Chapter 92 Making Mooncakes in Hogwarts

Fred and George thought he was joking.

"Okay, we signed this contract. We will definitely not let you lose money." Fred De said seriously.

"Yes, let's just wait to divide the money." George patted Luke on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, I like your words, come, in order to make a lot of money in the future, drink this cup."

Luke took out 3 cups of Butterbeer, this is when he just passed by Hogsmeade The village bought it at Three Broomsticks Inn.

This time he did not become David, but changed to Kevin's appearance. However, he found many female customers in the bar, and some people did not drink but kept watching Customers coming in. So he didn't talk too much with the young Madam Rosmerta and left.

Luke still doesn't know the impact of his rejuvenation pill.

"Merlin's beard is actually Butterbeer." Fred De said in surprise.

"It's still hot, really very good." From this look, the two of them had apparently drank it before.

"Don't fall in your spirit strength training, this is the most important thing at the moment." Luke warned repeatedly.

"Don't worry, we can already move the feathers. I believe we can practice soon." George took a sip of Butterbeer.

"Well, you two drink slowly, and I'll go cultivated." Luke took a few sips and drank the Butterbeer in the cup.


In the potion class on Friday, Luke once again saw Professor Snape, which he hadn’t seen in a week, although his voice and demeanor were still cold, and he was still harsh on young wizards And poisonous tongue. However, he could see from Snape's eyes a kind of rays of light called hope.

In the potion class, Snape did not ask him to help other young wizards, but walked to his side, "Our genius Mr. Kirk, this book should be more suitable for you than the textbook, provided that you don’t Killed by my own potion." It was the voice of this negative test again.

"Middleton magic potion" has no impression. He does not remember that this book appeared in the original work, and Middleton does not have any impression. The most complicated part of the original work should be Hermione who took it from the Restricted Section. To the "Moste Potente Potions".

Luke opens the book. The first potion is the Fuling potion, then Polyjuice Potion, the talent potion, the rebirth potion..., true or false, looking at the name of the potion behind, one is more scary than one.

He saw the potion materials in detail, and realized that he was scaring himself. The next few kinds of potions require a lot of materials. Most of these materials have not been seen before. The World Tree leaf is Nine. Realms’ World Tree? There are also bright well water, moon dew, lava core. The person who wrote this book may have crossed over from the devil beast world, and Luke in the heart slandered.

The young wizards around are also curious about what potion book Professor Snape gave Luke.

"Thank you very much, Professor Snape."

He intends to let Snape produce these potion materials. As long as he can get it for himself, he dare to use Shennong Cauldron to refine it. I am not afraid that this trifling potion can destroy Supreme Treasure Shennong Cauldron.

And in the current situation, he didn't believe that Snape wanted him to be hurt.

No class in the afternoon, Luke went to the kitchen, Sunday is Mid-Autumn Festival, planning to make some mooncakes with the elves. However, he hadn't done it either, he could only try the methods in the book again and again.

The mold doesn't have to worry about him, the elves can complete it in minutes. The invert syrup was bought in a Windsor supermarket. He also prepared a lot of stuffing ingredients in advance, such as five nuts, red bean paste, rose, lotus paste, ginkgo, meat floss, black sesame, etc., plus the kitchen ingredients, enough to deal with all kinds of Taste.

He didn't expect the young wizards to participate in making mooncakes. They might only make trouble when they came. It would be better for him and the little elves to make them.

"Mr. Kirk, this moon cake is different from the cake we usually make. How does it taste?" Miller asked.

"As far as taste is concerned, there are sweet, salty, salty, sweet, and spicy. Let's make one each, and see who makes it taste better." Luke also had no choice, and To explore the craftsmanship and match the ratio of mooncake crust to filling, I can only try it with hundreds of elves.

The moon cakes came out of the oven, and he found another problem. He couldn’t try to eat so many moon cakes by himself, and he couldn’t eat a few after every bite. There was no way to put Miller on every moon cake. Added a label, he plans to let the young lions of Gryffindor try to eat, they will not have classes on Friday, as a Gryffindor should not have this courage.

I went to the spirit strength training room first, and all the Gryffindors participating in the training were there, which made him very pleased.

"Everyone, take a rest, I brought you some mooncakes, and each mooncake has a label on it stating what kind of filling and taste it is. After everyone eats, put the label of the delicious mooncake into this box "

"Luke, what did you make delicious again." Lee Jordan picked up a mooncake casually and took a bite. "Oh, this black sesame seed, I don't need to look at the label to know it, it's delicious."

"Is there any spicy?" Fred De asked.

"Yes, look for it. There are many flavors and minced meat. You are eating here. I will go to the common room and give some to other students. Remember to put the label of the delicious mooncake on In the box."

He also tasted a few, and found that although some mooncakes were not well-made, the taste was not a big problem, but the ratio of the crust and the filling did not match well.

Luke returned to the kitchen after collecting the delicious labels. "Miller, look at these tags, they are all delicious for young wizards."

The elves gathered around to see who made mooncakes more popular.

"Mr. Kirk, there are 22 labels, basically all kinds of stuffing are available, they should all be well proportioned." Miller checked the labels and said.

"Okay, let's learn from the makers of these 22 mooncakes and make more of them. On Sunday, all young wizards can eat the mooncakes we made."

"No problem, with the scale, it will be done soon." Miller replied.

"By the way, Miller, I want to ask you a favor. Can you help me make some gift boxes? I want to take some mooncakes to give away."

"This is very Simple, please rest assured that if you have an address, I can even send it to you." Miller is very happy to be able to help Luke.

"Are you okay leaving Hogwarts?" He was not quite clear at this point.

"Just give a few gift boxes, and you will be back soon, without delaying work." The disapparation of the elves is more powerful than most wizards.

"Thank you so much, then." Luke bowed slightly to the elves.

"It is our honor to be able to serve Mr. Kirk." Miller and the surrounding elves also bowed.

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