The manor was small, and the window where Peter was located was only a few meters away from the nearest Auror.

But the Auror just didn’t see it, and under Peter’s eyes, he ignored the manor and the people inside, and carefully searched around for figures. All this is only because the Red Courage Faithful Spell is used here!

“The detectors in Congress show that Peter York is nearby, and everyone is looking for any magic fluctuations!” The leading wizard said to the people around him.

Peter’s mind-reading, which Peter had turned on at this time, could clearly see the Aurors’ thoughts. Knowing what happened to the outside world during the time of his abduction; Not long after Peter was kidnapped by the old wizard, Professor Flitwick woke up, and then discovered peter’s abduction, and after searching for no results, he quickly reported it to the American Magical Congress.

The Magical Congress of the United States took this very seriously, and quickly sent professional personnel to their tents for careful inspection. Several witches claiming to be fans of Peter were interrogated.

But when these witches woke up, they didn’t remember what had happened before. He only knew that he had been cast a soul-snatching spell and ordered to put the drug into the mead and drink. After repeated interrogations, the officials of the Magical Council had no choice but to send the Aurors around to inquire about the news. The rest is focused on the detector in the Wand Licensing Office.

Because of the signed wand license agreement, the Magical Council was able to detect the fluctuations of magic around Peter York at any time.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before the detector showed Peter Yorke, who had just used the Drill Heart Charm! And I used several in a row!

When the officials of the Magical Congress saw this information, their faces were shocked. They certainly don’t think that an eleven- or twelve-year-old can cast a drilling spell. And the wand license is the same as the trace, as long as someone around uses magic, the detector can’t tell who used the magic!

So the only possibility is that the man who kidnapped Peter was using the Drill Heart Charm on him, and he used more than one!

As a result, the officials of the Magical Congress were horrified, thinking that Peter York would most likely be unable to withstand the torture of the Drill Heart Curse and might die! Because even adults, after suffering so many drilling spells, I am afraid that they will go crazy! Not to mention a child.

After a few days of magical tracking, the Aurors came to the vicinity where Peter York was. Only after a carpet search, there was still no trace of Peter. Some Aurors suggested that it was possible that there was a house hidden by magic in the vicinity, but they did not find it.

The other Aurors agreed with him, after all, the detector had observed that Peter York’s magic signs were nearby and had not moved.

It was only in the face of the Crimson Faithful Curse that even the most experienced Auror could not solve such a thing. Officials of the Magical Congress could only signal in advance to Professor Flitwick, who were anxiously waiting, to prepare themselves for something Peter York could not find.

Peter York looked at the Aurors outside and asked Rozier behind him, “Are you ready to explain how you kidnapped me?” And the Magical Congress should be able to detect that we have used an unforgivable spell like the Drill Heart Charm here, and someone needs to bear the blame for this crime! ”

“Rest assured, Master, that I can explain to the Aurors that you were saved by me from the Dark Wizard. At that time, even if they doubted, they couldn’t do anything! Heyman Rozier replied confidently.

“Then what if they have to check your wand, know that there is more than one drill spell in your wand, and if you are discovered, you will be imprisoned!” Even sentenced to death directly! I heard that the Magical Congress of the United States has a death room, and some people who have committed the most heinous crimes are sent directly to the death room without trial! Peter didn’t believe that the American Aurors would be so easy to fool around, and would surely find clues and find a way to find the cause of the matter.

“Master, I have two spare wands! There was no black magic on it, and the wand had my name registered! So there’s nothing they can do to get me into trouble! Heyman Rozier replied.

Peter was even more surprised and speechless, not expecting this old fellow to be so cunning and cautious, and actually had two spare wands. Fortunately, when Peter sneaked in, he didn’t carry it with him, otherwise it would be Peter himself!

“Then get ready, we’ll find a chance to go out later, and then you’ll explain it to the Aurors!” It’s better to make it up like the real thing, otherwise if you are discovered, you will wait to be taken into the death room, and then don’t expect me to save you! Peter said calmly.

Peter didn’t want to reveal the location of the safe house. Because Rozier is already under his control, his future source of magical beasts will be entrusted to Rozier, and now the interests of the two are related! The Rozier family’s stronghold in the United States is this safe house. If the location of this place is exposed, I am afraid it will take a lot of time and money to build another safe house, so to harm Rochelle’s interests is to harm his interests.

After making all the preparations, Peter and Rozier’s phantom moved to another location in the forest.

As soon as it appeared. The two of them were pointed with their wands by the wary Aurors around them.

“Don’t do it, I’m a good guy!” Peter quickly raised his hand and shouted.

“Don’t do it, he’s Peter York, the missing child!” The leader of the Aurors, seeing Peter’s appearance, hurried to stop him loudly.

Then the Aurors rushed over, looked around Peter carefully, confirmed his identity, and then looked to the side, the old wizard Rozier, who had not spoken.

“Peter York, haven’t you been taken away?” How do you suddenly appear here! And who is this one? Why are they following you? The leader of the Aurors asked with a puzzled face.

“Mr. Auror, I don’t know what’s going on. After the celebration, I suddenly fell unconscious, and as soon as I woke up, I was locked in the cellar by a dark wizard, constantly torturing me with the Drill Heart Curse! Until I found the opportunity to escape and meet this kind old wizard. He helped me fight off the Dark Wizard’s pursuit and then took me out! Peter replied with a look of fear on his face, looking very pitiful.

Hearing Peter’s words, the Auror leader looked very surprised and turned to the old wizard Rozier, asking if the situation was as Peter had said.

Heyman Rozier is worthy of being an old wizard who has lived so long, making up lies without changing his face, and he is very fluent.

In the story he tells, he was originally looking for magic herbs in the vicinity, but suddenly met Peter, who escaped in panic, and helped him escape the Dark Wizard’s pursuit, and then the Phantom Metamorphosis came here. The narrative is so well described that it seems to be true.

Heyman Rochelle’s acting skills are good, even the leader of the Aurors, he was also stunned, after a thrilling narration, he completely believed his words, and then asked who the Dark Wizard was? Where are you now?

Rozier regrets that his abilities are limited, so he didn’t catch the Dark Wizard and let him escape! Moreover, the Dark Wizard’s face was still wearing a mask, and he did not see the Face of the Dark Wizard.

Heyman Rozier’s words, although it looked like there were no loopholes, but the extremely vigilant Auror still offered to check his wand.

In response, Heyman Rozier readily agreed to the request and happily handed the wand to Auror.

The result of the examination, of course, was on the wand, with no traces of the use of black magic, which made the people present breathe a sigh of relief and express their gratitude to the old wizard with admiration for saving a young wizard.

Heyman Rozier said very politely that this was what he should have done.

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