Hollywood Lover

Chapter 261 Shooting Accident

It is extremely difficult for Chinese to attack Hollywood, let alone the Oscars, which even Hollywood superstars are so greedy for. You know, so far, there are only four Chinese who have won Oscars, including Zhang Dongcheng. Even the world-renowned Bruce Lee has never won this honor.

Of course, this is also the reason for Bruce Lee's untimely death. Maybe things would have been different if he had lived a few more years and made a few more kung fu movies.

This shows how unattainable Oscar is for Chinese actors. Jackie Chan didn't expect Zhang Dongcheng to have such thoughts.

I have to admit that the words "old people are fine, ghosts are old souls" are indeed wise sayings. Zhang Dongcheng only revealed a slight clue, and Wu Yusen guessed his thoughts.

"So it is!" Jackie Chan nodded clearly. If Jang Dong Sung wins the Oscars and Jackie Chan cooperates with him, the help he will get will be even greater.

On the other hand, after leaving Wu Yusen's house, Zhang Dongcheng didn't take this matter to heart, not because he didn't pay attention to Jackie Chan, but mainly because he didn't have this thought at this stage.

The filming of the dark battle is almost finished, and it will soon enter the post-production stage after finishing. While filming the secret battle, Zhang Dongcheng also went to visit the crew of Reaper from time to time in the middle, and the schedule was very tight. Where is the time to think about these future things?

Three days later, Wu Yusen came to the door again.

"Mr. Zhang, The Spy Shadow has encountered a little trouble!" Wu Yusen said to Zhang Dongcheng with a sad face as soon as he saw Zhang Dongcheng.

"Trouble?" Bourne Shadow is the movie that Dongcheng Pictures has invested the most in, and there is no room for loss. Hearing that this movie is in trouble, how dare Zhang Dongcheng neglect it. Immediately asked Wu Yusen to sit down and asked, "Tell me, what trouble did you encounter!"

"The thing is like this!" Next, Wu Yusen told Zhang Dongcheng the predicament he encountered.

After listening to his narration, Zhang Dongcheng was a little dumbfounded. The cause of the matter was actually because of Zhang Dongcheng.

Behind the Spy Shadow script, Zhang Dongcheng marked the original actors of each character. Let Wu Yusen serve as a reference, and Wu Yusen can change the roles according to his own understanding. certainly. Some of these inconspicuous roles were all assigned by Zhang Dongcheng to the actors who chose to sign with Dongcheng Films. Even Wu Yusen has no objection on this point!

But after seeing the actors Zhang Dongcheng chose, Wu Yusen had to admit that Zhang Dongcheng's vision was indeed sharp. Almost every actor is very suitable for this role.

He chose the role chosen by Zhang Dongcheng with almost no changes.

But when contacting the actors, Wu Yusen ran into trouble. Because Matt Damon, who plays the leading role, can't adjust the schedule at all.

Now he is participating in the World War II movie, Saving Private Ryan, a joint venture between DreamWorks and Montpela, directed by the great director Steven Spielberg himself.

After this movie is released, it will become one of the classic American war movies, and Matt Damon plays the title character Private Ryan. In this movie, Matt Damon is not the main character, and even the role is not as good as Tom Hanks. If Spielberg is willing to adjust the shooting plan, then Matt Damon can still find time.

"So that's the case!" Zhang Dongcheng suddenly realized and nodded.

Although Matt Damon is indeed suitable for this role, he is not the only actor who can play this role well in Hollywood. But now that Wu Yusen came to him, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't refute his face.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Dongcheng said: "Well, although I don't have much friendship with Director Steven, at least I know him. You can communicate with Matt Damon first. If he is willing to accept this role, then I will Just go and negotiate with Director Steven."

"Then thank you Mr. Zhang!" Wu Yusen was deeply moved.

Within two days, Zhang Dongcheng was chased by Wu Yusen again. Matt Damon naturally knew that Dongcheng Pictures had launched the filming plan for the movie "The Bourne Shadow". When he heard that Wu Yusen actually wanted to ask him to be the protagonist, he accepted it without even the slightest hesitation.

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Dongcheng had no choice but to make a phone call to Steven Spielberg.

Steven Spielberg readily agreed and agreed to finish shooting Matt Damon's shots first.

Here, the preparatory work for the spies has finally come to an end.

On the last day of the first ten days of May, when the secret war crew is about to wrap up and post-production can begin. Zhang Dongcheng received bad news.

Michelle Yeoh, who was filming The Matrix 2 Reloaded in Australia, was injured. The cause of the injury was due to insufficient preparation during the filming of the 14-minute high-speed car chase scene.

This scene, not to mention that at this stage, even in a few years, there will still be no film that can surpass it. It is the most complicated shot in all chase scenes at present or even in a few years.

There are more than 300 vehicles of various types in this chase, dozens of vehicles will collide and explode, and the cars lifted by the explosion will cause more collisions and explosions. Carrying the "Keymaker" in reverse through the chaos was the ultimate test of stunt choreography.

Because all scenes have to be shot in real time, a slight mistake may lead to tragic casualties of stunt personnel. The reason Michelle Yeoh is injured now is precisely because of this shot.

In the original version, in order for this thrilling scene to proceed accurately, the crew began preparations a year before the official shooting. Designers and engineers used 3D models to determine the trajectory of each high-speed vehicle and the collision and explosion process. direction of movement in .

In the end, through the system that Burton spent more than half a month to make, the special effects and stunt team accurate the speed of each car to 1 mph, and also worked out a detailed operation process for each stunt driver, making this A huge car chase was able to go exactly according to plan, and at the same time, there was no trace of choreography.

But now, this scene does not have such a long preparation time at all, and this is the culprit that caused Michelle Yeoh to be injured.

The call was from Larry, the older of the Wachowskis. Listening to Larry's anxious voice on the phone, Zhang Dongcheng comforted him, "Larry, don't worry! Is Michelle's injury serious?"

As the heroine in the movie, Michelle Yeoh's injury forced the entire Matrix 2 to temporarily suspend work.

"Very serious, Mr. Smith. Miss Michelle's left leg was broken in three places. Two ribs were broken. She is currently receiving treatment in the hospital!" Larry seemed to have finally calmed down, but his tone still contained a touch of anxiety and anxiety. disturbed.

Since selling the script of The Matrix to Zhang Dongcheng, seeing Zhang Dongcheng's success, the Wachowski brothers are really envious and jealous. They didn't expect that this movie, which they didn't even have much confidence in themselves, could achieve such an achievement in the hands of Zhang Dongcheng.

When they got the news that Zhang Dongcheng invited the two of them to film The Matrix 2, the brothers agreed almost immediately, and originally wanted to regard this movie as a step forward. It's a pity that Michelle Yeoh was injured, which suddenly made them a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Dongcheng looked at the calendar beside him, weighed it in his mind, and said, "Larry, let's do it. I'll rush over tomorrow. Besides visiting Michelle, let's discuss the next filming of The Matrix 2!" "

"Smith, are you going to come here in person?" Larry was a little surprised, and said apologetically, "I'm very sorry, Smith, if we weren't ready, Michelle wouldn't have been hurt!"

Hearing Larry's guilty voice on the phone, Zhang Dongcheng comforted: "Don't do this, Larry, it's none of your business. Accidents happen all the time, and we can't be sure when it will happen to us. Don't reproach yourself too much. So be it; I'll be in Australia by tomorrow afternoon or evening!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Dongcheng rubbed his brows that were a little swollen. The accident that Michelle Yeoh was injured this time really caught him by surprise. Things that were supposed to be safe and sound, finally happened.

According to the progress of the film that Larry told himself, the Matrix 2 has now completed nearly one-third of the shots. If the heroine is changed now, not only will all the previous investment be in vain. What's more serious is that this time Michelle Yeoh's injury made the crew feel panicked.

It’s normal to get injured when filming a movie, and it’s not uncommon for people to die. It’s just that the shot designed by The Matrix this time is too exciting. In the 14-minute shot, the chain of vehicles exploded, No security measures can guarantee the absolute safety of the actors. Michelle Yeoh's injury is really frightening.

If Zhang Dongcheng doesn't go to sit in the town in person, I'm afraid that The Matrix 2 will face the fate of premature death.

"Smith, what's wrong with you?" Adaman came to Zhang Dongcheng's office with a document, and after seeing Zhang Dongcheng's expression, he couldn't help asking with concern.

"Oh, it's Adam." Zhang Dongcheng raised his head and replied, "Larry called me just now. Michelle had an accident while filming The Matrix 2 and suffered multiple fractures all over her body. She is currently in the hospital receive treatment."

"Wow!" Adaman yelled strangely, and asked hastily: "Now? How is Michelle now?"

"I don't know." Zhang Dongcheng shook his head and said, "Larry told me that Michelle's left leg was broken in three places and several ribs were broken. As for the specific situation, he didn't say much on the phone. clear."

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