Hogwarts Astronomy Tower.

Every Thursday night, they use telescopes to observe the sky and learn the names of different stars and the trajectories of planets.

This is also the only course in all subjects at Hogwarts that does not require the use of magic.

In Regis' view, Hogwarts' astronomy class felt more like a small class on constellation science. This "Meaning Behind the Constellations" basically talks about the mythological background of some constellations over and over again, which is no different from the twelve constellations in reality.

It was a gadget about probability, at least he remembered a group of constellation masters sitting in the Forbidden Forest.

This is also the class that Regis hates the most.

When the professor finally called to stop, he was dizzy after putting down the telescope, neatly packed up and left.

Snape was also swiftly moving.

After a while, two figures came to the door of the Requirement Room on the eighth floor.

Turn around, open the door, close the door.

All in one go.

Since the astronomy class was scheduled for the evening, the two of them were very careful.

Inside the house upon request.

After the effect of the Disillusionment Charm wore off, Reggie was nervous and Snape handed over the glass bottle.

"Severus, can you guarantee success?"

Snape's face twitched, as if trying to laugh but failing: "Don't worry, Bezoar is ready."

"Maybe we can call Potter over here?"

"Hey, I thought you were friends."

Being ridiculed by Snape, Regis no longer hesitated, raised his head and poured the bottle into his mouth.

Snape also stared at him nervously.

Regis hardly needs to settle down and feel it carefully.

Not long after pouring the potion, Regis clearly felt that the magic power in his body was rapidly filling up.


The smile on Ridge's face froze, and his expression became painful. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck.


Snape was shocked, and hurriedly picked up the bezoar and stuffed it into his mouth.

But Regis coughed so badly that he couldn't successfully put it in his mouth, so he bent over in pain.

Snape was anxious and afraid: "No, how is it possible, it's impossible to fail. Even if it fails, there shouldn't be any poison in it. Stop it and eat it quickly."

Seeing that he couldn't catch Reggie, Snape became anxious and picked up his wand and pointed it at him.

"It's all petrified."

"Armor and bodyguard."

Snape was dumbfounded.

It was the Iron Armor Charm that Reggie cast herself.

At this moment, there is still a look of suffocation and pain, and he is grinning and laughing.

Snape pursed his lips, relieved and furious.

Regis looked at the shape of his mouth and seemed to say something...

Knowing that he was wrong, he changed the subject: "Relax, Severus, it really works! Do you know what we invented?! Merlin, the potion that restores magic power, I bet this must be more than the wolf's poison potion. Incredible."

After all, the audience is different, and the market for the former is much larger.

Reggie dared to say that in the magic world, there is no magic potion that wizards do not want.

Especially in this turbulent era, think about it, two people of similar strength fought for a long time, and at this time holding a bottle of potion to restore magic power is almost an extra life.

Death Eaters are no longer afraid of the situation where their mana will be consumed too quickly after using the Life Sucking Charm.

And those who are attacked can also use the Iron Armor Spell to run away with the Apparition.

As for the wolf venom, it is different, and its beneficiary group is only the werewolves.

And, with all due respect, according to the requirements for the preparation of the wolf poison potion in the original book—a superb potion master, precious potion materials.

Not to mention whether there are any potion masters willing to condescend to be "dirty werewolves" to brew potions, but most of the werewolves simply cannot afford the precious raw materials needed for the wolf venom potion itself.

In the magical world, werewolves are regarded as low-level creatures, and they undergo a transformation every month, which makes them mostly isolated and have no source of income.

Of course, not to mention the one like Greyback who doesn't deform and bites.

The function of the wolf poison potion is to keep the werewolves sane when they are deformed, and they will only disdain those werewolves whose brains have evolved into beasts.

The potion that restores magic power was created by the two of them from a completely unfamiliar state, so Regis was also very excited!

Not only did he solve his own worries, but as a shopkeeper, he also saw the huge sum of money Jin Galleon followed.

But Snape wasn't infected with his ecstasy.

Although he was happy because he had successfully developed a potion, he was obviously attracted by another sentence.

"Wolf Poison Potion? What is that? Why haven't I heard of it." Snape's tone was very puzzled.

Reggie's smile froze for a moment and then quickly recovered, so fast that no one could notice it.

At this time, the wolf venom potion has not been developed yet?

Then don't blame me for being rude.

Recalling it carefully, in the original book, Professor Rhys Lughorn mentioned at the meeting of the Slug Club that Damocles Belby, the inventor of wolf poison, was the uncle of a seventh-grade student at the time.

He seems to have a good personal relationship with Snape.

When Lupin went to teach at Hogwarts, it wasn't long after the wolf's poison potion was invented.

If so calculated.

Damocles Belby should have succeeded in inventing the wolf venom potion around 1991-1992. Now it is only 1972, which is also twenty years later.

Reggie's brows moved slightly, with a happy face: "That's the next potion we're going to develop, specifically for werewolves."

Snape was noncommittal.

The two have been together for so long, and they are already used to his unpredictable thoughts.

Besides, Snape pursed his lips, and he wasn't someone who would break the casserole and ask to the end.

Feeling that the magic power in his body started to return to the normal speed, Rigi felt it carefully~www.novelmt.com~ Maybe due to the low level of the wizard, his magic power was almost filled.

If you speculate on this effect, depending on the size of the magic power itself, the effect of the wizard may not be the same after taking it.

But this was quickly thrown out of his mind.

piece of cake.

"Severus, what should we call it?" Regis thought to the empty glass bottle.

Snape was filling the remaining potions into the prepared test tubes, and his men kept moving: "Magic recovery agent."

Hehe, it's really surprising.

Regis, who has experienced marketing bombing, knows that product packaging is very important!

Look at those elixirs and wolf venoms.

I wonder if it would be much cheaper if it was changed to Good Luck and Werewolf Awakening.

Then how could he sell the conscience price?

Regis thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

"How about the talent potion?"

Snape shook his head, ready to speak.

Regis said as he should: "Very well, that's it."

Shut your mouth.

"gone back already?"

Ridge waved his hand: "You go first, I thought of a few new spell casting moves before, and I just happened to try it tonight."

Snape nodded.

After cleaning up his crucible, he left all the talent potions to Reggie.

As Snape left, the door to the Room of Requirement closed again.

If someone happens to come here, you will find yourself unable to open the door of the Room of Requirement no matter what.

"I need a place to duel." Regis said silently in his heart.

The scene in the house began to change according to his thoughts.

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