Hollywood Lover

Chapter 223 This, what movie is this called?

Regardless of the manager's resentful expression like a little daughter-in-law, Nicholas just stared at his eyes with dark circles, still hungover, and shook hands with Zhang Dongcheng: "Mr. Smith, happy cooperation! By the way, When do we start filming?"

"Soon, half a month later, our shooting time is very tight, because I have to rush to release at the end of this year's summer vacation, only one month to complete the shooting, then one to two months of editing, three months of publicity, and then Show." Zhang Dongcheng smiled and shook hands with him, then said casually.

"Huh? This year's summer vacation? HOHO, this is really interesting. My Air Prison will be released on June 6th, and My Changing Face will be released on June 27th. What is this movie called?" Nicholas shrugged. , first said with a smile on his face, and then became bewildered. He didn't even watch the movie he just picked up!

"The name of this movie is Dark War, Mr. Nicholas, I hope you don't forget to read the script in advance when you come to the shooting scene." Zhang Dongcheng also shrugged helplessly. For the first time, he felt a kind of panic. Not sure if I was right or wrong in calling Nicholas.

However, fortunately, Nicholas is experienced in many battles and has played countless roles in blockbuster movies. The 20 million dollars won't be thrown into the water, right?

"Haha, that's right, that's right, it's called a secret war!" Nicholas raised the script he was casually holding in his hand, smiled as if playing a prank, then said hello, and walked away.

Seeing him leaving in an unremarkable manner, Adaman stared at his eyes as big as a cow, and said to Zhang Dongcheng very uneasy: "Smith, why do I always feel terrified this time, the leading actor Nicholas seems a bit uncomfortable. It's reliable. You can't be a liar, can you?"

"How can he be a liar? He has a very good personality. He is like a wild horse, which makes me have the urge to conquer. Well, come on, Nicholas, let's see if it's your tough temper or my tricks!" Zhang Dongcheng Smiling confidently, he put aside the slightly rising worry, but instead aroused a stronger desire to win.

Crackling his knuckles, his eyes full of desire to completely conquer, the only thing Adaman can be sure of is that Zhang Dongcheng has his eyes on him, he is going to be in trouble!

All Dongcheng Films mobilized, once again fell into the frenzy of working overtime for the boss's movie.

Costumes, props, extras, etc., Zhang Dongcheng has long since neglected. Hollywood’s professionalism and specialization allow him to not bother with this area at all. There are only one or two good assistant directors. You get it.

Adaman is now the general manager of Dongcheng Films. Without Zhang Dongcheng's urging all day long, he is so busy that he hits the back of his head with his heels and can't stop at all. Unable to separate himself, he was busy following Zhang Dongcheng as before.

As for Zhang Dongcheng, he only needs to drink red wine and arrange some important things he thinks.

There are also two more important roles in the play, which happen to be handed over to my confidants. One is the hilarious serious crime team inspector Huang Qifa. It is not too easy for fat Andy to perform this role. Now the He, Zhang Dongcheng, has slowly started to have an idea, and wants to make him a top star. This guy shouldn't be too qualified to be a comedy star.

The performance in The Mummy is enough to prove everything. Fat Andy is better at playing American humor, which does not conform to his authentic British identity at all.

And the other one, who just met Andy Lau briefly and fell in love at first sight, was played by the beautiful Meng Jiahui in the original version. In the American version, Zhang Dongcheng handed her over to the super beautiful Patricia. A few lines, but a striking role, I believe that Patricia's improved acting skills are enough to play.

After all, it's a two-guy movie, and everything revolves around Nicholas and Traver, and only the two of them are the top priority.

Even before the machine was turned on, newspapers across the United States were buzzing with enthusiasm, and there were endless articles.

"Superstar Nicolas Cage joins hands with Hollywood miracle Smith Zhang to bring a wit-fighting police and gangster movie to American audiences this summer!"

A few days ago, our reporter learned from Dongcheng Films that Hollywood miracle director Smith Zhang is casting "The Matrix II - Reloaded" and Hong Kong director John Woo's "Bourne Shadow" two masterpieces with an investment of 100 million yuan. Announced again to shoot the movie "Dark War" on the theme of cops and robbers fighting wits.

It is reported that "Dark War" was originally a Hong Kong movie, but director Smith Zhang Da took a fancy to the film and strongly requested to make an American version. The Hong Kong and American versions of this film were filmed at the same time, creating a small record in film history.

The US version of "Dark Wars" stars superstar Nicolas Cage as the leading role, and his counterpart in "Face Changing" is played by John Traver, who is also a superstar. American audiences are presented with two super masterpieces of police and gangster movies. Fans who like these two stars are blessed!

Speaking of which, Dongcheng Films was established less than a year ago, and "The Matrix" was a great success. It has successively cast three films, two masterpieces with over 100 million yuan, and one with nearly 70 million US dollars. Smith Zhang has grown from a small director, He jumped up and became the hottest figure in Hollywood at present. How can people not sigh that this place where miracles happen, once again miracles happen.

----New York Times

"Nicolas Cage takes on the gangster movie again!"

Oscar-best actor Nicolas Cage successfully explored the theme of action movies after "Into the Deadly Island", and then shot "Face Changing", "Prison in the Sky" and other action blockbusters. After this series of successes, Nicholas took over the filming of the police film "Dark War" by the miraculous director Smith Zhang. While people are looking forward to it, they have to have some regrets.

Everyone has a hero complex, and the alcoholic who won the Oscar is certainly no exception. It's just that we have watched several movies of the same hero in a row, but we can't find the person who used to be close to us.

Only the golden guns, long hair, and solid muscles are dazzling in front of our eyes again and again, making it impossible to get rid of. And again and again, and then, again?

As the best actor in the Oscars and the owner of the statuette, Nicholas should take a long-term view and not just take films at will for the $20 million salary. Of course, we are not saying that Smith Zhang's movie is not good.

But to repeat himself twice and three times, for this talented Nicholas, it is a waste of life!

However, I don't know if he will listen to our good advice and return to literary movies as soon as possible? Alas, only one sigh.

---Los Angeles Times

"Director Smith and Zhang Da are making a gangster movie again? Or some kind of wit-fighting gangster movie? Are you kidding me!"

Smith Zhang has filmed Double Smoking Barrel as early as in London. Although it focused on the perspective of criminals and only one traffic policeman appeared, the weird plot and unique dialogue have become his trademark. In the United States, what kind of movies do American people like to watch, and what kind of movies about police and gangsters?

Don't tell us that Director Smith Zhang Da will not know!

What Americans like to watch is crazy gun battles, bursting blood and Matrix-like bullet time! It is a super blockbuster movie that dazzles and dizzies people, and can only be dumbfounded!

Police and robbers fighting wits? Excuse me, we don't want to see any wits at all, okay? We don't want to see two people come and go and make tricks, and we don't want to see two people solve puzzles politely. What we want is to have a good time, flesh and blood and crispness!

In my humble opinion, Smith Chang made a wrong choice of subject this time. He will know the great difference between Eastern and Western cultures. Dark War may be a movie that Chinese people like to watch, because some people like intrigue.

Well, now that Director Smith and Zhang Da have already decided, we can only wait for this joke to play out, and wait for the unsold box office to bring down the emerging Dongcheng Film Industry!

This day is not too far away!

---Los Angeles Media Advisory

HOHO, judging from the reactions of the major media, newspapers with worldwide influence, such as the New York Times, are fairly fair reports. However, influential newspapers in the United States, such as the Los Angeles Times, tried their best to promote Nicholas, who was going down, and tried to make him return to literature and art.

And those local tabloids, especially the Los Angeles Media Information, which has a deep hatred with Zhang Dongcheng, turned their faces directly, and the fucker came on the stage. As long as there was any news about Zhang Dongcheng, white knives would come in and red knives would come out. Talking and bluffing to tickle Zhang Dongcheng.

And the American people, those ordinary American movie fans who watch the most movies in the world and have the most diverse tastes, will they not accept wit movies?

Hehe, this is the real joke.

If that's what the Los Angeles media newsletter says is true, then. How do you feel about the 1995 high-IQ movie "The Seven Deadly Sins", which is a movie about fighting wits between police and robbers?

Together with the Hollywood miracle director Smith Zhang, the super big name Nicolas Cage, and the best villain John Traver, the news that this movie will be shot has just spread, and it has caused the entire United States to boil.

"Great, great, Smith Zhang is going to make a new movie again!"

"Nicholas played the leading role, I like him the most! Be sure to go to the cinema to support him!"

"Wow, that's so cool, it's so cool, there are three Nicholas movies coming out this summer! Can't be too happy!"

"Why didn't Smith Zhang shoot the second part of The Matrix Reloaded? I'm dying of waiting!"

"That's because Smith Zhang doesn't want to repeat himself. Smith Zhang is indeed a Hollywood miracle. All movies are so good! I support making different types of movies!"

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