Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma

The 340 chapters do not live, Grindelwald's actions.

Hermione frowned in disgust, uncomfortable with the way Umbridge addressed her.

"No, not about the content of this chapter."

"We're studying now." Umbridge's smile faded, "If you have other questions, we can talk about it after class.

"I have some questions about your course, there's not a single word on the use of Defense Monday, just an overview of False Otaku.

Hermione expressed her dissatisfaction to the fullest. At this time, everyone watched their confrontation, and Alvin leaned back on the chair with no expression on his face.

"Defense spell?" Umbridge seemed to have heard a joke. "You're safe under the protection of the Ministry of Magic, boy."

"I don't think there will be an opportunity for you to use defensive spells in my class. 35

"This book will help you pass your exams better, trust my judgment as a professor at the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione became even more angry, can the Defense Against the Dark Arts class not be linked to defense spells, can you resist the darkness just by reading?

"So, are we going to read a whole class of books?"

"Are you an education specialist at the Ministry of Magic? This lady?" Umbridge said.

"Call me Granger, I'm not, but—"

"Since you are not 13, don't speak! 35

Umbridge's face turned pale, and his voice suddenly became very mean. This change caught everyone off guard.

Hermione was also a little frightened, and it was really scary that the look on Umbridge's face just now was a little scary.

Alvin's face sank, and a green light flashed.

Umbridge on the stage suddenly felt a tickling in his throat, as if something was stuck on it.

She vomited, and immediately two green slugs were spit out by her.

The little wizards in the classroom were stunned, how could Umbridge, who had just been screeching, suddenly become so disgusting.

Seeing her still vomiting, the classroom fell into a strange silence.

"Why are you still standing still, why don't you go to Madam Pomfrey? 99

Alvin said lightly, and some people felt blessed.

"I'm going to Madam Pomfrey!"

A clever Ravenclaw girl ran out the door first, but the direction she looked out seemed to be not the school doctor's room, but the Ravenclaw's lounge.

The other little wizards also learned the same way, and in a blink of an eye, the classroom became empty.

"You, you!

"Ouch! 99

Before he could finish speaking, Umbridge spit out two larger slugs.

Alvin didn't even look at her, he just pulled up Hermione and stepped over, interrupting his good nap.

He couldn't take this class anyway, so he was going to go back to sleep with Hermione in his arms.

Soon, what happened in today's class quickly became known to the whole school, and Madam Pomfrey, who was looked for by a class's little wizard, was not found.

In the end, she covered her mouth all the way and ran to the headmaster's office. It was only with the help of Dumbledore that she returned to normal.

"Professor Umbridge, what's the matter with you?"

The half-crescent-shaped lenses reflected white light, and his face was a little surprised.

Umbridge looked like a madman, "Someone must have framed me, Dumbledore, you have to give me an explanation!

Looking at her like a shrew, Dumbledore played Tai Chi: "Professor Umbridge, maybe it's just that the kitchen was not cleaned, and some dirty things got in. Luo

"Don't worry, I'm going to let the house-elves do a big cleaning. After all, school has just started, and many things are not ready. 95

Umbridge opened his mouth, wanting to say Dumbledore, do you take me for a fool?

Why are so many people okay, and I am the only one, am I so unlucky?

Knowing that there is no way to get an answer here, Umbridge is no longer ashamed to stay here. He slammed the door with a backhand and walked out of the office.

"Why is this man so rude!"

Portraits of the dozing headmaster were not happy, and at Hogwarts, no one had dared to slam the headmaster's door.

This is not only a challenge to Dumbledore, but also a challenge to the authority of the Headmaster.

"It's all right, Professor Umbridge has been hurt so much, it's understandable to be a little emotional.

Dumbledore smiled, completely unaffected.

"Albus, you're just too kind! Otherwise, these cats and dogs wouldn't dare jump up and down here."

"When I was the Headmaster, any Minister of Magic had to look at my face!

Phineas was very dissatisfied, and it was self-evident who he was referring to.

A few portraits next to him rolled his eyes, the then Minister of Magic was your nephew by blood, and of course he was a bit humble to you.

After leaving the office, Umbridge went to the kitchen aggressively to see if someone had poisoned her.

But the house-elves ignored her completely, not even letting her in through the kitchen door.

She was so angry that she was furious at the door, and even wanted to take out her magic wand and slammed open the door to break in.

"It must have been Alvin."

At dinner time, Qiu listened to the whole story, and said with great certainty, and at the same time disgusted Umbridge's class.

At the same time, she also felt a little accustomed to it, and every year in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, some nonsense would come up.

Hermione was a little surprised: "But I didn't see any movement from Alvin."

Luna said softly: "Alvin can not only cast spells without a staff, but even spell spells.

She is the person who knows Alvin's strength best, and her mother's return is the best proof.

Looking at her boyfriend, until he nodded, Hermione didn't know that he did all this.

"I can handle it without your help.

Hermione said a little Tsundere, but still hugged Alvin honestly and gave him a sweet kiss.

Although stronger, Hermione also enjoys the feeling of being protected by Alvin

Touching the little witch's head, which feels very good, Alvin said with a smile: "How can I see others bullying my girlfriend? 39

Just as the two were showing their affection and feeding the people around them a mouthful of dog food, a snow-white owl grabbed a letter and flew straight into the auditorium, landing directly in front of Dumbledore.

This is a very strange thing, generally only in the morning will the owl deliver the letter to the wizards, unless it is a very tense situation.

Many people stopped what they were doing and looked at Dumbledore curiously.

Sure enough, Dumbledore's expression became much more serious, and at the end, he stood up with a 'rub', left the auditorium without saying anything.

The students were discussing, what is it that makes their principal so disrespectful?

Just finished being stabbed downstairs, the update is late, and enter Grindelwald's home field below.

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