And if it is specially designed, it is not difficult to replace some of the armor components with armor with a more powerful energy output system and higher material quality, and it is not difficult to face the elders head-on.

Of course, this must be the kind that does not use the holy weapon level, otherwise, it will still be hanged.

After all, if the strength of the elders is so easy to equalize, then what kind of energy is there to cultivate!

All you need to do is get yourself a set of powerful equipment.

In the final analysis, the role of magic armor is to increase the combat power of the underlying combat power, but this kind of external force is the real external force. Once you lose such armor, what will you be like?

Moreover, the same magic armor will exert different combat power depending on the user.

What really allows this armor to play an extraordinary role is basically in energy.

In fact, the division of power within the dragon race is basically based on the amount of magic in the body. The more magic in the body, the stronger the strength will naturally go, and the less magic the strength will naturally be much weaker.

As for the Black Dragon Clan among the Dragon Clan, perhaps the influence of the amount of magic power is smaller, but there are still some that are not.

Besides, as long as the energy is sufficient, the power output of the armor can be guaranteed, so that it can show more powerful lethality, in fact, the same is true.

And the core of this set of magic armor is the supply of magic.

This is exactly the technology that the current dragon race is in short supply.

Perhaps the supply of magic power in a short period of time, through special magic patterns and special magic materials, the dragons can also make them and use them, but if you want to reach the level of battlefield application, there is still a long way to go. After all, there are almost no shortcuts, and it requires solid technical accumulation.

That is to say, Colt has the innate spiritual treasure such as Lingquan Baoyu as its foundation, so that it can develop a systematic energy supply device in such a short period of time.

But this is the case. It is only with the continuous supply of Lingquan Baoyu that he can supply the spiritual energy needs of the entire Golden Crow Realm. Otherwise, even him, there is no way to complete this technology.

Of course, now that Colt dares to come up with this technology, it is naturally fully researched and mature, and it has a corresponding complete technical reserve.

It was with this that Colt thought about it and designed the magic armor technology.

In fact, this technology, if it is difficult to say, is indeed quite difficult, after all, apart from Colt, there may be no races in this world that can master it, at least, it is like this on earth.

But to say that it is simple, it is actually quite simple, because the real key core is only one, something that can continuously supply magic power.

Coincidentally, Colt had such a thing in his hands.

It can't be regarded as a thing, but a small ore vein. A comprehension world calls it a spirit stone ore vein, and the magic world calls it a magic crystal ore. In short, there are various names.

But the only constant is that this magic crystal ore can continuously produce magic crystals, which is a crystal-like ore rich in magic power.

It would be unrealistic to say that this magic crystal ore could continuously provide magic power. After all, there was no way to link the entire chaos behind.

If there is an infinite number of multiverses, there is only one, and that is chaos.

But Colt doesn't need it to be able to provide a steady stream of magic!

What the dragons need is only magical armor that can be used for battle.

In daily life, there is no need for magic crystal ore to play any role, and the entire dragon clan has already passed the stage of technology accumulation, and it is basically impossible for such a technology to explode.

The entire device that provides the combat magic power of magic armor is actually a replica of the energy core of Hextech.

It's just that the device used to absorb the spiritual spring produced by the Lingquan Baoyu was replaced with a device used to collect the magic power in a small magic crystal ore vein.

Although it is only a small magic crystal ore, if it is only used to provide the combat energy of the combat device of the Hex system researched by Colt, there is no problem at all.

Moreover, in order to last as long as possible, the entire Hexian energy core is also set up to continuously absorb the magic power in the surrounding air, and store it for future combat needs.

Although compared to the need for combat, this kind of reserve can be said to be equal to none, but it can be regarded as a way to not. At present, Colt can only achieve this level.

As long as this energy supply problem is solved, the rest, whether it is to design and build magic armor, or to update the magic armor, in order to have a more efficient energy consumption system and improve the performance on the battlefield.

In fact, the Dragons are more skilled than Colt.

You must know that before this, the battle between the dragons and the demons lasted for an unknown number of years.

It is possible that any member of the dragon family has experienced more wars than Colt or even Nicole May.

They can naturally understand more about their own needs for magic armor on the battlefield.

This is also the case. After Colt opened the use of the sky, the speed at which the dragons designed and built magic armor really made Colt have to be amazed.

In just one week, the first-generation samples have been built.

After putting in the Hextech crystals produced by the Hex Energy Core, the combat power displayed has greatly exceeded Colt's expectations. (did it?)

Whether it is strength, speed, or defensive ability, it is beyond Colt's imagination.

Moreover, the cold weapon combat module it is equipped with is able to accomplish the goal of battlefield killing very well.

At the same time, the control system is completely connected to the brain with zero delay. Basically, as long as the operator's brain thinks of it, he can immediately make corresponding actions.

After equipping the long-range weapon, there is still no problem in the controllability of the magic armor, and the performance is very perfect.

But Rao is so, those researchers of the dragon family are still not satisfied, and in the following period of time, they are constantly updated.

The second, third, and fourth generation armors were successively manufactured at a speed that stunned Colt.

The armor of these three generations is not to say that the combat effectiveness and energy consumption are far superior to the first generation of armor.

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