When Peter hesitated to come to the office door, after hearing the sound of “coming in” from the door, his expression changed instantly, and he hurried in with a somewhat cautious look.

“Professor, I already know the weakness of the three-headed dog!” Peter said in a voice full of self-satisfaction and excitement, “I went to Hagrid today, and finally I heard from him that the three-headed dog likes to listen to lullabies, and as long as you put a lullaby on it, you can immediately fall into a deep sleep!” ”

Professor Quirrell did not speak, but sat gracefully in the armchair, fingers crossed over his chin, looking at Peter meaningfully.

Peter was a little uncomfortable with the look in his eyes, although he knew that his dementor was useless to him, but he still felt that he was seen through, and he couldn’t help but hesitate to ask, “Professor, am I wrong?” ”

“No, you’re right, I just learned the secret of the three-headed dog from Hagrid yesterday, and it’s no different from what you said.” Professor Quirrell folded his hands and said lightly.

“Ah, you already know that?” So I’m in vain and haven’t helped you at all? Peter showed a surprised expression and then said with a disappointed face.

“No, on the contrary, you did me a big favor and convinced me that the news I had heard was true, and that was enough.” Professor Quirrell, standing up, stepped down from his desk, came up behind Peter, and put his hand on his shoulder.

Peter’s body tensed up, and the snakewood wand in his sleeve suddenly jumped out.

“Take it easy, Peter, it’s just the two of us here, you don’t have to be so nervous!” Quirrell’s voice was gentle, like a kind teacher, and he patted him on the shoulder.

You’re afraid you’re wrong, Lord Voldemort, Peter said darkly.

“Peter, I said you were a very clever Slytherin, shrewd, savvy, inquisitive, and disdainful of established rules,” said Quirrell’s hand on Peter’s shoulder, and whispered into Peter’s ear, “and of course the absolute self!” Everyone else is just something you can use, including me! ”

Peter only felt a snake around his neck hissing, as if it would suddenly bite his neck at any moment!

Peter instinctively got up, turned to Quirrell, and then looked at him with doubtful eyes and said, “Professor, I don’t understand what you mean, I never thought of using you!” ”

Quirrell was not angry at Peter’s sudden movements.

He just stood there, smiling, but exuding a strong momentum, and he said slowly, “I understand your thoughts, after all, a nameless Professor Quirrell, who will make you a shrewd little snake, really willing to surrender!” ”

“I suppose you should have known the secret of the three-headed dog long ago, Peter!” Professor Quirrell was furious and pressed all over Peter, “You think you can block the Dementor’s thoughts, you can hide me.” But I don’t know that in front of an experienced person, even if you don’t use mind reading, your careful thinking is still invisible! ”

Peter was not intimidated by his momentum, he could feel the bluff on the surface of Quirrell, this body had been ruined by Voldemort, and the strong smell of decay could not be obscured by the smell of garlic! Not to mention that Voldemort at this time was just a shadow, and he couldn’t play anything.

So Peter narrowed his eyes, directly let go of his momentum, confronted Quirrell, looked at him coldly and said, “Professor Quirrell, I’m afraid you’re thinking a little too much.” I have never surrendered to anyone, and I have no intention of surrendering to anyone in the future! ”

“It’s always been a deal between us, you teach me magic, I inquire for you, that’s all!”

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill you right now?” Quirrell’s face changed and he looked at Peter with murderous intent.

“This is Hogwarts, and we’re upstairs Dumbledore, professor, what do you think?” Peter’s attitude was casual, not at all like a look of fear, and he looked at Quirrell like a play and said, “You should still add the garlic smell on your body, the smell of decay can no longer be covered!” Don’t be exposed when you find out! ”

“What do you know?” Quirrell slammed directly into Peter’s face and asked with a fierce face.

“I don’t know anything! Professor Quirrell. I’m just reminding you to cover up the smell of decay. I don’t know what kind of black magic you have hit, the injury is so serious, I’m afraid that St. Mungo’s Hospital can’t save it, so I came to Hogwarts and wanted to steal the Philosopher’s Stone to continue my life, right? Peter said with a smile, an expression that had seen through him.

Quirrell stared at Peter for more than a minute with a suspicious look, before you could guess it, and explained, “I once went on an expedition to the Albanian forest, only to be attacked by the Dark Wizard, whose dark magic was very strange, directly devouring my life force and making my body gradually decay, so I had to find a way to get the Philosopher’s Stone and regain my vitality!” ”

“You’re going to help me, right, Peter?” I have a lot of powerful magic knowledge that no one knows, as long as you help me get the Philosopher’s Stone, I can pass it on to you! Professor Quirrell returned to a gentle expression and said in a seductive tone.

Isn’t it just you who said the Dark Wizard, Lord Voldemort! Peter muttered silently. If I really help you, I’m unlucky!

“I’m sorry, Professor Quirrell, though I’m interested in your magic, I don’t want to confront Dumbledore, and you should know his strength, which I can’t handle as a little third-grader!”

“Not to mention, that Philosopher’s Stone belonged to Nick Flamel, a powerful wizard who had lived for more than six hundred years!” I don’t want to die! Peter shook his head firmly and refused Quirrell’s deal.

“Then how can I be sure that you won’t go to the principal’s office and report me after you go out?” Peter! Professor Quirrell’s face was full of fake smiles, and his eyes looked at him coldly, “Maybe a forgetting spell can solve the problem, what do you think?” ”

“I advise you better not to do this!” Professor Quirrell,” Peter said defensively, pulling out his wand directly, “your current body should not be able to exert much strength.” I was able to capture two Dark Wizards in the first grade, but it wasn’t luck! ”

Professor Quirrell’s face darkened, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he sat back down again, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at Peter in a gentle tone, he said, “Cunning boy, in the next time, you can come and ask me questions here as usual, just as a reward for keeping me secret, how about that?” ”

“Deal, happy cooperation!” “Professor Quirrell,” Peter said with a smirk.

As if the two had reached a tacit understanding, the tense atmosphere in the office dissipated in an instant, and they began to discuss the problem with The Harmony.


Towards Christmas, the professors in the school began to add some homework, so that these students who like to run all day would forget all their knowledge after the holidays.

The students sighed, and only Peter remained very idle.

Peter is now accustomed to the fact that every day is 29 hours a day. His schedule was well organized, and as he squeezed his time to study life, Peter calculated that if he continued, he would be a year older than the twins.

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