Holistic Fantasy

: 2115 The limit of growth of the child

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After that, Noah accompanied Dinah and almost walked through a whole commercial street.

In the past, when Noah first met Dina, she also took a trip to the street with Dina.

At that time, it is estimated that for the first time in my life, I have felt the warmth of people.

However, that time, Yanzhu and Xia Shi also went. In the eyes of others, it was like a brother who took three sisters to the streets to play.

This time, only Noah and Dina, it seems that Dina is more happy than the last time.

Therefore, today's Dina is completely transformed into a young girl who is consistent with her age. She has always been carrying Noah to run around.

In the case of a stall selling cold drinks, the little girl will come forward and order an ice cream directly to eat with Noah.

When I met a clothing store with a beautiful dress, the little girl would go in and try one piece after another, so that the clerk looked at the eyes of Dina and showed love, how cute it might be.

In the encounter with the amusement park, this little girl will be eager to take advantage of Noah’s hand, rushing into the inside, playing one game after another, and finally sitting on the Ferris wheel, swearing Noah in the Ferris wheel. The small lips were put together and sent a wave of welfare.

Even when the child lost, the little girl will walk over, gently comfort the other side, and then help Noah, so that Noah can only laugh and run again and find the mother of the child.

As a result, when it was almost late, Dina’s energy seemed to be running out, and with Noah, she returned to the sanctuary.

"I am really happy today."

Walking in the corridor of the sanctuary, Dina’s hand held a doll sent by Noah, a smile of satisfaction.

"It’s been a long time since I was so happy. It’s thanks to my brother.”

"You can be happy." Noah smiled slightly.

"However, I did not expect that you have become so playable."

In Noah’s memory, the impression of Dina is still staying three years ago.

At that time, Dina, although because of the owl factor in the body, the day and night give people a completely different feeling, but in general, in front of Noah, Dina has always been a very cute and quiet little girl.

But today's day of play, Dina is completely transformed into a playful girl who is consistent with age, really let Noah surprise.

In this regard, Dina seems to feel a little embarrassed.

"Because my brother will become very busy next time, I have to wait for this time to meet."

"But it doesn't matter if you are like this?" Noah asked.

"Although you have said in the past, even with the Owl factor, you can adjust the time difference and be active during the day, but you have been busy last night, and today there is no rest at all. Doesn't it matter?"

"It doesn't matter." Dina, like what she wanted to prove, gave Noah a full-spirited smile.

"Since the "field" has been reached, the activity of the intestinal virus in my body has increased a lot. The owl factor that I have is also active. Even if I don't rest during the day, I will automatically adjust to the best state at night. Although the next day's day will be even worse."

Automatically adjusted to the best state?

It’s like a night version of the blasphemy.

"However, when it comes to the "field", what is that specific?" Noah raised such a question.

"Although I have heard that in the police of the same industry, some of the super-high-ranking starters have reached the realm of this so-called "domain", but when I was still in office, there was not one in our guild. To reach the children of the field."

After all, the past "Fairy_Tail" is just a civil society organization in the Tokyo area.

Even if most of the excellent policemen in the Tokyo area and most of the outstanding victims are included, even in this case, there has never been a pair of IP police officers who entered the top 100 in the guild until they were added. .

Of course, the "Fairy_Tail" at that time naturally does not appear to be the initiator of the "field".

Therefore, Dina is the first person Noah to see to reach the "field".

Therefore, for the realm of "domain", Noah can only be half-know.

"In fact, it is not difficult to understand." Dina said.

"The so-called "domain" is a state that has been reached after breaking through the growth limit. Other than that, there is no other unknown."

“Breaking the limit of growth?” Noah said thoughtfully.

“Like people break their limits?”

“It’s a bit similar, but the specific aspects are different.” Dina organized her own language and explained.

"Like human beings have their own limits, the children of the shackles also have their own limits, but this limit depends on the gastro-intestinal animal virus in the body. From a human point of view, it is the potential of the scorpion son. ""

"Like Miss Yan Zhu, I haven’t trained myself in the past, but I’m just using it. The speed will grow and become faster and faster.” Yanna looked at Noah.

"I used to be the same. As long as I continue to use the ability, I will find that my vision is increased, the accuracy of the sniper is improved, and the state is getting better and better. Every night is better than the previous one. The night is getting stronger."

"That's a foul." Noah couldn't help but swear.

"But, is there a limit?"

"Yes." Dina nodded.

"After continuous growth, one day, we will find that no matter how you use your ability, or even exercise yourself, you can't improve your strength. Only turn to hone your skills."

In the past, Yan Zhu was suddenly unable to improve because of his speed. He came to help Noah, but Noah had no way to do this. He could only teach Yan Zhu’s combat skills and hone her combat skills. This aspect of technology has been upgraded and its strength has been enhanced.

That is, from that time, Noah inquired about it and learned the existence of the "domain."

"No matter which one is being shackled, the ability will develop into a certain degree, and it will enter a stagnation period. From then on, it will no longer be able to grow in ability. I have encountered this problem with Miss Yan Zhu, using the words of a room doctor. Speaking, that is the bottleneck." Dina said to Noah.

"However, just as human beings are not born to ride a bicycle, but riding on a horse, one day they will suddenly ride. When the starter does not meet his own strength and conducts strict self-discipline and cultivation, some will eventually break through. The limit of your own growth, into the state of regaining growth, is the "field."

Once you enter this state, you can not only regain growth, but also grow faster than before.

Therefore, those who reach the "field" and those who do not reach the "field" have a gap in strength that cannot be filled.

It is absolutely impossible for a non-arriver to defeat the arriver for this reason.

"I met the limit of growth, it is already when I haven't met my brother, it may be earlier than Miss Yan Zhu." Dina said.

"Until two years ago, in a mission to go abroad, I met a sister who used to work with Professor Ang."

"Sister?" Noah stunned and immediately responded.

"Do you mean the same son who was transformed into a mechanical soldier by An-Land like you?"

"Yes." Dina said with some nostalgia.

"IP ranks 100, Ashaly Springer ****, nickname - "Giant Hedgehog."

"IP ranked 98, Dina-Sprand, nickname - "Black Wind."

"IP ranked 95, Irene Spencer, nickname --- "The meteorite fell."

"IP ranked 88, Philippine-Clen Miller, nickname - "Black Giant belly."

"IP ranks 70, Lucy-Serazini, nickname--"Devil King."

"IP ranked 21, Rita Sosbury, nickname - "Pluto"."

"The above six, Professor An-Rand, when he was born in the world, purchased his household registration from the black market under various names, and carried out mechanized surgery, which was created with the ability of the shackled son and the mechanical soldier." The sound has become a bit heavy.

"And after Professor An's death, all of my sisters have lost their jobs and shelter."

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