For Jingu Rin, he said that the injuries on his body were caused by the assassination of Danzo.

Nono Woo didn't believe it at all.

But after walking around the village back to the orphanage, she kind of believed it.

In the face of a series of doubts from Nonoyu, Jingu Rin hesitated for a while and instructed: "Dean, show you, don't tell others, and don't ask more." The

kaleidoscope was fleeting in his eyes.

Ye Naiyu was silent, like a wooden man, and did not say a word for a long time.

"I shouldn't have used illusions...,"

Jingu Rin muttered strangely, waving his hand in front of Nonoyu's eyes.

The next moment.

He entered into a soft embrace.

Ye Naiyu hugged him tightly into his arms and said softly, "Rin, promise me not to do such a dangerous thing again." Hearing

this, Jingu Rin, who was addicted to facial cleanser, returned to his senses.

"Dean, I can't promise you.

He broke free from Ye Naiyu's embrace, shook his head, looked at her and said seriously:

"Tuanzo wants to kill you, I don't want you to die, so I can only kill Tuanzo first, twice if it doesn't work, twice if it doesn't work, three times... Anyway, from the moment Tuan Zang persecuted the dean, Tuan Zang was doomed to die in my hands, and the Six Dao Immortals could not save him. "

For me... Is it necessary to do this??

Nonoyu looked at the serious Jingu Rin with complicated eyes.


to protect me, desperately to protect me....

Thinking of this, her chest couldn't help but churn with strange feelings.

Looking at the pale blue light curtain, she understood.

[Name: Yakushi Nono Yu

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Favorability: 89

Like (≧ 80

) Reward: 10 million taels (completed) First kiss Reward: 1 billion taels (completed

) Love (≧90) Reward: Calamity Solver Card

Crossover Reward: Hokage-level Strength

Strategy Reward: One Wish]


The Vortex clan has a strong vitality and recovers quickly.

With the careful treatment of Nonoyu, in the evening, Jingu Rin's injuries had recovered by six or seven percent.

The rest of the injuries... I believe that if you get some sleep, you will be fully recovered tomorrow morning.

"Rin, you are not well, stay and sleep tonight, it is convenient to take care of it. After

dinner at the orphanage, Jingu Rin took his leave and prepared to go home, but Nonoyu suddenly spoke up.

"Uh... Yes, I'll stay, but where do I sleep, do I have any extra room?" Jingu Rin's

original room has been moved into a new child, and she can only sleep in another room.

The medicine master held up his glasses and invited, "Rin, sleep in my room, we will sleep together." "

He wants to stay up all night with Jingu Rin about how to save the dean.

Jingu Rin nodded and said, "Well..."

Nonoyu interrupted, "No, sleep in my room tonight, I have something to say to you."

"Okay, okay, I'll sleep with the dean." "

Jingu Rin, who is heavy on color and light friends, quickly abandoned the medicine master's pocket.

The medicine master's fragile mind was a little wounded.

Not only because of Jingu Rin, but also because of the dean....

Actually robbing people with him?


At nine o'clock in the evening, bedtime at the orphanage.

Jingu Rin lies alone on Nonoyu's bed.

The sheets and bedding smelled of washing powder, they were all freshly changed, and the previous sheets had stained his blood, and they had been taken to wash.

"There's more exercise in a day today than I've done in the past few years combined..." Sleepiness

struck, and Jingu Rin couldn't help but yawn.

If it weren't for Ye Naiyu saying something to him, he would have been unable to hold on to falling asleep.

After a while.

"Click~!" The

door opened.

After checking the children's sleep, Noyu returned to the room.

"Rin, haven't you slept yet

?" "What

kind of surprised look are you?"

Jingu Rin tugged at the corners of his mouth: "Didn't the dean say something to say to me?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Nonoyu's eyes when he heard this.

That's an excuse, she just wants to sleep with Jingu Rin.

Increase your favorability by sleeping together, get love reward disaster relief cards, and solve your current dilemma.

In fact, she didn't want to use this trick.

Because of her conscience, her morality does not allow her to fall in love with Jingu Rin.

It's just that what happened during the day changed her mind.

Instead of Rin constantly risking her life to assassinate Danzo, she would rather have no conscience and lose her morality and fall in love with Rin.

Ye Naiyu said gently: "It's late, go to sleep, there is something to say tomorrow."

Jingu Rin was a little dissatisfied, but soon the dissatisfaction disappeared.

Because Nono Woo undressed in front of him.

One piece, two pieces....

Eh, there is still one more on the body, continue to take it off.

He looked disappointed.

Ye Naiyu was wearing a white underwear, revealing a large area of snow-white skin, and his beautiful eyes glared at him in embarrassment.


, I'm not disappointed, I've found new treasures.

Looking at the waves on Nonoyu's chest, Jingu Rin was secretly surprised.

Although it should not be small from a few feelings, this size is still a little unexpected to him.

Perhaps, only the ball king Tsunade can overwhelm the dean.

"Sleep..." Unable

to stand Jingu Rin's gaze, Nonoyu quickly turned off the light and went to bed.

Jingu Rin leaned over and buried his face unceremoniously in Nonoyu's chest.

The dark fragrance is fragrant, and the face seems to be stuck with the most comfortable silk.

Fragrant and soft, sleep conditions are too good.

So it didn't take long for the rhythmic breathing to hit his chest.

Ye Naiyu lowered his head, and with the help of the moonlight outside, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the sleeping Jingu Rin.

Fortunately, otherwise Rin would have messed around just now, and she wouldn't have known what to do.


Nothing happened overnight.

Early morning.

The sunlight shone into the room through the window, and Nono Woo slowly woke up, feeling a slight tingling pain in his chest.

She looked down and suddenly lost her eyes.


helplessly, she gently pushed away the boy on top of her and walked out of bed.

'Failed, the favorability is still 89, sleeping can't improve

the favorability...' Looking at the favorability of the light curtain that did not change, Ye Naiyu was very distressed.

She has been suppressing her feelings for Rin for several years.

As a result, favorability soared.

Now I don't suppress my feelings.

The favorability is motionless.


I guilty of slut....

Thinking of this, Ye Naiyu's cheeks were hot, and he shook his head repeatedly.

Although I am indeed a bad woman, I should not be that kind of bad woman, there must be some other reason.

What is the problem

? What next?

Directly the last step of the Hokage-level strength....

No, no, absolutely not, it's too perverted, I'd rather die at the hands of Tuan Zang.


Jingu Rin woke up from his slumber, and the first thing he saw was Nonoyu staring straight at him.

"Dean, you're scary like this. With

a slightly complaining tone, Jingu Rin sat up and patted his plopping heart.

"Sorry, Rin.

With an apology on his face, Ye Naiyu said softly, "I want to ask you a question."

Jingu Rin raised his eyebrows, "Problem? What problem

?" Nonoyu took a deep breath and said positively, "Do you like me?"

"Which like

?" "Is

that what I mean?" or am I thinking crooked?"

Jingu Rin blinked, pondered for a few seconds, and gave a golden answer.

"Probably... It's the same as the dean's love for me. Saying

that, he stared at Noniyu's face and observed.

"I know what you mean, Rin.

Ye Naiyu's face turned slightly red and said, "What I do next, don't resist, don't tell others, and don't ask more." "

“...... Can you ask something first?"

answered Jingu Rin's question with action.

She held his head in both hands, bent down, lowered her head, and Sakura's lips came closer....

No, Dean, you really come here, I'm a child.

Next second.

The lips touched, and Jingu Rin's body shook, silently sticking out his tongue.

Three minutes later.

"Dean, let me breathe. "

Ten minutes later.

"Dean, it's okay. "

Half an hour later.

"The mouth of the horse is numb. Pushing

away the wild no-woo who forcibly kissed him, Jingu Rin gasped.

Nonai Yu's mouth was also numb, but the purpose was not achieved, and he had to continue.

She forced herself to be ashamed and said, "Rin, rest for a while and we'll come back." "

Flax falls...,"

Jingu Rin wailed.

Another half hour passed.

A mechanical prompt finally sounded in the minds of the two.

[Favorability 90, reward calamity dissolution card]

[Get the love of Yakushi Nono Yu, reward shadow-level character card].

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