The chief was also in a daze and said,"Am I dreaming too? When did it become so easy to cast spells without a wand? Merlin's beard, what kind of freak is this!" He just wasted a very precious magic item to help Earl win the duel. Derek, who was victorious, was in disbelief and kept muttering"This is impossible!".

In the wizarding world today, wandless spellcasting is one of the top abilities. Almost all wizards are no different from Muggles as long as their wands are disarmed! Therefore, the most severe punishment in the wizarding world is to have your wand broken!

Perhaps only great magicians such as Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Nicolas Flamel can cast spells without a wand. Although wandless casting is less powerful than using a wand, it can save lives at critical moments. For example, when Peter was given away his wand just now, he cast a wandless spell, catching the opponent off guard, and finally turned defeat into victory!

So all visionary wizards want this ability, but in addition to talent, wandless magic also requires hard practice and a little luck! Among them, talent accounts for a large proportion. Without talent, you may not be able to enter the door of wandless spellcasting even if you practice for a lifetime!

At this time, among the onlookers, the first and second grade students began to look at the people on the stage with admiring eyes, while the senior students had complicated expressions, with various emotions of envy, jealousy, and respect coming up one after another. Such a character is destined to The future is extraordinary! They need to think about how to make friends with him!

Among the extreme purebloods in Earl's support group, some people began to fall into confusion. They had always accepted the concept that purebloods were noble, more talented than Muggle wizards, and had more powerful magic. But now it has been forcefully broken by a Muggle wizard. They can no longer blindly say things contrary to the facts.

And people like Derek are envious with deep resentment. In their understanding, people who break the rules are aliens and should not exist. This will tarnish the sacred concept of pure blood!

Prefect Jones came back to his senses, with shock still in his eyes. He climbed onto the wooden platform, came to the middle, and then asked comparatively:"Can Earl be freed from the petrification curse?"

If in the past, he would directly He solved the spell instead of asking him first.

Peter looked at Earl, who looked like a stone sculpture opposite, and pointed at him with his wand and said,"Stop!"

The petrified Earl did not look as arrogant as before, but hurried to the side to pick up his wand, and then quietly He stood aside waiting for the results.

Although he was hit by the petrification spell, his mind was still clear and he knew the whole process. Therefore, for Peter, who was far more powerful than himself, he remained silent knowingly.

The prefect looked at both sides, and then announced:"Although he experienced a sudden attack in the middle, which caused Peter York's wand to be disarmed, he relied on his superb ability to get his wand again and defeated the opponent! So we I think Peter York won this duel! Does anyone have any objections to this?"

No one in the audience objected, and those who had any objections also stopped. After all, this duel was clear, Peter York had always crushed his opponent, even if he was in the middle. Even though the accident happened, Peter was not defeated, so no one could open their eyes and speak out against it. Even Earl on the stage lowered his head and remained silent, acquiescing to this result.

Seeing this situation, the prefect announced again,"The winner of this duel is Peter York!"

Then he looked at Peter and asked:"Mr. York, what do you need to ask Earl? It can be money, but money It cannot exceed 1,000 gold galleons. It can be a single copy of a pure-blood family's magic book, but it cannot exceed 5 or two! Or some other requirements are acceptable, but they cannot be too excessive! Because this is only a duel within the academy, and the Ministry of Magic has abolished it. It’s a duel, so it’s not good for both parties if it gets too big!"

"In the past, wizards dueled until one party died, and then all the property of the losing party belonged to the winner! But this kind of situation can no longer happen in current duels, so the winner can ask for some compensation from the loser!"

"Mr. York, what's your request?"

Everyone looked at Peter to see his choice.

Peter thought about it carefully, and then said:"I want five unique magic books from the Earl family, but I need him to promise not to fool him with other magic books. I!"

The prefect was stunned when he heard this. He thought Peter would choose 1,000 gold galleons or some other requirements, but he didn't expect to choose magic books!

Although magic books are precious, unless they are people who like to study, pure-blood wizards generally It is just used as a collection to show the family heritage.

Some down-and-out pure-blood wizards will even take magic books to sell on the black market. Therefore, most pure-blood wizards do not pay much attention to magic books.

The prefect asked again:"Mr. York, are you sure you want 5 magic books?"

"Of course you don't have to worry about being cheated, all of us who participated in this duel know this. So unless the Earl family is willing to bear the reputation of being an oathbreaker and be spurned by many purebloods, they will definitely hand over the bet to you in full!

When Peter heard this, he nodded happily,"I want 5 of their magic books!" After all, knowledge is the ladder of human progress! The prefect nodded, and then looked at Earl on the other side,"Mr. Earl, are you sure you can hand over all five magic books in your family's collection to Peter York?" Earl nodded in surprise at this time. He originally thought he would lose 1,000 gold galleons. For the Earl family, which was not too wealthy, this sum of money was a loss.

But in a twist of events, Peter actually chose In his eyes, the magic books were the least valuable and could only be used as collectibles. This made him very happy, and even the look in his eyes became kind to Peter. He directly promised that he would bring 5 magic books when he returned to school at Christmas. Product.

Peter's face suddenly showed joy at this time, making others think that he was happy for the five magic books, and they all thought that he should go to Ravenclaw.

But only Peter knew that he had just received a notification from the system , his system points reached 100 points! It can be redeemed for a bloodline fusion opportunity!

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