Hollywood Lover

Chapter 232 Who is suitable to be bald?

Andy narrowed his eyes and looked around, with a narrow smile on his chubby cheeks, he continued, "Smith, it seems that Patricia will be playing today? Why hasn't she arrived yet?"

"Ahem..." It seemed that Andy had noticed something, Zhang Dongcheng coughed awkwardly, and said: "She is not feeling well, and she has already asked me for leave, everyone, let's get ready , Start filming the following plot!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Dongcheng with playfulness, as if they had already guessed that Patricia was not willing to come. However, under the coercion of director Zhang Dongcheng, the joke stops after a little taste.

Shot this morning, John and Nicholas meet for the first time. The set is arranged on the roof of the building where Dongcheng Films is located.

This paragraph is the scene where the two meet for the first time and fight against each other. There is basically no difficulty. Around noon, the filming was completed.

Just after Zhang Dongcheng's selection of anger crew stopped work. His phone rang suddenly.

"Smith, I have already contacted the guys you asked me to contact, but I think it would be better for you to contact Mr. Edward Norton directly? As for the guy named Amari Nolask, God! He is just a TV actor at all! And that Joaquin Phoenix, oh, his brother was a guy who overdosed and died! Do you think he is suitable?" Adaman expressed his opinion in a babble.

The three people Adaman mentioned were Zhang Dongcheng's choice for the role of the bald head.

In fact, it has been several days since the filming of the dark battle started, but the role of Li Zixiong, the bald head, in the film has not yet been confirmed as an actor. It sounds unbelievable, but it's true. Zhang Dongcheng has never found anyone suitable for this role. He couldn't wait and didn't want to waste time because of a supporting role, so he started ahead of time.

Edward Norton. An actor born on August 18, 1969 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. This guy's acting skills are absolutely passable. In 1996, he participated in the court debate drama "First Fear" and was nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor Award and American Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor.

At that Oscars ceremony, Zhang Dongcheng even had a face-to-face meeting with him, after all, this guy was Jason Statham's competitor at the time. Definitely a capable actor who can play the role of a bald head with ease.

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​the younger brother of the most famous child star River Phoenix in the 90s. But his older brother died violently on the street last year from a drug overdose. Jacques was also involved in this explosive and disgraceful incident.

In his early thirties, he has been acting for more than 20 years. Jacques made his debut in the first film called "spacecamp", and later performed in "RusskiEC" (1987) and "Parenthood" (1989). He performed quite well, at least for a fledgling actor. It was a success.

He is just a candidate for Zhang Dongcheng. After all, although Joaquin Phoenix has good acting skills, he is still a bit young. I am afraid that he will not be able to act like a black boss with a bald head and a high position.

As for the last Amari Nolask, at present he is just a pure TV actor.

These three are the actors Zhang Dongcheng thinks are very suitable for playing the role of the bald head, but who can really reach a cooperation with him needs to audition!

"Okay! I see, Adaman, tell me first, when will these people come over? You know, the dark battle is currently being filmed, and it will be the turn of the bald head soon. We must determine the actors as soon as possible !" Zhang Dongcheng interrupted Adaman's thoughts.

"Okay! None of them are here now. But in the afternoon, the TV actor from Amari Nolask will come back. He will come to our company directly at that time. Do you need to interview in person?" Adaman asked tentatively road.

"Of course, you know, I'm the director of this film, I have to test whether the actors are suitable!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded and admitted.

"Well, when he comes, I'll let you know!"

Of the three invited to the interview, the first to arrive was Joaquin Phoenix.

Since his brother died, he faded out of Hollywood for two years, which made him almost forgotten by all audiences. For an actor, being forgotten by the audience represents a situation like the abyss of hell. No crew will invite you, no income, as a once famous actor, how can Jacques endure it?

After being invited by Dongcheng Pictures, Jacques agreed without any hesitation. For him who is currently in a difficult situation, being able to participate in Zhang Dongcheng's film is definitely a dawn in his acting career.

Who is Zhang Dongcheng?

Now the hottest super commercial director in Hollywood, the first movie immediately made four newcomers popular; the subsequent Mummy made Rachel, who came out of the United States, gain a foothold smoothly, and Jason went a step further.

The subsequent Matrix completely made Jason Statham a first-line star. Although there is a big gap with those long-established actors, this gap can be made up with time.

Keanu Reeves, the lead actor, also managed to get out of the predicament.

Joaquin Phoenix and Keanu Reeves are quite familiar and have a good relationship, because Keanu Reeves is a good friend of his brother River Phoenix. Even this time he was invited to audition, with the help of Keanu Reeves.

Keanu Reeves told Jacques Phoenix that Zhang Dongcheng has an intuition beyond human imagination in commercial movies. He can always grasp what kind of movies can attract people.

Not only that, even when it comes to choosing actors, Zhang Dongcheng also has an intuition like a prophet. He can keenly discover what kind of role you are suitable for. As long as there is his help, fame will definitely go very smoothly.

Because of this, Jacques Phoenix will come immediately after receiving the invitation.

Of course, it's not true that Jacques can't take any role now. Not long ago, he just participated in the invitation of director Oliver Stone, starred in the thriller romance "U-Turn", played the jealous boyfriend of Claire Danes, and had several times with Sean Penn. A wonderful performance collided, so that many audiences remembered his name.

But this is far from enough for him, people are greedy, for an actor, no one would dislike his popularity too much!

And although Jacques' return to Hollywood has been smooth, unfortunately in his heart, this is not enough, because his achievements are still not comparable to his brother River Phoenix.

Dongcheng Films, in the chairman's office, Zhang Dongcheng met with Jackie here.

Jacques Phoenix, who was just twenty-three years old, was a very handsome young man. He had emerald eyes, a straight nose, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

After seeing Jacques Phoenix with his own eyes, Zhang Dongcheng had to admit that his opinion was indeed correct. He was indeed not suitable for the role of the bald man in the dark battle. Because he doesn't have the temperament of a gloomy underworld boss with a bald head.

His body lacks the sunshine and vigor of a young actor of his age, and his sense of vicissitudes and depression seems to be born with him, like a shadow. Although he doesn't look old, you can always catch too much mystery and profundity about human nature from his deep eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Joaquin, I'm Smith Zhang. You can call me Smith!" After shaking hands with Joaquin Phoenix, Zhang Dongcheng motioned for him to sit down and talk.

"Mr. Smith, hello!" Jacques seemed to be very casual, but Zhang Dongcheng was keenly aware that he was a little nervous, which could be seen from the fact that he grabbed his pants from time to time. Clearly, he took this audition seriously.

"Jaquin, can I call you that?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith!"

"That's good!" Zhang Dongcheng took out the script of the bald head scene in the secret battle, and said, "This is the script of the character you came to interview for, you can read it first!"

Although he believed that Jacques was not suitable for baldness, Zhang Dongcheng did not reject him directly, but still gave him a chance.

After Jacques took over the script, he flipped through it without saying a word.

Soon, he put the script on the coffee table beside him.

"Finished?" Zhang Dongcheng smiled, put down the teacup in his hand, and said, "Tell me about your feelings about this character!"

"The character of bald is a very vicious guy. From his lines, I think he is the kind of guy who is desperate for money. I think the villain bald should be a person with a deep personality, a vicious mind, and all aspects. Enough wisdom." Jacques analyzed clearly.

Zhang Dongcheng nodded calmly. Jacques's analysis was similar to his opinion. Although Nicholas and John had the highest IQs in the dark battle, it doesn't mean that bald heads are stupid. An idiot cannot become a gangster. It's just mental arithmetic and unintentional, and it is Nicholas and John who join forces, the bald man will finally fail!

"You play the part of the phone call. Hmm! It's the part where Peter, played by Nicholas, steals the gem and delivers the photo to him by express." Zhang Dongcheng flipped through the script and pointed to one of the parts.

"OK!" Jacques became a little nervous for a moment, and after closing his eyes for a while, he asked, "I can do it!"

"Then let's get started!"

Hearing this, Jacques took the script and read it, his face became gloomy and uncertain. It seems that he is very angry inside, but he is suppressing something. He made the movement of the phone, moved his fingers, and then put his right hand by his ear.

"Why are you making such a joke? Peter!" Jacques had a cynical smile on his face, but his expression was very gloomy, with a hint of murderous intent.

In this paragraph, there will be a scene where Nicholas speaks with a voice changer. After a pause, he continued: "I was able to drive you away before, but now, how can you beat me?"

This scene is very short. Only two sentences.

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