Hogwarts Kryptonian

Chapter 213 Continuous Orders

"Lu Yunkai, where is your communication mirror?"

"I've sent my owl home."


"Can't the Ministry of Magic check the mailing records of owls? You can investigate it!"

Lu Yunkai shook his head at Umbridge with a smile.

"My mirror has also been sent back."

Malfoy, who was next to Lu Yunkai, also followed the same example.

"mine too."

"And mine."

"All ours."

A row of Slytherin students all had weird smiles on their faces, and then they said to Umbridge in front of them.

The time came two days after the issuance of Education Order No. 24, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

As soon as Umbridge came into class, she began her work of confiscating the communication mirror.

However, no one in the classroom handed over the mirror.

After Lu Yunkai, the "first-timer", gave an answer, everyone around him consciously gave the same answer.

Umbridge, who had a fake smile on her face, was stunned. But she quickly adjusted her attitude.

"If I find out that you are lying to me... the consequences will be very serious."

"Of course! How dare I deceive you, professor!" Lu Yunkai smiled and shook his head.

"And as far as I know, these magic mirrors were all made by you. If I knew you were making and selling them in school..."

"Professor, maybe I can correct you." Lu Yunkai interrupted Umbridge, "The communication mirror I made only has the corresponding functions, but it cannot be used. You need to go to the communication mirror shop and contact the information exchanger It can only be used after establishing a magic contract. It is not as easy as you think... If that's the case, you can just make it yourself, why bother buying it?"

The words were very kind and polite, but the meaning behind the words, even the most indifferent Malfoy could hear it: You idiot, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.

As a result, the whole classroom was filled with an atmosphere of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

"That information exchanger of yours..."

"The production cost of that thing is hundreds of thousands of gold galleons, and the materials are extremely precious and rare." Lu Yunkai boasted about the thing he bought from the system. "The production period also takes at least one year. You are overthinking it. real."

"It's best this way."

Umbridge was scolded by Lu Yunkai twice, and the smile on her face could hardly be kept.

However, she still showed the professionalism of a politician and put on her smile again as quickly as possible.

She returned to the podium and opened the textbook she had placed there.

The students in the classroom also opened the textbooks one after another. Because everyone knows that class is about to start. If you react slowly at this time, Umbridge may find trouble...

"Today our teaching content is about giants. As we all know, this is an extremely stupid and inferior creature. Apart from having a huge body that wastes food, there is nothing special about it."

Umbridge gave a preface first.

Her words somewhat aroused dissatisfaction among several people.

Lu Yunkai could guess who it was without even looking back...

Harry and the others have a pretty good relationship with Hagrid.

"However, our great Ministry of Magic treats all creatures equally and respects them. It does not deprive giants of their right to live. It even tolerantly gives them the right to learn magic... It's just that almost no one among the giants has magic. Talent. What a pity. Hehehe..."


The whole classroom was quiet.

"So, the chapters about giants in the book today are all about tolerance and the kindness we show as wizards. Don't think that giants are the kind of creatures that can be dealt with as mentioned in the book. If you meet them somewhere When it comes to giants, I only have one suggestion: take action before you are attacked by them and become their food." Umbridge didn't seem to be embarrassed that no one responded to her so-called joke, and just said to herself: "I can remind everyone that giants, like werewolves and vampires, are not subject to the Unforgivable Curse."


"Okay, now everyone can read the relevant chapters. If you have any questions, you can ask them. After today's class, everyone will submit an essay on why giants are not subject to the Unforgivable Curse."


Sporadic answers rang out in the classroom.

"Yun Kai, you are right, as long as we pretend to send the mirror back..."

"It's not pretending! We really sent the mirror home! What, the one you sent back is a fake?"

Lu Yunkai interrupted Malfoy's excited words.

Auditorium, lunch time.

Another extremely boring Defense Against the Dark Arts class had just ended, and the fifth-grade students were like doves flying out of their cages.

Even during lunch the conversation was extremely loud.

"...How is that possible! Of course I abide by the education order of the Ministry of Magic!" Malfoy saw the look Lu Yunkai gave him and immediately changed his tone with a smile.

On the Slytherin table, a strange feeling of wanting to laugh but not laughing was spreading.

"But... Yun Kai, you can insert the advertisement on the magic mirror if you want?" Daphne on the side blushed and changed the topic.

"Of course not. That's for sale!"

"But yesterday and the day before yesterday were obviously..."

"That's just a system function upgrade, releasing functions that were not perfect before." Lu Yunkai shook his head nonchalantly, "Actually, I think this setting is quite good, useful and ensures safety."

Lu Yunkai glanced at Crabbe and Goyle beside them.

Everyone, including Blaise, nodded.

It's just that everyone wants to laugh but dare not laugh.

No way, Umbridge is also dining in the Great Hall now. Her eyes seemed to be looking at this side.

"But that hidden spell is so simple, I actually used it in one go." Gower added, "It's also nice to be able to set a password that only I know..."

"It's not that Yun Kai did a good job!" Malfoy smiled and seemed not to mind complimenting Lu Yun Kai.

"Don't! I don't know that spell." Lu Yunkai shook his head.

"...Okay! But if we really use the mirror... I mean, ahem, the mirror we have sent back, except for us, can even our parents only use it as an ordinary mirror without magic? "Malfoy once again changed his mind midway.

"Of course." Lu Yunkai nodded.

That hidden spell was the function of the mirror that Lu Yunkai had set up a long time ago.

As long as the owner of the mirror uses this spell on the mirror and sets a password that only he knows, anyone except himself will see the mirror as just an ordinary glass mirror...

This idea came from the lock screen password function of Lu Yunkai's mobile phone in his previous life. It was one of the basic functions when designing communication mirrors. However, in order to make the mirror's usage habits closer to those of wizards, Lu Yunkai changed the mirror that could be used by poking with a finger into poked with the wand.

Since we all use magic wands, this password function becomes a bit redundant. After all, every magic wand is unique. Any place where the magic wand is used will leave traces, which naturally forms a layer of anti-theft system...

So this password setting function was abandoned by Lu Yunkai.

However, he himself did not expect that this tasteless and regrettable function could be used to cope with the sudden Education Order No. 24.

It’s also considered waste utilization.

In the past two days, almost all the students at Hogwarts have brought home through owls what to others is just an ordinary mirror.

As for whether an ordinary mirror in the eyes of others is ordinary in their own eyes...

Then only they themselves know. Communication Mirror Store and Lu Yunkai do not bear any joint responsibility for this.

What? Did you see me looking in the mirror at school?

Well, according to the school rules released last month, those who appear disheveled in Hogwarts will be punished by deducting 5 points from the school. I looked in the mirror just to make sure it didn't affect my Academy Cup score.


Besides, no one really looks in the mirror in public, right? No way? No way?

"That's good. I don't want my mother to know what I said to Pansy." Malfoy said something "a little redundant".

Blaise couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Then, he received a lot of eye-rolls from people.

I can't even hold back my laughter, it's embarrassing.

"By the way, Yun Kai, haven't you seen giants during the summer vacation? Are they really as honest and honest as the books say?" Daphne did not give Blaise a wink, and she changed the subject very considerately. .

"Ah? Have you ever seen a giant? A real giant? Not a fake like Hagrid?" Malfoy also changed the subject.

"...I've seen it. But Hagrid is not a fake, he is a hybrid giant." Lu Yunkai corrected Malfoy, "And compared to those real giants... Hagrid is indeed much smarter."

"Are giants really that stupid?"

"Some of them are." Lu Yunkai nodded. He thought of the big man who attacked him crazily when they first met. "But some of them are similar to humans. There is even a giant who can speak human language fluently."

"But giants can't use spells." Gower interjected from the side, "I heard my father say that giants are immune to most magic. This seems to be some kind of blood talent of theirs, but they can't use magic. ”

"Well, yes." Lu Yunkai nodded.

I felt a little strange in my heart.

When did Goyle's father deal with giants? Why do you know this...

Could it be that Goyle's father was responsible for receiving the giants who were sent to support Voldemort before?

Regarding the topic of giants, this group of students did not chat for long. After all, as Slytherin students, it is normal to have a bad impression of giants. The only one in the group who had seen giants with his own eyes had a really bad impression of this race (stupid and cunning), so the chat soon ended.

After lunch, the group planned to go back to the dormitory to rest for a while. There was a Care of Magical Creatures class in the afternoon, and they also wanted to meet a hybrid giant!

Just when everyone didn't know what to say, but before lunch was finished, a group of owls came.

Send letters and items.

Before there were communication mirrors, this time was the most anticipated moment for students every day.

This year, as communication mirrors began to be popularized in schools, there were a lot fewer letters. Most of the owls that came at this time only had two functions: sending things from parents to their children, and delivering subscriptions to the Daily Prophet.

Many owls also flew over Slytherin's table, and Daphne next to Lu Yunkai also received the Daily Prophet she subscribed to.

It's not that she likes reading, but she likes the feeling of Lu Yunkai leaning next to her and reading the newspaper in her hand...


However, Lu Yunkai didn't need to get close today to see the huge headline on the front page of the newspaper.

"Ministry of Magic Education Order No. 25: No student organizations, associations, teams, and clubs are allowed to exist in the school without the approval of the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts." 》

"Which song is this from? Are you coming again?" Malfoy saw the title and was confused, "And what does this education order mean? What does it mean that no one is allowed to do anything without Umbridge's approval?" Are there any student organizations that do this stuff?"

"Of course!"

Lu Yunkai glanced at the Gryffindor table behind him with a strange expression.

Sure enough, after getting the newspaper, Harry and the others looked extremely ugly.

Lu Yunkai sighed softly.

"What kind of DA did Potter and the others do? I had guessed that such a day would come." Blaise was the first to react and snorted.

"...So it's because of this!" Malfoy suddenly realized, "Oh! Yes! The association... their name is the Defense Association, right?"

"More than that." Lu Yunkai sighed and shook his head, "You forgot one thing."


"The college Quidditch team, in theory... also belongs to the club." Lu Yunkai reached out and patted Malfoy on the shoulder, "In other words... you are now under her control."


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