old, but her acting skills were surprisingly good. She swayed freely on the screen. Just using her eyes and facial expressions, she enriched an inner drama, a little resentful and a little timid. Some girls who dream but can't find their direction act vividly, as if she is the deaf-mute girl, and her every move is so perfect.

On the face of crying bitterly, the dark clouds suddenly dissipated, and it seemed as if sunshine had finally shone in in her life, and the longing for beauty and dreams returned to the girl.

"Music is alive, close your eyes and you can see!"

The thumbs up, the violin given to the girl, excited in the heights of the city, fluttering in the wind, echoing in the fields, and raising new hopes on the poster of the "Classical Music Competition" on the wall.

Metamorphosis, change from now on.

But at the beginning, the beautiful girl who was very prejudiced against the long-haired girl, as if everything was aimed at her, deliberately knocked over her food in the restaurant, and asked her in vicious words if she wanted to court death.

They even brought in local ruffians, injured the vagabond artist, and smashed the long-haired girl's violin to the ground, smashing it to pieces.

In this way, let's see how you perform in the competition! The beautiful girl's eyes were full of viciousness and hatred.

The picture kept flashing back, the editing here began to speed up, the conflict and the hand on the piano kept switching, and the beautiful girl walked off the stage amidst the applause of everyone.

It seems that this beautiful girl can finally win the championship after all her tricks and tricks.

Wang Dajun was really amazed at this time, the whole story used a lot of filming techniques, but it was incomparably unified and harmonious, making people immersed in such a world, and couldn't help but raise their hearts for the long-haired girl.

Movies, no matter what kind of movies, are essentially telling a story, and whether the story can touch people's hearts depends on the skill of storytelling.

The micro-movie in front of me is a masterpiece in every respect.

Of course, this was only half watched, Wang Dajun just held his breath and continued to watch.

"Thank you for the wonderful performance brought by the last contestant, so today's competition is over..." The host on the stage was talking, and another staff member ran up to the stage and whispered something to him.

"Oh, and one more contestant, let's welcome her performance."

On the screen, there is a violin wrapped with duct tape. Although it is broken, it bears a dream, and the teachings of the wandering artist seem to be in the ear.

For the homeless entertainer who was injured and lying in the hospital, he clenched the hand holding the violin.

Slowly set up the violin, the long-haired girl closed her eyes, and when she closed her eyes, she could feel music and life.

Under the light, the elegant and wonderful violin sounded, like flowing water, slowly and calmly, but it made the audience who had listened to the music for too long and paralyzed in their seats all sit up straight, listening to the sound of nature in surprise The coming of the voice.

The climax struck like lightning, and the camera slowly rotated around the long-haired girl. With the music becoming more and more passionate, the Canon, who carried the meaning of life and struggled endlessly, rotated, rotated!

The girl's long hair flutters, bringing the best beauty in the world, the most pure stubbornness and persistence, and the most unforgettable butterfly breaking out of the cocoon!

The past is intertwined and reflected, it is the self who is not favored by others, the self who is scolded by others, and the self who is pushed and smashed the violin.

But so what?

If you are a butterfly, you can fly to the sky!

On the field, under the sun, a beautiful butterfly flies up, bringing exciting power and a unique life.

Wang Dajun stood up immediately, and, like the audience on the screen, he gave his own loud applause in surprise and excitement.

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