Hogwarts’s Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin

Chapter 33: Animagus training method

If other people were asked so suddenly by Potter and Black, they would definitely be completely confused.

But Regis has the perspective of God, so he has a clear mind.

Remus Lupin's werewolf identity is revealed.

The four looters lived in the same dormitory every day, and they were almost inseparable in class on weekdays.

But there are always a few days a month.

Lupin always leaves.

The reason he gave was: "My mother is sick."

"My father is sick."

"My pet is sick."

That's the reason why these dogs didn't believe it, Potter and the others did.

Until this semester, Professor McMillan gave a class - "Werewolf".

Blake was the first to discover the clue.

For example, Lupin always disappears on the days of the full moon, for example, every time he leaves, he always has more wounds on his body, and for example, he always looks very weak for the next few days after returning.

Therefore, on a sunny day, he had a showdown in the bedroom.

In the face of Black's aggressiveness, Peter's fear, Potter's...

Potter was nonchalant, as he said.

"It's just a hairy little problem."

Lupin was so moved that in the end the marauders unanimously made an absurd decision - practice Animagus.

They wanted to make the life of Lupin's transformation less difficult. Since werewolves would attack humans, they would simply accompany their buddies in animal form.

Soon they rummaged through the library (including the forbidden area), but as Regis guessed, they couldn't find a complete method on how to cultivate Animagus.

That is, on that day, the four of them went out at night to go to the forbidden book area to look for it, and then they saw St. Regis entering the Room of Requirement.

Potter felt that he should ask Reggie. For some reason, he just felt that Reggie should know.

So there is the current scene.

In the original book, it was said that Remus Lupin's old father had offended the notorious werewolf, Fenrir Greyback, who held a grudge and seized the opportunity to pick a special day of transformation to bite the time. Remus as a child.

Regis didn't know why the two thought he would know Animagus, but... it would be nice if they could split the werewolf camp.

Werewolves have always been a neglected force in the magic world. After their transformation, their magic resistance and attack power have been greatly improved, making them surprisingly strong.

The important thing is that if they get a bite...

It's like a zombie virus, 100% infected, who is not afraid of it?

Threatening those disobedient pure-blood families with werewolves is also one of Voldemort's main means of "coaching".

And relying on it, he has successfully won many wizards with family members.

Reggie remembered that after Voldemort made a comeback in the original book, Lupin still played a big role in the werewolf group.

This shows that not everyone in the werewolf camp is as bloodthirsty and cruel as Fenrir Greyback, who abandons humanity and likes to take revenge on society.

He quickly made a decision in his heart and walked to the blank wall.

"I need a place to talk, I need a place to talk..."

"Come in." He turned and gestured to the two behind him.

Potter has been looking at this room with novelty since he came in. As a Gryffindor family, his father was also known as a "headache student" when he was at school, and the points deducted from Hogwarts graduation can be taken The next Academy Cup winner.

This can be seen from the fact that his father can give him the Invisibility Cloak so that he can make good use of it.

Potter, of course, heard his father talk about the Room of Requirement, but he tried several times and couldn't open it every time.

So now it looks like he has never seen the world.

The only thing that made them uncomfortable was that the whole house was biased towards the Slytherin style, which gave them the illusion of stepping into the Slytherin lounge, and the two were far away from the sofa.

Sitting on the dark green sofa, Regis pretended not to see the disgusting expressions of the two.

It's a pity that the House of Requirement can't conjure food.

Of course, magic can't conjure food out of thin air.

Otherwise, just have another glass of pumpkin juice at the moment, Regis thought regretfully.

He knew that even without his own help, several people would eventually succeed in becoming Animagus, but since they can sell a favor, why not do it?

After carefully recalling the memory of Animagus in his mind, he began to introduce them to the two.

Animagus refers to a wizard who can transform into an animal form according to his will.

Generally, each Animagus can only turn into one animal, and this animal is mostly related to the character of the wizard himself.

Of course, there is another special point, just like Sirius' niece Nymphadora Tonks is a natural disguise magus, her face can change into any shape at will.

After the wizard enters the animal form, he still retains the same thoughts and lifespan as in the human form. For example, Peter Pettigrew turned into a mouse and lurked in the Weasleys for more than ten years. You must know that a normal mouse does not have such a long lifespan.

However, if the animal form is maintained for a long time, the consciousness of the wizard will gradually approach the animal's mind.

There are pros and cons to this situation, and ten years later in Azkaban, Black turned into a dog to avoid the dementors.

"It is extremely difficult to become an Animagus, and if you make a mistake in the process of transformation, it may have very serious consequences."

Regis is very serious. He is not alarmist. On average, there is only one Animagus in more than a thousand wizards.

"Only mediocre people are afraid of failure!"

Potter's tone was disdainful.

The other was wearing a pair of pants with this person. Although he didn't say it, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.


Why do you want to practice Animagus, but I feel insulted.

It's going to rain~www.novelmt.com~People are going to die.

Regis no longer discouraged.

"Practicing Animagus requires you to hold a mandrake leaf in your mouth for a full month, during which time you can't swallow or spit out the leaf no matter what happens."

"As soon as the leaf leaves the mouth, the whole process starts all over again."

Saying that, he swallowed his saliva.

"After the second full moon, put the leaves soaked in saliva into a transparent bottle and let it receive pure moonlight. If it happens to be cloudy that day, then congratulations, you have to start all over again."

Reggie was satisfied to hear Potter let out a whimper.

"If you are irradiated, you need to add a hair of your own, a silver teaspoon of dew and a pupae of a ghost-faced hawkmoth to the bottle."

"Then let the bottle sit in a dark place until the next storm. While waiting for the storm to come, at each sunrise and sunset, point the tip of your wand at your heart and say the following mantra."

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

The more I talked about Reggie, the more I couldn't help but sighed at their unbelievable luck. Even Pettigrew Peter could become an Animagus... eh? It's not right, why is it that I'm a little bit eager to move.

Finally, under Potter's stalking and coercion, Regis promised the other party that they could find him when they encountered the problem of Animagus' transformation.

The price is to apologize to Snape immediately tomorrow and join his D.A.M club.

All three felt that the trip was worthwhile tonight.

Reggie looked at the two who put on the Invisibility Cloak and got into the portrait of the Fat Lady and slipped back to the Gryffindor lounge.

After taking my class, you must eat my Amway.

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