Hogwarts Kryptonian

Chapter 118 Just fishing hard

"But to be honest, I don't think this painting was destroyed."

Lu Yunkai talked about the magic on the painting, which made Blaise return to the torn painting. Then he suddenly discovered that the three scratches on the painting looked like the claws of some kind of animal. .

"Turn the mirror towards the painting and let me take a look." Lu Yunkai was stunned when he heard what Blaise said.


"Look." Blaise directed the mirror to look at the painting, "It couldn't be Chris who did it, right? If it did it, I'll get some good fish to feed it when I get back!"

"Stop it, it's going into the Gryffindor common room...what is it doing?"

Lu Yunkai almost let it slip that Chris would not have to deal with the Fat Lady if she wanted to enter the Gryffindor lounge.

Fortunately, he responded quickly.

Just then, the noise started again.

"The Fat Lady! Over here!" A Gryffindor student discovered the Gryffindor Gatekeeper hiding in another painting.

Blaise also followed.

He who rarely watches the excitement seems to have discovered the fun of watching the excitement...

However, this excitement soon proved to be not very interesting.

The shocked Fat Lady explained the matter to Dumbledore who came after hearing the news: she refused Sirius Black to enter the lounge, and then the angry Sirius destroyed the painting.

Hearing Black's appearance in the castle, the students watching fell silent for an instant.

Even Blake, who came to watch the excitement, lost interest in watching and slipped back to the lounge as quickly as possible.

Lu Yunkai, who learned about this on the other side of the mirror, couldn't help but laugh. His joy of successfully completing the "upgrade" of the mirror was also thrown aside by him.

Sure enough, that Blake had a way to enter the castle! But how did he get in?

And why did he enter the Slytherin's common room first, and then the Gryffindor's common room?

What is he looking for?

Could it be that he is trying to make a fool of himself?

This incident aroused Lu Yunkai's curiosity more and more.

That night, the entire school's students were gathered in the auditorium to spend the night, and all the school's teachers conducted a thorough inspection of the school throughout the night.

But not only could Sirius Black not be found, but he couldn't even figure out how he entered and exited the castle.

If we couldn't find it, we could only take more precautions. The next day, the school seemed to have returned to normal order, and the matter could have come to an end.

But I don’t know which Slytherin junior student connected this incident of breaking into the Gryffindor lounge with the last Slytherin incident, and wrote to his parents...

So, three days after the incident in the lounge, Dumbledore announced at the dinner party that the upcoming Halloween holiday would be extended for two days, and all students were required to go home for the holiday.

The reason for clearing the school was that the Ministry of Magic wanted to conduct a thorough search of the school to determine whether Sirius was still hiding in the school.

Although this is certainly not good news for Harry (and he has to deal with his uncle who wants nothing to do with him), for most students who have no idea of ​​danger, no one will hate two extra days. for the holidays.

"Your uncle didn't come to pick you up?"

"Yeah. The family went on vacation."

"Why don't you go to Ron's house?" Lu Yun smiled. England doesn't have a holiday for Halloween, so it's a holiday? I just don’t want to see Harry!

"Mrs. Weasley has already had a hard time taking care of Ron and the others. I'm really embarrassed to add to the trouble."

"There are already so many children, and you are not missing one, just multiple jobs."

"That's not what I'm talking about. If I go, I might bring disaster to Ron's family."

The crowd on platform nine and three-quarters was bustling, but no one had the time to walk and chat like Lu Yunkai and Harry. Most of the children didn't even have time to say goodbye to their classmates before they were beaten by their parents. Drag on the way home.

After hearing Harry's straightforward words, Lu Yunkai was stunned and looked particularly eye-catching on the platform.

"I heard from Professor McGonagall that Sirius had sneaked into the castle once before, but he went to Slytherin's lounge." Seeing Lu Yunkai's expression, Harry smiled, "The last time he wanted to move the school was probably I thought he was looking for trouble with someone unrelated. This time he came straight to me and even got the Gryffindor lounge password..."

"Why are Professor McGonagall telling you this?"

"She told me that Sirius was not a brainless lunatic, and told me not to take any risks."

"Do you really want Sirius to come to you?" Lu Yunkai sighed softly as he listened to Harry's kind reminder to McGonagall and didn't take it to heart at all, and even complained somewhat.

For a moment he really didn't know whether to call Harry brave or stupid.

"I want him to pay for betraying my parents!" Harry said firmly.

"At what price?" Lu Yun said happily, "Expelliarmus? All petrified? Fainted? Then what? Can you really kill him? With a knife or a wand?"


Harry opened his mouth, as if he didn't know what else to say.

"So, don't think so much." Lu Yunkai saw Harry's confused look and patted him on the shoulder seriously, "Good people are always weak when they are enemies of bad people, because we have a bottom line and they don't... "

"What are you trying to do by telling me all this?" Harry interrupted Lu Yunkai.

"Here, take it."

"...What is this?" Looking at the rough-made rag doll in Lu Yunkai's hand, Harry was confused.

"The stand-in doll can block a spell attack for you. Carrying it will give you an extra life." Lu Yunkai said seriously, "This is the only one I have, so don't take risks just because you have it..."

"So you guessed that Sirius would come to see me this holiday?"

"Nonsense!" Lu Yun gave Harry a blank look.

On the train just back, he heard Malfoy say that because Sirius had tried to attack the Slytherin lounge before, some powerful Slytherin parents had used "owl warnings" and "personal visits to the Ministry of Magic". The Ministry of Magic had to give in to the pressure and force Hogwarts to arrange this vacation.

But even out of concern for the safety of all students (mainly Slytherins), the Ministry of Magic cannot agree that the school will not resume classes for a day without catching Sirius. Therefore, during the one-week short vacation, the Ministry of Magic sent people to conduct a blanket scan of the entire school, which was the final bottom line.

According to his mother's original words as quoted by Blaise, those parents who clamored for their children to return home did not really think that their children would be in danger if they stayed at Hogwarts. They just did not want Slytherin's noble blood to be exposed. They were "involved by unnecessary people".

Speaking of which, if Lu Yunkai still couldn't understand that this inexplicable short vacation was an arrangement of some people who wanted to "kill Harry but not their own children", he would have basically said goodbye to magic studies.

That's why he deliberately found Harry after getting off the car and wanted to give him the doll. And having just heard that McGonagall had reminded Harry, he felt more and more that it was not unnecessary.

Even a kind-hearted Professor McGonagall can only remind Harry in this way, which shows that this time the Ministry of Magic is really determined to use Harry to solve the cancer of Black.

"This thing of yours..." Harry took the puppet and looked at it carefully, "Does it really work?"

"This thing can only save your life once, so if Blake really finds you, don't hesitate to ride on your broom... Ahem, well, I mean, turn around and run! As long as you run fast enough , before the Aurors and Dumbledore who are protecting you arrive, you will still be alive if you don't get hit twice by him with the Imperius Curse! You get two chances to cast the spell in a row, understand?"

It was only when Lu Yunkai said this that he remembered that Harry's broomstick given to him by Professor McGonagall had been destroyed in the Dementor attack during the previous Quidditch match.

"That's it!" Harry seemed a little disappointed, shook his head, and returned the doll to Lu Yunkai, "I don't need this. Dumbledore told me that the Ministry of Magic will protect me..."

"Protection will definitely protect you. After all, if something happens to you, the Minister of Magic will be in bad luck. But as long as you don't die, they may do some things that are not very visible..."

"What's the meaning?"

"If I were Black, I would never let go of such a good opportunity for you to leave Hogwarts. Of course the Ministry of Magic also understands, and they don't mind using you as bait to lure Black out." Lu Yunkai sighed and put the stand-in doll It was stuffed into Harry's hand again, "So this time in the Leaky Cauldron, they won't protect you particularly tightly, and they will also create some loopholes. Of course, since these loopholes are intentional, they must be rectified. method, but I am worried that if you are eager for revenge, you will be used by him to lure you out of the trap set by the Ministry of Magic. Then this stand-in doll can really save your life. "

"I'm not that stupid..."

"Last year you didn't notify Professor McGonagall and ran directly to the dungeon. This year you didn't wait for me and rushed directly into the secret room... That was just to protect the Sorcerer's Stone and save Ginny. This time, you want to avenge your parents! I don't believe you can stay calm." Lu Yunkai shook his head, "You are indeed the destined child, but you can't expect your luck to be like this every time, right?"

"But if Sirius doesn't fall for the trick, are we going to let him remain at large?"

"I've just been talking for a long time, why can't you listen!!" Seeing Harry's unconvinced look, Lu Yunkai was completely speechless, "You can't kill him, and no wizard who protects you would do that. Do. So even if the Ministry of Magic catches him again, it will probably only be sent to Azkaban and prepared for his escape again... He can afford to lose, but you can't afford to lose, this is your life!"

"My life may not be in danger..."

"You are not even a match for Hermione and I. Do you think you can defeat a ruthless adult wizard Death Eater?" Lu Yunkai asked with a sneer.


"Okay, let's go. Remember, as long as you are alive, you will see him brought to justice one day. But if you risk your death because you are eager for revenge, then he will die in Azkaban. You're also at a loss." Seeing that Harry was silenced by what he said, Lu Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled his partner towards Ao, who had been standing there not far away, but didn't come to urge them to leave. Luo, a witch with bubblegum-like pink hair walked over.

"Have you finished chatting?" The witch said with a kind smile on her face.

"Well, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." Lu Yunkai nodded.

"It's okay. Let's go. Just follow me closely. This is my first mission. Don't create any trouble for me." Although the witch said uneasy words, there was no sign of any concern on her expression. nervous.

"Okay." Lu Yunkai looked around the young witch again and nodded.

Did the Ministry of Magic really send a new Auror?

Isn't this too direct?

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