Hollywood Lover

Chapter 404 Let Me Hack You To Death

"I don't remember cleaning it three times a day! My God, what should I do this time?" Scarlett didn't expect piercing to be such a trouble. He just lowered his head and said in annoyance.

"Don't worry, I'll have someone clean it up for you, um, let your makeup artist do it!" This is the advantage of being superior, you don't have to do anything yourself, just follow orders, Zhang Dongcheng hugged Looking at Scarlett wearing earrings with her chest folded, she nodded with satisfaction.

Not to mention, although high-heeled shoes, earrings, and navel nails are all things that women wear to attract men and abuse themselves, these things can indeed bring beauty to girls. Unlimited style.

And Scarlett also looked at Zhang Dongcheng who was wearing earrings, and said in surprise: "Wow, my God, I didn't expect you to look good with earrings on!"

"Haha, as long as you like it!" Zhang Dongcheng recognized it with a smile, he was a little proud of cheating Scarlett about this trivial matter.

When the moon jumped into the sky, when the two rolled together and kissed, when Zhang Dongcheng was intoxicated with the tenderness of the sixteen-year-old girl again, Scarlett realized that she had been fooled, but the coquettish she was not in a hurry After thinking about how to get Zhang Dongcheng to apologize properly, the irresistible peak came again and again.

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Although only the first Lord of the Rings installment, the trilogy was filmed in succession, and filming three films of such magnitude in one go involved filming engineering and preparations comparable to a large-scale combat operation. Comparable, countless staff members, including computer special effects artists, medieval weapons experts, stone sculptors, language experts, costume designers, makeup artists, blacksmiths and model makers, etc., plus well-known actors from all over the world, as well as There are more than 26,000 extras working together to produce this epic masterpiece that has never been seen before.

Director Peter Jackson decided to complete the trilogy in one go at the early stage of preparation, which is an unprecedented initiative.

After Zhang Dongcheng had no choice but to take over the directing rights, he realized how much effort Peter Jackson put into this epic movie. It's unbelievable to just understand how complicated this whole process is. "

More than 2,400 staff members traveled to every corner of New Zealand within a year and a half to carry out arduous filming work. After the release of "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring", the staff members have not been idle, and the post-production special effects work is still In full swing, and preparing for the release of the second and third films, producer Barry Osborne said: "The advantage of doing three movies in one go is that after you have finished shooting, you can go back with a new perspective. It's a rare opportunity to see this trilogy."

Opportunities are rare, but for some actors, it is a painful and joyful journey.

For example, Andy Serkis, who plays Gollum.

The devil in Lord of the Rings, Gollum, and even King Kong, the world's largest orangutan, are all related to this man.

The former is dubbing, while the latter two are body capture.

The actor who can even fly his eyebrows was invited by Zhang Dongcheng. He was also born in London, England. In the interview where he showed his strength, he completely conquered the picky and strict Peter Jackson.

Serkis is not an unknown person, but he is not famous enough in front of the big Hollywood stars. In 1989, Serkis starred in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" at the Royal Exchange Theater in Manchester. It made him famous, and after he became famous, he returned here many times to star in plays such as "Bending to Courtship" and "The Essence of True Love". Then he interpreted the image of a wise fool in "King Lear" on the stage of the Royal Court Theater and became a classic. Throughout the 1990s, Serkis was active on the British theater scene.

As an important character throughout the "Lord of the Rings" series of movies, Gulu's infinitely old body and dark and rough skin are derived from computer special effects; Andy Serkis' acting skills are also due to his serious and responsible heart.

Everyone has their own interpretation of him, including what he is, what he looks like, and how he sounds. So I just put my interpretation out there. This is the original plane, what Serkis said about Gollum in The Lord of the Rings.

In addition to Serkis' superb performance, the Gollum character is claimed to be a leap forward in digital character production technology.

This is epoch-making visual effects, this is a milestone!

However, this time the glory no longer belongs to others, but Zhang Dongcheng's special effects company has played a huge role, and countless people have worked hard for it, so that a non-existent creature can be shown so vividly.

Watching Andy Serkis perform exaggeratedly and uncoordinatedly in front of the green cloth wearing a body-capturing instrument, Zhang Dongcheng was very satisfied. He had no objection to Serkis' performance at all. He played well on his own.

Some people don't have to worry about it at all in the crew, they will come up with solutions on their own and put them into practice. The director's work has been greatly reduced because of them, and the people around Zhang Dongcheng are the mainstream, and those who are not suitable as early as It was eliminated a few movies ago.

"Hey, Smith, don't you want to play a role in Lord of the Rings? HOHO, put on the clothes of Orcs, pick up their long knives and howl on the top of the mountain, that kind of domineering is too suitable for you!" The elf prince Orlando appeared In front of it and behind it is an exquisite and beautiful longbow, which is very elf style. It is much more convincing than the original version where you just take a small bow and sweep around.

To play an Oaks? Zhang Dongcheng's heart also moved.

Oaks is the legionnaire awakened by the devil, each of them looks terrifying, lacking eyes or ears, but Orlando's proposal gave Zhang Dongcheng some ideas.

After all, this Lord of the Rings was not originally my own work, but fate still chose me to shoot this pioneering work, so let's play a role in it as a souvenir!

Zhang Dongcheng seldom appeared in his own movies, the only time he played Nicolas Cage's personal doctor in the dark war, the short shot of a few seconds caused a huge sensation, and countless fans sent requests to Smith and Zhang to play a few more The camera's emails and letters nearly crashed the official website of Dongcheng Films.

But what movie fans don't know is that Zhang Dongcheng's short five-second shot was shot seven or eight times after being NGed. Although it is very simple, he can still laugh.

Maybe it's because he's used to being behind the camera, but when the camera shines on him, Zhang Dongcheng didn't perform as seriously as his actors, but burst out laughing right away, no matter how much he could bear it, he just wanted to laugh.

ok smith is a super director and he made movies that god would buy into the theaters but if he played the lead role well even satan would jump out of hell and throw a rock at his house glass!

Since then, Zhang Dongcheng has also gained self-knowledge, and basically dare not be an actor any more. However, Orlando's proposal made him feel a little impulsive again, wanting to play an Oaks and leave a mark on this epic movie. Get down on your own face.

Just in time, the next scene will be filming the scene where the Guardians of the Ring and the Oakes team patrolling on mountain wolves meet and fight. Zhang Dongcheng finally mustered up the courage and said loudly: "Hey, guys, let me do it!" The leader of the Oaks in the next scene! Let me, like you, record history on film!"

Haha, Smith and Zhang are about to perform, and the news spread like the wind to the entire crew, and as long as they are free, they all gathered around, looking forward to seeing Zhang Dongcheng's extraordinary acting skills.

In the whole movie, Oakes is the most tragic. It takes at least 10 hours for an Oakes to make up, plus shooting, the actors work at least 15 hours a day, sometimes even 18 hours. And Oakes' outfits and costumes are very heavy. It's okay in winter and can't be frozen, but in summer, the actors have to endure the torture of high temperature. In \u0026lt;Finger One\u0026gt;, the fighting scene at the end by the river was filmed at a high temperature of 40 degrees. And some Oaks masks are airtight, and they can only breathe through their mouths (such as the leader of the Oaks in the third part) until the end of the filming.

As for other ordinary actors, it takes 3 to 4 hours to make up. The hobbit actors' feet are artificial feet. Once they wear artificial feet, they must be very careful when walking and sitting, because the artificial feet are very easy to be damaged.

And Zhang Dongcheng has finally experienced this extraordinary pain now. He has been sitting in a chair for three hours, and the makeup artist is still smearing his face, and the weather in April is already a bit It was hot, and the sweat on Zhang Dongcheng's body began to flow, but he couldn't scratch it. This feeling was not to mention irritating.

Several times Zhang Dongcheng wanted to stand up, directly announced that the director would not be filming, and then ran away, but being watched curiously by so many crew members, Zhang Dongcheng could not give everyone the impression that he is a person with a head but no tail, he must Hold it up and get it down!

Scarlett is dressed like an elf girl, but she is in a short dress and short skirt in a battle state, which makes her look like a beautiful butterfly, and even bloody killings will not reduce her beauty by half.

Now she slipped quietly to Zhang Dongcheng's side, looked at Zhang Dongcheng's face carefully, and said with a smile: "Oh, God, Zhang Dongcheng, you are so ugly now! But don't worry, wait until I'm here The heroic figure on the camera, I hacked you to death with a thunderbolt, and you will turn back into my dearest Zhang Dongcheng! Haha!"

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