Hollywood Lover

Chapter 201 Bottom Line

In addition, mainstream publishers usually require a guaranteed minimum share, that is, the weekly box office revenue cannot be lower than a certain percentage of the total box office (usually 70% in the first week, and then reduced by 10% every two weeks).

Because Zhang Dongcheng established his own Dongcheng Films, the producer and distributor are both Dongcheng Pictures. Therefore, the box office refunded by the exhibitor, apart from paying taxes, is all the net income of Dongcheng Films.

However, in the document in front of him, AMC's choice for Zhang Dongcheng was very simple and rude. It is directly qualified as 50%.

In other words, no matter how much the total box office is, the share between the other party and Zhang Dongcheng is 50/50.

As we all know, the box office of a movie decreases gradually with the release time. Basically, the highest time is the first week, and the box office will gradually weaken until it drops.

According to the sharing method in this document, if the box office of The Matrix is ​​still the same as the original version, which is 171 million US dollars in the United States, the loss of Dongcheng Pictures will be at least 20 million to 30 million.

"I have to say, Mr. Kent, your request is too black-hearted!" Zhang Dongcheng showed a mocking expression. Disdainfully put the file on the coffee table in front of him.

Kent looked at Zhang Dongcheng unhurriedly, persuading him with a sure chance of winning, "This is not a black heart, but a business talk! The nature of a businessman is to pursue profit. Isn't it?"

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently, Kent stared at Zhang Dongcheng seriously and said: "Mr. Smith, any circle has rules that are unknown to outsiders. You are not strong enough to ignore the rules, but your short-term The film investment fund has already touched the interests of many companies and violated the rules of the game. Paying benefits is inevitable. You should understand this? Not only our AMC theater company, but other theater companies will also take the opportunity to come Blackmail you!"

"But Mr. Kent, this percentage is too much!" Zhang Dongcheng stared at Kent in front of him with sullen eyes.

Hearing this, Kent shook his head, took out a cigar from the table, sniffed it, took out the cigar scissors and trimmed it slowly, and said calmly: "Mr. There is less than a month left, you can go back and think about it before making a decision!"

As soon as the words fell, Kent took out the match, struck it with a snort, and leisurely toasted the cigar, then lit it slowly and took a puff slowly. Then spit out a faint smoke.

Zhang Dongcheng stood up with a gloomy face, picked up the document, and said, "I will think about it carefully!"

After leaving AMC's office center in Los Angeles, Zhang Dongcheng felt very angry. Although he had expected to be boycotted because of the short-term film investment fund, he didn't expect these theaters to be so ruthless. If you open your mouth, you will leave almost 20% of the net profit.

Zhang Dongcheng couldn't accept such a lion's big mouth. As soon as he returned to Dongcheng Pictures, he couldn't wait to find Adaman, and asked eagerly, "Adaman, how is your contact with Emperor Entertainment Group?"

"Don't mention it!" Adaman showed an angry expression. His collar unbuttoned two buttons, revealing his dark chest with body hair. He casually took out a document from his body, handed it to Zhang Dongcheng, and said, "Smith, look for yourself, these guys are simply vampires, and they even proposed a fixed 50% box office share."

"****!" Rao Zhang Dongcheng, who had already tempered his anger and emotion, was still pissed off by these shameless theater owners.

After thinking for a long time with a gloomy face, Zhang Dongcheng said: "This is the gap in strength. If our Dongcheng Film Industry is the same as the eight major film companies, even if we come up with a short-term film investment fund plan now, we will not be subject to such criticism. Blackmail!!"

"Smith, what should we do now?" Adaman was a little annoyed, staring at Zhang Dongcheng, waiting for him to come up with an idea.

From Adaman's point of view, there are only two paths facing Dongcheng Pictures. The first is to accept such exploitative conditions.

Second, abandon the large theater companies and contact those small independent theaters instead. However, this approach is too difficult. The independent theaters in the United States are too scattered, and it is not so easy to contact all of them.

Moreover, if these small independent theaters are only relied on and the large theater companies are abandoned, the loss to Dongcheng Pictures will be too great. It may even end up with nothing to lose.

"Let's talk again!" After Zhang Dongcheng thought for a while, he quickly realized that he was still a little too immature. After all, he was a simple director, not a boss, and he was not so clear about things in the mall. This time it was obviously bluffed.

As the saying goes, ask for the price and pay back the money. As Kent said, it is the nature of businessmen to pursue profit. Since the other party can offer 50%, why can't I offer 60%, or even 70%?

Zhang Dongcheng is very clear that what these theaters are doing is just to make a good profit while he is not yet fully fledged.

They won't really have nothing to do with themselves. However, at the screening of The Matrix, it is certain that part of the profits will be transferred to the theaters.

"Let's talk again? How should we talk?" Adaman frowned, and his facial features were almost wrinkled together on his dark face. "Those damned guys, they insisted on taking fifty percent. How do we talk?"

"No! Adaman, you are wrong!" Zhang Dongcheng, who had figured everything out, quickly smiled confidently, and said, "Fifty percent is just their condition, and we haven't talked about it yet. You can then contact Emperor Entertainment Group and tell them that our bottom line is 75% two weeks before the start of the painting, and then gradually decrease. If it is lower than this bottom line, then everyone doesn’t need to talk about it!”

"Will they agree?" Adaman looked at Zhang Dongcheng in embarrassment, he felt that Zhang Dongcheng was a bit whimsical. Although it seems that Zhang Dongcheng only charged 25% more, in fact, if the box office of The Matrix is ​​only 100 million, that 25% is a full 25 million US dollars. Who would give up such a big benefit?

"This is our bottom line!" Zhang Dongcheng tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him, making a dull voice, "Adaman, don't worry, these people will definitely agree!"

Even if it was 65%, Zhang Dongcheng's loss would be huge. But now that his strength is weak, he has no other choice but to accept it.

"OK! Let me give it a try!" Adaman lacked confidence.

"Adaman, you have to look a little wider, you know, our movies are great, even if it is only 75%, an average of 45% of the total box office share, we can still reap 1 in North America. With a net profit of more than 200 million US dollars, plus the overseas box office, we can earn 200 to 300 million US dollars from this movie alone! We should be content!"

Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's estimation of the box office, the atmosphere on Adaman's face weakened a lot. But he still said dissatisfiedly: "****! It's all those vampires, otherwise, our income must be much higher than this! Giving money to those guys is really annoying!"

"Okay, don't complain here. We are weak now, and there is nothing we can do about it. After the Matrix is ​​released, Dongcheng Films will be able to gain a firm foothold in Hollywood. At that time, no one will You can handle us so easily!"

Zhang Dongcheng is an open-minded person, he will not only value the immediate interests. Because he knows very well that with the advantage of being able to see the future with an old TV, his future is absolutely brilliant beyond imagination, and this little trouble in front of him is just a small setback.

An open-minded personality does not mean that he has no temper. Zhang Dongcheng has secretly decided in his heart that when Dongcheng Films has a firm foothold, it will be the turn of these cinema operators to regret. Sooner or later, he will be swallowed up by these companies. Spit out your own share!

The next morning, Zhang Dongcheng came to the workplace of AMC Theater Company in Hollywood again.

"Wow! Mr. Smith, how are you thinking?" Kent seemed to predict that Zhang Dongcheng would come back to find him, and the smile on his face made the wrinkles on his face more obvious.

Seeing that face that looked like dried orange peel, Zhang Dongcheng smiled and said: "Mr. Kent, I think we need to negotiate these contracts!"

"Of course!" Kent agreed, "We are a cooperation between the two parties, not a unilateral overlord clause. Smith, what do you think needs to be revised in the contract?"

"The sharing ratio needs to be revised, Mr. Kent, you have to be clear, Hollywood no longer has such a harsh sharing treaty!"

"So, how much do you think is appropriate?" Kent affectionately presented Zhang Dongcheng with a trimmed cigar, and lit it for him.

Just as Zhang Dongcheng guessed, Kent never thought that he would agree to a 50% share. The reason why he put forward such a condition is to let everyone have a relaxed time when they ask for a lot of money and pay back the money. That's all.

"Eighty percent for two weeks after the start of the painting, and then gradually reduce it! This is my bottom line!" Zhang Dongcheng was not polite, and after letting Kent wait for him to light the cigar, he took a puff slowly and exhaled a lightly fragrant cigar. Green smoke comes.

"It's impossible!" After Kent lit a cigar for himself, the two sat on the sofa, puffing and puffing, and said, "Smith, 80%, we won't accept it!"

"Really? Does Mr. Kent think I will agree to 50%?" Zhang Dongcheng looked at Kent with a half-smile and asked.

Kent's face is quite thick, and he said without redness or panting: "Okay, Smith, let's all take a step back, 60%. Is that okay?"

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