Chapter 75 Actual Combat Teaching

"Albus, Emilyn can't resist this strength." Three people stood in a corner in the distance, one of the middle age person said.

"Don't talk about Emilyn, I don't think we both went there." said another short man.

"Let's go, I still underestimated him. It seems that I want you two to go together." Dumbledore said.


Shua! The three of Dumbledore appeared in front of the young wizard.

"Luke looks like this, can Emmeline add two more people?" Dumbledore asked.

"Ah, Professor Dumbledore won't stop him, but he will add an assistant to Professor Vance."


Luke’s voice came from the venue, Both middle age persons disappeared in the middle of the venue.

Since there are so many people, Disillusionment Charm may not be effective, so he decided to change his response.

Luke appeared in front of everyone again, using the Ring of Raggardore and the lightsaber Magical Artifact. At the same time, the doubling effect of the gravity Magical Artifact is cancelled.

"Wow! What kind of spell is this, is there any other kind of spell?"

"Ah! Danger Land warrior, he is really Luke Skywalker!"

The new look of Luke makes the young wizard crowd lively again.


shua shua ~

The first to launch the magic spell in the air quickly spread around Luke, Find the target.

Luke also uses spirit strength to feel his surroundings.

"Find one!" Luke shouted suddenly.

Tweet! ~

Aphry took the lead to fly out, and the boundless flame poured down.

"Help! I can't hold it by myself." A middle-aged tall man appeared.

Professor Vance appeared next to the tall man and cast one after another defensive spell.

Boom boom boom boom~

all around The spell in the air started a saturation blow.

"Expelliarmus! Stupefy! Petrificus Totalus!" The short man suddenly appeared behind Luke.

"Good come!" The ring of Raggardall resisted the curse, and Luke rushed towards the short man with his lightsaber.

The spells of different light groups continue to appear in the air, strikes Professor Vance and the tall man.

The short man disappeared instantly when he saw that the curse could not attack Luke.

"Let's stay! Flame Cage (Evolution of Flame Curse)!" Four walls of fire appeared all around where the short man disappeared, and several pillars of fire appeared in the middle of the fire wall to spin quickly.

Luke walked directly into the wall of fire moved towards a corner and lost Stupefy ~

A short man appeared in a corner where no one was originally, and fell to the ground. Luke felt that his curse could only Let him be unconscious for a while, so he took out sleeping pills and poured some of the short man.

looked towards the two people who were bombarded and suppressed by Aphrodite and the curse, are planning to sneak attack one person at a speed.

"Well, Luke, I think it can be over." Dumbledore stopped directly.

When everyone didn't react, the battle was over. Even Luke himself didn't expect it would end so soon.

Luke took Aphrodite, walked towards Dumbledore, and used levitating to control the sleeping short man.

Professor Vance and the tall man also appeared in front of everyone.

From the perspective of the young wizard, this battle was very short. Luke was attacking almost the whole time, only resisting a few curses of the short man, while Professor Vance and the other man from start to finish There was no encirclement of Luke's curse.

Now the most embarrassing thing is obviously Professor Vance, the first class, this is only the first class, who had the bad idea at the beginning, let her try this young wizard, this is obviously a pitfall she.

Can only resist the embarrassment and say: "Everyone has seen it. This is why I said you can't refer to Luke's method."

The young wizards are unbelievable at this time. Looking at the few people who came by, it was too unexpected for them.

"Don’t worry too much, Emilyn, this can only be that Luke is too good. Even under this attack, I can only win by relying on profound magic power. If you wait for a few more years , I think I will be like you." Dumbledore comforted.

"Luke, your attack method has indeed subverted the previous combat mode. You now have almost only weak magic power, but this will be resolved as you grow older. Even if you don't practice, you will improve. I heard Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall say that you have new discoveries just now, why didn't I see you use them just now?" Dumbledore said to Luke.

Dumbledore is obviously curious about Luke's new discoveries, but unfortunately I didn't see it just now.

"Professor, False Domain is just a rudimentary form now, and the actual combat effect is relatively small. And transfiguration, because I wear magic equipment, it can’t be transformed." Luke explained that he originally planned to use transfiguration, but found Also wearing gravity Magical Artifact.

There is still a bit of conflict between transfiguration and Kama Taj’s Magical Artifact, which is the next problem he needs to solve.

"so that's how it is, your training method trial can begin. I found two classrooms on the sixth layer, one for you to teach the spiritual training method, and the other for You teach the young wizards musical instruments, Emilyn, you can take the young wizards back to the classroom." Dumbledore said.

"Thank you very much, Professor Dumbledore, this gentleman just drank some sleeping pills and may have to sleep for a while." With the classroom, the training method can begin.

Professor Vance raised his eyebrows. Fortunately, he didn't attack by himself, and walked to the castle with the young wizards.

"Did you hear that? Professor Dumbledore said that he would not be able to defeat Luke in the future."

"Finally, I just saw the spell cast by Luke, it seems that there is no dark magic ."

"This is too bad. We haven't learned a few of the spells. Luke has started bombarding with the spells."

"Also What’s more important, you didn’t realize that Luke didn’t use wand the whole time, and use spell silently."

"Wow~" All the young wizards exclaimed, and they just forgot about this situation.

Professor Vance was very embarrassed. He didn’t know how to explain, so he could only shift his firepower and said to Luke: "Luke, you can tell everyone about it."

"Yes, That's right."

"You may have some misunderstandings about the game just now, but I actually have a geographical advantage."

The young wizards didn't understand what Luke was referring to.

"In Hogwarts, Disapparation is not possible. This invisibly limits the professor’s ability to move. Actually, my magic power is not far from everyone else. Even if my curse hits the professor, it’s formidable power. It won’t be too big. And my flame is a bit special, otherwise I can avoid it with spells. Although I blocked 3 spells just now, it’s already more difficult. If two people attack at the same time, I can only Choose to dodge or run away, which is why I took the first shot." Luke explained.

The magic power gap between him and the adult wizard is still very large, and he finds that he is also not flexible enough. For this problem, the solution has actually been thought of a long time ago, Controlling Sword Flight, Disapparation, Space Gate, Fleshy body Flying or riding Aphrodite.

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