By the way, all the damaged parts in the store were repaired, and the garbage that should be cleaned up was also cleaned out.

"OK, it's clean now, it's better to have a sense of ritual when eating." Colt, who had said so, had already retracted his wand, clapped his hands and walked to the round table.

"Okay everyone, don't be polite, try my craftsmanship, although it's not as good as a regular chef, but the taste is still good."9

Having said that, Colt has already started, picked up a pie, added some grilled meat, lettuce, etc., rolled it up and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing that Colt was eating so much, the others couldn't help but feel hungry. They temporarily put aside their exploration of Colt's magic and started working.

After that, Colt brought out some brewed wines to give to others.

It took more than an hour for a meal to be eaten. At the beginning, everyone was very hungry, so they didn't care about eating at all, and they ate haise.

Later, the four Tony, who were still in the category of ordinary people, stopped, and then Steve.

In the next half hour, Colt and Sol were basically eating, and everyone else could only stare at the two of them in stunned eyes, and their stomachs seemed to have no bottom, and they were suspicious of life.

When the two finally finished eating, it was not because they were full, but because there were no more ingredients-.

After everyone had eaten and drank, Colt began to talk about what happened in the Stark-Mansion.

"You mean, just now, next to us, there were two people hiding, who wanted to deal with the two Infinity Stones in our hands, yes, that's what they called them, right?" Tony said very much. asked in shock.

You must know that the place before was his territory!

What the hell is going on here, first Loki's invasion, that's where it all started.

Then there were two unknown future visitors, who also quietly invaded his house, especially one of them was himself.

What the hell is going on in this world, why has strange things happened one after another recently, he is really tired!

"And me, do you mean me? Is that me really myself? My self from the future?" Obviously, it's not just Tony who doubts life, but Steve also feels the same way.

After all, this time, there are also his future people.

Of course, this is what Banner doesn't know yet, and the green self in the future will also come, otherwise, it will definitely collapse even more.

However, this is only a matter of time. With Banner's character, it is absolutely impossible to leave Tony and the others and return to the future alone.

Although Tony and the others were able to go back, the problem was that they only had one chance left. If they couldn't get the Infinity Stones, the consequences would obviously not be what they were willing to bear.

This may have been the last chance for them and the half of their lives that disappeared.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to give up in any case until the last moment.

After everyone had eaten and drank, they all decided to go back and have a look together. It is obviously impossible to say that they are not curious about the future.

Moreover, this time back to the Stark Building, there is Nick Fury who has been hiding behind the scenes.

Even if there is already a bunch of things piled up on his face, he is absolutely impossible to let go of this kind of future career, and naturally he takes time out of his busy schedule to look at it.

Soon, everyone gathered in Tony's office.

It's been cleaned up a bit, but it's obviously still a lot more broken than before, but that's nothing to Colt.

With a wave of his hand to restore the original magic, the damage on the physical level here is completely repaired.

Except for a few pieces of glass shattered by the scepter, everything seemed pre-war.

This magical method made Tony's eyes hot.

However, it all didn't matter when the obviously much older Tony appeared in front of him.

For a while, the two sides were speechless.

In the end, Colt broke the silence and said, "Okay everyone, there is still a lot of time today. Let's sit down first. If there is anything you want to know, you can say it slowly."

.......... asking for flowers

Everyone took Colt's suggestion, took their seats, and began to gather the extra people in large numbers.

Colt didn't let the atmosphere fall into another silence, he took the lead and said, "Let me do it, I have a question now, the gems you want to get are the infinity gems you call them. What the heck is it?"

For this question, the people of this time and space present are very curious, and now they are just beginning to come into contact with the transcendent. Even Thor doesn't know much about the Infinity Stone, but they know that this is a unique treasure in the universe. Well, I don't know about the rest.

For this question, after the three future people present looked at each other, it was Old Tony who answered.

When answering, waves of metal particles appeared on the Ark reactor on his chest, forming a holographic projection device on the coffee table between everyone.

Then everyone was like watching a movie, showing all the six Infinity Stones and their usual states one by one.

The first one is the universe Rubik's Cube that everyone is very familiar with. After the blue Rubik's Cube was broken, the blue gem they had just seen flew out.

"The blue space gem has a powerful space power, and with it, it can travel freely in the entire universe. At the same time, it also has a very basic ability, that is, almost infinite energy. After all, for it, As long as the universe exists, energy will always exist, the energy of space.

The second one, the Mind Gem, flew out from the top of the broken Mind Scepter, a yellow gem.

"Yellow soul gem, a treasure that can arbitrarily manipulate other people's hearts and play with people's hearts."

Then there is the third, red reality gem. The normal state of this gem is not a solid stone, but a fluid state. When all the fluid condenses, it will travel the reality gem.

"The yellow reality gem can completely ignore any scientific laws, and can directly distort the cognition of living beings, thereby realizing any wish of the owner, a powerful artifact that can come true. Earth.

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