Mrs. Derek paused and said with an embarrassed look:"You want to use the Unbreakable Curse for a few magic books!? This is ridiculous!"

Peter looked at Mrs. Derek with a smile and said:"I'm not afraid that you will take it. Add some books that are not unique copies, or deliberately add or delete them randomly, and then give them to me! If the content in the magic books is not rigorous, it can easily cause accidents, and in serious cases, you will die! I don’t want to use my little Risk your life!"

Mrs. Derek seemed to have been convinced, and her face became more gloomy. She didn't expect this Mudblood from the Muggle world to be so difficult to deal with! She said with difficulty:"Okay, I agree to sign the Unbreakable Curse!"

Peter smiled with satisfaction. He turned to Snape and said:"Professor, you should know this spell. I want you to be our witness!"

Snape looked at Peter with complicated eyes. The boy was in control of the situation from beginning to end, and gradually forced the arrogant Mrs. Derek to finally agree. It's hard to believe he's just a kid!

He walked forward in silence, took out his wand, pointed it at the two of them, and asked again:"Are you sure you want to sign this unbreakable curse? If you don't do it, the party who breaches the contract will be counterattacked by the curse and lose his life!"

Peter Being the beneficiary, of course he happily nodded in agreement. Mrs. Derek wanted to go back on her word, but she couldn't bear to refuse her only son's request, so both parties agreed.

The Unbreakable Curse was not complicated. The two parties reached out and held each other's hands. Snape, as a witness, pointed his wand at them and recited the curse, and then a bloody light enveloped the two of them.

The content signed by both parties is not too complicated. Peter requires the other party to provide him with 10 unique copies of magic books, and no manipulation is allowed! Derek's side demanded that after Peter obtained the magic book, he could no longer pursue Derek's sneak attack with black magic.

As the contract was signed, the red light turned into two red threads and disappeared around the wrists of both parties, leaving only a light trace to remind of the contract!

"Okay, the contract is signed! As long as both parties complete the agreement, the contract will have no effect on people!"Snape put away his wand and explained to Peter.

As soon as the contract was signed, Mrs. Derek immediately withdrew her hand from Peter, with a look of disgust on her face as if it was stained with dirt!

Peter laughed. He smiled and didn't care about her attitude. He was very happy now, and he had 10 more magic books in his account. This was a big gain! The pure-blood family was able to dominate the wizarding world for a long time because, in addition to money, they had accumulated it from generation to generation. Advanced magical knowledge!

Just like the Ollivander family has always firmly controlled the wand-making skills, the wands they make are more powerful than the wands made by others!

And the Potions family Prince, Snape’s mother’s family , they have many family heirloom potions, which are the dreams of many potion masters!

Many pure-blood families keep their magic knowledge firmly in their family hands and do not share it with the outside world. Even the book known as the most complete magic book in the UK The books sold in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore are all about the most basic magic knowledge. Some more advanced magic books will not appear here!

Like the"Standard Spells" book compiled by Miranda Gorshak, which is written by Hogg A must-select book for students in grades one to seven at Watts. But in fact, the"Standard Spells" originally compiled by Gorshak contained many advanced spells.

However, in the name of the dangers of these spells, the Ministry of Magic removed all the original copies of the first edition. Confiscated! Then Miranda Gorshak was asked to re-edit a standard spell with most of the content deleted and publish it. And those confiscated orphan copies were put into the bookcases of major pure-blood families and were not displayed to the public!

Once upon a time! Miranda Gorshak expressed dissatisfaction with this. She is a pure scholar. In order to compile this magic book, she added many spells of the Gorshak family in it just to share this knowledge. As a result, these books They all fell into the hands of pure-blood families, and her hard work was wasted!

Knowledge in the wizarding world is very precious, and all families want to hide their family magic tightly.

Create Hogwarts The reason why the four founders are admired is because at that time, they selflessly dedicated their magical knowledge and skills to the young wizards who came to learn for free. Compared with the pure-blood families who are still stingy today, they It seems extremely noble!

Even the notorious Salazar Slytherin, known as the dark wizard, was born in the Slytherin family and contributed his family's magic to the establishment of Hogwarts.

Hogwarts The first batch of magic books in this library were contributed by the four founders, and then they slowly accumulated to the current collection.

However, there is still a lot of magic knowledge controlled by pure-blood families and has not been included. In the library. So Peter was looking forward to these books collected by the pure-blood family.

After signing the contract, Mrs. Derek, with a gloomy face, pulled Derek to the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder beside the fireplace, and said to Snape said:"Professor Snape, I will take Derek home tonight, and when I come back tomorrow, I will ask him to bring 10 magic books!"

With that, he walked directly to the fireplace, threw floo powder at his feet and shouted:"Derek Manor!"The two disappeared directly into the fireplace with a burst of green flames.

Snape watched the two leave, raised his eyebrows, and said to Peter:"It seems that you can succeed even without me today. You are very good at being able to suppress the momentum of the leader of a pure-blood family! It seems that the Sorting Hat did not sort the wrong person."

As soon as the Dereks left, Peter's aura subsided and he returned to his appearance as a little boy, and he said humbly"In fact, I was able to successfully negotiate because of your presence, Professor, so that she did not dare to go too far! Ellen White told me that Mrs. Derek is a Death Eater. If it weren't for your professor, I wouldn't be so confident!"

Snape was stunned for a moment, and his eyes dimmed slightly,"Death Eaters.......Aren't you afraid that I will be bribed by them?"

Peter noticed Snape's change in mood and guessed that he must have thought of his identity as a Death Eater. His eyes traced across the hand hidden in the black robe. Then he smiled and said:"How is that possible? Professor, you are the master of potions and the dean of our college. Of course I believe you!"

With that, Peter stood up and said goodbye to Snape,"Professor, Professor Flitwick invited me to join the Charms Club. I need to join. Please allow me to say goodbye first!"

Snape waved his hand and signaled him to leave. And finally gave instructions:"Since you know that Mrs. Derek is a Death Eater, you must be wary of her. You have offended her, and her previous threats may become true! So if you don’t want to die, don’t run around! do you know?"

"Got it, professor! thanks for your reminder!"Peter said seriously.

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