Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 122 The Execution of Peter Pettigrew!

"Petit... Peter."

Snape stared at Peter Pettigrew with murderous cold eyes.

Peter Pettigrew, who was pointed at by Sirius Black and Snape with his wand, looked horrified.

"Sirius, my dear brother, don't, don't do this to me.

Peter Pettigrew shivered as Sirius begged for mercy.

"How dare you call me a brother?!!! You killed Jaime and the others! And I was imprisoned in Azkaban for more than ten years!!! Do you know how I got here for more than ten years? !!!!”

Sirius snarled at Peter Pettigrew.

"Gouging out the bone!! 35

Snape directly hit Peter Pettigrew with a torture curse. Under the effect of the torture curse, Peter Pettigrew fell to the ground and twitched in pain.

Chu He's twitching wand cast a Curing Charm and a Silent Charm on the door to prevent the room from being opened or Peter Pettigrew's screams coming out.

"It doesn't matter when you bullied me, but why did you sell Lily Evans to Voldemort! Why did you!!! Sell her! 35

Snape questioned Peter Pettigrew, who was lying on the ground, in pain, and this grief made Sirius Black even a little moved.

He was losing a brotherly love, and Snape was akin to losing a wife.

"I, I can't help it, you all know what weapons the Dark Lord has, if it were you! What would you do? Sirius! 39

Peter Pettigrew opened his mouth to defend.

"I'd rather die than betray a friend!"

"I betrayed the Dark Lord for Lily Evans and asked Dumbledore to let him protect that idiot James and her, but that idiot James mistrusted you!!!!35

Snape said angrily, it was this damn Peter Pettigrew in front of him that made him lose his love...

"Stop talking nonsense, Snape, let's do it together!"

Sirius spoke to Snape.


Seeing that Sirius and Snape were about to kill him, Peter Pettigrew jumped up from the ground without saying a word, trying to break through Chu He and escape from Snape's dormitory.

However, a majestic silver dragon claw slapped him directly to the ground, and a large amount of flesh was easily broken open by the sharp dragon claw, and dark red blood flowed on the floor.

"Avada Kedavra!!!!

Two green lights hit Peter Pettigrew at the same time. Peter Pettigrew, who had been twitching in pain due to being broken by Chu He's dragon claws, suddenly froze and fell to the ground, losing his breath.

"Finally... done... James, did you see it? I avenged you! I sent the damn thing down to meet you!"

Sirius lost his strength, half kneeling on the ground and looking up at the dim ceiling, he seemed to see what the face of his former good brother James was saying to him.

Snape put his wand into his sleeve and slowly sat back on his bed.

"Thank you, Chu He, for letting me avenge Lily Evans with my own hands. 99

Snape opened his mouth to thank him.

"No, it's just interest, and Voldemort, one day we'll kill him with our own hands. After all, he's the real murderer."

Chu He smiled and waved his wand, and the icy blue fire engulfed Peter Pettigrew's body and then wiped away the blood on the floor, then extinguished.

"Ah, being your friend was the best choice of my life.

Snape said with relief that he had gotten so much from Chu He, friendship, apology and dignity of the past, and the qualification to take revenge with his own hands.

Chu He is really interesting as a friend.

It can be said that for Chu He, he is willing to do anything now.

"Okay, since the two of you are done with revenge, then I'll go back to sleep first."

"I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

Sirius said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, after all, your business is also my business."

Chu He waved his hand to signal Sirius not to worry about waking him up, and then left Snape's dormitory.

Chu He, who originally planned to go back to sleep, thought about it, but he had to get up after a while to find Slytherin to learn black magic. After a while, he didn't get enough sleep, so he went directly to the secret room.

"My disciple, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you seem to have grown a lot.

Salazar Slytherin looked at Chu He with satisfaction.

"No way, I don't want to be the weak, the weak never even have the right to control their own lives.

As Chu He spoke, he summoned the Basilisk through Parseltongue.

Then, the giant snake with a body length of tens of meters swam and crawled out of the secret room, and then made various actions such as wandering, attacking, and winding under the order of Chu He.

"Yes, it seems that you have mastered Parseltongue very well, and you can become the master of snakes in the future.

Salazar Slytherin said with satisfaction.

".々 This is because you teach well, teacher."

Chu He said modestly.

"Then let's learn some forbidden spells in black magic.

Seeing that Chu He was so humble, Slytherin was overjoyed to explain the esoteric secrets of black magic to Chu He, and Chu He studied this knowledge very seriously.

After all, he was able to achieve today's achievements, mainly relying on his own magic spell improvement, so Chu He naturally remembered the knowledge taught by Slytherin as a treasure.

Early the next morning, when Chu He was sitting in the Potions classroom previewing the textbook, Harry Potter walked up to Chu He.

"Chu He, thank you for saving Blake and bringing him to see me. I learned a lot about my parents from him."

Harry said gratefully.

"It's okay, if you don't have anything to do in the future, you can always live with him, (Wang Nuo's) you and your uncle's family are not happy.

"This... how do you know?

Harry looked at Chu He in surprise.

"I learned the magic of Legilimency myself. When Legilimency reaches a certain level, I can see some strong emotions just by looking at it with my pupils. Even if I don't use Legilimency on you, I can see that you are right. their disgust.

Chu He explained.

"Well...they treated me badly and often spoke ill of my parents...""

Harry nodded, then took out a small package and handed it to Chu He.

"I know Chu He, you are not short of money, this is my most precious thing, I want to take this item as a thank you gift to express my gratitude to you for rescuing Sirius, I hope you can accept it.

"Good. Crazy."

Chu He took the small package from Harry.

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