Hollywood Lover

Chapter 298 Hype, this is hype!

This fellow Gavin had to say that he was so cunning that he actually managed to get the San Francisco government to agree to a show on the Golden Gate Bridge, a show attended by thousands of media from all over the United States.

On the Golden Gate Bridge, traffic was controlled, and countless Americans who had nothing to do ran over, wanting to witness this grand event.

On this day, the clouds were a little low, and the Golden Gate Bridge seemed to be shrouded in a sea of ​​clouds, looming in the mist, showing another special beauty.

On the bridge, tens of thousands of people gathered together, discussing happily one by one, watching the press conference held on the bridge.

"Then why does Monroe really know how to jump?" Someone asked suspiciously. Jumping like this made it clear that he either died or couldn't take care of himself for the rest of his life.

"It's already in this formation, it's impossible not to dance, let's wait and see the good show." Some people took pleasure in other people's misfortune, but it wasn't him dancing anyway.

"I think that Los Angeles media news will definitely play some tricks." Someone shouted loudly, expressing their views.

"Needless to say? Let's see what kind of tricks we can play. Otherwise, if we really jump, the mayor of San Francisco will be kicked out!"

During the press conference, Gavin looked triumphantly at the thousands of reporters from various media in the arena, and at Monroe who was standing on the stage and delivering his speech.

That guy was wearing a neat suit today, and he looked like he was going to a certain banquet. He had a happy face, and he was not a person who wanted to commit suicide at all.

"I lost the bet with Smith, and I am willing to admit defeat. Today, I will jump in front of so many audiences across the United States! Please friends from the media to be a witness!" Monroe shouted loudly, making the flashes flash like crazy It illuminates the clouds and mists.

Striding forward, Monroe walked to the middle of the bridge, followed by countless reporters and Americans who watched the show, but was surprised to find that there was a device in the middle of the bridge, which looked like a springboard, sticking out of the bridge. .

"This, this thing, seems to be used for bungee jumping, right?" Looking at the long rope and a man in Wuhan, a reporter suddenly realized.

"FUCK, it's bungee jumping! The man in the equipment is the jumper!" Someone finally discovered Gavin's way of grandstanding.

"Damn it, what's the point of an interview. Bungee jumping on the Golden Gate Bridge? Cut!" Someone got angry and gave a lonely middle finger.

The onlookers who discovered the truth also burst into shouts and curses: "SHIT, I drove here for three hours just to watch bungee jumping? Damn it! FUCK!"

"Liar! Boring!"

"Opportunistic, outrageous, shameless!"

"Let's go, let's go, this guy is using Director Smith to hype! Let's not be so stupid, let's be someone else's stepping stone!"

"Let's all go, Los Angeles Media Information is a bunch of liars!"

The onlookers realized that they had been tricked by the Los Angeles media newsletter again, and they all cursed angrily, then turned their heads and left.

All of a sudden, on the golden gate bridge like a tide, countless people began to turn back, no longer bothering to pay attention to Monroe who was about to stand awkwardly by the bridge and said that he wanted to jump off the bridge.

The media also felt that it was boring. It was nothing more than a bungee jump on the Golden Gate Bridge.

Putting down the camera, putting down the video camera, the reporters glanced at each other, turned their heads and left just like the cursing audience!

"What's the matter? Don't, don't go!" Gavin couldn't help feeling anxious when he saw people turning their backs like a tide. shouted.

"Go away, you liar!"

"Good dogs out of the way! Get the hell out of here!"

"Boring people, I really trust you guys."

Amidst the yelling and cursing, apart from a few scattered audiences who wanted to watch even if they were bungee jumpers, and the fact that thousands of reporters dropped to dozens of reporters, the interview lineup was totally incomparable to just now, which made Gavin turn pale with anger!

And Monroe stood on the diving board, watching the bridge change from a sea of ​​people to two or three kittens. At that moment, he really wanted to just jump off like this...

The next day, reports about the bridge jumping across the United States suddenly fell silent, and no one reported the incident at all.

Gavin thought he could take advantage of Smith's hype, but in the face of the spontaneous resistance of the American media, it disappeared like ice and snow melting.

Zhang Dongcheng was naturally too lazy to care whether Gavin's face was red and swollen by himself, the only thing he cared about now was his own TV station.

"Mr. Smith, since Millionaire aired last week, the coverage of our TV station in California has increased from 50% to 75%! In just one week, this number has increased by 25%. It's going to fall!" Blaze, the general manager of ZDC TV, was beaming, and he had no doubt that the number would rise again in the next week.

"Very good, Mr. Blaise, what we have to do now is to speed up the action, centering on the California region, and shoot to the surrounding states. The action must be fast, the fastest!" Zhang Dongcheng sat on the sofa and clicked Lighting a cigar, he said with a smile.

"Please rest assured that there are many small local TV stations in the nearby states of Nevada, Arizona, Oregon and Utah who are negotiating cooperation agreements with us. We will increase the number of families we serve to 40 million in the next week!" Laiz said excitedly, bills were flying everywhere.

"How about the advertising?" Zhang Dongcheng continued to ask. For him, who is used to watching movies with hundreds of millions of box office, these tens of millions are really not touching his strong nerves.

"Haha, that's not to mention. Now that the advertising department's phones are all ringing off the hook, our salespeople don't have to go out. Answering the phone in the office is enough for them to spend a hundred times more energy. According to yesterday's statistics , our advertising revenue will triple next month!" Blaise was even more elated when he heard Zhang Dongcheng's words.

Listening to Blaise's words, Zhang Dongcheng breathed a sigh of relief. According to this development, soon, ZDC TV station will have its own place in the entire American TV circle.

Blaise wanted to say something more, but Zhang Dongcheng's phone rang, he could only shut his mouth in embarrassment, waiting for his young boss to answer the phone first.

Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be an unfamiliar phone number. Zhang Dongcheng was a little surprised. This phone was specially used to contact important people. Few people knew it. How could someone he didn't know call?

Is it the wrong number? Zhang Dongcheng answered the phone while thinking.

"Hello, I'm Smith." Zhang Dongcheng gave Blaize a sorry look and said in a low voice.

"Mr. Smith, hello, I'm Ellen DeGeneres, I'm sorry to disturb you." A woman's voice came from the other side, but it was very crisp, with a little expectation.

Zhang Dongcheng sat up in an instant, and said very happily: "Alan, that's great, I finally got your call!"

When Alan heard Zhang Dongcheng's words, he was flattered and said: "Mr. Smith, thank you, I wonder if I have a chance to talk to you in person again?"

"Of course, of course, so it's now, okay?" Zhang Dongcheng said impatiently, thirsty for talents.

"Okay, I'm fine now anyway. Hehe, then, where can I find you?" Allen's tone sounded extremely excited.

"Come to ZDC TV station, my TV station. In the future, it will be the place where you will shine!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled, but threw a bait that Allen couldn't refuse.

Where to shine?

This is such an unattainable thing for Alan who is desperate and no TV station wants to use her. But the reality is in front of us, this director Smith Zhang, who has repeatedly created miracles and set off a frenzy in the TV circle, extended an olive branch to himself to save himself from the dire straits!

"Thank you, I'll be right there!" Allen hurriedly said excitedly, and then hung up the phone.

YES! Zhang Dongcheng swung his fist violently, this big fish was about to take the bait!

Blaise looked at the beaming Zhang Dongcheng, and asked a little strangely: "Smith, who are you calling? Why is ZDC TV station the place where she wants to shine?"

"When she comes, you will know!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled mysteriously.

It didn't take long to wait, and it seemed that Alan was near the ZDC TV station, and soon she was sitting in Blaize's luxurious office, facing Blaize and his biggest boss, Smith Zhang.

"Ellen DeGeneres?" Seeing Ellen's face, Blaise's face changed. As a character in the TV circle, he naturally knows what's going on in the circle.

This Ellen was expelled from the column group of ABC TV station because of her open homosexuality, and caused a lot of repercussions in the society. No TV station would dare to give her a chance at this time, even if she is so outstanding.

But Blaise didn't say anything. He knew who was in charge of the ZDC TV station, so he just pursed his lips tightly and looked at Zhang Dongcheng in silence.

"Mr. Smith, hello, I watched Who Wants to Be a Millionaire last week. This show is too exciting and exciting. Patricia's hosting style is also quite good, which keeps the atmosphere of the whole stage warm and very warm. good."

"Haha, this is just the beginning. Alan, I don't know what advice I gave you last time, how did you think about it?" Zhang Dongcheng was not very humble, but his eyes were full of longing.

"I think, I think if I join ZDC TV, what kind of treatment will I have? Can I have my own program?" Allen smiled and started a discussion with Zhang Dongcheng. This must be the most concerned thing in her heart.

What's the point of coming here just to make soy sauce? Alan was also a little worried in his heart, worried that Zhang Dongcheng was just hanging himself, and using himself as a coolie when he was the most devastated.

"I said at the beginning, based on your strength, I will give you the first host position of ZDC TV, and create a talk show tailored for you. The time is scheduled for the prime time on Sunday. The name, I think, is Call Ai Lunxiu!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, made a cup of coffee himself, and placed it in front of Ai Lun.

It was as if a nuclear bomb had been dropped in Allen's heart. The huge shock and shock wave almost made her mind go blank, and her heart seemed to stop beating at this moment!

What, the first host, tailor-made, Ellen show!

In the United States, except for Oprah's talk show, which is named after Oprah, there is almost no column named after the host, and Zhang Dongcheng's treatment of Allen is worthy of the name. Host, and the most exciting naming rights!

In Alan's heart, suddenly there was an urge to die for those who knew him!

Suddenly, it was the disheartened self after being kicked out by the ABC TV station. It was the self who had no way to ask for help for a whole month, and no one was pity for any job related to TV. It was me who fell outside the door and looked at the golden sign of the TV station, but no one was willing to help me!

But now, in front of this young Oriental, everything, everything will change!

Tears unknowingly surged from the eye sockets, rampaging until they flowed down the face uncontrollably, the heart that was so excited that it almost stopped breathing just turned into that gratitude: "Mr. Smith, I don't know what to say, I just I can say, thank you!"

"You have a dream that will never be extinguished in your heart, you have courage that ordinary people cannot understand, and you will have a bright future. Don't cry, don't cry for this little thorn in front of you. Those despised pasts are yours. Motivation, those things that make you stand out from the rest of the world are the cornerstones of your success. I'm sure that in a few years, when the Ellen Show is a must-see show across America and the world, those jokes about you , It's just a joke!" Zhang Dongcheng stretched out his hand encouragingly to Allen with his warm pen.

Allen wiped away the tears that could not be wiped away, and shook hands with Zhang Dongcheng with sobs. This moment will last forever in history.

When Alan left with much brisker footsteps than when he came, Blaise rushed to Zhang Dongcheng and said quickly: "Smith, no, you can't do this!"

"Why not?" Zhang Dongcheng was well prepared for Blaise's question, and just asked leisurely.

"She, she's gay!" Blaise's eyes widened in horror.

"Gay? Yes, I know she is, but so what?" Zhang Dongcheng shrugged and spread his hands to show that he didn't care.

"She was kicked out of ABC TV station because of her homosexual identity! Even ABC, one of the three major TV stations in the United States, is afraid of her public declaring that she is gay. Millionaire has improved a little bit, our road is bright, we can't take such risks!" Blaise's neck was bursting with veins, and he was very anxious at the moment, ZDC TV station was also his painstaking effort, and he also had the right to speak.

"Ellen's homosexuality did not arouse people's resentment. The ratings of her TV shows on ABC did not decline, but increased steadily. This is a fact!" Zhang Dongcheng took a sip from his coffee cup, um, this coffee It's getting cold.

"This is only temporary, because the news has not been fully spread. When people know that she is gay, the ratings will definitely drop, which will greatly affect the reputation of our ZDC TV station. No, I cannot agree to her coming as our first Once she hosts, I can’t even agree to create a special column for her!” Blaize kept complaining, as if Allen was a disaster star, and everything was wiped out wherever he went.

Zhang Dongcheng looked into Blaise's eyes until he watched his beating anger slowly weaken, then sighed, and said softly: "Blaze, you have to believe one thing. It is that although I It’s not long since I joined ZDC TV, but I respect it as my own life. The world needs more talents to join ZDC TV to complete the impossible task of entering the United States. I think, you know, if only Take the usual path, we are still ZDC TV, and will never be one of the three major TV stations!"

Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's words, Blaise's voice of objection gradually became more and more low.

Indeed, the pattern of this world has been occupied by the pioneers, whether it is TV or movies.

The power has already divided the cake. If you want to take it away from others, you must come up with new things and follow other people's asses.

How can a small TV station compare funds, strength, and personnel with a big TV station? If Zhang Dongcheng's film company hadn't appeared with the magical film fund, even if he could make films again, it would be difficult for him to reach his current position in twenty years.

Fight, can't fight, fight, don't be so impulsive! Two ideas clashed in Blaise's mind, leaving him scratching at his hair irritably.

"Stumbling blocks are everywhere in this world. The only thing we have to do is to bend down and remove them. Otherwise, just watch others pass us and leave us behind. Blaze, although I am the owner of the TV station But I will never be my own. I offer my ideas, my suggestions, and you have the right to disagree. We are friends and always have been. If you don't have a better way to get ZDC TV to move forward, then, Why don't you listen to me and give it a try?" Zhang Dongcheng smiled and patted Blaise on the shoulder, his tone was so firm and trustworthy.

"Okay, then, then let's give it a try." Blaise finally gave in, not because Zhang Dongcheng used his identity as a boss to pressure him, but because he used the way of a friend to persuade him, so that he finally chose to agree.

"Trust me, Blaise. It is only natural for men in this world to love women, but it is the right of human beings to choose what they love. As long as their love does not affect others or harm the interests of others or society, this world I will be more and more tolerant of such people.”

The future is in the hands of Zhang Dongcheng. He just thinks that Allen is a talent, a talent who will bring his TV station to a new level. As for such a talent, whether he is gay or not, he has no reason to let go .

Who could have known in 1998 that Allen would become the super ace host with the highest ratings in the United States after Oprah in the future?

No one knows, but Zhang Dongcheng does!

And such a forward-looking bet, before bringing Zhang Dongcheng to realize ZDC TV station's dream of entering the United States, is endless troubles!

After learning that Ellen DeGeneres will be the main show on ZDC TV, and even a talk show named after Ellen, the American media is in a big uproar again!

"Hype! This is hype! And the methods are very clumsy, and the intentions are extremely sinister!" Nellie Charles, a well-known TV commentator, said in a program in front of hundreds of viewers and tens of millions of viewers across the United States: "See The super Zhang who came to the US for three years and made miracles repeatedly became a lunatic and a joke. I feel very sad. Did he change himself for this damn Hollywood, or did the dirty Hollywood lose him? He is no longer That sunny and elegant person who worked hard for his dream. Now he likes to take shortcuts! And this shortcut is to use the psychology of Americans without limit to dream of becoming the focus of the United States again!"

"Since he appeared in the United States, the American media felt incredible that there was no news about Smith Zhang for a day! The mummy is like this, the Matrix is ​​like this, and the secret war is the same. Smith Zhang has reached the point where he can't sleep without hype, and Now, he found a gay hostess to create a topic and hype his ZDC TV station! This is really helpless, touching and angry!"

"Some people are just farting!" As a staunch supporter of Director Smith Zhang Da, the famous film critic Ralph Taylor counterattacked in the newspaper, and bluntly scolded that guy Nellie in an extremely sharp tone: "Smith Zhang just appointed the host of a TV show, and some people jumped up like their tails were stepped on. If this is hype, then what is the mummy frenzy? What is the sale of the trench coat and sunglasses of the Matrix? What is the super-high ratings of a millionaire? Does Smith Zhang need to hype something that seems to be of no benefit to his reputation?"

"What do you know! As a public figure, as a public figure facing teenagers, her sexual orientation is different, who can guarantee that she will not subconsciously promote same-sex true love in the show, and even brainwash the public that same-sex marriage is legal Transformation? Smith Zhang can indeed get support, but those who support him are all homosexuals! Now I seriously doubt that Smith Zhang is doing this, is he also a potential homosexual? I heard that Smith Zhang has a close relationship with many actors, There is even a male black friend who claims to be his manager, is the relationship between them pure?" Of course, the Los Angeles media information will not be behind, and they immediately joined the scolding battle in the air, and speculated extremely viciously Seeing the relationship between Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman, this scolding battle has once again reached its peak.

The words of the Los Angeles media news were like a dagger, which stabbed fiercely, making it impossible for Zhang Dongcheng to parry.

The war of insults in the United States broke out unstoppably and swept like a torrent. Countless people expressed their opinions, expressed their understanding, support or disgust, as if everyone had to choose to stand on the side of heterosexuality. One side, or the gay side.

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